2rd time mums


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2014
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Hi Ladies

I just wondered how your first labours etc went and what you would change or want to change next time?

I had an epidural last time, the labour was all in my back and felt like someone was snapping my back in half.. this time I really don't want any drugs and would love to it naturally so I can get home and feel a bit more normal quicker.

What about you??

I had forceps delivery with my daughter and she was back to back, I was in labor from Thursday to Saturday and it was awful, I had the epidural too but it wore odd after four hours and no top ups where working, I was glad to get to theatre in the end.

This time I'd love an all natural birth, I know what's coming now so I think I will be a bit more calm....or I'm hoping so!
That's the thing... I like the idea of a natural birth and feel more prepared for the pain. But then the reality kicks in when the contractions start..haha
I want to find out about a vbac this time because I had a c-section with DD. C-section wasn't bad, but I would like to experience normal birth since this baby would be our last.
I had pretty much natural birth, just gas and air. I'd like everything to be pretty much the same. Hopefully this time just have midwives that actually believe me when I say the baby is coming! :haha: ... I'm hoping this birth goes smoothly so I can try to repeat what I did last time and use the same methods to stay head focused and calm ... I know what you mean though, those contractions, oh dear, so bloody painful! Haha x
I had a good birth. Went into labour 2 hours before I was suppose to go in for induction. 9 hours long had an epidural but I was just very grateful I didn't have to bd induced! Hope the sane happens this time!
I had a traumatic labour that ended up with forceps on just gas and air. Due to a third degree tear I may need a section this time round so not sure if that's a relief or devastating lol
I had my first baby at home using only a little gas and air and water for pain relief. Was such a lovely experience and I am hoping to repeat that this time, if I am lucky enough!!!!
Well I'm not a second time mommy but I've giving birth 3 times. All were fast and easy with no problems. With my youngest, I went natural. I an to go natural this round also.
My first birth couldn't of gone any better, I feel quite lucky. I went from 3cm at 12am and had him at 4:11am with no pain relief. I'm hoping it's as easy this time but only time will tell :thumbup:
I found mine painful enough last time with an epidural! I had a syntocinon drip so it ramped up the contractions massively and by the end the epidural really wasn't helping.

If this one is a 'keeper' I'll probably ask for an epidural again if I think it's going to hurt! Last time they gave me the epidural as it is recommended when you are put on syntocinon.
I had an annoyingly good birth the first time around. It sounds so cheesy but I had a natural birth and literally felt high (like I could run a marathon) for about 24 hours afterward. I was so worried the first time around but this time it's actually the thing I'm most looking forward to most (the after effect, not the birth itself although that too was exciting). I was lucky to have all the stars align in my favour first time around. I hope it's the same this time but I guess I'll just take it as it comes.
I ended up with an emergency c-section and a huge amount of blood loss, and although I would like to try a vbac I'm scared of it incase I go 50hours again only to need another section!
Oh, I really dont know what I would like to happen this time :wacko:
I had an awful experience, I was induced which then brought on back to back contractions but I wasn't dilating at all. After 6 hours, I was rushed for an emergency section as baby wasn't coping and I had a placenta abruption.
I'm pregnant again and have requested another section as I don't think I'll cope xx
I had a scheduled induction and had an epidural in before the contractions even started. 10 hours of labor, no pain. Pushed and pushed and delivered in 1 hour 20 min pushing. Awesome experience, I hope for the same.
With my first pregnancy I had an epidural and my labor wasn't too bad. I was in labor for ten hours and pushed for almost two and a half hours. I jus remember once my water broke the contractions were stronger but after the epidural I was all better lol.
With DD I went into labour naturally at 5:30pm, handled the contractions well, went to the hospital at 9:30pm at 5cm. I spent a good 2 hours (maybe more) labouring in the tub which was nice. I used gas and air which was OK. DD was born at 12:52 after (they tell me) 20 mins of pushing!
Once I hit transition I lost my mind though. :( The pain was horrific and I couldn't catch a break. I turned wild and it surprised me... the beast that was inside that I never knew was there! So this time I am hoping to do Hypobirthing to gain some better coping techniques. I really don't want any interventions again, so hopefully that will work.

Also, I would like to try pushing in the squatting position with a birth bar (I was on hands and knees last time). And I might not want any music :haha:
And... I think I will allow my family to come and see baby right away. Last time I made everyone wait, and I feel kind of bad about it now :) :flower:
Really the only thing I will change this time is I will not have another forceps delivery. It scared me and then I was hearing stories after about babies having their skulls crushed by forceps so me and hubby decided not again. I would rather have a c section rather than risk my baby, I mean I trust my Dr but things happen and that's not something I want to risk personally.
The birth of my son was a great experience. Honestly, it was way easier than the pregnancy itself. Things progressed very quickly. It was very painful at first, but the epidural kicked in and worked perfectly so I actually enjoyed the birth. Best of all, I ended up with a healthy baby :) I can only hope I'll be so lucky the second time around!

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