30-Something Moms!

Hello lovely ladies! I'm sorry that I've still been MIA as far as posting goes; I've been reading along, just have really been enjoying my break from posting!

Crystl, I'm so very excited for you! I really hope this first round of IUI does the trick for you and you get your sticky right off the bat. I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Katie, I'm sorry about all the stressors you have going on in your life right now. I can imagine you would be very stressed right now! I think you're doing exactly what you can and taking it one day at a time, and I have full faith that it'll all work out beautifully for you! <3

Scooby, I'm excited for you that you're moving on with your testing as well! I can't wait to hear your results and I'm wishing nothing but the best for you! <3

2b, how have you been doing? :)

Fleur and Twinsie, I can't believe you're already so far along and that you both get to have your gender scan so soon! I'm so excited for you, and to find out what you're having!

Joy, wow! You're so close to the end now, I can't believe it!!! Soooo exciting! :)

Cutie, I also can't believe how far along you are already! Man, time sure is flying! (at least from my end! :haha:)

Sorry if I missed anyone...my brain feels a little mushy! :haha: :wacko:

I'm doing pretty good...I had my 3D sonogram on Friday and everything looked great! DH also had his repeat SA on Friday and now we're just anxiously awaiting those results. I think it's ridiculous that they make you wait so long when you know they have to test it immediately. I emailed the nurse this afternoon to check on it and she said nothing back yet, and that it can take up to a week to get the results, and then the doctor still has to review it after that. Sigh. I'm too impatient for that!

I'm pretty sure I've decided against IUI though (as well as IVF) if his results are the same, I just don't feel like I have it in me at this point in my life to do it. I can't really put my finger on why, I don't know if I don't feel like I'm strong enough mentally for it or what. I think it just kind of feels like we're playing the lottery with very low chances or something, and I just don't think I have the mental strength to go through that. We've decided we're going to move to Colorado in the next 1-2 years and as of right now, I think our rough plan is to look into adoption from foster care at that time (way more affordable than from a private adoption agency!). That plan my change tomorrow, but as of today that's where I am with everything.

*I in NO WAY have anything against IUI or IVF though, so please don't take it as that or as me judging them! I think they're both wonderful things that get people their sticky beans and I couldn't be happier or more excited for people who do it. I just have this feeling in my gut that I can't shake that it's not for me, at least right now in my life (if that makes any sense).
Thanks Joy, I'll check it out.

Turtle - so good to hear from you and glad to hear your sonogram went well. I'm hoping your husband's SA comes back with good results. I completely understand about IUI/IVF. It's a very personal decision that is different for each person. I'm still on the fence about IVF if the IUI doesn't work. It's a tough decision and adoption is definitely an option for us if we decide not to do IVF.

Hope everyone else is doing well and thanks for all of the encouragement, ladies!
Happy to hear everyone had a good weekend! :flower:

Sooooo exciting crystlmcd!!! I'll cross everything for you as well...come on :bfp:!

Fun colouring book Katie, do you use pencil crayons? I could definitely see how that would be therapeutic :thumbup:.

Whoa, things sound busy Joy! How are you sleeping at this point in your pregnancy? Have a great time at your shower on Thursday!

How are you doing cutieq?

Any news on the HSG appointment scooby?

Hi Turtle! :hi: Glad to hear you're enjoying your break and that the sonogram turned out well! Hopefully DH's results come back real soon! Tbh, I have very similar views on IUI and IVF. Sadly I will also admit that the cost of IVF would be a deterrent. And if by chance I'm not meant to be a mother, well then I'm going to make up for it in other ways...like travel! :plane::boat:

AFM, I am disagreeing with FF this month on my O day. I believe it messed things up by having too few temp readings before the big day. Symptoms point to day 13 as O in my opinion. :ignore:... poop on you FF! Ha, I'm not sure what it even matters anyway... I'm fairly certain we're not likely to get a BFP with our sad BDing schedule this month.
Hello ladies, my Internet hasn’t been working for days and work has been hectic so I haven’t had time to catch up before.

scooby, yes, there are some pretty gorgeous spots in Mauritius! Did you book your HSG for Friday? I hope you’ll get your BFP before June so you can tell your parents when they come.

Twinsie, only a week left till your gender scan right? Your gender reveal sounds cool! People don’t do them here but I’m so tempted to do a small one.

2b4us, enjoy your first trip to the US! Is it this week? Or have you been already! Sorry you’re not feeling confident about this month but if you did ovulate on CD 13 (or even CD 15), you’re still in with a chance!

Katie, hope you’re feeling less stressed about everything. I didn’t know adult colouring books exist! I still colour in kiddie ones if there’s one lying around. My DH was so OBSESSED with Clash of Clans, he used to set his alarm for the middle of the night to feed his little soldiers or make them fight or whatever you do with them.

Joy, did you finish the nursery? A friend showed us a video of her belly when the baby was moving, it was pretty freaky yeah! DH couldn’t believe it wasn’t a fake video lol. Have fun at your baby shower tomorrow!

crystlmcd, best of luck for your IUI, got everything crossed for you !

Turtle, I’m glad everything looked good at your sonogram. I hope DH’s SA results will also come back good and that they don’t make you wait too long! IUI and IVF are pretty hard emotionally and mentally, so it’s understandable if you don’t feel ready to go through that right now.

cutie, have you started receiving things for the nursery? Or did you say the delivery would take a month? How are you feeling?

Not much to tell since last time, still making the most of our friends before they leave next week. Thanks to them (or rather, because of them), I’ve been to the beach more often in the past week than in the past 20 months that I’ve been back in this country :haha: I’m supposed to have my 16 week scan this Friday but I haven’t booked it yet… would you believe I’m still scared that something will go wrong? Ugh. I’m starting to have a real bump even in the morning, and apart from some kind of nerve pain in my bum/upper thigh, I can’t complain!
Thank you so much ladies, and thank you for not judging me (or thinking I'm judging anyone else) for my decision regarding IUI/IVF. :hugs: 2b, the costs are DEFINITELY a deterrent for IVF for us as well. I know it's worth it...just not something we could do. There's more to it than that for me with IVF, but the costs are a big factor in it as well.

Crystl, your +opk needs to hurry up and get here, I'm so anxious for your IUI and to hear how it goes! :haha: I know you still have a little ways to go before O day, I'm just being impatient over here. :coffee:

2b, sorry that FF is being such a jerk about your O day! I agree with Fleur though, you look covered in my book whether it was cd13 or cd15. FX!!! And I agree with you on the whole "if I'm not meant to be a mother" thing...I still think we would adopt but as I've learned many times in life, things don't always go as planned. And there are definitely things (like more traveling!) that I would do if it doesn't happen for us. :thumbup:

Fleur, I think it's great that your friends are visiting for so long, and that they're taking you (or forcing you to go :winkwink) to the beach so much! Sounds like a great time. I'm sorry that you're still nervous even at 16 weeks...it's understandable, but I'm sure everything is going great in that little belly of yours! :hugs:
:hi:Hi Turtle, it's so good to see you back! I'm glad you enjoyed your break from the boards. Sometimes a little break is all you need to get refreshed. I hope you get your hubby's SA results back soon. It's terrible how long they make you wait! We would never judge you on your views towards IUI/IVF. Everyone has their own limits on how far they can go and what they can handle and as you said, this is how you feel now and maybe your opinion will change if you ever get to that point. But for now you do what's best for you and your hubby. We are all here for you!

Fleur, it's perfectly normal to still be nervous about the baby. I don't think my nerves calmed until around 28 weeks when I knew the baby would have a good chance of surviving outside the womb. Just feel assured that your baby is safe and secure in your tummy and getting everything he/she needs to develop properly. Your little bubs will be here before you know it.

2b, I agree it looks like you could've ovulated anytime between CD 13 and 15. They say sperm lives for up to 4 days so you still have a good chance either way. Fingers crossed for you!!!

AFM, I'm sleeping pretty well now. My sis in law got me a snoogle maternity body pillow and OMG it's my best friend. My sleep really started to suffer around 20 weeks but it totally turned around after I got that pillow. I highly recommend it.

Here's a pic of the nursery. We still need to put a few more finishing touches on it but I'm really happy with the way it's turning out so far :)


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Turtle, no one can judge others&#8217; choices about how they build their family. I hope that it all works out in the best way for you :flower: I hope I don&#8217;t seem ungrateful about the pregnancy when you and so many others are struggling.

Joy, your nursery is so so cute!!! The maternity pillow sounds fab, I&#8217;m going to get one too later on. &#8220;Good&#8221; to know I&#8217;m not the only one who&#8217;s nervous! I was telling DH this morning that I&#8217;ll feel more relaxed after the baby is born but he reminded me that I&#8217;ll NEVER relax again in my life, I&#8217;ll worry about the child !
Haha turtle! Glad someone is being impatient along with me!

Fleur - excited to see the results of your next scan!

Joy - that nursery is adorable!
Joy: That is ADORABLE. Love the design in the quilt and on the lampshade! Did you make that, or did you find it somewhere??

WELCOME BACK TURTLE! I hear ya on the IUI/IVF thing. DH and I haven't discussed our feelings about IUI (HA! I doubt he would even know that there are different infertility methods at all without lots of explanation), but we HAVE discussed IVF, and I don't think we'd be up for that either. My cousin and her husband did 8 full rounds of IVF over 6 years, from having to "harvest" eggs to implantation each time. They spent over $300,000, and I'm sort of shocked, to be honest, that their marriage survived the experience. They finally gave up on the method, and lo and behold she got pregnant naturally! Which is AWESOME, and I'm so happy for them!! Long story short, I guess it would depend on what fertility issues we would be diagnosed with, and what the chances of success with IVF would be before I could say 100% no way, but I honestly don't think I could handle any more than one round.

AFM: Thanks for all the support ladies! I'm calming down a little bit. :wacko: I didn't track fertile days in anyways this cycle, but I imagine our chances are pretty slim. Unless, of course, I'm the next Virgin Mary and I immaculatly conceived a baby. WHICH is an overstatement (how unlike me!!), but not TOO MUCH of an overstatement. I'll have to put away my markers next month and get back to business! :bunny:
You ladies are simply the BEST!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Joy, I'm LOVING your nursery! The colors are great, and the design is awesome! Thanks for posting a pic of it! :thumbup:

Haha, I was thinking the same thing Fleur...I don't think mothers EVER fully relax again...once baby is here, you'll be worrying about the child for the rest of their life! :winkwink: Oh, and you do NOT seem ungrateful at all!!! Please don't ever think that. I completely understand how scary it was for you to be pregnant again and honestly, to accept that it was really here again, after all that you went through. Everyone processes things differently and you do not come across as ungrateful in the slightest! :hugs:

Katie, that's so crazy about your cousin!!! See, that's kind of the lottery that I feel like you play...$300,000?!? And then to get pregnant on their own naturally after all of that?! I am SO happy for them that it happened for them, and that it happened naturally. I must admit though, I would personally feel kind of pissed that we had spent ALL of that money on it with no results only for it to happen on it's own for free later! I guess that's the cynical part of me...I know the money was worth it to them for the "it might work" aspect of it (which is totally understandable!), and I'm sure they weren't thinking mad thoughts when they found out! I just don't think I can play that lottery! :wacko: When do you move into your new house?
crystlmcd, it’s sweet that you’re excited for me, makes up for my lack of excitement :blush:

Katie, have you been DTD regularly (ish)? You never know! What a story your cousin has… I admit I would be a bit annoyed that I’d spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in “vain”, only to fall pregnant naturally. But pretty impressive that they kept at it for so long. I’m glad it all worked out! By the way, did you have a young cousin who was pregnant and not sure whether to keep the baby or not? What happened finally?

Turtle, thanks for your support! :hugs:

Well I’ve booked my appointment/scan with my ob-gyn for tomorrow morning… Still pretty apprehensive! A friend had a scan done at the radiology department in a clinic and told me they’re much clearer, so I’m going to see if I can go in for another scan there. Hopefully there they’ll be able to see the NOSE and brain, heart etc. My stomach has been aching since this morning, as if I’ve been doing ab work which I definitely haven’t. Eek I just sneezed and felt like I pulled a muscle!
Fleur, that's exciting!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow, be sure to keep us posted! So will this be the gender scan one, or will that be later? Sorry, I can't remember for sure! I hope your aches go away soon! :hugs:
Katie, that's so crazy about your cousin!!! See, that's kind of the lottery that I feel like you play...$300,000?!? And then to get pregnant on their own naturally after all of that?! I am SO happy for them that it happened for them, and that it happened naturally. I must admit though, I would personally feel kind of pissed that we had spent ALL of that money on it with no results only for it to happen on it's own for free later! I guess that's the cynical part of me...I know the money was worth it to them for the "it might work" aspect of it (which is totally understandable!), and I'm sure they weren't thinking mad thoughts when they found out! I just don't think I can play that lottery! :wacko: When do you move into your new house?

I had the EXACT same reaction as you are having! "Lottery" is really exactly how I think about it too!

We close on June 1, and I think we'll move in the weekend after. We're going to try and do some painting during that week before. Which means I have to actually PICK paint. :wacko:

Katie, have you been DTD regularly (ish)? You never know! What a story your cousin has… I admit I would be a bit annoyed that I’d spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in “vain”, only to fall pregnant naturally. But pretty impressive that they kept at it for so long. I’m glad it all worked out! By the way, did you have a young cousin who was pregnant and not sure whether to keep the baby or not? What happened finally?

HAHAHA! Not "regularly-ish" at all! But you're right... you never know!! I don't even remember when my cycle started this time around to know when I should be expecting AF again! Whoops! I DO remember thinking last cycle "OK, I'm not going to track anything next time and just relax a bit." but then looking forward on my tracking app and seeing that my fertile window would be early in the month. :blush: "Relaxing a bit" is not really my thing. I think I might look back at my tracking app at some point at the end of next week? I think I want to jump back onboard for June, so I had better know when I should starting using the OPKs again!

SO, my young cousin is KEEPING the baby, which is a GIRL. She is due in early July. It will be hard for her, I'm sure, but I'm so happy for her. She was told that she would never be able to conceive, so this baby is such a blessing.
Wow you guys have been chatty lately! Sorry I've been MIA.

Katie- that's exciting you're closing soon! Picking paint is hard!! It seems so final even though you could always change it but who wants to do all that painting again?! Lol
That is crazy your cousin spent sooooo much money and then it happened naturally !! Wow. Meant to be!

Joy- I love your nursery!!! Very similar to my taste and ideas on what my nursery would look like if I have a boy.

Fleur- so excited for your scan tomorrow!!!!! You have to post pics and if you find out the gender. You probably will!!! Omg I'm so excited for you!!! I find out next week! Thursday. 6 more days!! It's such an exciting moment! Have you felt any baby movement yet? I felt a weird movement last night but it was more like a bubble popping in my belly?

Turtle- I hope you get your bfp naturally! I totally understand your hesitation and feelings on IUI. Ivf is way too expensive for sure! And adoption is an amazing gift. DH and I always say we want to adopt still. Even though we have our own little one on the way. Adoption s so special. Giving a child a loving home that they may not have had otherwise. Good for you !!

Crystl- good luck! Exciting !

Sorry if I forgot anyone!!
Quick update from my phone. Scan went well, so relieved! And yes, we found out the sex :D

Will catch up properly on Sunday or Monday when I have access to a computer.

Have a great weekend ladies!
Fleur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a tease!!!!!! Lol oh mannnnn I don't want to wait!!:dohh: tell us tell us tell us!!!! :)
Fleur, it's Sunday. You owe us!

Sorry I've been MIA. I building a website part-time and really behind so I've been limiting myself to working on that when I'm on the computer. I've been reading along though!
Fleur!!! I can't believe you'd tease us like that and then keep us hanging! I agree with the rest of the ladies...it's Sunday now, so where are those answers?! :haha: Ahhh, the suspense is killing me! :wacko:

Katie, your closing date is so soon! Exciting!!! And that's great that your cousin chose to keep her little girl. Especially since she was told she would never be able to conceive. I can't believe how soon she's due, crazy!

Cutie, I hope your website building is coming along well!

We finally got DH's SA results back on Friday afternoon. They were actually slightly worse than last time...They went from 5.84 mil to 4.5 mil, and from 1% morphology to .5%. That firmly puts us into the IVF range. As you know, we've already decided that we're definitely not doing that, and we're pretty sure that at this point in our life, we didn't want to do IUI either. The doctor is suggesting he see a urologist. While we acknowledge he might be able to raise the counts some, he would have to raise them 10x (up to 40 mil or higher) to get us out of even the IUI range (since we don't want to do even that right now). I get that it could be possible, but it doesn't seem realistic to us. So seeing the urologist doesn't seem to be beneficial to us right now. If we change our minds later and want to give IUI a shot, we'll revisit it then (and have him go to the urologist at that time to see).

So, long story short, it looks like we'll be looking into adoption and hoping it still happens on our own naturally. We plan to move to Colorado in the next 1-2 years and feel it would be best to wait until after our move to begin the process. But we're going to give ourselves some time to process this and quite honestly, grieve the loss of having our biological child. I'm at peace with this decision and am definitely on board with adoption, but it's still a grieving process for us both. And in a couple of weeks, or months, or whenever we feel ready, we're going to start looking into and discussing our options and what route we want to take as far as adoption goes, and probably attend some seminars and informational meetings, etc. We'll just continue to NTNP from here on out, as the stress of actively trying and tracking is just too much for us month after month with only a 1% chance of it ever happening on our own. So that's where we stand!

Sorry, I feel like I keep hijacking the thread with my different announcements. Since this is our last bits of doctors, etc, I should be able to stop hijacking now! :winkwink:

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