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3 failed IUIs. How do you cope?

The trigger shot is easy... Just make sure you do it at the exact time they tell you to take it as it will line up with your scheduled retrieval time.

I had to mix all of my stims (puregone mixed with repronex) and actually managed to do it while not at home. I think you'll be fine taking your injection at the wedding and could easily find a private place to do it.

Keep up the great diet and the positive attitude!!!
So.... Is the trigger shot different this time?? Not ovidrel? Hopefully you do the trigger after the wedding but if you have to do it at the wedding I'm sure you'll be fine :)

You are doing really awesome with your diet! Sounds awesome. I wish I was your neighbor!!! Lol I drank decaf only when I did the iui's there still some caffeine in it too!

As far as I know the trigger is the same as it was when I did IUI---I had to mix a saline solution into 10,000 units of hcg ( I think? ) I'm just a bit worried as I know the timing of it is super crucial since it will be right on schedule with ER. I know it will be fine.

It would be AWESOME if you were my neighbor! I would love someone to go through this with IRL. C'mon, move in :)
The trigger shot is easy... Just make sure you do it at the exact time they tell you to take it as it will line up with your scheduled retrieval time.

I had to mix all of my stims (puregone mixed with repronex) and actually managed to do it while not at home. I think you'll be fine taking your injection at the wedding and could easily find a private place to do it.

Keep up the great diet and the positive attitude!!!

Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am sure I will be fine--it's probably better I have something to do the day of the trigger to keep my mind off of it! Hope you are doing well too. :thumbup:
gonal F DAY ONE DONE!! Did my first injection ( plus Lupron still ) last night, no big deal.

I decided everytime I do an injection I am going to take 5 minutes after and just be still in my bedroom, no thoughts, no worries, no distractions. Just focus on staying calm. Hoping that helps! If anything it's a bit of peace to look forward to after jabbing myself with 2 needles every night! Hahaha.

Day Two tonight! ( Don't worry, I won't update every single injection! )

Feeling excited and ready to go with this.:thumbup:
Hi all-

Figured I'd post a quick update....

Been on 4 days of stims, went into docs this morning for 1st scan.:happydance:

They saw 5 follicles, all measuring around 12mm. She said normal amount of follicles for IVF is between 5 and 10 so I'm right on track. Doc also said it was great that all of them are about the same size, may indicate they are viable. She said she would call me if my estrogen levels were too low or high and I would need to adjust my dose based on that, but so far, no call. So I'm assuming everything stays the same through my next appt on Weds.

Estimated day for retrieval is next Monday ( one week! ). She thought maybe some more could 'pop' out by then! hahaha.

Any idea if 5 is good? Bad? Normal? I thought I might have more but at the same time I'm relieved not to have 15 or something!
This is not the same thing of course, but for me this past cycle on clomid they only saw 2 follicles that she thought would be viable early on, then I went in the next day and I had 4.
2 of the ones that were around 1.0 had overnight gone to 1.5 or 1.6 so I think don't be surprised if you get a few more joining the party.
I think I had 8 follicles to start off with early on and then 15 by retrieval. I think you will get more but just remember its all about quality and not quantity!
Sunshine, just want to let you know that I am thinking of you daily and sending lots of positivity your way! I remember you said that you have 3 funded IVFs so I wondered if you were in the U.K. Seems to be the only place that actually sees fertility as a right and not a privileged. I'm in Canada, and while we have amazing healthcare that covers just about everything, it doesn't cover fertility treatments so my IVF was out of pocket.

I'm attaching a picture of something inspirational. I set this photo as the wallpaper on my iPhone for the entire six weeks I was going through IVF and I felt that I needed the reminder. Hope it helps the other ladies going through/gearing up for IVF!


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Sunshine, just want to let you know that I am thinking of you daily and sending lots of positivity your way! I remember you said that you have 3 funded IVFs so I wondered if you were in the U.K. Seems to be the only place that actually sees fertility as a right and not a privileged. I'm in Canada, and while we have amazing healthcare that covers just about everything, it doesn't cover fertility treatments so my IVF was out of pocket.

I'm attaching a picture of something inspirational. I set this photo as the wallpaper on my iPhone for the entire six weeks I was going through IVF and I felt that I needed the reminder. Hope it helps the other ladies going through/gearing up for IVF!

You are seriously a godsend! Thank you for the vibes, I feel them, I really do :)

I feel so positive about this cycle.

Had an appt today and my doc said I'm still "right on track" and there are definitely 5 follies right now and she thinks by ER I should have 7 or 8. I was a bit worried that the # seems "low" compared to other #'s I have seen here, but she said the main thing is QUALITY and that more follies doesnt mean success. She also said I am in a good position because it's really unlikely that I will overstimulate or anything--which has been my biggest fear for a long time for whatever reason.

I am actually in the USA and have NO idea why I have coverage for 3 IVFs but it's a complete gift that I am so grateful for. My husband works for a large domestic medical company so I'm thinking that may have something to do with them being able to cover so much? I'm happy I am able to reap the benefits of his insurance. Our IVF coverage doesnt cover FET or storage or anything but I'm hoping ( I KNOW! ) we wont have to go that far because this one WILL work :)

I appreciate all your thoughts! I hope your pregnancy is going well and I LOVE that inspirational quote you included in your post, I'm big into stuff like that. :hugs:
Sashimi what a great quote thanks for sharing. Sunshine I think those numbers are great afterall you only need one. I think that 8 is kinda what they want. My dr told me 8-10 is what she strives for. Good luck hun I cant wait to hear how you are doing.

Had another appt today and they want me to stim through the weekend and then come in on Monday--ER will probably be Wednesday now, not Monday.

I was upset at first but then realized, WHY!? Nothing is wrong, they just want to put me in the best possible situation. I guess I just wanted ER over with, but it will be soon enough.

Doc said I have at least 6 good looking follies right now and extra stims will give them a bit more time to grow and possibly have others develop into viable ones too. I'm fine with whatever makes me more successful and this sounds like it is it. Kind of messes with my work schedule as I already arranged everything to go out on Monday for ER and then was planning on transfer 3 or 5 days after, but--what can you do. ET might fall on a weekend now which would be perfection and GREAT so I could just take it easy.

The silver lining is I don't have to give myself the trigger in the bathroom at the wedding this weekend! YAY! Just regular stim shots which don't have to be as precisely on time. Phew.
Good news. You are so right, nothing is wrong just more time for follies to grow!!! :)
I'm glad you don't have to trigger and can just enjoy the night!
Change of plans! Got a call late in the day today----my estrogen was super high so we might be back to the Monday transfer instead of Wednesday. CRAZY! Just when I get used to something, it changes. I was a little frustrated but I just have to go with the flow I guess. My doctor is soooo vigilant and awesome so I know she is doing the best thing for me right now and I appreciate that.

Anyway I have to go in bright and early tomorrow morning to check my levels and lowered my dose tonight of gonal from 150 to 75. I think if my estrogen is still really high they will go with the original plan and have me trigger on Saturday ( we're back to triggering at the wedding again! ) and do ER on Monday. I guess I will know tomorrow. So......trigger either Monday or Wednesday I guess, TBD....I will email tomorrow with an update. The good news is it looks like there is 6 follies even if we had to go Monday.

Thanks for all the thoughts, I feel very, very supported and very lucky to have found y'all!
AAAAND another update! Back from doc appt this AM, waiting on a call after they see blood levels...might trigger tonight, might trigger tomorrow...it will all depend on my estrogen level. Hate this waiting game!!! Still looking at about 5-6 follies that will be mature, they found 8 total but some might not catch up.

I wish it were more, but maybe some are hiding in there, and I guess it DOES only take one, right? I'll update once I know about trigger and retrieval.
wow back and forth huh! Ok well let us know what your results say!
Oh my goodness, the back and forth! But, we finally have an answer. I AM triggering tonight--Saturday. ER will remain as originally scheduled on Monday. They recorded 8 follies total, probably about 5 are mature at this point, maybe all 8 will be by the time Monday comes.

NOT looking forward to trigger, I have to do it at 930pm ( on the dot ) in the bathroom at a wedding tonight. I know it will be fine, right?? I dont mind the needle at all, but I really wish I was going to be home!

But, this is just one more step as we get closer and closer to my BFP!
That's one of those moments where you just stand there and go - I never thought I'd be doing THIS right now. Meanwhile the girl one stall over has no clue. The wild world of fertility treatments. If people only knew.

Sending you positive vibes Sunshine.:hi:
I did a few of my shots on bathroom stalls (at work) and strangely felt like a rockstar for being do stealth and sneaky. You will be just fine triggering at the wedding, tomorrow you can relax then Monday is the big day!
I did a few of my shots on bathroom stalls (at work) and strangely felt like a rockstar for being do stealth and sneaky. You will be just fine triggering at the wedding, tomorrow you can relax then Monday is the big day!

I like that mindset! " I am a rockstar! I give myself shots in public bathrooms!" Hahahaha.

All I'm saying is, after allllll of this, when this baby arrives he/she better sleep through the night--they owe me ;)

Excited and nervous for Monday--almost there!!

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