30 and TTC #1 with Long 6 Week Cycle

Yeah I will give it a try if no luck this month.

Bfn yesterday :(

Something just seems different though, still doesn't really feel like af is coming.

Vivid dreams last four days, sore nipples and nauseaus recently. I've also been thirsty all the time.

The nausea one is really throwing me off because I've never felt that before. Yesterday I was also really warm all day. I'm usually cold, I also haven't had dreams that I remember for a few years now and four days in a row I remember them.
Those are some interesting symptoms!! FX your vivid dreams and nausea are baby related!
I've been kind of glancing down for cm this month and nothing jumped out at me, but I haven't been paying close attention. I hope I'm ovulating. I feel like way back 10 years ago before I went on the pill I had more cm, but that was so long ago who knows.
How are you doing, crazycat? Still no AF? How are the symptoms?

If I have the same long cycle as last time, I'm a week away from ovulation. If Vitex does its job, hopefully it will be sooner. My CM doesn't indicate impending ovulation yet and my OPKs are negative. Temp has been the exact same every day so no change there. FX today will show some increase in fertile CM!

My best friend says my husband and I should just get drunk, haha. But I think that isn't a good plan when we're trying so hard. I think the get drunk plan works when pregnancy happens by accident. Also she heard about Maca root, but the reviews say it helps give you a bigger butt and boobs, and I don't need a bigger butt! Lol. Come on, Vitex! Do your job this month!
Yeah still no af! And this is now cd47.... Hmm...

Yesterday was different symptom-wise. Really really light spotting first thing in am and at night, nothing during day and nothing now. I am wondering if it could be implantation maybe??? Could be af coming but seems weird it was soooo light and if I was spotting yesterday morning I would think af would be here by now? Also since I came off bcp af has just showed up full force, def not spotting!

My breasts and hips have also been really really sore since yesterday morning.

What do you think this means??

I really should go to the dr. But I'm a teacher and it's report card time so I've been busy and not got around to it yet..

Hope you ovulate soon! I know there are lots of Christmas parties coming up with drinks, it's going to be challenging, if af comes I'll drink but otherwise not, too risky at this point...
Hi hun, I can sort of relate, my cycles are around 5wks! Waiting to O is the worst >.< I just wanted to check that you are certain you're ovulating on CD23-24.. Normally the LP is 10-14 days so it's surprising that yours is 20. Is there any chance you could be ovulating later? Are you charting or using OPKs? Sorry if I'm over stepping, just wanted to be sure :) xx
No I'm not at all sure when I ovulated. If I get my af I might try tracking a bit more next cycle. Still no af...
Af showed up this am :( so at least I can start trying again I suppose!

Ksquared how are you doing ?

I guess I can at least drink over the holidays? Won't be ovulating before then I don't think!
I'm sorry, crazycatlady5 :(. You're symptoms sounded very similar to mine last month. I have a 3 week LP too, which does seem odd to me but all of the ovulation signs are at CD 23-ish. You and I seem to have the same issues. Though your symptoms were stronger than mine. My symptoms mostly disappeared after about the first week post-O. I think our bodies just have a huge adjustment period after coming off BCP. I remember the first couple of months, I had really bad pain in my hips for about a day. I can't remember when in my cycle it was, but it was somewhere in the middle. I couldn't move around very easily. Maybe yours is something like that? In any case, I would track everything and then tell your doctor.

Still no signs of O for me. It seems like my CM is increasing. I was really hoping I would get my O around now though. My temp was slightly higher today than it has been. I'm going for a run today, hoping to help get things moving. I haven't been as good about exercising in the last couple of months since it gets dark earlier, so maybe that's hindering things. Not sure exercising has much effect but it at least makes me feel like I'm doing something.

Glad you at least know for the Christmas party situation! I have a work event this coming week, and then Christmas won't be too hard not to drink because my family doesn't always drink wine. I think my husband and I will start BD more often just in case I am in my fertile window or about to be. We missed most of this last week because we were both tired. Also I haven't really been in the mood. You'd think if I was about to O then I'd be more in the mood.
The long cycles are so hard because it totally feels like we have fewer chances to get pregnant!

Hope you get your bfp this time around! Have you been tracking ovulation for a while? I need to start doing that.

Yes at least it is good timing, I have good friends coming into town for Christmas so I can have a couple glasses of wine with them, so that's nice.
This is only my second cycle tracking ovulation. I'm still on ovulation watch. I've had a tiny bit of fertile CM but not the large amount I usually see yet. More this morning than yesterday, but OPK was negative. Every day I keep thinking that maybe tomorrow is O day. Based on last cycle, I should expect it by Sunday but that was before starting Vitex.

I use the Ovia app to track all of this. Makes it easy and it has a lot of articles and insights. It's not always accurate, but I find it very useful :).
I think I O'd today! Had a temperature drop this morning and I felt left side pain. I've had fertile CM for the last few days but not as much as previous months. Could be the effects of Vitex, but this was about 4 days earlier than last month! However, my OPKs were still negative this morning so that's a little weird. Maybe I had an LH surge yesterday after I already did my morning test. But all other signs point to O.

We BD last night and two nights before that. I feel bad because last night we weren't in the mood and my DH wasn't feeling well, but I knew O was imminent. So it was a bit like a chore. I'll keep on a regular pattern through the weekend at least just in case I haven't O'd yet. I should see a temperature spike after it happens, right?
I don't know much about tracking temps etc. my friend who is also ttc was talking about using opks this month so I may look into it, haven't yet though. I hope this is the month for you!

Af ended yesterday, now to wait to O! My app says not till almost a month from now! I don't know when to expect so like I said I'm going to try and track. Found out my best friend is pregnant... Happy for her but also kind of jealous!
I hope your cycle shortens this month! Man, that's tough to be around your best friend who's pregnant now. Hoping this next cycle is lucky and then you can go through pregnancy together! My best friend has a 4-month-old and my sister has a 7 month old. So cute but I can't help but dream about my own future baby when I see them. And I can't go on Facebook unless I'm feeling strong because it's so hard to see all of the pregnancies and babies and young kids. Thankfully I have another best friend who is waiting until spring to TTC so she and I can talk and she totally gets it. She's the only one who knows we're TTC. But as time goes on, I find myself wanting to tell a couple of other friends so I'm not so alone.

I think Wednesday was O day, so I'm 2dpo. Hopefully by New Year's I'll know if we were successful!
Good luck! That would be the perfect way to start the new year!

Yeah it's so hard, I'm excited for her but so jealous :(
Hi crazycatlady! I'm at the end of my TWW, and alas I had a BFN on a FRER today :(. Immediately after the result, I started feeling AF symptoms. Backache and cramps - the kind that feel like AF will arrive in the next day or two. I'm 13dpo today. Alas, cycle 4 wasn't lucky for me. I guess it's still possible, but yeah I'm starting to think about the wine I can have for New Year's Eve tomorrow and sushi. This also means the husband and I can plan this spa vacation! I have a free trip available to me, and I've been putting it off for the holidays and then in case I had a BFP this cycle. Maybe I can time it so it's a baby make-cation :). As soon as AF shows up, I'm going to book it!

How are you doing? Are you close to O day? If AF does arrive in a couple of days, that makes this cycle my shortest yet since BCP! I will be CD33 tomorrow. I'm amazed - Vitex actually worked. Though we'll see if I actually get AF in the next day or so. So that makes me happy - a silver lining on this BFN :).
Well that's good! Don't count yourself out though - I read on here all the time about people feeling like af is coming but then get their bfp! Could be you!

But if not that sounds great about vacation!

I think I should ovulate in next few days according to my apps - I didn't bother with opks again this month, I figured I'd be more casual about it for one more month since it's only my third cycle off bcp and if still nothing then next month try them. So I'll enjoy a couple glasses of wine tonight and then cut out drinks again since I could be ovulating soon!

Enjoy New Years and keep me posted!
Thanks :). I had a surge of creamy CM today, which might be more progesterone. No AF yet and not feeling it coming today. That would be crazy if I just didn't have enough for a positive pregnancy test! Maybe I'll take another test this weekend if no AF. Definitely don't feel pregnant though.

My sister just asked me if I wanted her to save some of her baby stuff for when it's my turn. She doesn't know we're TTC, but I can tell that everyone in my family is just waiting. I want to say "Believe me, we're trying!" but I also like keeping this journey just between my husband and me, plus one of my best friends who is in the same boat as me. I wouldn't want to deal with the unwanted advice right now.

I hope you ovulate soon! I did the same - 3 cycles before really tracking everything and using OPKs. I haven't had much success with OPKs, but I only used one per day and maybe I should have used one in the morning and one at night. Temping is interesting but can be frustrating to figure out too.

Happy New Year and enjoy your wine tonight!
With temping you have to do it at the same time everyday right? Or is that opks? Or both? I must read up on this stuff.

I'm going to try and dtd every day for next two weeks or so since not sure when I'm ovulating. One app says tomorrow, another says the 9th and another the 14th.... So they are a little spread out. My poor Dh, tonight I made him late for work! He is working nights and exhausted! Good thing he wants a baby as badly as I do!

Has af shown? How was your New Years?

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