3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Hi ladies,
I have been checking your updates periodically, just didn’t have time to sit and write a message. Tynmeg, congratulations on your baby!!! How are u doing now?
Drauma, almost 32 weeks!!! Wow! Time flies. I agree, just take it easy now. And sleep as much as possible, because very soon it will be a luxury. -)
SJ, I hear you regarding being jealous of other girls getting pregnant easily. I was too! Even with my best friend, I hate to admit. But you will be pregnant too! You will see.
And my dear Terri… -) After reading your message about other women on another thread all being pregnant except two, one being you, I just wish I could give you a hug. You are such a strong woman; I know you heard that a lot but let me remind you this one more time. You just keep trying, dear, please do not give up. Once you get to hold your child for the first time, you will thank yourself for keep going. I hope that this round is the one for you!!! Please make us all happy!
Steph, hey, how have you been? How is your little girl???
AFM: my little guy is 6 months already and I love him more and more each day. We just started solids, tried yellow squash, sweet potato, avocado, green peas. He seems to like it all, lolol, my boy, what can I say. He still wakes up to be fed every 3 hrs at night, which he shouldn’t. I can’t teach him out of it but I hope with introducing solids to his diet, he can last longer now. This means that I have not slept through the night for the past 6 months!!! Sometimes I feel so exhausted, but when I see him in the morning, smiling at me and trying to grab my nose, I forget how tough it all is and just go in full force.
Well, ladies, with my life being so busy now, I have to admit, that it might be a good bye post, but I will periodically check your messages waiting for great news!
Warm wishes.
Terri ugh I'm sorry to hear about all but two getting preggo. I'm frustrated it hasn't been you, yet. You deserve it so much!! Are you back on bcp? What was the news with the genetic counselor? Are you transferring soon?

I feel bad because I have my baby and you two don't yet. Extra prayers and good thoughts for you both! Sj hopefilly your appt produces some sort of answer.

3 more weeks until Ireland and Scotland! Sj have you been to Edinburgh? Any suggestions?

Winter is still here. Today we were trimming back our extremely neglected apple trees. It's a great workout when you're trudging through knee deep snow! Emma is 8 months and Lenka, she has not once slept through the night either. I don't have the heart to sleep train her so you just learn to function! Eventually they all learn though! I will miss these late night sessions just me and her.

Drauma... Sorry pregnancy is being pregnancy. You feel guilty because you know you should be more grateful but why does your body find new ways to torture you? Hang in there and enjoy leaving the house in the evenings.

All these seasons are so short.
Aw Lenka I hope it isn't goodbye but I totally understands by it would be you guys must be so busy now!! I can't believe both you and Steph haven't had a full nights sleep! That's what I dread, my friends little girl is the same.

I have been to Edinburgh to watch a rugby match, we had a little time beforehand to look around, I have heard the castle is great, I just had time to walk around the park area around it and do a bit of shopping near the shops next to it. By to be honest that's all I've seen :( the Scottish accent is so hard to understand. I hope u have a great time. Hopefully the weather will perk up a bit. We had a lovely day yesterday but it's back to rain today.

Looks like af will arrive today or tomorrow. I'm ready to rick n roll for this next cycle.
Did any of you use vitex?
I've started taking it since af started.
Hey SJ! How is the vitex working out for you? I have never used it. I'm in the follicle building stage currently but will have retrieval someone next week.

Hubs and I went to an adoption seminar yesterday and I really liked the introduction. It's a Christian based place and it doesn't seem so scammy like many of the other places I have looked into. This one is also a little bit less expensive than some of the others so that's cool too. I'll keep you updated.

Hi to Steph, Drauma and Lenka. Hope you are all doing well. Just chugging along and watching basketball. :juggle:
Hi, I guess the vitex is going okay, i already think i'm going to ovulate earlier than normal because my opk is getting darker and i'm on CD 13 and i normally would ovulate around cd19. so fingers crossed.

I went to the doctor yesterday :)
She is sending me for blood tests as she thinks i might have PCOS. So i do that on the 30th after ovulation. She is also booking me in for an internal scan eeek.
Then she said she will refer me to the fertility clinic to get things moving.
DF will also need to get his sperm checked. so i need to convince him to do this soon.

Im happy that i can look further into this now and not waste anymore time.

Terri the adoption seminar sounds good. If for any reason i cant have kids i would definitely adopt. I hope your retrieval goes well x
Sorry to hear she thinks you have PCOS... How could she say that though without doing an internal scan? I have PCOS and it can only be diagnosed with blood work and internal scan on the ovaries to see if there are cysts on them... I was on metformin for 4 years and that made my cysts go away but I still wasn't ovulating (because of way too hight testosteron levels in my body) so the doctor gave me a drug similar to clomid and boom, pregnant in first try. But we also had to BD every other day to make it work.
Hope you can convince DF to have himself checked, it's less hassle and easier to fix if his swimmers aren't quite strong enough. I'm sure you're in good hands and just do everything the doctors ask of you and you'll reap what you sow :) *hugs*

Are you done with the retrieval Terri? How did it go?

Cheers to you all <3 :kiss:
Hey Drauma-retrieval is today. In a few hours. I couldn't eat after midnight and ate around 8p, so I'm just laying in bed trying to stay still because I am starving!! I couldn't stay awake to eat later. I'll suffer until retrieval time.

I can't believe you have less than a month to go until your baby arrives. Are you still on elevator duty? Are you feeling any better? I can't wait!!
Yeay hope the retrieval went well!! Timeline from here then?

Good luck with your meds sj and hopefully what drauma said the little swimmers are the problem because that's easier to fix.

Off on our trip overseas today! My baby gave me a 5 hour stretch of sleep last night as a gift so I'm feeling cheerful and ready to go!
They got 15 eggs so I'm happy. Fertilization report later. Have a great trip, Steph!
Yay Terri on your successful retrieval!! 15 is a great number!! FX FX FX!

Yeah, I'm still on elevator duty and now I've been ordered to stop working for at least 1-2 weeks. Blood pressure acting up and protein detected in urine and such fun. I feel heavy and can't sleep and all that. Really happy there is such a little time left, hehe. Keeping my eye on the prize!

Steph, have a great holiday!! :)
Well, with your resting at home you can make sure everything is ready for baby. Did you finish your nursery and all that stuff? Who will be around for the birth? I'm so happy the big day is almost here! Seems like just yesterday you were announcing your BFP!
Update from me. Three embies going strong today. Transfer on Wednesday. I'm happy.
YAY for Wednesday transfer Terri! Try to be chill and calm, do some meditating and prep your body and mind for this :kiss:

Well, we've bought and got everything we're borrowing, but I can't really go crazy in his bedroom because we found out in February that 3 walls in our new apartment are leaking and we're waiting for the snow and frost to go so it can be fixed. After that we need to tear up the wooden floors, let everything dry and then put new floors in. The state is worse in our bedroom than his, but he will be sleeping by my side in a moses basket thingy for the first months so we will probably have to sleep in the living room :/ Hopefully the weather will get better soon and we can get this fixed before little guy arrives... I have all the baby stuff ready just like it came from the store, don't want to open anything... But I've washed all the clothes we have and packed the hospital bag and all that.
It's a real bummer this happened, but we have a lawyer and we'll try to reason with the guy who owned the apartment before us, because he obviously lied to us when I asked him "have there been any leak problems here?" and his answer was "no, nothing like that"... we just found out the whole house was treated for leaks in 2010.... it's only 2015 now and it's leaking again!! ARGH! I could go on and on about this, but I won't bore you with more details....

Try to be calm and collected, hehe, stress and anger is no good for baby. I just try to relax and go swimming every day. Being in the water is so beneficial... It reduces bloating, fixes aches and pains a little, makes me feel like I'm light as a feather (instead of heavy as a walrus, hehe) and it's so good for the mind as well, breathing fresh air. And yes, we have geothermal heated swimming pools here, jacuzzis and niceness. This Easter weekend we're planning to visit the Blue Lagoon, I love that place. Have you heard of it?
Very Very exciting!!

Had a lovely visit to western Ireland. In Dublin now with a sick and exhausted baby. She can't seem to kick this ear infection! Poor girl :(
I ended up having three transferred again. My test date is one week away, so like always, keep me in your thoughts. Not really thinking things are positive or negative, just trying to stay neutral as possible until time.

SJ-how are you doing? I'll have to go back and stalk your chart.

Steph-hope you're having fun on your trip.

Drauma-the blue lagoon sounds wonderful. There was a movie in the 80s called the blue lagoon. I can't remember if I watched it or not though. Hope you can get that leak figured out. I can't believe the guy lied about it? That's terrible!! Hope you're feeling ok today. I'm so eager for you to have your baby!!
Sorry guys, just had a quick read through.

Drauma sorry to hear your having problems with the apartment :(

Terri good luck with the transfer!! :)

I quickly rang docs to see if they had my results...the receptionist said they came back fine...but maybe she doesnt know what to look for? So i booked an appointment to see the doctor on monday afternoon. I have my internal scan on the 28th April...the day after my friend at work has her 12 week scan. ah.

drauma i cant believe you have less than a month to go!!! It's gone so quick!
Your chart is looking great, SJ. I almost felt like I was going to faint last night. I didn't but I went to bed feeling weird. A few more days now until test time. I'm just going to try my best to hold out.

Also, tomorrow is opening day for the Orioles so I'm pretty excited about sitting outside in the warm weather and watching baseball all afternoon.
Terri, i am impatiently waiting for your results!!! SJ your chart does look great!
I still pump, ladies. Never thought i would last that long...

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