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3 failed IUIs. How do you cope?

Good luck sunshine! Ill be thinking of you at 9:30! :) so, you aren't alone.
And about the eggs, quality vs quantity. You will get that bfp! 5 sound great!! I'm so excited for you.
So I did the trigger shot in the bathroom at the wedding last night.

It did make me feel like kind of a rockstar---being so sneaky and brave to do it while a whole room of my family and friends was just beyond the door. GO ME!

Egg retrieval tomorrow. Excited. Super nervous to hear what they get. Scared. Hopeful. Happy. READY!

Has anyone ever heard of an egg retrieval that showed follicles but then none of the eggs are viable? I had a nightmare about that last night. Can that even happen??
Sunshine- I googled your question. Don't google your question. :( I say don't google it because everyone situation is different and you can't count in their experiences to be just like yours. You had moderate endo which is most likely to be the cause of the infertility. You jumped straight in to ivf after the lap so you really have no idea if you could have gotten pregnant naturally or not. so, I believe you are going to have viable eggs of good quality !!!! I think your doctor would have an inclination that there was an egg quality issue before hand. I think, I'm not sure if they can ever be 100% certain.
Anyways, I'm so excited for you!!!!! Can't wait to hear the rest after your ER.
Sunshine I'm so excited for you and wish you the best of luck for tomorrow! Keep us posted <3
FX for you, Sunshine! I know this will be it for you!

Ladies who have gone through IVF, I have a question: how often do you have to go in to the doctor for monitoring throughout the 6-week process? If the finances work out, DH and I are hoping to do our first round this summer. I'm a teacher and my last week of classes is the first week of June. I'm not sure exactly when my cycle will start, so if it falls sometime in May would it be possible to start the IVF cycle without missing too much work?
Yay!!!!!! Good luck! Prayers for some awesome eggs!!! :)
Sunshine - good luck! Thinking of you!

stayhopeful - it really depends on what protocol they put you on. I believe you could be downregging between 7-21 days which in that time you probably wont need to have much monitoring done, maybe once or twice. The heavy monitoring comes when you are stimming which could be from every 3 days to every day where you would need to go in. I hope that helps.
Well, I'm back! Hahaha. That was sure fast. I felt nothing, remember nothing--it really was the easiest part of this whole process by far.

They retrieved 7 eggs ( upon which I apparently exclaimed--MY LUCKY NUMBER---yaaaay sedation. Make me say crazy things.... )

Anyway 7 is pretty good I think? My doc told me they thought all along they'd get between 5 and 10 so 7 is right in the middle. The reality is all may not be mature and all may not fertilize, but hey--if I can get one out of this, I'm happy.

I should know tomorrow how many were mature, they said stats are usually 60% mature--so that would be 3 or 4---but I'm hoping to break the stats and have even more.

So, I wish it was 10, but 7 is great---and the best part is it's OVER!

DH was AMAZING during the process and sat right in the room with me. I guess right before I drifted off from the meds I guess I kept saying over and over to the docs " My husband is so nice. " Truth comes out I suppose! He kept me laughing pre-retrieval and is now making me a sandwich and picked up some trashy magazines on the way home. All in all, today---I feel very lucky.

Thank you for your support, it's been amazing to know I have a whole team routing for me! I will update each day as I know more. :thumbup:
I'm so glad the retrieval was easy for you. Apparently I screamed in pain the whole time and swore at my RE, yet I remember nothing! My husband fainted durin the retrieval and had to lie on the floor. They were trying to see how coherent I was and asked me what the fastest land animal is and I exclaimed "Our pet cat!!!" Hahaha! It's kind of true. And I kind of remember the retrieval but do not remember feeling any pain.

I feel so optimistic for you! Please update as soon as you hear fertilization results!!
Lol sunshine and sashimi. I can't not imagine what I might say. My DH probably won't be with me during ER, because he is working a turnaround and they have blacked out vacation for everyone until its over. :( with that being said my RE is very handsome and very sweet. I hope I just keep my mouth shut!!! Hehe plus I'm very sarcastic, so some people might interpret that wrong. :D

Anyways, glad your retrieval went well and your DH is taking good care if you! I can't wait to hear how it progresses!!!!!
BMA as long as you have someone to drive you home from the procedure you'll be fine. You are very loopy after the retrieval!!! I'm curious, you mentioned that your DH didn't stay for the IUIs but didn't be have to do a fresh sperm sample on both days of the IUIs? My DH had to do samples back to back on all 3 IUIs and a fresh sample for IVF the day of retrieval. Now that I think of it they made both of us be on antibiotics for the IVF and I can't remember for the life of me why he had to be on antibiotics!!

Sunshine did your OH have to be on antibiotics for IVF??
Sashimi- my mom will be with me :) and my DH will have to be on antibiotics for 5 days I believe.

Okay so, DH was able to go with me once and give a fresh sperm sample. The other iui's he'd do it at home and I'd keep the cup in my bra(my RE told me to put it there) one time I had to keep it in there from 4:30 am to 7:45 am. I definitely have to ask about that for IVF.

Also, his sperm count, motility, morphology is always perfect. So, even with it being in my bra the whole time didnt do anything negative. They read me the count, motility and morphology before doing IUI.
Ohhh that's so interesting! Yes I have a friend who had to keep her husbands sample taped to her belly to keep it warm but boobs make so much more sense!!
Neither of us were on antibiotics and they didn't mention anything about that? He did a sample at home and brought it with us this morning. DH samples are always ( as doc says ) "award winning". Go figure! Hahahaha.

Just woke up from a nice nap and DH is making some soup downstairs. Probably going to try and milk this for all it's worth and lounge around in bed for the rest of the day. :)
Milk it!!! :happydance: Your hubby sounds like a sweetie. Glad everything went well.
Hey guys I'm joining late in this thread but I could really use the support! After reading all these I almost want to go straight to ivf, I just failed my first Iui and I'm not feeling hopeful already. We are in the unexplained category but of course I've convinced myself I have endo although my re doesn't recommend getting a lap. I'm going for my second iui next week but deep inside I feel like we are going to have to have ivf. Anyway I could use positive thoughts by my attitude is not want I want it to be :growlmad:

Ttc 8 months

Me 32
Dh 34
Feb 2013 iui w femara bfn
Hi Jlh--I wish I couldnt say " I Know how you feel" but I do. But, just remember, because your first iui didnt work does NOT mean your 2nd or 3rd wont either. It still only ups your odds a bit over trying naturally, which can take a while too ( as we alllll know too well! )

I have to admit I felt very similar to how you did, like something was wrong and we needed to find it to fix it, which is why after 4 iuis I had a lap and they DID find endo and I had no symptoms before the surgery and NEVER would have known. We were unexplained too--and they can never say 100% it was endo that really caused it, but in my heart I feel it was.

I guess the best advice I can give you is, go with your gut. Looking back on my journey ( which, I dont know if IVF even worked for us yet as they just retrieved 7 eggs today....tomorrow I find out how many are even viable ) I wish I had just gone right to IVF. But if I had done that I probably wouldnt have gotten frustrated enough to have a lap procedure first, and that, IM HOPING fixed my problem.

I know it's so frustrating and Im thinking about you!! Talk with your husband, doctor, ladies on these boards and get as much info as you can---you will make the right decision about what to do next, there is no wrong decision in inferitlity because you are choosing from your heart---and we're all on our own journeys.

Believe it will happen for you! It will happen for all of us!!! Keep us posted on what you decide to do.

ps--my friend had success after 4 iuis and another after just 2....that may be how it goes for you too!!

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