3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

What's the scoop, Lenka?

I had my first flashing smiley today, so I am now the official owner of a negative OPK. We're on our way! Boop boop!
Terri, congratulations of your first flashing smiley face!!! When I get a solid one, I am usually so excited like I get a BFP... Wishful thinking...

Well, to answer your question, no, I haven't schedule an appointment with a FS yet. I am applying for a health insurance in CA, since my PA insurance is not valid here anymore. I should get it in the next couple of weeks.

Question for you ladies, which one is better: PPO or HMO insurance coverage? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

My AF is due today. My LP is always 12 days. Today is 13dpo. I was brown spotting yesterday. Today, it is somewhere between spotting and a light period. My temp is till 98.4 and I do not have this pressure in my lower abdominal that I always have on the first day of AF. I took a test (ic) and it is a BFN... If my temp stay the same tomorrow morning and no AF in full force, I will take a FRER and if it's negative, I will have more stuff to worry about. Great!

How are you ladies? Thank you all!!! Your words help me so much. Yesterday, I was so upset, I wanted to give up. But today is a different day and I feel better and ready go on until I finally get my BFP. Hugs.
Ooh! Your update sounds exciting. I will calm down though, because I don't want you crying again. :) *hugs*

I didn't realize you were in PA. That's not far from me, but PA is a big state, so you could've been north or west of me. Now you're really far away. Boooooo..hee hee.

At one point in my life, I knew the difference between HMO and PPO. I have PPO, and I think that's a cheaper insurance. I have it through my work, and as far as I know, you can go to whatever doctor you want for a small copay or no copay. I think with the HMO you have to always go to a general practitioner first and then get referred to a specialist. I also think that the PPO works better if you are out of the "network", and the HMO you can only go to doctors "in network" If I get a chance tomorrow, I'll see what else I can find. Doesn't someone on this thread work in HR? Madeline maybe? I know she hasn't been on here in a while, but maybe she would know better.

Positive thinking from here on out. Have a great night!
Thank you Terri for the info!!! I also did some research online and I think I will go with PPO.
Btw, I used to live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. And yes, positive thinking it is!!! Otherwise, I would just go nuts... :)))

My period is sooo light this month. But I have had some major cramping, which I usually never have. Very strange. Will see what happens tomorrow.

How are you?
terri - congrats on blinking smiley!! I hope the OPKs help you out this month and you get your bfp!

lenka - i am from canada and know nothing about ppo or hmo, but good luck! I read your post and it me of me with both bfps. I had light spotting for a few days and was convinced that i was out. I waited to test because bfns really got me depressed. So it really could go either way.

AFM - everything worked out with the house. We got the mortgage on time, managed to get the sellers to drop the price another 5k post inspection and we are booking a notary today (for december 16th). Its all pretty overwhelming.

I have some name questions - we were going to name this baby after each of our grandfathers (with the letters M and J). I was ok with that, but very sad that it was a boy because i would not name him after my grandmother who died just over a year ago and who was very close with me. DH and I discussed and we decided to give the middle name after my grandmother, and also for the next baby to give the 1st name after her. Her name was Ruth, so im now looking into R names for boys. Any ideas? We are thinking of Myles for a first name (after DH's grandfather Myer)
Yay Lenka! That is another great update. I'm still keeping your status at 'shrug' for the other thread, until you officially know. Again I'm doing a small happy dance.

Lfrans-I like the idea of naming your first baby after both grandparents. What about using her maiden name or last name? Can they be middle names and do they start with R? I like Myles a lot. All I can think of now is Roger, Rodger, Ray (but those aren't doing anything for me, honestly). I'll keep thinking of R names that will go with Myles.

AFM-another day of flashing smileys. It's weird that it puts me in a good mood. hee hee. Have a great one, ladies.
Robert, Ryan, Romeo :winkwink:

lfrans, congratulations on the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!! And thank you for the encouragement, ladies. I am 99.99999% sure I am not pregnant. My period is still very light. If you excuse TMI, blood only comes out when I pee. Not much, but it is bright red. I took another hpt, and it was negative. So onto cycle #8... 8!!!! Can't believe it...

So Terri, go ahead and put this ugly witch next to my name. Could you give me a link to December thread please? And wait till you get a solid smiley!!! lolol :winkwink: After CB digitals I get excited when I see a smiley face on my electronic toothbrush... Like Pavlov's dog... :haha:

Steph, how are you??? :flower:
lenka; terri - thanks for the names! DH doesnt like robert, we discussed it, I like ryan, but his name is bryan so he doesnt like that.... we actually thought about ray too. We have a list that are all ok, but nothing at the moment really calls out to us. The concern too is that next baby will also be an R, so if its another boy... we dont want to use a name that we like for a first name now... oh boy!

Lenka - really sucks... i had almost a week of spotting pre period the period before i got my bfp, it was so annoying.

Terri - woohoo more smileys!

Steph - hows it going??
Steph, how many cycles did it take you to conceive?
Lenka it took me 7 but I had a mc in there and I had one previously when not TTC...add that to the doctors telling me to come back in 4 cycles to get a laproscopy.. So naturally I was concerned that I would never get my bfp! I cried all last spring. So do not lose hope, friend! My advice is just bd as MUCH as possible.. I'm sorry this wasn't your month. :( But I'll be hanging around here til it happens for you...and it will! Lol about the Pavlov's dogs that's so funny!

Bd away, Terri, bd away!!

Lfrans, I am so excited for you!! A discount even!! Stressful time to move right before the holidays but oh yeay! R names...Rowen, Richard, ryuichiro.... Ha can't say I'm a fan of any of them!! Sorry I'm no help!
Thank you, Steph and lfrans for being here for me and Tynmeg and Terri!!! It does help sooo much. Shoot, I fell so upset today. I have cramps, and I am scared what if something wrong with me....
Lenka - It is ok to feel sad and frustrated and totally normal to feel like something could be wrong. It does take on average 6 months for people to get pregnant and averages mean that for some people it takes more and some less.
i guess when you can, try to make an appointment with a doctor. it will definately give you answers and hopefully help (unless u get bfp before that)
lfrans, once I get a health insurance I am going to see a doctor. I found one, seems like his area of expertise is very wide. You name it, he does it. And my DF is ok with SA.

I know I am not 25, and sometimes I blame myself for being so selfish up untill now and not wanting kids at such a "young" age. Right!!! If I only knew. I had two relationships when we could have had kids, but the guys were not good enough to be the father of my kids. That is what I thought. Well...
Lenka-You're doing the right thing. You would feel even more miserable if you had to deal with a dick of a dad ONLY because you wanted kids so badly. They say the grass is always greener on the other side, but it's really not. It'll be ok, and I'm sure if anything IS wrong with you, it's nothing that some medicine can't fix. Look at all the women on this site. Some people have a lot of problems and they still have babies. Count your blessings until you know for real what's up. Either way, we're all here for you -through good times and bad. *hugs*

I like the name Ryan and now I realize, my brain is short on coming up with names. Rodger/Roger/Ray (blech!). hee hee. I guess Ray is Raymond and it is a middle name, that people hardly use, but there has to be something better. Congrats on the house too. Ronald/Ronnie? That's not too bad. You could make him an Italian stallion and go with Roberto! hee hee. Now I'm just being silly.

Here is the link to the other thread: https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/t...tocking-stuffers-december-testing-thread.html
Hey girls!
The doctor's appt. went well. I just did a quick wipe after we BD'ed. The doc doesn't care what you do. HA!!HA!! So I got to look in the microscope at the spermies in CM, I got to look at my CM. All looks great! High motility, high count, good ferning which is what you want when you look at your CM under a microscope, apparently. I have to go back in two months if i'm not pregnant, and then she'll do the HSG test to see if there is a blockage in my tubes. I am PRAYING I don't have to do that. So, I'll continue temping and using the opk and bd'ing and we'll see what happens. I'm feeling good!
Terri, yay!!!!!!!!!!! But u keep bding, you know... :winkwink:
Look who is talking. :haha:

AFM, I talked a little too soon. My period is very heavy now with back pain and pain in ovaries... I might have a cyst...
Lenka - i agree with terri, having a baby with a man who isnt worthy of being its father would not have been the answer. This all sucks right now, but you are now in the right place in your life for it. Here's to next month!!

Terri - woohoo good motility! thats good news! keep on trying!!

Steph- how are you feeling/? only a few more weeks til you get past the first trimester! yay!

AFM- Im doing well, saw the doc on monday, i gained 3.5 lbs since last appt (5 weeks), baby is growing appropriately, my health is all good. yay.
I also like ryan, DH is unsure. His name is Bryan and he thinks its too similar. I agree for a first name, but i think middle name it wont really matter.
Lenka-I hope you don't have a cyst. have you ever felt pain like that before? I'll say a prayer for you that it's not a cyst. Oh, and yeah, we will definitely keep Bd-ing. today is day two of the solid smiley. Yay!! I'll take another test tomorrow (once the smiley goes away) and see what it says. My temp did increase by 0.3, so hopefully it's a slow rise.

Lfrans-Glad your health and the baby's health are great. That is wonderful news. You guys have time to figure out a name. And yeah...unless the boy hates his first name, no one will ever call him Ryan, and on top of that have Bryan in the same sentence. It'll be fine. hee hee.

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