30-Something Moms!

Fleur, the test I'm referencing is done between 24-28 weeks with the chalky drink. I should get my results before Friday. I feel pretty good about it though.

18w is when I started to feel kicks so I bet it is baby!
Katie- sorry for the confusion about dani lol we are both on another forum where everyone uses their actual names so I'm used to saying dani, not cutie! :) congrats on the house closing !! Painting is fun! I'm happy for you, you can get the house all settled and then it's ready for baby! I'm sorry the excitement has died down but I totally get it. I hope you don't have to wait too much longer!!!!

I'm Jamie btw if anyone wants to use my real name too! It's kinda nice, more personal, but idc either way!

Fleur- I'm def waiting a year before ttc baby 2! I'll become celebit if I have too lol well maybe not that extreme but def protecting!

Joy- glad you had a nice shower!! I can't believe you're so close!! Are you nervous/anxious for labor? Do you have your birth plan all set?

I've been thinking about mine, I'm not opposed to an epidural and want to make the birth a positive experience so if all natural is too much to bear, I'm def allowing some intervention! My twin didn't get an epi and while I know it's doable it's also excruciating pain (I was there for her during labor) that I find unnecessary when there is safe pain relief available! She wanted one but couldn't sit still long enough for it due too frequent really painful contractions! Poor thing !! I know everyone handles pain differently and I'm totally in awe of women who go natural, I just don't think that's me!
I hate my username but couldn't change it :rofl:

We started labor classes and are learning a lot about labor. I'm definitely not opposed to meds!
Hello ladies, I hope you're all doing well!

Sorry I've been a silent observer for the last couple of weeks. The cause would be a combination of busyness and self pity. What hit the hardest recently was the news of my sister in-law expecting. I thought I'd be prepared for it as I knew she went for her IVF appointment in March. Don't get me wrong...I am happy for them, it just hit a little close to home knowing we would have been only three weeks apart had I not miscarried. On a positive note, I get to hold a newborn real soon...my friend had a baby girl today and she's freaking adorable!!!

First off, congratulations on the gender news Jamie! Yippee, a little princess!

Gorgeous baby furniture Dani! FX your test went well :thumbup:.

Home sweet home Katie! Have fun painting! Blue is the best!!!

Wishing the very best for you this month Crystal :hugs:.

Glad your baby shower went well Joy :). Sounds like you're all set for the little one's arrival, way to go!

Confession time...my real name is Randi. Terrible, terrible name...what were my parents thinking?!?!
2b, good to hear from you. I like the name Randi! I know the news can still sting. No matter how prepared you are for it. Great news, is you know you can get pregnant and hopefully you're little one is right around the corner!

I passed my 3 hr test thankfully. I'm heading to my other pregnant friend's house for the weekend. We plan to eat pizza, drink virgin mojitos, nap and watch DVR. Needless to say I can't wait!
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been quiet this week, just been busy helping my friend finish up planning her wedding.

Dani - the nursery looks good! Glad you passed your glucose test!

Randi - I know how you feel about your sister-in-law. My brother-in-law and his ex-girlfriend just had their baby this week. I want to be happy for him but it's so frustrating that 2 people that can't stand either other get to have a baby and I don't (yet). And (!) my husband's cousin just had her twins last week. She now has 4 kids under 3. It seems like all she has to do is think about getting pregnant and surprise! And I like the name Randi too!

Joy - I'm getting so excited for you little guy to arrive! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

AFM, AF has not shown her ugly face yet. I had a little bit of spotting Sunday night and Monday morning and nothing since. I guess I'll be giving the dr a call next week if she still hasn't shown since I'll be on CD33 on Monday.
Randi- I think that's a great name! Different yes but I like different! That's why I'm naming my baby girl sienna! Not common. I'm sorry about your sister in law expect g made the sadness of your mc worse. Totally understand that. Do they know you mc'ed? Very hard to deal with I can imagine.. Hoping you get your rainbow baby soooon!

Dani- your weekend sounds amazing and I'm totally don't that next weekend! Lol. This weekend is my gender reveal party so I'll be a bit busy!

Crystl- I hope the dr can help you !
Hey ladies! I'm running out the door so I'll respond properly later, but I just wanted to let you all know I'm finally going to get my ultrasound and HSG done tomorrow. They're doing them back to back, so it's going to take a couple of hours (ugh).

I'm very, very nervous, but I think it's time to know if there's anything wrong. My cramps were so painful this cycle that I almost went to the ER, and I can handle a LOT of pain. I'd compare it to having a gallbladder attack, it was that bad. So I'm sort of thinking either a cyst burst or I have endo or something, because that just wasn't normal.

Anyway, I'll let you all know what happens. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their weekends :)
So, I decided to test today just to be sure before I call the doctor tomorrow and...2 lines!!!! I really hope this doesn't turn out to be some sick trick. I am freaking out a little!


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Omg, omg Crystal, eek!!! I hope this is it!!!
Crystl!!!!!! Those are strong lines!!
OMG crystlmcd, congratulations, you're pregnant !!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: SOOOOO happy for you!

I read your message on my phone earlier today and honestly wondered whether you could be, but wouldn't have dared mention it because the doctor said you didn't ovulate.
cutie, I’m glad you passed your glucose test, what a relief! I’ve heard lots of women fail the 1hr one but pass the 3hr test. Mine must be just to test my blood sugar levels then. Hope you enjoyed your girlie weekend.

Twinsie, I’d be highly surprised if I tried to labour without an epidural :haha: How was your gender reveal? What was your sister’s reaction? Any pics?

2b4us, we’ve all gone through bouts of self-pity and being happy for others/sad for ourselves, so you’re not alone… It’s tough but hang in there! It might not seem believable right now but you will have your own baby soon.

scooby, sorry to hear that your cramps have been so painful. Good luck for tomorrow, I hope it’s not too bad and that you’ll get some answers :hugs:

Katie, how is the house coming along?

Turtle, hope you’re ok!

AFM, I’m not sure if what I felt last week was the baby moving but I haven’t felt anything since Thursday so I’m worried. I’ve been eating chocolate today, and just had a glass of cold orange juice hoping that it will get him moving! I have my 20 week scan on Friday so I’m also stressing about that.
Thanks ladies! I picked up a couple more tests while I was out today to take in the morning just to be sure. I'm cautiously excited!
Crystl!!!!! Those are def true positives!!!!! You're pregnant!!!!!:happydance::happydance:
Scooby- goodluck with the hsg and everything!!

Fleur- don't worry I felt one tiny pop last week and nothing since either! Our baby's are still too small plus if you are like me with a front placenta, we won't feel any consistent movements for another few weeks! My sisters was and she said she didn't feel anything until 22 wks
crystlmcd, I understand how hard it must be to believe it after everything but you can't get more positive than that :haha: My lines didn't get that dark until at least a week after AF was due. Are you going to call your doctor tomorrow?

Twinsie, thanks! The orange juice didn't work either lol. Don't think I have an anterior placenta because my doctor didn't mention it but it's reassuring that not everyone feels movements all the time at over 19 weeks. Can you believe we're almost half way?? It still seems to be going so slow for me.
Afm- my gender reveal party went great! Everyone guessed girl except like 3 people. Mostly bcuz DHs Fam already has 7 nieces and only 1 nephew! My moms reaction was priceless ! Jumping up and down with excitement! My sister was too. I tried posting the video but it wouldn't bcuz it's too large! Here are some pics tho!

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