30-Something Moms!

Yup! 3D ultrasound tomorrow!!!! Eek!!! So excited and anxious to finally find out our baby's gender!!!

Turtle- I was going to suggest fertileAID too but wasn't sure how ntnp you were gonna be. Relaxing is the way to go! What will be, will be.

Fleur- I haven't felt anything in a few days. My placenta is front facing though, not sure if I mentioned that ? so it will take longer for me to feel any real kicks. Boo! My dr appt this morning went great though. Baby's heartbeat is 160, and I'm measuring on track! Now for the scan tom!

Katie- have fun moving! Have you figured out when the witch is due?
Congratulations Fleur!!! :blue::blue::blue: So exciting!

Sorry to hear about DH's SA results turtle. I still really hope you guys will beat the odds and get your sticky bean naturally. Kudos on taking such a positive approach about the future though :)

FX on your positive opk very soon Crystal!!! We'll all be on our toes for your TWW, ha!

Beautiful nursery Joy! How was your baby shower?

Hope you find some great deals shopping Katie...beware of impulse buys! ;)

Enjoy your scan tomorrow Twinsie! Hope you get some sleep tonight, lol!

Me, well, I should be studying right now for a course exam tomorrow instead of 'foruming'...blah! AF unfortunately did not get the memo that healthy sperm was to meet healthy egg this cycle...hopefully she's all ears next month. My trip to Montana was relaxing. I joined my sister to watch my nephew who was playing in a baseball tournament down there. They bombed all their games, so that sucked, but we were still able to take in a lot of local sites. One particular favorite was the Conrad mansion. Google it if you have a minute, it was quite stunning!
Turtle, yes, that’s exactly it ! I thought “busting one’s balls” meant working really hard or something. I wasn’t very clear about the languages! By “we speak Creole at home”, I meant growing up with my parents (and even now). DH is French, speaks only French and doesn’t see the point in learning any other languages. Even after living here for almost 2 years he can only say a few words in Creole because everyone just speaks French to him, at work and in private!

Twinsie, I’m also SO excited for your scan! Please update us asap and don’t leave us hanging like I did, oops! No you didn’t mention you have a front facing placenta. I have no idea how mine is, must ask next time.

2b4us, thanks! Sorry AF came… hope next month it will be more obedient and stay away! Glad you had a relaxing time in Montana. I checked out the Conrad mansion, I love visiting old houses! Good luck for your exam!
At what time is your scan Twinsie? It's 4.15 pm here, I hope you'll update before I go to bed :haha: I'm thinking girl for you!
Twinsie, good luck today!!!! I can't WAIT to hear your update! And yes, please don't keep us hanging like Fleur did! :haha: :winkwink:

2b, so sorry that AF arrived. :( Stupid :witch:, not getting the memo to stay away! I'm glad you had a nice, relaxing trip though. I'll definitely have to check that mansion out! I love stuff like that...we toured the Biltmore in Ashville, NC a few years ago and it was AMAZING!

Fleur, ahhh, I see! That makes sense now on the languages and DH. That's pretty funny that he just refuses to learn! So is Creole the language most commonly spoken by most people where you live then (and they just cater to him not knowing it), or is it French? Sorry for all the questions, this just fascinates me I think! :haha:
Sorry the witch showed, 2b. Hopefully this is the last you'll see of her for the next 9 months!

Twinsie - can't wait to hear about your scan!

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'm still waiting on my positive OPK. I was reading yesterday that most women ovulate anywhere from 5 to 10 days after they take their last dose of clomid so I still have a few days before I hit 10 days. I'm getting very impatient!
Twinsie!! Where are our pictures?? Can't wait to meet your little bubs! :baby:

Crystl: Have you gotten a smiley at all? Do you temp and all that?

AFM: I finally opened up the App I've been using to track my cycles... I'm 2 days "late". :shock: I'm on CD32. Last cycle was 30 days, cycle before was 29, cycle before was 31, cycle before that was also 31. So, I'm not ALL that "late", since I vary slightly. But I guess late enough to take a test tomorrow morning!

It would be so so so so awesome if this was it. So awesome.
Ooooh, so much excitement on this thread !

Katie, I've got everything crossed SO hard that you'll get a BFP tomorrow, please update us as soon as possible!

crystlmcd, when did you take your last dose of Clomid? I'm not surprised you feel impatient, we all are :D

Turtle, Creole is our national dialect, the administrative/official language is English (but it's not really spoken a lot). Nowadays more and more people (especially in the middle / upper classes) speak French to their kids. DH works in a French company and we all speak French to him so he doesn't really need Creole I suppose, I just wish he was more interested! I love languages (and even dialects!).

Twinsie!!!! It's 9.40 pm here, come on!
Katie - can't wait for you to test tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

No smiley for me yet and my temp hasn't gone up to indicate I ovulated so I'm just stuck waiting. I took my last dose of clomid last Friday so I'm 6 days past my last dose. Hopefully I get a positive in the next day or so before I go insane.
twinsie- I'm not-so-patiently waiting to hear your results!!!

crystl- Glad no side effects on the Clomid. Hope you O soon!

fleur- lol you're cracking me up about the boy bits. Wish I'd kept up on French but I stopped after high school. To be honest I'm sort of nervous to do the HSG so I'm ok waiting another month lol. ;)

katie- Glad you're enjoying your break. FX so hard you get that BFP tomorrow!

turtle- I used to think if you timed everything right you'd get pregnant right away. Silly, silly me! Now that I realize how much is involved it's become clear that it's largely out of my control. I'm doing what I can do (temping, vitamins, eating well etc) but I'm beginning to make peace with the fact that sometimes that part isn't enough. There could be something else going on with me or with DH and I guess we'll learn that pretty soon. For this month I'm going to be blissfully ignorant :)

2b- Boo for AF showing up! But I'm glad you had fun in Montana :)

cutie- How is everything going with planning/shopping? Do you feel like you're pretty set or is there still lots to do?

AFM, FF hasn't given me crosshairs yet but I'm pretty sure I'm 2DPO. We timed things pretty well, but as every month goes by I'm less confident this is going to happen naturally. So I'm trying not to think too much about it this month. Next cycle I guess I'll step it up.

Anyone have fun weekend plans? We're heading up to a big arts & crafts festival in upstate NY. It's a great one, lots of beautiful jewelry, pottery, yummy food, etc. And wine tasting. :thumbup:
Hi ladies!!! The 3D scan went great!! Baby was pretty sleepy so I had to eat some chocolate and s(he) started to move around more so we could determine gender! It was incredible! We got to see s(he) sucking its thumb and kicking all about. 3D really makes a difference! Although now I really want to go in another month when more facial features can be seen and baby has some fat on them! I want to see little chubby cheeks! lol

I am excited to announce we are having a baby :pink: GIRL!!!!!! :happydance:
Here are a few pics from the ultrasound!!!

Aww, Twinsie, that's great!!!! Congrats!!!!! So exciting! :pink: :dance: Love the pictures of your little princess! <3

Crystl, I can't imagine how impatient you must be, based on how impatient I am for you! :haha: :coffee:

Katie, that's great news!!! I have everything crossed for you that you really are late and that you get your :bfp: this month!!! Can't wait for your update in the morning! :dance:

Fleur, gotcha! That all makes sense! Very interesting for sure! :)

Scooby, I love you being "blissfully ignorant" this month, and I don't blame you one bit! I'm keeping everything crossed for you though that nothing is "wrong" with either of you and that you get your sticky soon! I, too, used to think if you timed everything right it would just have to happen quickly. I figured sure, maybe 2 or 3 months, but nothing really longer than that! Ahh, the ignorance I had on the subject... :haha: The festival you're going to this weekend sounds lovely! Are you staying wherever it is, or is it close enough to be a day trip?

We're having my parents over for dinner tomorrow night, then going to a minor league baseball game on Saturday with some friends, then Sunday we're having an at-home date night! (since Monday is a holiday) Can't wait! :thumbup:
Thanks! Turtle your weekend sounds great! Have fun!!

Katie - late !!! fx for you so tight!!!! Test tom for sure :)
2b- sorry AF came! Booo!

Crystl- the wait is the worst!!! At least it's the wknd soon! That goes by fast!
Yay Twinsie, congrats, I knew it! Awww a little girl <3

I can go to bed now, it's 11.30 pm!

Will reply properly tomorrow, I'm on my phone.
Fleur, I was wondering if you were going to be waiting up for the results! :haha: Sleep well!
Congrats on the girl, twinsie! Awesome ultrasound pics too!

I took a couple days off work so I have a 5 day weekend. Woohoo! I'm just planting some flowers and decorating my grandma's grave this weekend. Otherwise, just relaxing and maybe a BBQ if the weather cooperates.
Congratulations Twinsie! Little girls are sooo sweet! I love the pics you posted. Is she sucking her thumb in the second pic? So precious!

OMG Katie, the suspense is killing me! How can you wait to test...I would be going nuts!!! I admire your patience. :) Please keep us posted with the results.

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