32 and TTC #1

Hi Girls,
May I join? I am also 32 and have been TTC#1 for 1.5 year now (on and off, not trying but not preventing), actively trying (OPK, BBT) last four months. My period is due tomorrow and I can feel the cramps already.. feeling disappointed again. Hopefully better news for you.
Hi Ladies,

Im in the same boat as all of you. Feeling old and tired of trying with BFN month after month. Im 32, DH is 37, I feel like a dinosaur trying to get pregnant because all of my other friends have 2-3 kids by now and are done while we haven't even started. My cycles are like clock work, 28 days. Ovulate on the 14th day. I can set my clock by it if I had to. This month I thought I had implantation bleeding at 10 dpo, started spotting and BAM, started 5 days early. I can't even remember the last time I started early (or late for that matter).

Im sick of hearing "it will happen, just relax" and "When it's your time it will happen" whatever, we've done the responsible thing and have established ourselves and I feel like we're being punished because we've waiting too long.

I want a baby so bad and at this point I feel like I have no control over my future. We have technically been trying since Dec 2012 but took a few months off in the fall of 2013 because we were moving into our new house. We started trying again in Nov 2013 and because I mentioned the brief break in TTC to my doc (huge mistake), he will not test us till this Nov 2014, 4 months from now, almost 2 years since we first started trying. We're taking our vitamins, DH takes Macca Root and we're both eating better and limiting caffeine, timing DTD correctly. I just feel like there is nothing that can help us right now. We're using preseed, i've used OPK, fertile focus microscope, SME plan, temping, we've went on vacation, I've even stopped the testing and just went with it for a few cycles and nothing but BFN. :(

I HATE this. And of course everyone around me is pregnant without even trying or when I confide in them insist on telling me how they are just "super fertile" because they got pregnant the first cycle, or without trying, or while still on birth control. :saywhat:
Hi Smuckers,
I can totally identify myself with you. We have started around 1.5-2 years ago but with couple of months of break. I actually went to the doctor and had some basic tests done (hormones etc.). The next steps will be SA of my husband and test to check if my fallopian tubes are not blocked. I want to give it another month before I do the HSG test as it is very stressful for me to undergo this procedures. I hoped it would work this month but I feel that AF is coming..
Hi Smuckers,
I can totally identify myself with you. We have started around 1.5-2 years ago but with couple of months of break. I actually went to the doctor and had some basic tests done (hormones etc.). The next steps will be SA of my husband and test to check if my fallopian tubes are not blocked. I want to give it another month before I do the HSG test as it is very stressful for me to undergo this procedures. I hoped it would work this month but I feel that AF is coming..

I would be happy with just a hormone check just something. Know what I mean? Ugh, I wish it could happen easily for everyone. Seems as though those that aren't ready it always happens very easily for them.

Have you ever seen that movie "Idiocracy" I very much feel like the couple that couldn't have babies in that movie. lol
No, haven't seen the movie. But the whole experience is just overwhelming. I always thought it would be more of a nice surprise for us (when we were not trying and not preventing) but it never happened so I am becoming more and more frustrated each month.
Also I slowly cannot stand parties, dinners with pregnant women/babies.. I just feel so down afterwards.
Exactly. Although, that's much easier said than done. :-/

Thanks for the reminder :-p

How long have you been running? The most I every did was a 5k here and there. I've wanted to get back into it but just can't find the time :blush:

I started in 2012. I've always hated running so it was a bit of a personal challenge to run a marathon. I ran my first that October. I definitely prefer the half marathon distance to the full. It's much easier on the body. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise. When my schedule gets hectic, exercise is the first thing to go. LOL. You should start running again. Make that your "me time." Training for a 5k just may be the distraction you need.
Hi Kass and Smuckers! I can relate to what you mentioned about your doctors' attitudes. They often take a seemingly blasé approach to handling our fertility concerns. I've been asking my doctor for years about my irregular cycles because I was concerned that they would cause me issues when trying to conceive. Since I wasn't actively trying, she just said that I'm young and I probably won't have any problems when the time comes. Ummm, okay. Can I get a guarantee, some testing or something?!
I love how doctors always presume to know the answer even without knowing all the facts. I work in a hospital and see it every day.
I'm happy to say that my OB hasn't pushed me away at all. Even before I had my HSG she mentioned waiting 3 months/ cycles and then going on clomid if necessary. Technically this was the 3rd cycle after the HSG but she didn't make me wait an extra one.
Exactly. Although, that's much easier said than done. :-/

Thanks for the reminder :-p

How long have you been running? The most I every did was a 5k here and there. I've wanted to get back into it but just can't find the time :blush:

I started in 2012. I've always hated running so it was a bit of a personal challenge to run a marathon. I ran my first that October. I definitely prefer the half marathon distance to the full. It's much easier on the body. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise. When my schedule gets hectic, exercise is the first thing to go. LOL. You should start running again. Make that your "me time." Training for a 5k just may be the distraction you need.

Before my hubby and I purchased our home I ran every day. Nice flat ground, beautiful track along river scenery for miles. We moved up the mountain and if there's anything I hate more is running hills. Blah! So yea I haven't done it much because of that. I even have a dog to run with but I swear he purposely runs into my feet just so I trip. :haha:
Exactly. Although, that's much easier said than done. :-/

Thanks for the reminder :-p

How long have you been running? The most I every did was a 5k here and there. I've wanted to get back into it but just can't find the time :blush:

I started in 2012. I've always hated running so it was a bit of a personal challenge to run a marathon. I ran my first that October. I definitely prefer the half marathon distance to the full. It's much easier on the body. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise. When my schedule gets hectic, exercise is the first thing to go. LOL. You should start running again. Make that your "me time." Training for a 5k just may be the distraction you need.

Before my hubby and I purchased our home I ran every day. Nice flat ground, beautiful track along river scenery for miles. We moved up the mountain and if there's anything I hate more is running hills. Blah! So yea I haven't done it much because of that. I even have a dog to run with but I swear he purposely runs into my feet just so I trip. :haha:

Hills? :nope: I am not a fan. I completely understand where you're coming from. Although, those hills will get you some nice legs and glutes. :thumbup:

I love how doctors always presume to know the answer even without knowing all the facts. I work in a hospital and see it every day.
I'm happy to say that my OB hasn't pushed me away at all. Even before I had my HSG she mentioned waiting 3 months/ cycles and then going on clomid if necessary. Technically this was the 3rd cycle after the HSG but she didn't make me wait an extra one.

That's great! I may need to start looking for a new doc. I'm super excited for you and your first Clomid cycle! :dust:
Hi Ladies! I'm 31 and TTC #1 myself but with slightly different circumstances. My DH had a SA last year and had zero swimmers. We went to a urologist and found out that he had CBAVD (in lay man's terms he is missing the tubing needed to get the swimmers out) and he had surgery to retrieve swimmers in Sept of last year.

On my side of things, my cycle has never been normal without the use of birth control. My OB told me that it wouldn't be impossible to get pregnant but I might need some help. (which goes along with the doc not testing just giving an opinion past posts mentioned).

We have our first appointment with the fertility doctor tomorrow. Not sure what all we will cover but I'm not expecting too many answers tomorrow. I'm expecting more of just the basics and maybe actually some testiing.

Oh and don't let me forget the other wrench in all our baby making. DH and I are both CF carriers (I think he may actually have CF but the only symptom was his CBAVD) and so when we do the IVF thing we are going to have to do PGD to make sure we don't pass CF on to a possible baby.

Just thought I would share my story with all of you and maybe join the club. Not that any of us really want to be in this club. But support does help for sure!
Hi all. I'm 31 and TTC #1 and also new to this site. I agree with all of the posts here. It feels like I'm being punished for waiting and planning our kids rather than just having them when we were in our 20s. We've only been trying a few months. I came off BCP in April and had my first "normal" cycle the first of May. I thought I would be one of those lucky ones whose cycles just went back to normal and got pregnant right away. Wrong. It was over a month and a half before I had my next cycle and it was way different than anything I've had before. And still all the tests were negative. I've started trying to monitor my CM but I'm so confused with how everything should look and when. I also have no idea how long my cycle is going to be this month since my last one was so long.

I never thought that getting pregnant would be so stressful! All of my sisters (I have 4) had no issues and most of theirs were surprises. I haven't told any of them that we're trying because I don't feel like they know what I'm going through. My husband is very supportive but I don't let him know how much this is stressing me out.

Well, now that I've given you my life story (lol), I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in this boat!
Exactly. Although, that's much easier said than done. :-/

Thanks for the reminder :-p

How long have you been running? The most I every did was a 5k here and there. I've wanted to get back into it but just can't find the time :blush:

I started in 2012. I've always hated running so it was a bit of a personal challenge to run a marathon. I ran my first that October. I definitely prefer the half marathon distance to the full. It's much easier on the body. It can be difficult to find the time to exercise. When my schedule gets hectic, exercise is the first thing to go. LOL. You should start running again. Make that your "me time." Training for a 5k just may be the distraction you need.

Before my hubby and I purchased our home I ran every day. Nice flat ground, beautiful track along river scenery for miles. We moved up the mountain and if there's anything I hate more is running hills. Blah! So yea I haven't done it much because of that. I even have a dog to run with but I swear he purposely runs into my feet just so I trip. :haha:

Hills? :nope: I am not a fan. I completely understand where you're coming from. Although, those hills will get you some nice legs and glutes. :thumbup:

I love how doctors always presume to know the answer even without knowing all the facts. I work in a hospital and see it every day.
I'm happy to say that my OB hasn't pushed me away at all. Even before I had my HSG she mentioned waiting 3 months/ cycles and then going on clomid if necessary. Technically this was the 3rd cycle after the HSG but she didn't make me wait an extra one.

That's great! I may need to start looking for a new doc. I'm super excited for you and your first Clomid cycle! :dust:

Lol you're quite the motivator. I could use some better glutes. :blush:
In excited also. O day is just around the corner. :happydance:
Hi all. I'm 31 and TTC #1 and also new to this site. I agree with all of the posts here. It feels like I'm being punished for waiting and planning our kids rather than just having them when we were in our 20s. We've only been trying a few months. I came off BCP in April and had my first "normal" cycle the first of May. I thought I would be one of those lucky ones whose cycles just went back to normal and got pregnant right away. Wrong. It was over a month and a half before I had my next cycle and it was way different than anything I've had before. And still all the tests were negative. I've started trying to monitor my CM but I'm so confused with how everything should look and when. I also have no idea how long my cycle is going to be this month since my last one was so long.

I never thought that getting pregnant would be so stressful! All of my sisters (I have 4) had no issues and most of theirs were surprises. I haven't told any of them that we're trying because I don't feel like they know what I'm going through. My husband is very supportive but I don't let him know how much this is stressing me out.

Well, now that I've given you my life story (lol), I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one in this boat!

Hi. :wave: If it helps you any, I didn't realize my cm was the way it is UNTIL we started TTC. All these years I just figured it was pre AF like clockwork and I didn't think anything of it lol
Now I know clear cm means dirty time :haha:

Your husband's surgery sounds difficult. Did it take a long time to recover from that? (Sorry if that's tmi)
Hi everyone! I'm sorry to hear that so many others are having difficulties TTC. I also thought I would be one of those who just got pregnant immediately after stopping the pill. My mom got pregnant with me immediately when she was 20, and also with my brother, when she was 36! I assumed I would be like her, but it appears to not be the case.

And yes, my family loves to all drive me crazy by asking when we're going to have children. Being 32 and married for 6 years without starting a family is completely bizarre to them. That's why the only person who knows we're TTC is my best friend. I don't plan on telling my mom until I get that BFP, otherwise she would drive me crazy.

As for how things are going here, I may have ovulated yesterday based on my temps. The next two days will tell for sure.
MnG I am assuming you were talking to me about my husband's surgery. I hope anyway hehe. I was really worried on how my husband was gonna do because I had never had to see him in that situation before of course. But he did surprisingly well. He was quite a trooper. He may have overdid it some because things down there got a little more swollen then we were expecting and after a trip to the doctor we found out he needed to take it easy a little while longer. But just shy of a year out he's good to go! We got a picture of his swimmers from the urologist and now they are on ice! :) Thanks for asking! (Again I hope you were talking to me hehe)
MnG I am assuming you were talking to me about my husband's surgery. I hope anyway hehe. I was really worried on how my husband was gonna do because I had never had to see him in that situation before of course. But he did surprisingly well. He was quite a trooper. He may have overdid it some because things down there got a little more swollen then we were expecting and after a trip to the doctor we found out he needed to take it easy a little while longer. But just shy of a year out he's good to go! We got a picture of his swimmers from the urologist and now they are on ice! :) Thanks for asking! (Again I hope you were talking to me hehe)

Yes I was :-) glad to hear he had a good recovery!
How's everyone doing today? :)

My temp was back down this AM, so I'm still waiting on O to happen...
How's everyone doing today? :)

My temp was back down this AM, so I'm still waiting on O to happen...

:wave: I'm trying to send this sinus infection on its way. It's been hindering my wanting to do ANYTHING. I don't know how I got through work yesterday. All I did was cough and blow snots :cry:

O day should be Saturday for me. I took an opk yesterday just for sh*ts bit it was still negative.

Has anyone heard of Ovulation pushed up or back from clomid??
How's everyone doing today? :)

My temp was back down this AM, so I'm still waiting on O to happen...

Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed for your O to happen soon. What methods are you using for tracking?

How's everyone doing today? :)*

:wave: I'm trying to send this sinus infection on its way. It's been hindering my wanting to do ANYTHING. I don't know how I got through work yesterday. All I did was cough and blow snots :cry:

O day should be Saturday for me. I took an opk yesterday just for sh*ts bit it was still negative.

Has anyone heard of Ovulation pushed up or back from clomid??

Sorry, I haven't read much about Clomid. Feel better soon. :hugs:

In other news, I stopped tracking my temp 2 days ago. DF said he feels like he's waking up to a beeper. :shrug: Since it's my first cycle, I figure I'll just track my CM and use OPKs for the remainder. Speaking of which, I got a positive opk last night and we did the BD this morning. He joked that I'd better not go stand on my head after. :growl mad: Not funny. :wink wink: I'm going to pull out my best lingerie and see if I can tempt him into a Round 2 this evening. :blush:

Everything seems good. Today I've had plenty of ewcm. It's funny that for years I noticed that my cm changed throughout the month, but I had no idea what impact that had on fertility. I've learned so much about my body and what it is capable of in the last. Women are truly amazing beings!

To the other two new posters, WELCOME! Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

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