I cant stop testing...each day I think this could be it....well its not

Im 11 DPO today and another BFN....and Ive already done my crying to hubby that its not happening again this month. Its so sad

Ive read a lot on different posts, I cant figure out if its "average" to get the BFP earlier than day of/after AF or not....so many girls get their BFP early and then there are tons that dont get them till after they miss AF....ITS DRIVING ME NUTS!!!
I use nothing but FRER, we are stationed in Germany so I dont have a lot of options

I figured since the FRER supposedly tell you 6 days earlier, then it'd tell me 6 days early!!! But I just keep getting BFN...maybe that is my early answer
Well, I am going to test each morning till I get a BFP or I get AF....only 3 more days but I have to be honest with myself, there is no way I can hold out on testing. Im addicted!!!!
Is 11 DPO still early to expect to see a BFP on FRER? I mean lots of women get them, but so many get them later on.....