3 DPO anyone?! **12 BFPs so far & 2 lil angels

Terri, once u get a solid smiley, CB digital is no more of a help. U are done with it for ur current cycle. It's done its job. I would use an ic or a regular opk just to make sure how long ur LP surge is. But it seems to me its not going to bee too long. Our cycles are very similar. So keep BD and FX!!!!

lfrans, thank you for your encouragement!!! U ladies are awesome. Where is Steph? I miss her.

AFM, my period is still heavy. At least no more pain. I am just waiting for my insurance to be approved and once I get it I will run to the doctor. I want to have everything checked!! I even want a lap to be done. Otherwise, I will go ku-ku... I keep reading all the scary stuff on the internet... And I want DF to be checked. So, I am going to take this cycle easy, and hopefully get checked in January.
Lenka be careful on the lap...unless your doctor strongly recommends it, I wouldn't do it! It's major surgery...cutting open your uterus...and will further delay ttc for quite a few months! I really hope it doesn't come to that...

As for the cyst, I have one too. Was bothering me this morning as my dog decided she'd rest her fat head right on my left ovary! Silly girl.

Terri good luck! Looks like you're on your way to the tww!

AFM, I'm doing better. Of course that scares me :haha: there is no winning. You're either so miserable you wonder why you got yourself into this mess or feel fine and suddenly wish you felt crappy again! Missed miscarriages are more common than I thought. I never worried about it until this week. No ultrasound for 8 weeks but next Thurs the midwife will use a Doppler to check for a heartbeat. Only 8 more days...they do sell them but I can't afford 50 dollars just to feel less paranoid!

Lfrans, I agree with Terri. If you're planning on using it as a middle name, it shouldn't be too bad. Congrats on the healthy baby and you!! How has it felt to gain wait? So far I've gained 2lbs and I'm still in 1st tri ugh. I feel like I've gained 10!

Dh and I got in a loud fight over Fritos. I ended up in tears. I'm not hormonal until it comes to food, I guess! :haha:

Lenka good luck to you! Sorry no help on insurance, I don't even know what those letters stand for oops!
But, but..I still have sticks left! Can I still use the reader next month, or the batteries will be dead by then? Now I feel jipped. HA!!HA!! Oh wait..there is no next month. :) Thanks for the helpful hint, regardless.

Stop reading the internet and symptom spotting for whatever you're looking for. At least the pain is gone. That makes me feel much better. And in January, yes, get everything checked, especially if you haven't been to the doctor's in a while.

Steph- I bet your radar with the midwife will be awesome and then you can relax a bit, right? You and your food fights crack me up. I think I would be similar. I don't mess around when it comes to eating!
Steph, hey, nice to know u are ok, just waiting for ur next scan! Relax and enjoy, everything will be fine, u will see! :winkwink:

Regarding the LAP, I didn't know it was so invasive... hmm... Well, time will tell. Today, I am even ok with IVF... I had been so scared of the word IVF, but now, after reading quite a lot about it, I think if this is the only option for us, I will go with it! So many things are rushing through my head, I wish I knew that I am ok, then I can wait for my BPF. I just have to know that I am, and my DF of course, are ok. January it is...

Terri, be glad that u still have sticks left! lolol :haha: One time I had to buy a whole new pack just because I ran out of sticks. :wacko: You cannot use the reader next cycle. U will need a new one, sorry, I will NOT need a new one, because u will be already pregnant!!!

lfrans, Tynmeg? :flower:
Ok, well consider me lucky then. HA!

I started testing on CD8, and then CD 9-10, I had flashing smiley and CD11 I had a solid smiley. I even messed one up because I held it up, so I still have 5 left. I did buy a First Response OPK when I was in the store the last time, so I guess I'll sell them on ebay. HA!!HA!!

Have a great night, chica.
Steph - do not worry about feeling better. The morning sickness sometimes comes and goes, and you are heading into the end of the first trimester, so it may be done! I had it consistently from 7-10 weeks and then on and off (like once every 2ish weeks) until about 17 weeks. The weight gain has been a pain. I gained 10 since i 1st went todoctor, but i think i gained 3 in my first trimester, so really 13. I am just trying not to gain more than a lb a week. It is obviously important to gain weight, but with so much pressure all our lives to stay slim, it is very hard to wrap your head around gaining weight.

Lenka- I like your attitude, if IVF is what it will take to get you a baby. embrace it and be grateful that we have technology that can help.

Terri - Im crossing my fingers that this is your month!!! BD BD BD BD!!!!!

AFM- Im doing well, we havent really discussed baby names in the past few days. getting things organized for our mortgage and stuff. We meet with the bank tomorrow evening, then with the notary next thursday. Signing is the following monday at the notary. I am trying to start thinking about paint colours and stuff. But im so indecisive! AHHH!! My mom feels bad, she would help me, but will be in florida over the holidays.
Lfrans-I love picking out paint, but all the colors are pretty so it is difficult to do. Fun times with the house stuff. Congrats again. Buying a house is a wonderful and exciting thing.

I'm crossing my fingers too. It's kind of strange that after we went to the doctor and had good news, hubs is SO not taking advantage of our fertile window. I guess he's feeling a little bit pressured, but I'm not purposefully saying anything that would make him feel that way. Maybe he's not excited by the digital smiley face in the bathroom. :shrug: hee hee. I guess if this month isn't "our" month, I'll chill out with talking about the OPKs and such and try to make him think I'm just ready to get down and dirty because it's Thursday. hee hee. I think I can do that.

I did some Christmas shopping yesterday and then we went to the theater to see White Christmas. It was a pretty good show. I guess for the next couple weeks, I'll just be waiting. *sigh*
lfrans, you are a grapefruit already! Yay!!! :happydance:

Terri, I think that getting down and dirty just because you feel like it is a very good idea!!! :winkwink: The less they know, the better they perform.

I finally made an appointment with a OB/GYN!!! Januay 7th. Russian Christmas day. I shall see what the doctor has to tell me. I just hope I will get my insurance card by then.

AF left the house. It was probably the heaviest period I have ever had. I used 15 pads!!! :wacko: I am planning on BDing every second day starting cd 10. So, cd10, cd12, cd14, day of O, and cd16. Fook, it is a lot of BD for me. :haha: I will stop temping once I get cross hairs. Temping is quite stressful for me especially at the end of the cycle. And last cycle my temperature stayed elevated (98.4) till cd2. So what's the reason...

Steph, :flower:
So happy you got an appointment with the doctor!! I hope you like him or her. That's super important, and make sure you ask lots of questions while there.

Not sure why your temp stayed so high this time. I will say it made me pretty excited when it was up.

AFM-I got my crosshairs, and so glad I used that OPK this month because FF was SO off on my cycle information. Last month and the previous month were so wonky that it didn't know what was going on with my body. Even though hubs has been a little weirded out, at least we got our BD'ing in at the right time. Phew! I still have a chance. Positive thinking for all of us.
FX Terri!!! Are u going to write down every symptom you have? Or just wait?
I don't have any symptoms. HA!!HA!! The one time I thought something was odd was when my head was really hot, but that lasted a day and my temperature didn't dramatically increase. I think maybe I was about to catch a cold, but my immune system killed it! yay!

If I ever get a BFP, I will think back about anything that was strange. I have WAY too much going on to think about every single thing. I don't even check the weather because, regardless, I still have to go to work and do whatever is on my calendar for the day…running, going out, grocery shopping, doing schoolwork, etc..

PS. I did use that OPK yesterday. hee hee. I couldn't resist. It worked and came out as a blank circle. Just what I expected, but Ffoe still had me as fertile and I just wanted to make sure. Also, my crosshairs got moved up a day, so now I'm 3dpo again. As long as my temps stay a little bit raised, I'm completely fine with it.
I hear you Terri. I gave up on symptom spotting long ago.
Your temp is up. Very good.

I was feeling down this whole weekend. I feel kind of lonely here. I had a lot of friends in Phila, and now it is only me and my DF... We work from home. So it is only only two of us the whole time...

How are u, ladies? Steph?
Hey Lenka.
Yeah, I'm really happy my temperature is still up, although it's only Day 5. I'll just keep plugging along. I feel really good, and yesterday i did only drink one beer at home while watching football.

My work Christmas party is Friday afternoon and then hubs has his work party Friday night. The party on Friday night will not be a problem re: drinking, it's the daytime party that I'm worried about. We usually go the bar early and get our drink on, and then walk to the work party. I may just say that I'm taking it easy because I have another party to go to later that night, or just nurse a beer. One or the other will probably be fine. I just don't really feel like drinking.

As far as loneliness, is there an activity that you like? You could join a meetup or go to some local classes, like say for sewing, or spinning, or whatever you like to do. Then you can meet some friends. What about joining a local gym or yoga. There are always places to meet people, you just have to go out of your comfort zone for a bit-just long enough to find friends, and then you're golden.
Terri--those temps are looking really good! Fx for you...can't wait for you to test but I know you're not obsessive so it will be a while (ugh) :haha: You're a football fan, right? What's your team? I'm a Seahawks girl and always will be. Plus, our quarterback Russell Wilson is a genius so that helps.

Lenka--Yes, I totally know how you feel. I agree with Terri...if you're not in a smallish town like I am, which I don't think you are, meet up is a great place to meet people and try things out. I used to go to a couple when I was in Seattle. It's so hard to leave friends...This Christmas we can't afford to go home to either his family or mine so it'll just be the two of us and we have no friends either! Thankfully my DH and I are great friends otherwise we might have murdered each other by now.:blush: My friend says it takes a year to feel really settled in a place, but I think that can vary. Hopefully it will be faster for us! In the meantime, I'm sorry it sucks.:hugs:

Christmas plans anyone?

My morning sickness went from a 4 week long flu to really nothing, almost overnight. I'm still extremely fatigued but that's pretty much it. Dr appt on the 12th and they will check for a heart beat then. I really hope there is one!
Lenka- I have moved around a bit and it takes about 3 months to have a few friends, and about a year to feel really settled. It will happen. You do have to make an effort at the beginning and it is really tough, but will totally be worth it!

Terri - temps look really good. FX!!!! Enjoy your parties!

Steph - I hear ya about the morning sickness being there then disappearing in a moment. I had it once in a while until about 16-17 weeks, but after 11-12 it was maybe 1x/week. FX that you will hear the heartbeat, we still get excited tohear it at each visit.

AFM - all is well. We are busy figuring out home insurance plans and stuff for the house. We sign next monday. We have to start calling workers to get quotes and stuff.
Awesome updates everyone!

Steph-I can't wait for the 12th for you to hear the heartbeat. That is going to be so amazing. Do you think you will cry? Sometimes I'm pretty emotional, and other times I'm just not. I think the miracle of life IN MY BELLY would make me cry. I was born in Seattle, and I used to be a huge Seahawks fan, but when I moved east, I didn't have cable and couldn't watch the games, so I became a Ravens fan. My hubs has Marshawn Lynch and Russel Wilson on his fantasy team so we watch a lot of Seahawks. Oh, and his stipulation for moving in was getting cable, so now we have the NFL package. The 'hawks sure are exciting to watch, though.

Lfrans-Your ticker says the baby is the size of a cantaloupe. That's big!! Glad you're moving forward with the house stuff. It's all just so exciting. I'm so happy for you guys.

Have a fantastic day!
Hi ladies, thank u for all ur support as always. :hugs: I know it will get better. It's just when we were living in Phila and when we had a fight with DF or he was just getting on my nerves, I would just go shopping or out with my girlfriends. Here, I can't do it. It feels like I depend on him. And it kind of sucks, u know... Anyway, I am better today. Today is my mom's 60th birthday. I miss her so very much... We spend 2 hours talking over Skype...

I am at 10cd today. Have to start BDing tonight. Girls, do you think time of BD matters? I heard that sperm count is better in the am, is it true? DF is not a big fan of morning sex, while I am. Well... I do not have much hopes for this cycle... Maybe this is why I haven't taken an opk yet. Will do at noon.

Steph, GL on ur scan!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for u, girl!!! :hugs:

lfrans, GL with choosing a construction team!! I am sure that you know what you are doing, but life always proves me that u pay for the quality...

Terri, was it an implantation dip last night, lady??? :winkwink:

And, thank you again for all ur support! I appreciate is so much!!! Have a wonderful day! :flower:

Loved this quote by Nelson Mandela (RIP) "It always seems impossible until it’s done".
Very funny. I wish it was an implantation dip. I always seem to have that dip 5 or 6 dpo, so while it could be, I think it's just a drop in hormone around the same time. That's consistent with my other charts. Not that I'm symptom spotting whatsoever, but my stomach has been feeling a little weird. I can't really describe it. It feels like there is a cramp, but it's not painful. It's just some kind of little feeling. :shrug:

I can't answer your question about daytime or nightime sperm, but I say mix it up! And stop being such a debbie downer. Fine-You don't have to use your OPKs, but you better get dancing for the next couple days.
Terri, after ttcing for 7 months, knowing 99.99% that u do ovulate, having regular cycles, bbding during ur fertile window, and never seeing a BFP, who wouldn't be a debbie downer... you know... Btw, opk is negative today, but its still too early for me. I usually O around cd14.
I know how hard it's been, and I was just saying that you can't start off by saying that this cycle will be a bust, when you haven't even really started doing anything this cycle. You have to remain hopeful, and remain positive. And if you don't/won't, I will remain positive for you. It's going to happen. I just know it! :) Huge hugs. Enjoy your evening! Oh, and happy belated birthday to your mom. That's great that you got to Skype with her.

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