30-Something Moms!

Thank you for that update Turtle. Im sure its a mental process for both of you but I'm thrilled to hear that it sounds Iike you're both on the same page and going through the journey together. Take the time you need. We all have different journeys and yours will end beautiful. I hope you will stick around and keep us updated on TTC and your life.
Ditto what cutie (dani) said!! I hope you'll stick around but I'd understand if you take a break from the forums too. Thanks for sharing your updates. I wish all the best for you and your DH and I know things will work out eventually! Via adoption or biological down the road. I'm sorry you have to go through this though :/ I cant imagine how hard that is to accept. Take all the time you need.
Turtle - Thanks for the update. Sorry that the SA didn't have better results. I agree with the other ladies, we'd love to have you stick around and keep us updated on everything with your life. I know the chances are slim but I'm still hoping that you'll get a great surprise sometime soon. I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey in adoption if that's the way you choose to go. Good luck with the big move to CO!
Sorry ladies, didn’t have access to the Internet over the weekend.

Turtle, sorry DH didn’t get better results on his SA. While adoption is a beautiful way to start a family, I agree that giving up on your dream of a biological child is a grieving process and you need to take some time to go through it all. It looks like DH and you are both very supportive of each other and along with the others, I look forward to following your journey. You’ve never hijacked the thread, we want to hear about how things are going for you and I really hope you won’t be leaving us!

Katie, I also never managed to relax while TTC. Have you had a peek at your fertility app? I’m glad things are working out for your cousin. How’s the paint picking going?

cutie, are you building the website for work or for yourself?

So I had my scan on Friday and we’re having a baby BOY!!! :blue: All this time I had been having girl feelings but on the day of the scan, I dreamt that I was at the scan and it showed boy bits, so I woke up and told DH it’s a boy (he didn’t believe me). In my family we’re used to girls and it feels a bit weird to have my own little penis and pair of balls floating around inside me but we’re thrilled! More importantly, everything seems to be going well. Baby has a NOSE! He was moving around, crossing his legs, uncrossing them, stretching them straight up, putting one hand behind his head etc… Suddenly it has started feeling real! We haven’t told people the sex yet, just my sister and my friend who’s here on holiday from France because they were too impatient to wait. We went to a big baby store with them, stood in front of 2 rooms set up as boy / girl nurseries and I told DH to choose which room he’ll go into. My friend was totally hysterical and started jumping up and down before DH even moved, saying oh it’s a GIRL, it’s a GIRL, congrats etc, lol, even though she’d predicted a boy for me. She was as hysterical and happy when DH went into the boy nursery :D

Twinsie, I haven’t felt any movements yet but I’ve been told the first movements feel like bubbles popping or butterflies, sounds like what you felt! Has it happened again? Soooo excited to hear if you’re having a boy or a girl… I’m thinking it will be a girl since I’m having a boy!
So, long story short, it looks like we'll be looking into adoption and hoping it still happens on our own naturally. We plan to move to Colorado in the next 1-2 years and feel it would be best to wait until after our move to begin the process. But we're going to give ourselves some time to process this and quite honestly, grieve the loss of having our biological child. I'm at peace with this decision and am definitely on board with adoption, but it's still a grieving process for us both. And in a couple of weeks, or months, or whenever we feel ready, we're going to start looking into and discussing our options and what route we want to take as far as adoption goes, and probably attend some seminars and informational meetings, etc. We'll just continue to NTNP from here on out, as the stress of actively trying and tracking is just too much for us month after month with only a 1% chance of it ever happening on our own. So that's where we stand!

Sorry, I feel like I keep hijacking the thread with my different announcements. Since this is our last bits of doctors, etc, I should be able to stop hijacking now! :winkwink:

:hugs: That sounds like a lot of information to process, and a lot of feelings you'll both need to work through... both of which take time. How is your OH handing things?? I think it's great that you both are on the same page and so supportive of each other right now. And you are absolutely NOT hijacking anything! I think part of the whole point of seeking out these forums is to find people to talk to about things you can't, or choose not to, talk about with people in your "real" life. Being here for you right now is what we're for!:hugs:

In my family we’re used to girls and it feels a bit weird to have my own little penis and pair of balls floating around inside me but we’re thrilled!

I agree with Katie, turtle! Not hijacking at all!

Fleur!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy!!!! Congrats on your baby boy!!!! I'm convinced I'm having a boy so if you thought girl for yourself maybe I am having a girl , opposite of what I thought?! I can't wait to find out! Three days!!! Are you so excited and starting to plan the boy nursery and going through your boy clothes you have!? I would be! Lol

Congrats again!!! :) maybe he'll be a mini DH! Any Names yet??
Ps. How do you do the stork with blue or pink?
Thank you ladies, for your support and encouragement! It really means a lot to me. :) And of course I'll be sticking around! I love you ladies far too much to disappear now. :winkwink: And I'm way too invested in these baby bumps and future baby bumps you've got going on to walk away! :thumbup: As you ladies have said, DH and I are very much on the same page on this and I am so thankful for that. Our talk about it all was really great, and we 100% feel the same way about it all. Now hopefully we'll be on the same page when it comes to the actual adoption process and the routes we want to take. DH is handling it pretty well, I must say. Much better than last time (or so it seems, he does tend to process things internally so who knows). I think last time it was just kind of a shock, whereas this time we were pretty much expecting it. I've just tried to tell him as much as possible how much I love him and how happy I am to be on this journey of life with him. <3

Fleur!!! A boy!!!! CONGRATS!!!! OMG, you cracked me up so much with your "my own little penis and pair of balls floating around inside me" comment. Too funny!!! :rofl: Was DH super excited?! We're used to girls in my family too, in fact my nephew was the first boy born into my mom's side of the family in 4 generations. We were all shocked when she was told it was a boy, and kept thinking we didn't know how to handle a boy in the family! And now she has 2 of them! :haha:

Crystl, when are you estimating your ovulation/IUI date will be? I'm telling you, I'm just way too impatient for you! :haha:
Yay fleur! So glad you're letting yourself start to get excited now!

Turtle - they told me that I should get a positive OPK by CD14 which is Wednesday but that came from the nurse and I'm skeptical. I honestly wish it would hurry up so we can get it over with (and then have to wait another 2 weeks!).

For anyone that's used a clearblue OPK, do I need to be taking tests multiple times a day like with the wondfos? And, from the packaging, it appears that using FMU is ok with those. Do you agree?? I'm so worried I'm going to miss my positive.
Congrats on the boy! Crystl, does your have the flashing option? I took one per day when it was blank and then two a day once it started flashing. Also if you're using cheapies, you could start the two a day when it starts to darken! With that temp dip you had, I might go to two a day if you have enough. I'm glad you're temping!

Fleur, I build websites on the side part-time.
Hello everyone!

Sorry I was MIA last week, work got super busy. Anyway, I just got caught up. Wow! Lots going on right now!

Fleur- Congrats on having a boy!!! This is boy #3 on this thread, right? It must have been so cool to see him moving around like that on your scan. And your description made me laugh out loud!

Twinsie- so excited for your scan later this week! Hmmm, I wonder if this will be an all-boy thread?

Joy- I absolutely love the nursery. Great job!

2b- I don't always agree with FF either. I sort of think you O'd earlier too. Either way you're not out for the month. Good luck!

Crystl- How did the Clomid go last week? Any side effects? Are they going to monitor the cycle to see how many follicles, etc?

Turtle- It was great to hear an update from you, but I'm sorry it wasn't better news. I completely understand your views on IUI/IVF/adoption. I think the most important thing is being able to agree as a couple on a course of action and make your peace with it, and it sounds like you two are a great team and you both know what works for you. If you're interested, I've come across lots of info on natural supplements to improve count/motility for men during my internet travels. But if your NTNP plan means foregoing all of that I totally get that too. This process takes its toll on all of us and I think one of the most wonderful things about this community in particular is that everyone is so supportive of whatever path you choose to walk on :)

AFM, I couldn't find the referral to the radiology place last week and got so busy I missed my window for the HSG. (I should be ovulating any day now.) So that's out for this cycle. But I'm still going to try and get the regular ultrasound done if I can get an appointment, and my husband is calling for his SA tomorrow. I'm feeling much more relaxed this cycle. At this point I guess my thinking is that it's a marathon, not a sprint. I'm not getting any younger, but I also can't let the TTC process consume me. If we're lucky it'll happen naturally and if there's an issue we'll take it from there.
For anyone that's used a clearblue OPK, do I need to be taking tests multiple times a day like with the wondfos? And, from the packaging, it appears that using FMU is ok with those. Do you agree?? I'm so worried I'm going to miss my positive.

I only ever did one a day. I only got the "peak" smiley! Well, and lots of big empty circles, too of course. I always took my test around 11 am. I figured some people take them in the morning, some in the afternoon, some twice, so I'd split the difference! :haha: The ClearBlue website is actually really helpful, if you want to check it out:

Thanks, ladies. I have the one that only has the open circle and solid smiley. Maybe I need to upgrade. I'll take another test when I get home just to be sure.

Scooby - once I get my positive OPK, they'll do a scan to make sure everything looks ok before they do the IUI. I didn't have any side effects from the clomid, thank goodness!
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't checked the site in a while. So much to catch up on!!!

Turtle, I'm so sorry you didn't get better news from your DHs SA results. It sounds like you and your hubby are handling the news very well and I really admire your strength to move on to the next phase of pursuing adoption. There are so many beautiful and special children out there who need a good home and I know you will bring as much love and joy to that child's life as he/she will bring into yours. I look forward to hearing all about it during your journey!

Fleur, YAY a beautiful little boy!!! I'm so excited for you. Thats incredible you just knew right before the US that it was going to be a boy. A mothers intuition is amazing! :)

Twinsie, only 3 more days!!! I can't wait for you to find out!!! I'm guessing girl for you but we'll just have to wait and see.

Thank you ladies for all the compliments on the nursery. I ordered a few more pics for the walls and an area rug for the center of the room. I can't wait until it's all finished! Katie, I ordere the set online through a site called babysupermall.com. It's the cocalo capri bedding and accessories. I picked it out before we knew the sex so I'm hoping it still looks gender neutral. We don't want to give anything away before the big reveal! :)
Thanks everyone! It does feel really strange to think I’ve got boy bits inside me, I keep telling DH I’ve got balls in my tummy, he thinks I’ve lost it :haha: There’s an expression in French which is literally translated as “breaking someone’s balls” into English, meaning the person doing the breaking is being a real pain. DH usually says I can’t use this expression because I don’t have balls to be broken, so now I’m making a point of using it when he annoys me!

Twinsie, if your instinct is as good as mine you’re probably having a girl ! Only 2 days till you find out!!! For the stork, click on “Go advanced” when you reply, and then “More” under the icons on the right . The blue stork’s code is : blue : (without the spaces). We haven’t started thinking about names yet. On Thursday I’m going to sort through the baby clothes I’ve got and this weekend we’ll probably buy a few things! Baby won’t have a separate room in our flat so we’ll have to wait till our house is built to decorate the nursery.

Turtle, so glad you’re sticking around, we would have missed you. This kind of situation is hard to go through, I’m in awe of how you both are dealing with everything. However you build your family, your future babies will be very lucky to have you and your husband as parents. DH is very excited about the baby, he would have been as excited for a girl though!

crystlcmd, I’ve never used the Clearblue OPKs but could you also do cheaper ones so you can do 2 or 3 during the day? GOOD LUCK for this cycle!

cutie, you’ve got a lot on your plate between your main job, building websites on the side and preparing for the baby!

scooby, sorry you missed your window for the HSG but I love what you said about TTC being a marathon, not a sprint. It’s so easy to let it consume everything else. Keep us updated on your ultrasound and DH’s SA. It WAS cool to see the baby moving around. DH filmed it on his phone and I keep watching the video :blush:

Joy, blue is my favourite colour and I would use it for a girl’s nursery, so yours doesn’t scream boy to me. It’s really a lovely nursery, I want one like that for myself lol. My mother’s intuition was totally off, I had been thinking girl so maybe at the last minute I got a sign!

Katie, whereabouts are you in your cycle ?
Joy, the nursery is totally neutral to me! And thanks for the vendor info... time to add it to my super-secret baby Pinterest board! :winkwink:

Fleur: Man, I wish I spoke more than one language! I took French in school, and I studied abroad, but I was never what I'd call "fluent", and I've stopped using it at all in recent years. How many languages do you speak at home? It will be so great for your children to have those skills! I know that in more places that aren't the USA, speaking multiple languages is the norm, but it boggles my mind how people can get all that GRAMMAR straight! My brain pretty much shut down when we got to the "past PAST tense" (ummm... plus-que-parfait?).

AFM: Not much going on! :coffee: We're all set for our closing, now we just have to wait for it to get here! We need to buy a couch and a VACUUM CLEANER, so I think we might do that this weekend with all the Memorial Day sales going on. We might even pull a double whammy and drive an hour over to New Hampshire and buy them there since there isn't any sales tax. I love a bargain!

Fleur, I have no idea where I am in my cycle! It's amazing how quickly I lost track of everything once I decided to take the month off! Thinking back, I think AF generally shows up in the mid to late 20s of the month, so I've got another week to go? Maybe closer to the mid 20s? MAYBE NOT?? :wacko: I think my fertile window was pretty early in the month (like, sometime around the 5th maybe?) So maybe any day now actually. I got some lower back aches over the weekend that I would normally consider a harbinger of :witch:, and I've got some achiness now as well. I think I'll wait until Friday and then pop open my tracking app to see when it says I should expect my period if it hasn't come before then. I have to say, the TWW is so much better when you don't really know you're in it! I recognize, however, that this is probably not the most effective method to becoming pregnant. I'll probably add some sort of tracking back in next month.

So, I still occasionally read a blog that I read daily while I was wedding planning last year, and today they had a post written by a woman who has four teenagers/adolescents. It was really funny and I thought some of you might enjoy it!

Katie I love that article!! That is totally gonna be me when my kids are teenagers! "Life ruined." Love it Lol. Thanks for sharing!!
Fleur- when does the house building start? Sorry if you've said this already...
Katie, that&#8217;s a fun take on parenting teenagers&#8230; I admit I feel intimidated by teens in general, especially girls, so it&#8217;s good to see that it&#8217;s doable&#8230; even if they think we&#8217;re ruining their lives! Gosh, my teenage years don&#8217;t seem SO far away. It seems there&#8217;s no &#8220;right&#8221; way to TTC&#8230; some manage it when they&#8217;re tracking everything to the minute, others when they&#8217;re taking a more relaxed approach, so you have to go with whatever feels best for you. So at home we speak Creole (which DH would hasten to add is NOT a language, just a dialect&#8230;whatever), and I started learning English, French and Hindi in the first year of primary school. I don&#8217;t remember the tenses etc either, in English or French! I started learning Russian when I was in France but it became too complicated after a couple of years so I stopped. I suppose I&#8217;m pretty fluent in English and French, and I can understand Hindi but not really speak it. I&#8217;m glad my kids will be exposed to different languages, although DH doesn&#8217;t see the point in speaking Creole.

Twinsie, we don&#8217;t have a date yet, the promoter is taking forever&#8230; Hopefully we&#8217;ll start by July latest! Have you felt any more movements? I can't wait for that!
Fleur, you crack me up!!! We have the expression "you're busting my balls", so essentially the same thing that you're saying I think. I like to say it too sometimes as a joke, even though I know I don't have any to bust. :haha: I love that now you really can say it at least a little bit more accurately! :rofl: I love that you speak so many languages!!! I find it funny that you speak Creole at home, and that's the one that your DH finds pointless. Too funny! What does he want to speak at home/what is his primary language?

Scooby, I'm happy to hear you're feeling so much more relaxed this cycle! That can really be a great thing, for sure. Has DH been able to set up his SA yet? I really hope for good results back for you guys! :thumbup: And thank you on the supplements, but you hit the nail on the head...this whole NTNP approach that we're taking doesn't include any of that stuff and I'm actually really happy about it! It's SO much more relaxing to not stress over it every month.

Joy, I definitely think your nursery looks gender neutral! And I love it! :thumbup: How is your mom doing?

Katie, I'm also glad to hear that you're enjoying your "break" so much too! You're absolutely right, it's amazing how quickly you lose track of your cycle when you're not tracking at all! So glad to hear that you're all ready for your closing. Great idea to go to New Hampshire to buy your needed items, so there's no sales tax! I like the way you think! :winkwink:

Twinsie, your scan is tomorrow, right?! I can't wait!!!! :dance:

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