30-Something Moms!

Christine - That's great news! Hopefully your BFP is right around the corner!

Fleur - My mom doesn't even know we're trying yet. My family asks when we're having kids enough that I didn't want to add more stress of them asking even more often so I didn't tell any of them. We told them before that we were waiting until my husband was done with school (which is middle of July) so they keep reminding me that he's almost done and I just keep brushing them off.

Jenny - I told DH that he was crazy and none of you ladies were mad at me. I guess he thinks ladies are full of drama (even though I'm the complete opposite of that).

So, I called and doctor and they told me congrats! Then, they ordered a blood test to check my progesterone and hcg. They didn't tell me that until noon, though, so I didn't get the blood draw done until about 12:30 while I was on my lunch break. So, I haven't heard back on what my numbers are yet. So, for now, they're not going to see me for my first appointment until July 21st. I'll be almost 11 weeks by then. I thought that was kind of weird but I'm just rolling with things for now. My EDD is February 11th.

We've decided that we're going to wait until the end of July/beginning of August to announce to everybody once we feel more confident that things are going to go well.

Thanks to all you ladies for being so supportive! You've all got me so excited!!
Thankfully they're checking your progesterone and HCG so you will have those.11 weeks does seem late. I think most do it around 8 but you're absolutely right, just roll with it! Those numbers will tell them all they need to need to know right now.
Great to hear Christine!!! Did they shed any light though on why you may have had such terrible cramps?

Ha-ha, lady drama? It's out there, but not on this thread! I'm genuinely happy for you Crystal! And look at you, already peeing on the dreaded digital...way to go! Any symptoms you can clearly pin on pregnancy?

Dani, was your weekend as relaxing as it sounded? The first time I had a mojito I almost gagged. Fast forward a few more vacations, things started tasting better :). That's how I imagine it'll be one day with olives, and horseradish, and coffee and.... Congratulations on hitting the third trimester!!

Speaking of coffee, maybe you should have had a little espresso to wake up that boy of yours Fleur ;). Hoping your little guy gives you some reassurance before your appointment on Friday. Best wishes!

Awe, I love the name Jenny! My oldest sister shares the same name. I'm seriously the only one who calls her Jenny though, everybody else uses Jen or Jennifer. Happy to hear the visit with DH's went well! A great start to a promising relationship! :flower:

Sounds like the gender reveal party was a blast Jamie! I hope you got to put your feet up at the end of the night while everybody else cleaned up around you. I guess we should have been calling you Fratwinsie, ha! I was also expecting an identical twin. Great name you've picked out! In response to your earlier question to me...no, my sister in-law did not know about our loss. I'd hate anybody to keep their joyous news to themselves in worry of offending me, that'd be the biggest offence of all, lol!

Katie, I encourage you to tell DH about the forum. So what?...he might poke fun initially, but I think he'd be glad to know that you've got support from a great bunch of ladies :). I was embarrassed at first to admit to anyone I was on it, but now I'm glad I get to be open and share things that I've learned and show the enjoyment I get from these conversations. Ha-ha, Randi the preacher!

Are you managing well with the summer temperatures Joy?
Great news, Christine, on your tubes being clear. I'm sure it's such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore. Are you planning on having anymore tests done?

Jamie, I'm so glad your gender reveal party went well and that your twin was so surprised. Now you can start buying all your precious little girl stuff and enjoy sharing all the upcoming milestones with your family.

Crystal, I am still over the moon excited for you. With that 2-3 week digi you should have nothing to worry about with your blood work. 11 weeks does seem a little late for your first appt but it will be here before you know it.

My dr pulled me off work early so yesterday was officially my last day. I'm really not ready to go out this early but I know I need to do what's best for the baby. I was at work for 14 hours yesterday trying to get things wrapped up before my leave and the baby was not happy with me by the end of the day. I had really bad Braxton hicks and thought for sure I was going into labor but things calmed down once I came home and rested. It made me realize that my job is probably more stressful than I thought so I know the time off will be good for us while I wait for my little man to arrive.

The heat is starting to kick in over here too, but other than that I've been feeling pretty good so far. Jamie, I think you asked about a birth plan - I don't have one written out but my "goal" is to try and deliver naturally without an epidural. Note how I have "goal" in quotation marks because I know that with the pain of labor things can change at any time. I'd like to hope that I can pull through labor without any drugs, but we'll see.

BTW, I'm Donna. :hi: I like the idea of using first names now. Makes ithe thread much more personable. :)
Great news, Christine, on your tubes being clear. I'm sure it's such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore. Are you planning on having anymore tests done?

Jamie, I'm so glad your gender reveal party went well and that your twin was so surprised. Now you can start buying all your precious little girl stuff and enjoy sharing all the upcoming milestones with your family.

Crystal, I am still over the moon excited for you. With that 2-3 week digi you should have nothing to worry about with your blood work. 11 weeks does seem a little late for your first appt but it will be here before you know it.

My dr pulled me off work early so yesterday was officially my last day. I'm really not ready to go out this early but I know I need to do what's best for the baby. I was at work for 14 hours yesterday trying to get things wrapped up before my leave and the baby was not happy with me by the end of the day. I had really bad Braxton hicks and thought for sure I was going into labor but things calmed down once I came home and rested. It made me realize that my job is probably more stressful than I thought so I know the time off will be good for us while I wait for my little man to arrive.

The heat is starting to kick in over here too, but other than that I've been feeling pretty good so far. Jamie, I think you asked about a birth plan - I don't have one written out but my "goal" is to try and deliver naturally without an epidural. Note how I have "goal" in quotation marks because I know that with the pain of labor things can change at any time. I'd like to hope that I can pull through labor without any drugs, but we'll see.

BTW, I'm Donna. :hi: I like the idea of using first names now. Makes the thread much more personable. :)
Christine, great news on your tubes being clear. I'm sure it's such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore. Are you planning on having anymore tests done?

Jamie, I'm so glad your gender reveal party went well and that your twin was so surprised. Now you can start buying all your precious little girl stuff and enjoy sharing all the upcoming milestones with your family.

Crystal, I am still over the moon excited for you. With that 2-3 week digi you should have nothing to worry about with your blood work. 11 weeks does seem a little late for your first appt but it will be here before you know it.

My dr pulled me off work early so yesterday was officially my last day. I'm really not ready to go out this early but I know I need to do what's best for the baby. I was at work for 14 hours yesterday trying to get things wrapped up before my leave and the baby was not happy with me by the end of the day. I had really bad Braxton hicks and thought for sure I was going into labor but things calmed down once I came home and rested. It made me realize that my job is probably more stressful than I thought so I know the time off will be good for us while I wait for my little man to arrive.

The heat is starting to kick in over here too, but other than that I've been feeling pretty good so far. Jamie, I think you asked about a birth plan - I don't have one written out but my "goal" is to try and deliver naturally without an epidural. Note how I have "goal" in quotation marks because I know that with the pain of labor things can change at any time. I'd like to hope that I can pull through labor without any drugs, but we'll see.

BTW, I'm Donna. :hi: I like the idea of using first names now. Makes the thread much more personable. :)
Great to hear Christine!!! Did they shed any light though on why you may have had such terrible cramps?

Ha-ha, lady drama? It's out there, but not on this thread! I'm genuinely happy for you Crystal! And look at you, already peeing on the dreaded digital...way to go! Any symptoms you can clearly pin on pregnancy?

Dani, was your weekend as relaxing as it sounded? The first time I had a mojito I almost gagged. Fast forward a few more vacations, things started tasting better :). That's how I imagine it'll be one day with olives, and horseradish, and coffee and.... Congratulations on hitting the third trimester!!

Speaking of coffee, maybe you should have had a little espresso to wake up that boy of yours Fleur ;). Hoping your little guy gives you some reassurance before your appointment on Friday. Best wishes!

Awe, I love the name Jenny! My oldest sister shares the same name. I'm seriously the only one who calls her Jenny though, everybody else uses Jen or Jennifer. Happy to hear the visit with DH's went well! A great start to a promising relationship! :flower:

Sounds like the gender reveal party was a blast Jamie! I hope you got to put your feet up at the end of the night while everybody else cleaned up around you. I guess we should have been calling you Fratwinsie, ha! I was also expecting an identical twin. Great name you've picked out! In response to your earlier question to me...no, my sister in-law did not know about our loss. I'd hate anybody to keep their joyous news to themselves in worry of offending me, that'd be the biggest offence of all, lol!

Katie, I encourage you to tell DH about the forum. So what?...he might poke fun initially, but I think he'd be glad to know that you've got support from a great bunch of ladies :). I was embarrassed at first to admit to anyone I was on it, but now I'm glad I get to be open and share things that I've learned and show the enjoyment I get from these conversations. Ha-ha, Randi the preacher!

Are you managing well with the summer temperatures Joy?

My weekend and great! I hated mojitos prior to being pregnant. Now it's my go to mocktail.
Christine- hooray your clear tubes!!!

Crystal- I'm sure your blood work will be great. I do worry that your first appt isn't until 11 wks tho.. I would speak up and tell them you want one at least by 8 weeks. If god forbid it's an ectopic that is dangerous for you and the baby. That's why they usually check by 8 weeks. I'd bring that up! Just a thought. Plus then you don't have to wait so long and neither do we :) if they refuse, try another place.

Donna- enjoy ML! I'll be starting mine early too mainly bcuz we are moving an hour away in august so no need to find a new job for 2 months. I'm looking forward to the time off!

Randi- fratwinsie lol! Yea, I wouldn't want anyone to hold off their good news either for my sake. Very kind of you.
Great news Christine!!

Jamie, you are an adorable half pint pregnant lady. It looks like your party went off without a hitch! So much fun!!

Enjoy ML Donna! Sleep lots and watch some bad TV. Get it all out of your system while you can!

AFM: I'm toying with the idea of calling up my doctor. I started spotting last night (fresh blood, but barely any) and it's kept up a bit this morning (old blood, barely any). I'm very concerned about my body at this point. I had those three days of weird old blood, then a few days of nothing, then a full period, then a week of nothing, then this. I feel like I've done something to myself. I started using OPKs yesterday, (CD 12) and no surge yet, so this isn't O bleeding. I think it'd be too much for that anyways? Is this normal with Vitex?
Randi - my symptoms have been pretty mild. Mostly, my boobs are pretty sore. Otherwise, I'm a little more tired than usual, peeing a little more than usual and a little more emotional but none of these have been significant.

Donna - Enjoy your leave! I have a feeling I'm going to be the same way when I have to go on leave and my last day will be a long one.

Katie - I think it's worth giving your doctor a call and she what they say.

AFM - My doctor's office finally called and my progesterone is at 44 and hCG at 938. They're having me go in for repeat blood work tomorrow to make sure my hCG is doubling so I'll be doing that in the morning. My doctor also scheduled me for an ultrasound at 6 weeks so I'll be going in for that on the 18th. That makes me feel much better than just hanging out waiting until the end of July.

I'm feeling a little less nervous now that I have my lab results and my numbers are looking good so far. I'm really hoping things continue to go smoothly.

Have a good day ladies!
Good crystal!! Glad you're going in at 6 weeks! Awesome!

Katie- I really haven't heard that happening on vitex but what you can do is search "vitex" on bnb and read up on some threads where the subject is vitex. See if anyone's mentioned bleeding on and off while on it?
Christine, that's fabulous news!!! So glad to hear that!!! Have they given you any indications of where you go from here? A lot of women get pregnant within the first 3 or so months following an HSG, so here's hoping you'll be one of those women! :hugs:

Crystal, I'm so glad to hear your numbers are all looking good, and that they'll be bringing you in for an U/S at 6 weeks! Yay! Much better than having to wait until 11 weeks for anything. Don't worry, I'm sure your mom will be super excited for you and for this baby as well! It's still her grandchild after all, I'm sure she'll be thrilled! Oh, and that's hilarious that DH just assumed we'd be full of drama and mad at you. :rofl:

Randi, thanks! I don't mind my name at all, but I can say being born in 1981 there were a TON of us. My parents had no idea when they named me that the name was so popular at the time. I'm technically Jennifer and use that for formal reasons, but I'm been called Jenny from day 1. :)

Donna, I really hope you're able to enjoy ML! You're SO close now, I can't believe it! I hope the extreme summer heat can hold out for you a bit longer until little guy gets here. I'm glad you haven't been too uncomfortable yet though! :flower:

Dani, that's funny about the mojitos! I wonder if you'll continue liking them once little guy is born? (and once you're able to make them not-virgin again!) I'm glad you enjoyed your lovely weekend!

Katie, that's so odd...I would be super frustrated if I were you too! I think calling your doctor isn't a bad idea at all. Refresh my memory, have you had any testing done yet or anything?

Fleur, I think it's totally normal to find something new to worry about! I don't think you're alone in that boat! I'm glad some experiences on here were able to help put your mind at ease though! :hugs:

Jamie, that's great that you'll be able to start your ML early too! Yay! So does this mean you're moving further away from your parents and sister? :(
Jenny- actually I'm moving closer to my family :) I love an hour away from them right now. DHs Fam will be closer too! We both moved away from our families for jobs years ago, met in this area, and got married. Im lucky both our families are only 25 mins start from each other, so we can move closer to both of them!
Okay, I finally just got truly caught up on here after a crazy couple of weeks. So I apologize in advance because this is going to be long lol.

Fleur- You asked me forever ago how old I am. I'm (gasp!) 37. Not old in the grand scheme of things, but in TTC terms I'm ancient ;) Took a long time to meet the right guy, was weirdly traditional (for me) about wanting to get married first, then was trying to be a practical Capricorn and be more financially stable. So here I am now, starting when most people are finishing. I hope you're not too stressed about the baby not moving. Your next scan is Friday, right? Good luck!

Donna- I can't believe you're getting so close! It must have really hit home when you were washing his clothes for the first time. Wow. Please take it easy and rest up. Enjoy stupid marathons on TLC and sleep late! I'm sorry things are so tough with your mom's situation. My brother-in-law had brain cancer, and when things got worse he wasn't really "him" anymore. It's so hard trying to explain that to people. Someone looks like themselves and still has the same hair, the same gestures, the same expressions. But they don't act the way THEY act. It's almost like you begin the grieving process, because you really are grieving the loss of their personality. :hugs:

Dani- I really love the nursery, it's going to look awesome when it's done! You're getting so close now. Do you feel like you're ready or is it an ongoing process?

Katie- I can completely relate to the frustration of TTC and also that fear that there's something wrong. For me this is cycle #7 as well (with about 6 months of NTNP) and it gets a little bit harder every time AF shows. I think you should check in with your doctor just for some peace of mind. Sometimes our minds do way worse things to us than our bodies do!

Jamie- I love the name Sienna! Very pretty and unique. Also fitting, since she'll probably be a brunette. (Although both my parents have brown hair and I'm a redhead, so you never know!)

Jenny- I missed you saying your name originally and I was like "Who's Jenny???" Lol. I was born in 78 and there were about 6 Jennifers in my grade, but I've always loved the name! I've never met a mean Jenny, and you're definitely no exception :)

Randi- What you went through is totally unfair and you have every right to feel angry or sad or anything you want to feel about it. You're still healing. It must be really tough to have so many people around you getting pregnant and having babies. I know you're happy for them too, but you know what I mean. My husband's ex has three kids now, and she is just the worst mother. I'll never understand why it's sometimes so easy for people who seem undeserving and so tough for the women who want it so badly.

Crystal- Hooray for good numbers! When do they test you again? Is it sinking in yet? I'm so glad they're doing a 6 week scan and you don't have to wait to 11 weeks. That would have driven you nuts, not to mention what it would have done to all of us ;) How are you feeling?

AFM, I got more good news today! The doctor called me unexpectedly early with the ultrasound results. Everything looked great except for a tiny endometrial polyp, which she assures me has no effect on my fertility. So it looks like I'm all good! DH was supposed to get his SA done on Saturday, but I'm supposed to O around then so I'm thinking I may need to use that stuff lol. He has a son already, so hopefully he's ok.

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the support with my tests! I was pretty scared. It hurt like hell and I'm still spotting but knowing I'm okay made it worth it. As for being on here, I totally agree that you're all such a wonderful group of women and I feel really lucky to be a part of this group! My DH is used to me being online. I've been on forums since my Buffy watching days ;)
YIKES, I just realized my last comment posted 3 times! Lol, sorry about that. I went back in to edit some typos and I guess it accidently reposted the whole comment.

Katie, I think I mentioned before that I've read mixed reviews about Vitex. Some women said it messed up their cycles big time. It might be best to stop the Vitex and let it clear out of your system. Hopefully that will do the trick and your cycle will go back to normal after that.

Crystal, those are fantastic betas and a great sign that the baby is progressing well! I'm glad they moved up your ultrasound to six weeks. That's just around the corner.

Christine, so glad you got more positive news about your ultrasound. Like Jenny said, a lot of women get pregnant after their HSGs so hopefully it helped clear the path for your little eggy and we'll have 2 BFPs on our thread this month!

Thank you ladies for the well wishes regarding my maternity leave. It still hasn't sunk in that I don't have to go back to work for at least 4 months. Now I'm just anxious for the baby to get here so I can spend this time with him. I ordered a custom coming home outfit for him on Etsy and it came in yesterday. It came out so cute!!! I can't wait to see my little bubs in it.


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Donna: SO. ADORABLE. Can you believe that his COMING HOME outfit has arrived?? Not long now!!

If you are looking for something good to start your ML TV watching with, I'll be watching Magic Mike this weekend as I paint. :winkwink: I haven't seen it, but after seeing the preview for the sequel, I decided I was really missing out on something special!

Christine: I'm so glad to hear that all your tests are positive (or.... negative? You know, the good one!) and that your doctor got back to you so quickly!! Fx for you that the peace of mind will help out this month. :hugs:

Sorry I was so FRANTIC yesterday! Whenever weird things happen, I immediately sign on here to get your feedback. I usually calm down after! Which is exactly what happened yesterday. :wacko: All the spotting has stopped, and I'm going to monitor the situation for now. If it happens again next month, I'll call the doctor. I'm also thinking I potentially missed my "surge" with the OPKs, since I started using them Monday afternoon, just before the bleeding started. So, I could have had the surge Sunday, and the bleeding might have been O. :shrug: I haven't experienced O bleeding before, but hey, maybe the Vitex is working? And Dr. Google says that what happened sounds a whole lot like O bleeding. Guess I better hop to it then, hunh? :sex: You know, just in case. :winkwink:
Crystal, I'm so excited for you and glad you got an earlier appointment. It will give you peace of mind.

Jenny, I'm actually really, really looking forward to having an ice cold delicious beer! I think I will probably still like mojitos but not have them because I can have the hard stuff!

Donna, I may copy you on the Etsy outfit. That's soooo adorable!

Christine, it's definitely an ongoing process. I go back and forth with feeling like I have time and I have no time. I'm keeping my nursery pretty simple. Probably can be done in a weekend if I'm honest with myself so for now I'm not doing much. Doing one or two little things each day.

I'm having trouble with names, but I like calling everyone by their real name!
Jamie, that's great!!! DH and I are planning on moving to Colorado in the next 1-2 years, which will be about 10 hours from our families (who now live anywhere from 5-20 mins away). It'll be a big change. :( I'm so glad you'll be able to be closer to yours! :thumbup:

Christine, that's funny about the name and not knowing who they were talking too! :) And you're so sweet, thank you! :hugs: I will admit that like Dani, I'm really enjoying the real names thing, but I am still trying to keep them all straight in my head! I think I'm finally starting to get them now though. :) That's great news on the U/S! :dance: I hope the HSG does the trick and you get pregnant in no time!

Donna, that's funny about the 3 posts! Eh, no worries. :winkwink: I LOVE the take-home outfit, that's SO cute!!!! I can't remember if you had told us the name before, but either way I love it! :thumbup:

Katie, it totally makes sense, I think we all get a little frantic from time to time with TTC. :winkwink: I'm glad you're feeling better about it now though! I hope it was O bleeding! Are you covered if it was?

Dani, I totally get that! DH and I are pretty into craft beer (we even took a brewery honeymoon around Colorado) so I can totally understand the craving for a nice, cold beer! I bet that first one will taste heavenly. You're almost there! :haha:

Crystal, have you gotten your next set of numbers back yet? Or is today that you're having them drawn?

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