3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

I agree with lfrans. I used to temp everyday actually to prevent pregnancy and I stopped because my chart was all over the place. Mostly cause I was doing it wrong! :p but, I found that checking cm was just as effective.

I have had trouble falling asleep since I got pregnant. That was really the only thing that made me think, maybe I AM. Last night was so bad and such a pit of worry that I was sure I lost it. I wish I wouldn't do this to myself. I felt pretty good and worry free until last night. Lfrans, did you feel that way this time around at all?

Lenka, Terri... Good luck!! I think you did o, but we'll see. Glad you're staying positive!
Steph - OMG sleep was horrible in my first trimester!! I would fall asleep, but then would wake up at 3am and could not fall back asleep. I ended up speaking to my doc and pharmacist and took gravol or benadryl to help me stay asleep. I am sensitive to these meds and often cut the pills in half so I wasnt drowsy the next day. Do not take any meds before you talk to a healthcare professional though.
Steph and Lfrans-I am really good about taking my temps. Even though Antigua is in the same time zone, my sleep was messed up from flying, I was eating and drinking, so it was just an odd month. I'm not that concerned about it, yet. This is the first month that it's seemed different, so it may be an anomaly. No biggie.
Terri, how long are your cycles? FX for you!!!

Mine are 28 days. I had a VERY positive opk yesterday night. Today it was negative. We BDed last night and are going to BD again tonight. Will see how my temperature behaves in the next three days.
Nope..I'm not going to test. I will just wait. I don't feel anything good could come of it since I may not have even ovulated, so I'm not stressing about it this time around. I know..that is not an exciting update at all. HA!HA!!
Terri, no that's NOT exciting enough! You're not neurotic enough to frequent these forums ;-)

Lenka, welcome to the tww! I'm feeling fine... And that's the frustrating part. I was taking frer every other day and the lines became very dark. I ran out and grabbed a dollar tree test on the road, line isn't as dark but that is probably because it's a different test. I might be out of the woods for a chemical?
Steph, you will be fine! Would you want to by CB digital maybe? Or maybe get a blood test? In any case, you know better than me what to do, I am just going to keep my fingers crossed for you!

Terri, I hear you on not testing part. I prefer it this way too. However, this time I have 10 ic pregnancy tests. So most likely I am going to start testing at 10dpo this cycle.

What dpo I am today? No idea. I got +opk on cd12, on cd13 I had some cramps and opk was very negative. But my temperature has not gone up yet even a bit. It has been 97.7 -97.8 for the past few days... Today I am either 1dpo or still cd 14... I am going continue testing...

Have a lovely weekend ladies. :flower:
Steph-I KNOW!! hee hee. That's why it took me forever to write that I was stalking you guys. It's so much more fun for me to read what's going on with you ladies! hee hee.

Lenka-it's still early, so don't worry. Your temps and OPKs will let you know. Just keep bd'ing.

I have been chillin' in the over 35 side. Everyone seems more relaxed and patient for updates, and it's more my speed. HA!
That's good, I wish I could be more chill! I do go nuts some times, but I don't symptom spot during the tww or take a million tests. .. until I DO get a bfp then crazy takes over!

I took my last test today. I hadn't in a few days. Immediately the test line showed up, then the faint control line. So I can stop obsessing. If I do have a mc, I will likely know by cramping and bleeding. Praying it won't come to that! I've had almost no symptoms.

Did I tell you that I'm on cross country trip #2 this month? This time I'm driving my grandma, 95 years old! She was going to insist on sleeping in rest stops and eating toast for every meal to save money. That IS how I do my road travels... but not while pregnant and with a 95 year old! Lol I had to tell her so she immediately insisted we take it slow, for "Junior's" sake.

How is everyone's weekend? Halloween parties??
That's awesome that you are taking your grandma across the country. Enjoy your time together and take lots of photos. Grandmas are the best! I'm glad you told her the good news too. The name Junior is hilarious. That's the name of my motorcycle. :)

AF got me yesterday. It was a surprise because I was only on cd 25. I was feeling kind of yucky yesterday morning when I woke up, and I had a lazy day doing hw, so I enjoyed laying around doing nothing.

Onto the next cycle. :coffee:
Awww nuts Terri, I'm sorry. You seen pretty chill about it though. How many days is your lp normally? 25 days is short... mine would have been 26 if i would have got my period. I'm still surprised I got knocked up this round. Doctors told me that it would be hard for me to get pregnant because they said I probably had endometriosis. Then when they were doing an ultrasound to check for problems, it took forever to find my left ovary because it was "much too small for someone my age" -.- and that gimpy ovary was the one I oed out of last month.

What does your dh do? And you? Tell me more about yourself... Where are you from?? Yeah grandmas are the best!! :D
Hello ladies,

Terri, sorry that the witch got you. :hugs: For me personally, the first day of spotting and then the fist day of AF are the hardest. I always feel sooo miserable then. Then it becomes easier, I get preoccupied with opks and time flies. Good luck this cycle!

Steph, I do remember about your trip cross country with your grandma! How many days is it going to take you? Take care of yourselves. Smooth journey.
How are you feeling?

AFM, I think I did ovulate 3 days ago, at 13 cd, which makes me 3dpo. We went 7 mile hiking yesterday up to the mountains, maybe it affected my temp this morning (it was up). So I am going to try to take it easy this time, no symptom spotting. What's the point in it? :shrug:

No, no Halloween parties for us. I think we will just go for a walk on Halloween night with no costumes on. We are moving to Malibu in the beginning of November. Rented a house there for one year. It is a guest house overlooking the canyons. Was the love from the first sight. And it is not that expensive compare to Santa Monica crazy rents.

Well, ladies, enjoy your Sunday! :flower:
Hey. 25 days is short. Usually, I'm about 14 days for LP, so 27 or 28 day cycles. This one was just wonky. I'm chill about it because I haven't been trying for that long, and I just got off BCPs in August. My doctor was really nice. She was like 'get going', but come back in 4 months if it doesn't work out, so I'm confident that she knows what she's talking about. She's delivered a million babies, so she knows what's up, and I really like her, so...there's not much I can do, but try. I am going to call this week and try to set up an appt. I don't want 4 months to come and go without trying anything new.

We live in Baltimore, and I work for a diagnostic company testing equipment and people. I'm an enginerd, as is my husband. He works for the National Archives, near DC. This is our first marriage, and our first time trying, so it's pretty exciting. I have a motorcycle, and he has golf clubs. hee hee. Never the two shall meet!

My family is all over the country, and his family is in VA. I'm also a foster dog mom, so I'm about to ask for another pooch to keep me preoccupied. I'm also in school getting my master's, so I'm pretty busy most of the time doing tons of other things. Marriage and babies were finally on my radar, so once I knew I was getting married, it is time to start the next phase of my life.

Lenka, my fingers are so crossed for you. You guys are in a good place.
Hey everyone!

I have been reading through this thread for a few days now and just finished last night. It was wonderful reading about all your journeys!

My husband and I are currently trying to conceive our very first child. I haven't been incredibly focused on temping or charting as I have crazy cycles. Although when I look back in my daily planner (I like to quickly jot down if I have any bleeding, symptoms, etc.) it looks as though I am having SOME sort of cycle - even though it's usually just spotting around the same time each month.

I am awaiting an appointment with my family doctor to be referred to a gynocologist in regards to my crazy cycles. In the meantime, we are not preventing a potential pregnancy.

You group of girls are awesomely supportive of each other and I would love to join the group if that's okay! :blush:

Hope you are all having a wonderful week!
Candy, of course it is ok to join!!! GL to you! Would you mind telling us your age?

Terri, your husband and you are both engineers, how cool!

Steph is probably somewhere driving. I hope everything is good over there.

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