30-Something Moms!

Hey girls, sorry its been so hard for me to keep up with this thread. I've bern reading along but I'm just too friggin lazy to post! My brain is seriously not functioning well right now so it's hard to find the right words for a proper response.

Turtle, you asked about a week ago how my mom is doing. Thank you so much for that. She's doing ok for now. I thought for a while she might be getting better from the medication but I think I'm just getting used to her condition. It's very sad to see her when I take her around our family. She just sits there very quietly and has a hard time participating in conversations. It breaks my heart! We do our best to include her in everything we do and try to get her out of the house as much as possible, but I have to admit that I really miss our old life. I feel really guilty about saying that but I'm starting to realize that this situation has been a lot harder on my hubby and me then I'm letting myself admit. Sorry for the long rambling response but it feels good to vent sometimes.

Fleur, I LOVE all your baby clothes! It's so great to see how prepared you are for both genders. Your gender reveal pictures were so cute! That is such a clever way to include family members that couldn't be there in person.

Twinsie, I'm so sorry you were disappointed about accidently revealing the baby's gender to your sister. That is something I've bern afraid of doing ever since we accidently found out. It's so hard when you have to keep a big secret like that, especially from someone so close to you. Whether she caught the slip or not, im sure she will be thrilled that you will both have two little girls that can grow up together the way the two of you did! :)

Katie, so sorry the witch got you and that your cycle has been a little wonky lately. That happened to me when I started taking supplements to try and regulate my cycle after BC. Hopefully the reduced dosage of Vitex will help straighten everything out.

Crystl, that is so disappointing they weren't able to do the IUI this cycle. But agree with the others that it's good the dr didn't waste your money if they didn't think the chances were good. Are they going to increase your dosage of clomid for next cycle to try and get bigger follicles? 50 mgs is usually a starter dose so they still have plenty to work with.

Scooby, your symptoms sound promising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle.
Hey Joy! No worries. The chattier of us are here for your reading pleasure! :winkwink: Rest up! I hope you're feeling well.

So, guys: I'm bleeding again. Just started this morning, and it's the bright stuff.

WTF? :wacko:
Katie, it has to be from the Vitex. I read mixed reviews about it online back when I was researching supplements and I think it has different effects on each person. I ended up taking vitamin B6 to help lengthen my luteal phase and stop pre AF spotting and it worked some months and others it didn't :-/ You have to just keep experimenting until you find the right supplement and dosage that will work for you.:shrug:
So my body is apparently the master trickster. This month, just like every month for the past year, my temps rose and my boobs got sore around "ovulation" time (in fact, my boobs are killing me!). Just got a call from my doctor's office with results from my blood work today. No ovulation this month! So, I'm guessing I probably haven't ovulated at all this past year seeing as this cycle has been just like all my other cycles this year.

My doctor is going to adjust my meds next cycle so we'll see what happens.

Happy Friday!
So my body is apparently the master trickster. This month, just like every month for the past year, my temps rose and my boobs got sore around "ovulation" time (in fact, my boobs are killing me!). Just got a call from my doctor's office with results from my blood work today. No ovulation this month! So, I'm guessing I probably haven't ovulated at all this past year seeing as this cycle has been just like all my other cycles this year.

My doctor is going to adjust my meds next cycle so we'll see what happens.

Happy Friday!

WELL. :wacko: I'm glad you're working with a doctor, and super annoyed on your behalf that you've suffered through so many TWWs!!

JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS: mercury is in retrograde. https://www.refinery29.com/mercury-retrograde-survival-tips#slide
Oh man Crystl :( that's awful, I'm so sorry you haven't been ovulating!! Our bodies can be so cruel sometimes. I really hope your dr can get you ovulating ASAP!
I talked to my sis yesterday and she either pretended to not know or really didn't catch my slip because sage kept saying , how excited she was to find out the baby's gender.. well see next weekend! I'm sure it'll be a great moment no matter what, I do hope she doesn't know though !!

I also think it's a slow decline after age 35. I will be 31 when this baby Comes and want to wait a year before baby #2 and then maybe baby 3 a year after that God willing. DH was born when his mom was 41 so it's def possible, just stay as healthy as you can ! I believe that's a factor.
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a great weekend!

Twinsie - I'm so happy that your sister still seems so excited about finding out the gender. How exciting for you!

Katie - I hope AF sorted herself out. I don't know anything about Vitex so I'm no help there.

Started spotting today so tomorrow should be CD1. Fingers crossed I'll be able to ovulate this cycle.
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a great weekend!

Twinsie - I'm so happy that your sister still seems so excited about finding out the gender. How exciting for you!

Katie - I hope AF sorted herself out. I don't know anything about Vitex so I'm no help there.

Started spotting today so tomorrow should be CD1. Fingers crossed I'll be able to ovulate this cycle.

FX soooo tight for you!
Joy, the situation with your mother sounds really sad. I can imagine how guilty you must feel but it’s bound to take its toll on anyone. Is her living with you a long-term arrangement? She’s got a full-time carer at your home? I hope that things will work out for the best, for all of you :hugs:

Katie, what happened with the renewed bleeding, did it last long?

crystlmcd, so frustrating to discover that you might not have been ovulating this past year… I hope that with the meds you’ll ovulate this month.

Twinsie, your gender reveal will be exciting any way, and your sister doesn’t seem to have guessed! You’re already thinking about babies #2 and 3, wow! I’m going to see how I cope with this one first.

cutie, how are you doing? How’s the nursery coming along?

Turtle, 2b4us, how are you?

Things have been very busy at work, finished between 8pm and 9pm every day last week and had to work over the weekend too. I’m almost 19 weeks and everyone keeps asking me if I can feel movements, but I haven’t felt a THING… not the slightest butterfly or bubble or ripple. I must admit I’m stressing that I’ll turn up at my 20 week scan and get bad news. Also, I was telling DH that I’ve gotten so used to the idea of a boy now that I’ll cry if it suddenly turns out to be a girl at the next scan :haha: I’ve got my glucose test next week so I’m trying to be good and stay away from the biscuits and chocolates, but it’s hard!
Funny you mention the glucose test. I failed my 1 hr and go in tomorrow for the 3 hr. We got the nursery assembled and setup so now just need to decorate!
Oh no, what a pain! I hope you pass the 3hr one. I wonder what makes you fail/pass...
Put up pics of the nursery!
From what I've read, it's how you proceeds large amounts of sugar. I took mine at 3:15 so who knows what else I had going on that day. This one will be after 12 hours of fasting so hopefully it's better!

Still on early phases but nursery pic attached.


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Oh the nursery looks so nice already, looking forward to seeing it completed !

My doctor told me to take the test 1 hour after breakfast, so maybe taking it in the afternoon means you had consumed more sugar throughout the day? Good luck for tomorrow!
Fleur- goodluck on your glucose test! What day is it? I wonder when I have to do mine? I thought it was later on in the second tri. Lol well if DH had his way we'd be BDing immediately after baby girl arrives trying for baby 2 but I keep saying he's dreaming and I need a good year with one baby first!!! He thinks he's getting too old and doesn't wanna wait but he's only 35! He's fiiiiine

Joy- you are a very strong woman for taking care of your mom. It takes a lot out of a person emotionally too and I hope you get some support and help from other family members or anyone close to the family! You're a good daughter!

Dani- oh man that stinks you failed and have to do the 3 hour!!! Sorry!! I love your nursery colors! Very tranquil/peaceful looking.
Hey everyone!

Sorry for being silent the past few days! We closed on our house yesterday!! :shock: Getting ready for that has consumed my life for a week or so. I kept finding errors in the documents they were sending me... some of them MATHEMATICAL! Like, too MUCH money mathematical. This lead to a very unhappy Katie :growlmad: who then insisted on reading everything including the fine print. Which, in turn, drove the title company batty, but that's what they get for not being careful and dealing with a lawyer. It's hard to turn off! :wacko:

Anyways, now that that's wrapped up, we're on to painting! Which is waaayyyy more fun. And then we move in next Saturday!

I finally finished with AF Sunday. I'm now CD6. I'll start using the OPKs again around CD10. I've reduced my Vitex dose to one pill. I actually kind of scared myself with how haywire my cycle went. The last thing I want to do is get in my own way. So, we'll see how this month goes on a low dose, and I'll adjust up if necessary.

I'm honestly finding it a little difficult to stay excited now. This is the 7th cycle trying, which I know isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, but 7 months IS a long time to keep up excitement for something that hasn't even begun. You know what I mean? Like, the exciting part is REALLY having the baby, and this is sort of the "pre-excitement" part. I'm all out of pre-excitement right now. :shrug:

NOW. I am NOT out of excitement for all our expectant ladies!!

Cutie: (first, is your name Dani?? I think Twinsie keeps using that and every time I'm like "WHO?? Ohhhhhhh!") Love the furniture!! Are you doing blue on the walls? We're doing blue on some of our bedroom walls, and we tested SO MANY. There was one we put up that I was instantly like "THIS IS PREFECT FOR A NURSERY". It's called "tradewind" by Sherwin Williams: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/ho...ily/SW6218-tradewind/#/6218/?s=products&p=PS0

I have heard about those glucose tests! Do you have to drink the gross chalky stuff for both of them or only for the three hour one?
Katie, yes I'm Dani!

DH and I both loathe home decor and projects so we decided not to paint the room. We might paint when he's ready for a big boy room.

I'm done with the 3 hr. I will update when the results are back. Chalky, yucky drink for both tests :( apparently in the U.K. don't even bother with the 1 hr. I wonder if it's because it seems to be so faulty in the us.
Crystl, I'm so sorry you got bad news about not ovulating. Our bodies can definitely be cruel sometimes. At least now your dr knows so they can monitor you more closely and hopefully give you something that can help trigger ovulation. Fingers crossed that this cycle will be better.

Fleur, do you know if your placenta is anterior? That can really hide movement until the early to mid 20 weeks. My placenta is anterior and I didn't start feeling really strong movements until around 27 - 28 weeks and now it feels like the baby is going to jump out of my tummy. Everyone is different so please try not to stress about it. I'm sure everything will be fine at your 20 week scan.

Cutie, your nursery looks great so far. Can't wait to see pics when it's decorated. Good luck with your glucose test.

Katie, congratulations on closing on your house! I'm so excited for you and all the fun you're going to have painting and decorating. I completely understand what you mean about losing the excitement of TTC. I think I lost it after month 3 and just automatically assumed the worse and that it would never happen for us. Just hang in there and don't give up hope. It will happen for you soon enough and then all of that disappointment will turn back into excitement over waiting for your little one to arrive!

Turtle, Scooby & Twinsie, I hope you are all doing well. Has anyone heard from 2b? I haven't seen her on here in a while.

AFM, I had my family and friends shower this weekend and everything turned out sooo beautiful! We are so fortunate to have such an amazing group of loved ones who gave us practically everything we need to be ready fo our baby. I'm a little over 35 weeks now and officially feel like we will be ready if the baby comes tomorrow. I already did all of his laundry and put his little onesies and clothes away and we setup the bassinet in our room yesterday. All that's left to do is install the car seat and pack our bags, which we plan on doing this weekend. I can't believe that he's almost here. I can't wait to meet my little prince!!!
Twinsie, LOL at DH wanting to try straight away for the second one! You’ll see how it goes anyway. I already got tested for my blood sugar levels at 12 weeks, so I guess my doctor will just get me tested every 4 weeks? Although I’m wondering if it’s the same test that cutie did… No one mentioned chalky/yucky drinks!!! I thought it was just a blood and urine test?

Katie, congrats on closing on the house! Glad that you managed to get all the papers sorted out to your satisfaction. Enjoy painting, and put up pics! I can understand why you don’t feel so excited anymore… 7 months is not long but it’s forever when you’re TTC. Don’t give up, you will get back into excitement mode as soon as you get that BFP!

cutie, when are you expecting your results?

Joy, your shower and family/friends sound just lovely. Is the excitement building up now that you’re so close to giving birth? By the way, can’t remember if you told us, have you picked a name (not asking you to tell us!)? I have no idea where my placenta is, my doctor didn’t mention anything so it’s probably not anterior.

The past few days I thought I could feel something and wondered if it was the baby, but I think it was just my stomach or gas! It’s still feeling unreal for me at this point but I think that at 35 weeks like Joy, with all the baby things ready, I might start to realize that I’m having a baby.

Hope our other ladies are doing well and just too busy to update :flower:

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