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3 failed IUIs. How do you cope?

Hi guys,

I had a scan this morning and found out my bean stopped growing a couple of weeks ago. I am reporting it here because I think this thread is such a great resource for people frustrated with assisted conception, and it's pretty interesting to see how people's stories develop - the ultimate success stories being the best outcomes, obviously.

In my case, I think we're going to quit with the assisted conception. We will probably continue to try at home, but it feels right to resign ourselves to the likelihood that parenthood won't be happening. I will be turning 43 in a few months, after all. And as you all know, it's not easy to keep persisting after so many discouraging results.

Emotionally, I'm actually totally fine. Positive, even. It's a little peculiar to think how I've been so fearful and dreading the possibility of this moment - having to face the probability that I will never have children - and it is disappointing but not at all devastating.

Anyway, just another thread to add to this wonderful collection of stories. I hope no one feels like my update is inappropriate here.

Best of luck to you all! :hugs:

So sorry for your loss :(
Hi girls so I had MY new RE appt yesterday and it went well I have a cyst on one ovary which is no big deal and he is referring me to a doctor to do the laporoscopy and hysteroscopy surgery to check for scar tissue or endometriosis although he said most likely won't find anything. I couldn't get an appt. to meet with that doctor until March 6th and then I will have to schedule the surgery. The RE basically told me if everything comes back fine with the surgery then I should move onto IVF. If it comes back that they did find something then I would try a few more IUI's and see if that would work. He didn't agree with my previous RE only getting me 1 follicle for the 3 IUI's I have already done because I can get that on my own anyway. The doctor said there is something going on but just don't know what. Oh and also my lining was a little thin which could be the issue which is weird because the other clinic told me I had good lining. I hate this waiting game and it looks like I will be doing IVF in a few months because i'm sure the surgery will find nothing. I am so scared :(

Well, it's good that he has you getting completely checked out! I sure wish I'd done all that back in June 2012! Do you know what your lining was? I'm pretty sure it should be 9mm and up for implantation. Try not to be scared but excited!!! :) we are all rooting for you :)

Thank you! :flower: The doctor told me it should be 9mm you are right, but mine was 8mm which isn't too far off. After they removed the endo have you tried on your own? Or did they recommend ivf?
They did recommend IVF. He said my endo was thick bands of scary issue & ratedwld be low naturally & not that much better with IUI:/

Well, I am currently in my natural 2ww! ;) my first try since my jan 3 laparoscopy .
I had to leave that up cause when I re read it, I literally laughed out loud.

You know I meant scar tissue**** not scary issue:D && rates would be low***

My head has been hurting since yesterday so I currentlyhave my head under a pillow & I'm not hitting the keys right on my phone!
Haha, that is a hilarious Freudian slip BMA......do you think the pregnitude is causing the headaches, I have heard it can do that.
I get headaches ALL the time, but I didn't notice them being more frequent. A lot less actually, since starting all these supplements .
I ovulated a week ago & I started tracking my headaches & they come on before O & after
Gotcha...so I gues it is just a hormonal thing then. Today is my first day on the Pregnitude. So far so good!
Another update!

So after 2 weeks of BCP and a few days of Lupron-- AF has arrived and I have baselines tomorrow at my doc, where I know they will give me the green light to go ahead and start stimming for my IVF cycle!!!

I expect probably about 10 days of stimming and Lupron and then move onto Phase 3--Egg retrieval.

I've been eating suuuuper healthy, getting plenty of sleep, and really staying positive and in a good mental place. I truly believe this is going to be IT!

I will keep you posted after my appt tomorrow and throughout the process.

A little nervous about any possible stimming side effects, but I know not everyone gets side effects, so I'm hoping I am one of those.

Happy Tuesday!
WHOO hoo! Good news :) you sound very happy & in a great state of mind. It's awesome . Good luck
Sounds amazing sunshine!!! I personally found the BCP AF to feel so strange after being off of it for so long and having "real" AFs!!

Loving your positive attitude! Keep it up!

Don't worry about side affects too much. Like I said, I didn't feel much other than bloating toward the end. I also did a lower dose of one of the injectibles for IUI so I knew what to expect.

Please keep updating us! Thinking of you!
Hi again all!

I started a blog to keep me busy during this IVF journey! I will still update very frequently here on BnB with more technical details of my IVF ( follie size, etc ) but this blog is going to be a good way for me to keep busy, get my feelings out, and maybe help others who aren't on BnB and dont have support.

At the very least, it will help me stay occupied!

great idea sunshine. It will be interesting to follow your progess as I will start my BCPs in a few weeks.
Awesome sunshine... Since you don't have a journal on here ill stalk you on there :)
Hi again all!

I started a blog to keep me busy during this IVF journey! I will still update very frequently here on BnB with more technical details of my IVF ( follie size, etc ) but this blog is going to be a good way for me to keep busy, get my feelings out, and maybe help others who aren't on BnB and dont have support.

At the very least, it will help me stay occupied!


:thumbup: i'll check it out :)
Sunshine- how many embryos are you putting back in??
Just got back from my first doc appt in quite a while and I have the green light to start stims!:thumbup:

I do one more night of Lupron and then tomorrow I start with 150 units of Gonal.

They think my trigger date will be March 2nd which would make March 4th my retrieval and then so on from there.

I'm a bit worried about triggering on March 2nd as I know I will be at a wedding and will need to sneak away to mix the trigger, and inject it, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Anyone ever have to do that before?

I asked a MILLION questions at my appointment regarding diet, rest, time off, etc. I specifically asked if I should avoid coffee ( as I have been for the past few weeks ) during the stims and my doc said not to worry about it. I still plan to really decrease my coffee intake and then after ER cut it completely. I was shocked by that though!

I also asked about the occasional glass of wine and she said it was fine. I was shocked! I dont plan to really drink while I am stimming and DEFINITELY not after ER, but its nice to know I could have a glass of wine out to dinner on a weekend or something.

I asked about diet and nutrition and she said just eat a balanced healthy diet. I've been drinking 3-4 liters of water daily ( I'm constantly peeing! ) and eating a very fruit and veggie heavy diet and I feel SOOO good right now, so I plan to continue that through the stims. I also have been drinking milk ( which I wasn't at ALL about a month ago ) and eating lots of good carbs: flax seeds, oatmeal, brown rice, etc. Ive also been making amazing, delicious vitamin packed smoothies every morning. I will probably be posting some of those recipes on my blog.

So, that's my update. My next appt is Monday Feb 25th and after that I will know how things are growing, I will be sure to update then!:happydance:
So.... Is the trigger shot different this time?? Not ovidrel? Hopefully you do the trigger after the wedding but if you have to do it at the wedding I'm sure you'll be fine :)

You are doing really awesome with your diet! Sounds awesome. I wish I was your neighbor!!! Lol I drank decaf only when I did the iui's there still some caffeine in it too!

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