Oh so sorry SJ! I agree with Terri, your charts are looking much more positive these past months, than when you first got here. Could it be your improved diet and exercise that are making you more stable?
AF starting 11 DPO is quite normal for some people, but it could also be that you got the O-date wrong and perhaps it was sooner.
When I got pg (both times) We BD'd every other day from the time AF left... is that something you would be willing to try with DF for a cycle or two, just to give it a go? It's so much harder to stress about POASing and timing the exact time... At least I gave up on it and just BD'd...
Terri! Well done on the running! Now it's just 7 miles or nothing for you, hehe

Your party sounds great, was it fun? Was it Patriots who won? Have to admit, I really don't watch it... I did it while I was at Uni, but not anymore. It's so late in the night and I don't really get the game... hehe.
Steph: We have a very huge website where people sell their used stuff, baby stuff for example. I sold my old car on there last week, hehe.
I've looked through it but it's so risky, you don't really know how the people handled the equipment and if it just looks good but is still broken... and stuff. We have such a great support system that's going to help us pay for a few new things, like the car seat and the pram (baby carriage), and then we'll order some other stuff from Amazon. I have the bed with rails and the baby cot already since I was little myself

When is your holiday? Hope you get good weather

Here in Iceland the weather has been all kinds lately, blizzard, sun, rain, hail, snowy, you name it.

Sooooo looking forward to spring! (If it ever gets here...) Last year we had winter up to June and then came summer... no spring! Weird.
News from me.... not much. Doctor has ordered me to work 50% from now in because I have bad pelvic arthropathy (or what it's called). Constant pain in my pelvic area, all around. Can't sleep, sit, stand, lay down or anything. Just want to be in warm water, crying.... Great fun. But little one is doing good, kicking me like a soccer ball every night from 12 o'clock midnight, like clockwork, and keeping my awake, hehe. I'm already very tired and not really enjoying the pregnancy, but I keep my eye on the prize and I know it will all be worth it.