30-Somethings TTC#1

Its been so quiet on here for the last few days - it must be because Squirrel is away! Hurry back everyone :shrug:

We got our test results back yesterday - DH had his SA and I had blood tests taken. I have to say the doctor was a lovely guy but bless him he didnt know much. I think I knew more than him with my BnB knowledge!!

My bloods were normal except for my progesterone, it showed as being very low at 5 (he was saying above 15 would show I had ovulated). But he was really confused as I got a +opk and my cycles are reasonably regular. What Ive since found out is that you need to do this day 21 test 7 days AFTER you ovulate, or 7 days prior to AF. I went 2 days after I got the +opk so no wonder the bloody test was low!!

DH SA was normal volume, morphology (quality), concentration. On the motility two of the readings were normal, but then there was 66% immobile. But the doctor didnt have the healthy range to work out what the normal range was. He seemed to think it was on the high side but not that bad.

Ive been doing a bit of research and think that whilst I may not be ovulating I think its more likely my test has been screwed up, but DH's sperm may not be very mobile. We have an appointment with a fertitility clinic on 3rd November to find out more and hopefully they will be able to give us more information. In the meantime I think I am going to start using soft cups as hopefully it will help the little :spermy: get a bit closer to where they should be!

What does everyonelse think?:shrug:
Hey Ladies

Sorry to hear of those of you who are about to get AF, I know how devasting it is when she arrives. Good luck to those who are about to O, hope you catch that egg. This whole TTC journey is just so damn draining and you feel anything but normal but we have to keep fighting as our BFP's could be right around the corner.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but things have been very difficult for us. We had our hopes raised with the 3 eggs released last cycle but we didn't manage to catch any so I took a huge dip. Then the real drama started I went for my CD2 scan and I had a large cyst on 1 ovary and the other looked like it was full of dark dots on the screen. The doc just causually droped in "i did tell you that you have mild PCOS didn't I" was numb with shock as this was the first I had heard of it and I had no signs. Blood test were good, not overweight, regular cycles and O on my own. He told me that we have to abandon TTC this month and take the BCP from day 5 to clear the cysts and then Metaformin for the PCOS. He seemed to rush me out and I couldn't even remember when I was supposed to start taking the Metaformin.

Spoke with DH and he was furious and didn't believe that I had PCOS as everything had been fine until that point. We had already discussed flying back to London if we had to have IVF and I had already done my research on doctors. The following day I called the doc in London and discussed my case and sent through all of my test results and scans so far. I completed a questionaire of loads of questions and arranged an appointment for 20th of this month. The consultant himself called me later that day to advise me that he disagreed with all of my treatment so far and that I should not have been put on the meds as they were of no benefit to me as my body ovulated on it's own naturally. He believes that I do not have PCOS and advised me to not take the Metaformin or BCP. I have been told that my body has hyperstimulated and I was lucky that I challenged the diagnosis otherwise I could have been very ill. I now cannot do any treatment for 2 months as we have to wait that long to get everything out of my body and balanced again.

The whole thing has been such a nightmare but I am very happy that I am now able to go home and seek treatment from the best doctors. I fly next weekend and have a couple of appointments booked for test and consults.

I am really hoping that things will now start moving forwards more positively as all of this is hard enough when you are living overseas away from all the people you are close to without having to deal with all this medical nonsense.

DH has been so amazing supporting my decision to seek treatment from a private doc back home. I know more than ever just how lucky I am to have him.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and hope to catch up with all of your news soon :hugs:
Its been so quiet on here for the last few days - it must be because Squirrel is away! Hurry back everyone :shrug:

We got our test results back yesterday - DH had his SA and I had blood tests taken. I have to say the doctor was a lovely guy but bless him he didnt know much. I think I knew more than him with my BnB knowledge!!

My bloods were normal except for my progesterone, it showed as being very low at 5 (he was saying above 15 would show I had ovulated). But he was really confused as I got a +opk and my cycles are reasonably regular. What Ive since found out is that you need to do this day 21 test 7 days AFTER you ovulate, or 7 days prior to AF. I went 2 days after I got the +opk so no wonder the bloody test was low!!

DH SA was normal volume, morphology (quality), concentration. On the motility two of the readings were normal, but then there was 66% immobile. But the doctor didnt have the healthy range to work out what the normal range was. He seemed to think it was on the high side but not that bad.

Ive been doing a bit of research and think that whilst I may not be ovulating I think its more likely my test has been screwed up, but DH's sperm may not be very mobile. We have an appointment with a fertitility clinic on 3rd November to find out more and hopefully they will be able to give us more information. In the meantime I think I am going to start using soft cups as hopefully it will help the little :spermy: get a bit closer to where they should be!

What does everyonelse think?:shrug:

Hi Waiting. Glad you got your results back and DH results seem to be quite good. I've had a quick read on the mobile amount. This link might help?..


If the immobile amount is to do with 'motility' then I think they class anything over 40% as 'normal'
SA results change all the time tho. I was talking to my friend yesterday who went thru the IVF route and her DH had a count of 8mill, 12mill, 20 something mill and then 42 mill! All on diff occasions!
I think it sounds like they did your test at the wrong time......Are they going to re-do it?
Good luck Waiting :hugs:
Hey Ladies

Sorry to hear of those of you who are about to get AF, I know how devasting it is when she arrives. Good luck to those who are about to O, hope you catch that egg. This whole TTC journey is just so damn draining and you feel anything but normal but we have to keep fighting as our BFP's could be right around the corner.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but things have been very difficult for us. We had our hopes raised with the 3 eggs released last cycle but we didn't manage to catch any so I took a huge dip. Then the real drama started I went for my CD2 scan and I had a large cyst on 1 ovary and the other looked like it was full of dark dots on the screen. The doc just causually droped in "i did tell you that you have mild PCOS didn't I" was numb with shock as this was the first I had heard of it and I had no signs. Blood test were good, not overweight, regular cycles and O on my own. He told me that we have to abandon TTC this month and take the BCP from day 5 to clear the cysts and then Metaformin for the PCOS. He seemed to rush me out and I couldn't even remember when I was supposed to start taking the Metaformin.

Spoke with DH and he was furious and didn't believe that I had PCOS as everything had been fine until that point. We had already discussed flying back to London if we had to have IVF and I had already done my research on doctors. The following day I called the doc in London and discussed my case and sent through all of my test results and scans so far. I completed a questionaire of loads of questions and arranged an appointment for 20th of this month. The consultant himself called me later that day to advise me that he disagreed with all of my treatment so far and that I should not have been put on the meds as they were of no benefit to me as my body ovulated on it's own naturally. He believes that I do not have PCOS and advised me to not take the Metaformin or BCP. I have been told that my body has hyperstimulated and I was lucky that I challenged the diagnosis otherwise I could have been very ill. I now cannot do any treatment for 2 months as we have to wait that long to get everything out of my body and balanced again.

The whole thing has been such a nightmare but I am very happy that I am now able to go home and seek treatment from the best doctors. I fly next weekend and have a couple of appointments booked for test and consults.

I am really hoping that things will now start moving forwards more positively as all of this is hard enough when you are living overseas away from all the people you are close to without having to deal with all this medical nonsense.

DH has been so amazing supporting my decision to seek treatment from a private doc back home. I know more than ever just how lucky I am to have him.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and hope to catch up with all of your news soon :hugs:

Hi Carole,
So sorry you've had to go through all of this. I really feel that so much of our turmoil and troubles are down to these medical people who really don't know what they're talking about! It makes me so mad.
Glad you've found someone who can help and that your DH is being so lovely and supportive. Good luck for all your tests. :hugs::hugs:
Hi everyone.
Update from me:
This last week has been dreadful.
I had the worst ever endo pains last weekend with AF and have had them ever since.
DH and I haven't really spoken at all for the last week and have lived like strangers in the same house. Differences over what we want etc. Today he has relatives round, so we tried to talk about it before they came, but only got so far.
Anyway, in the midst of an argument I blurted out that the gyno said he'd removed all my endo during the laparoscopy in July but I was still in pain, so my doc wanted me to go back. DH replied with 'he didn't say he'd removed it all, at all, he said that he'd got most of it' :dohh: Hence the reason why I probably still have pains. I did seem to remember hearing the gyno say 'I removed as much as I could' but think that was while I was all drugged up, so thought I must have heard wrong! Massive sigh!
Well, think this Sunday I'm going to have to compile a big list of questions to ask my gyno when I'm there on Monday, including whether my endo was actually removed or not!

Hope everyone else is ok. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
TTC sucks! :growlmad:
Hi everyone.
Update from me:
This last week has been dreadful.
I had the worst ever endo pains last weekend with AF and have had them ever since.
DH and I haven't really spoken at all for the last week and have lived like strangers in the same house. Differences over what we want etc. Today he has relatives round, so we tried to talk about it before they came, but only got so far.
Anyway, in the midst of an argument I blurted out that the gyno said he'd removed all my endo during the laparoscopy in July but I was still in pain, so my doc wanted me to go back. DH replied with 'he didn't say he'd removed it all, at all, he said that he'd got most of it' :dohh: Hence the reason why I probably still have pains. I did seem to remember hearing the gyno say 'I removed as much as I could' but think that was while I was all drugged up, so thought I must have heard wrong! Massive sigh!
Well, think this Sunday I'm going to have to compile a big list of questions to ask my gyno when I'm there on Monday, including whether my endo was actually removed or not!

Hope everyone else is ok. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
TTC sucks! :growlmad:

Hey Floofy sending you massive :hugs: and so sorry you are having such a hard time right now. This TTC journey really does take its toll and attack every aspect of our lives no matter how hard you try to not let it.

The list is a great idea as I know when I go in I always forget something I want to ask and kick myself when I come out. Really hope that they can sort out your endo real soon as that kinda pain is just too much for someone to bear.

I completely agreed that TTC totally sucks.

Take care and keep us updated with what the doc says at your appointment :hugs:
Floofy thanks for the link - it does seem that with the 44% motility he is possibly in the normal category, and hopefully can just ignore the 66%! I am requesting a copy of the test on monday as they didnt give it to me and I cant remember everything it said.

They have referred both of us to the fertility clinic, appointment in November, and the first things they do apparently is retest both of us. So I'll find out about my progesterone then as I am sure the FC wont mess it up.

Floofy, so sorry you are still in pain & that you have fallen out with your DH. Perhaps the two of you need to go out for the evening or something and make up, and have a night off tcc. If AF is around/ just been then you will be wanting to :sex: soon - so you definetly need to make up!!

Carole, I cant believe how badly your doctors have treated you out there. Sounds like the London doctor knows what he is doing, so hopefully this will bring you some good news soon x
Hi ladies,
Big :hugs: all around. Seems we are all struggling in our own ways on the TTC adventure.
The ol :witch: got me today. Next up for me will be my HSG late next week. It was scheduled for this past month but I had to cancel it as the doctor scheduled it too close to my O time. That was annoying because I told her when I called that the day would be too late but she didn't listen. Then when I went the FS she confirmed that the day it was scheduled was likely the day before ovulation for me (all the herbs and acupuncture have actually made me O a little earlier in my cycle than I used to.) So now my FS is just going to do it herself this cycle. I am very interested in the results. She keeps telling me that I "likely" have endo as that is really the only explanation for my left ovary being stuck behind my uterus. I'm hoping that if I do have endo that my tubes are still open. It's just hard to believe seeing as I have really no symptoms at all. But we are apparently ignoring that for now and if the HSG is ok we will be trying IUI this month. DH had a repeat SA this week and the nurse called and said it was "normal" and his count had almost doubled since having his varicocele repaired. She didn't give us any specifics though. SO that is good news!
I had dinner with my best friend this week who, of course, is pregnant. We have been close for 20+years, had planned on having our kids together and started TTC at about the time. Clearly that has not worked out as planned. It was a little awkward when she first announced she was pregnant but I have done my best not let this change our friendship. I am really happy for her but sometimes it is just unbelievably hard. I also do not talk to her (or really anyone but my DH for that matter) about my issues because I don't want to rain on her parade, and I have a difficult time talking to people about it because most of them can't really understand what it is like. But she started talking about how "lonely and isolating" pregnancy can be. :dohh: I really wanted to yell at her and say "try struggling with fertility issues!" I just smiled though and let all the yelling go on in my head. Maybe it is "lonely," :shrug: I wouldn't know...yet.
Sorry for the little venting session.
I do feel better:thumbup:
Thank goodness for you lovely ladies on this thread. You make it all a little less lonely.
It is a holiday weekend here. Im going to go try and enjoy the rest of it, even if :witch: is here.
:hugs::hugs::hugs: to Carole, Floofy, Waiting, Blondie...

Hubby is heading away to the US with work tomorrow morning so there's been a lot of :sex: going on (and there' still tonight :winkwink:), but I don't think I'll be O for a while yet so it's probably not going to be this month. On the upside I'll be going to join him next week so I get a holiday out of it anyway :happydance:
Blondemop - good news on the SA results. I was reading on here somewhere yesterday that the varicocele is one of the main problems of male infertility.
Hope everything goes well with your HSG. I can understand why they think you may have endo if the ovary is stuck. Lots of people have no symptoms of endo and sometimes it is found by accident. I only started getting bad symptoms beginning of March and that's why it was being investigated, but it was probably there before that.

Conina - have fun on your trip! x x
Its been so quiet on here for the last few days - it must be because Squirrel is away! Hurry back everyone :shrug:

We got our test results back yesterday - DH had his SA and I had blood tests taken. I have to say the doctor was a lovely guy but bless him he didnt know much. I think I knew more than him with my BnB knowledge!!

My bloods were normal except for my progesterone, it showed as being very low at 5 (he was saying above 15 would show I had ovulated). But he was really confused as I got a +opk and my cycles are reasonably regular. What Ive since found out is that you need to do this day 21 test 7 days AFTER you ovulate, or 7 days prior to AF. I went 2 days after I got the +opk so no wonder the bloody test was low!!

DH SA was normal volume, morphology (quality), concentration. On the motility two of the readings were normal, but then there was 66% immobile. But the doctor didnt have the healthy range to work out what the normal range was. He seemed to think it was on the high side but not that bad.

Ive been doing a bit of research and think that whilst I may not be ovulating I think its more likely my test has been screwed up, but DH's sperm may not be very mobile. We have an appointment with a fertitility clinic on 3rd November to find out more and hopefully they will be able to give us more information. In the meantime I think I am going to start using soft cups as hopefully it will help the little :spermy: get a bit closer to where they should be!

What does everyonelse think?:shrug:

Hi Waiting, if the speed is the only issue with your DH's SA, apparently IUI works well for that (usually with Clomid for you). Good luck hope you get your bfp :thumbup:
I have done 3 IUIs so far and no luck, but DH's issue is poor morphology, we are going for an unmedicated one this week.

good luck to the rest of the girls
:wave: Hi ladies! Looks like it's been a tough week for everyone. :hugs:

I'm back from vacation. Had a great time. Glacier National Park was the best. Perhaps the prettiest place in all of the US! It was a nice diversion as well because I know I O'd sometime while on vacation, but have no idea when. So it'll just be a go with the flow kind of month.

Also got all the insurance plan information in the mail and read through it this morning. Looks like they cover all diagnosis and treatment of infertility but I will need to wait til January to start doing any sort of tests to avoid a 12 month preexisting condition clause. So, I'll probably call and schedule an appointment for the first available time slot in January. Till then, I hope to just chill out and let it ride. Of course, my ability to do that changes from moment to moment! :haha:
Hi everyone,
Just to update as promised.
Saw my gyno. He said during the lap he zapped the endo he could see and showed me the pics again. He said there could be other deposits he couldn't see.
My only options are to get pregnant or have a prostan or lupron injection to put my body into menopause. I joked that we'd been trying the first one.
The hard thing is, I'm quite happy to keep on ttc, but sometimes the pain is unbearable. He suggested trying different pain killers and getting a TENS machine.
Obviously don't want the injection at all. Hope it doesn't get bad that I have to.
Just a bit worried that if we keep ttc and it doesn't happen, that my endo will get that bad and I won't have any choice but to.....
Anyway, O time approaching hopefully. CD10 today.
DH and I are a bit better so here's to another go....................

Hope everyone else is ok x x
Hi Ladies,

Sorry that I have not posted in here for such a long time, I thought I had subscribed to the thread but obviously not.

Been trying to catch up on the highs and lows, but big :hugs: to you all and I am wishing us all some very nice :bfp:'s for the upcoming TTC session.

We are still on with it, nothing really happening and we have defo done it more than 104 times lol. I am just trying to put it to the back of mind but as usual the closer I get to the arrival of the :witch: I find myself thinking and obsessing about 1 thing only, but I am really trying to distract myself lol.
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me popping in, I did a search for laparoscopy and this thread popped up. I am 30 and have been ttc for 19 months.

I was after a bit of reassurance as I am booked in for a lap & dye tomorrow and I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Any advice is greatly welcomed!!!
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me popping in, I did a search for laparoscopy and this thread popped up. I am 30 and have been ttc for 19 months.

I was after a bit of reassurance as I am booked in for a lap & dye tomorrow and I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Any advice is greatly welcomed!!!

hi there :wave: Is it a lap&dye that you're having? as i'm booked in next month and v worried about it :wacko: how long have you been ttc? i'd love to know how you get on - best of luck, lots of:dust: for you :thumbup:
I've had a lap without the dye cause I have endo. It's actually fine. You will get over it after a few days and actually not feel that bad the day after.
Sorry can't help with the dye bit! x x
Hello ladies,

I hope you don't mind me popping in, I did a search for laparoscopy and this thread popped up. I am 30 and have been ttc for 19 months.

I was after a bit of reassurance as I am booked in for a lap & dye tomorrow and I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Any advice is greatly welcomed!!!

hi there :wave: Is it a lap&dye that you're having? as i'm booked in next month and v worried about it :wacko: how long have you been ttc? i'd love to know how you get on - best of luck, lots of:dust: for you :thumbup:

Yes, it's a lap & dye. I'll let you know how I get on. We've been ttc for 19 months now. Had various blood tests and scans from the GP and OH had SA. We were told by the GP that we were fine but now we've been referred to a FS we are having all the tests again because OH SA was borderline and my bloods and scans were all done at the wrong time in my cycle. Felt like we'd taken a massive step backwards, but things are moving along now.

I ovulate and I don't have PCOS so it will be interesting to see whether the lap & dye discovers anything.

OH has made some lifestyle changes and his SA has improved greatly, so fx, after tomorrow we will be able to conceive.

I think I am more worried about the anaesthetic than the procedure!!!
Hey, the anaesthetic bothered me too, cause I'd never had one before, but actually it was ok. They literally start to put it in and you don't realise. Within about 3 seconds you're out! x
Hey, the anaesthetic bothered me too, cause I'd never had one before, but actually it was ok. They literally start to put it in and you don't realise. Within about 3 seconds you're out! x

Thank you for the reassurance.

Another question - do you know how long you should leave it before having sex after the procedure? I will be on CD11 tomorrow and I normally ov on CD19 so was wondering if I'll be able to do the deed and :sex: in the lead up or give it a miss this month?

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