Steph-Your wish is my command. I normally hang on the 35+ side because that's where I belong, but they were all freaking out and stalking my chart, and forcing me to test, so I finally did this morning. It was a

HA!!HA!! I never wanted to type that, but there you go. It's only (only!) 11dpo, so I'm not too worried about the negative this morning.
All day I have been feeling crampy, but it's not time for AF, so I'm just letting my body do what it needs to do. AF is due on the 19th or 20th, so I still have a few days to wait. And, I am 90% regular, so by the 19th or 20th, I'll definitely know what's up. I do love this chart though. Easy to read, good temps, nothing too jagged. I'll play the beer by ear. It's weird making a concerted effort to do/ not do stuff. All my life, I have just done what I wanted. hee hee. I'm a wild child. And…if I am prego, I will ride my motorcycle in early spring, and then I'm done until I have the baby.
Thanks for the tips on running. Yeah, maybe I better get back into it this week! It's finals week for me, so taking a running break will help clear my mind. Good call. Plus, I love wearing my UnderArmour stuff, and I haven't at all, so I want to get back to wearing my warm running clothes. Enjoy the snow!!
Lfrans-Have fun tomorrow at the signing. Rest your hands now. hee hee. There are a lot of papers to sign.
Lenka-What's up, buttercup?