Hello ladies! I had to jump into the thread too - I'm due for AF on the 28th! So far I'm 11DPO, some symptoms - I swear I think my nipples are getting bigger, sorry for the TMI! CM is going from lotion like and slightly stretchy, to clumpy gooey stuff TMI I know I know.. but if we can't over share here where can we share?

Anyone else having this happen too?
Aside from that, dull lower cramping feeling on and off for two days, lower back pain and for some forsaken reason Oreo's and I have become the best of friends - and honestly, normally I HATE oreo's, but they're just so tasty dipped in whole milk! LOL
DH and I have been TTC for awhile now and he thinks I need to enter a PTA protection program. As in Pregnancy Testers Annonymous!! haha I love him! He's been great, getting me laughing, and we're both prepared to see it got BFN or BFP, but I can't help but secretly be jumping up and down for the BFP!
I admit it - I've been testing for a few days now, I swear I've seen some faint lines, but a digital came back as "Not Pregnant" (but i know it's too early! hopefully!) I think I've developed pregnancy vision - you can see the line but you question yourself at the same time!
Ok I'll stop rambling now I promise!
Baby Dust to everyone for a sticky bean and BFP's to be posted **fingers crossed**