33 1/2, ttc #1.

I got the results back... and not good. CD19 P was 8! Freaking 8! Seriously! I got squeezed into an appt for next Tuesday to have a consult on next steps.

I am sorry and completely understand, mine was 7 when they checked back in March. The RE told me she wouldn't bother testing me since it was so low 2 months ago she just put me on progesterone suppositories right away. She likes to see the numbers between 10-15. But I obviously got pregnant with the low progesterone and short LP (9ish days) so anything is possible! I hope your appointment goes well next week.

edit: I just noticed you said you got your P tested on CD19, but you are only 7dpo right now. I think I read that the most accurate day is 7dpo to get your P checked...so maybe it would be higher by now!

It's possible. I was told to have it checked at CD 19-21. It would be possible for me to get in and have it rechecked....

I'm not hot at all today, so I'm losing hope that this is the time. I don't feel myself baking anymore. Plus the crazy stress day I had yesterday, I think may have scared the little bean right out of me. hehe.
It'll be okay, Nona. You're definitely next. ;-) Hopefully we'll all be sporting bumps of various sizes in 2014.

Imphope, so happy that everything is going perfectly so far. Eee! You got to hear the heartbeat!

Savvy, that's so exciting that you get to tell your mom. She's going to be so happy and excited, I'm sure.

I'm so impatient to get back to trying. Closing is scheduled for next Thursday morning. It's a pretty good consolation prize for missing our vacation this year- our one-year wedding anniversary is on Sunday, and we had planned to go to Niagara Falls again this year (we honeymooned there, and it was beautiful). My DH is supposed to hear this week about a job, so fx that he'll hear today. I don't remember, but I think I forgot to mention that he put in his two weeks on June 5, and rather than have him work, his company walks them out the door and pays two weeks' severance. So good news/bad news: he and the cat have been living in Indiana with me at his sister's house, but he doesn't have a job yet.
Update! He got the job offer! He's starting at a little less than he was making in Michigan, but there's a lot more opportunity for growth at this company. So excited! :happydance:
Update! He got the job offer! He's starting at a little less than he was making in Michigan, but there's a lot more opportunity for growth at this company. So excited! :happydance:

Happy dance! I'm on my phone so I can't do the smilies. Perfect timing. Now just to sit back and finish the closing! Congratulations x2!

Yea I said it also that the summer will be over before you know it. Glad you have still been tracking. Hehe I have no one else ton follow on ff now that savvy and imphope don't need to any more.

Here's a question, how many kids does everyone want?
Hey Imphope and Lesli,
Sherwin Williams is having a sale!

https://www.sherwin-williams.com/ho... Carousel Image Position1 Painting Party Sale
Congrats Lesli! I am so excited that you hubby was offered a job, your move sounds like it is almost complete! :happydance:

We told my parents this weekend for my Mom's birthday, they were both completely shocked and very excited. So glad that they know.

I am also keeping my fingers crossed tomorrow, I have my first ultrasound. I am just hoping the baby is growing and it is where it is suppose to be for 7+ weeks. Once I see the heartbeat I will feel so much better.

Nona, my husband and I agreed on 1 child. When we started ttc we said we would see how the pregnancy went and decide later if we want to add more. I really want boy/girl twins and then I would be finished with babies...my husband knows and he would definitely freak out if it was multiples! :haha:
How about you?
Hey friends. Lots of updates here. We closed on our new house on Friday. Very exciting. Got to spend a little time in there and now we are back at our condo packing and getting ready for the big move this weekend. Meanwhile there are painters and roofers working on the house. My Inlaws are in there cleaning too!

I've had continued brown spotting for a couple weeks so I got another appointment and another scan. Thankfully all is well and baby has strong heartbeat and has almost doubled in size in a week! Huge sigh of relief. I'm such a worrier. It's terrible. I just need to relax and trust.

DH and I had a discussion last night about more kids. We are going to have to have two close together if we want two, which is what we said we wanted. Yikes. No spring chicken here.

Lesli congrats on the house and hubby's job! Yay! Savvy I'm excited to hear how your scan goes! Nona hope you're having a great week!
Nona, my husband and I agreed on 1 child. When we started ttc we said we would see how the pregnancy went and decide later if we want to add more. I really want boy/girl twins and then I would be finished with babies...my husband knows and he would definitely freak out if it was multiples! :haha:
How about you?

DH and I had a discussion last night about more kids. We are going to have to have two close together if we want two, which is what we said we wanted. Yikes. No spring chicken here.

Lesli congrats on the house and hubby's job! Yay! Savvy I'm excited to hear how your scan goes! Nona hope you're having a great week!

Hey Savvy and Imphope!

:wohoo: Imphope on the closing. I hope the packing isn't too stressful. VERY VERY happy things are going well.

Same for you Savvy. You'll probably be just as worried as Imphope was just the other day (or at least it feels like it was). FX everything will be fine and you'll be posting how exciting it was to hear the heartbeat!

For kids, I initially wanted 4, but now I'll settle for whatever I get. :flower:

This week has turned pretty stressful, but trying to work through it all.

Since my AMH is very low and my progesterone came back so low, my "consultation" today was pretty much all about IUI. Ohh that's only 2k, just for the procedures....just add another 1k for meds. Gezz. :shrug:

So for now, I'm just going to see the blessings before me right now, as we can not afford anything of the sort right now. Savvy you're my glimmer of hope with the low p... and I have to do more research on the low amh.

I started soy isoflavones this week to keep on my more natural way of making things happen. I've also been drinking more water.

So for now, tracking tracking tracking. Trying to be more discipline about everything.
Hey Lesli,

I just noticed you track your cp on ff. I got all the tools to take photos of mine! I'm kinda excited. Hopefully I can get some good pics. LOL.
Well ladies I had my ultrasound today! I was nervous and so excited and just hoped to hear a strong little heartbeat. Well imagine my surprise when the ultrasound tech told us there were two! I am having twins! I had to make sure my husband didn't pass out and I must have asked the tech about a dozen times if it was true. We heard two heartbeats and both babies measure right on track for when I said I ovulated.

Low progesterone...short LP...no fertility meds and I am pregnant with twins! Anything is possible!

Nona, are you taking prenatal vitamins? Also if you can't get a progesterone prescription you can always buy the progesterone cream at GNC or a health food store, I never tried it but read of many girls who have. I didn't start the progesterone suppositories until 10dpo. Sending positive vibes your way.
Well ladies I had my ultrasound today! I was nervous and so excited and just hoped to hear a strong little heartbeat. Well imagine my surprise when the ultrasound tech told us there were two! I am having twins! I had to make sure my husband didn't pass out and I must have asked the tech about a dozen times if it was true. We heard two heartbeats and both babies measure right on track for when I said I ovulated.

Low progesterone...short LP...no fertility meds and I am pregnant with twins! Anything is possible!

Nona, are you taking prenatal vitamins? Also if you can't get a progesterone prescription you can always buy the progesterone cream at GNC or a health food store, I never tried it but read of many girls who have. I didn't start the progesterone suppositories until 10dpo. Sending positive vibes your way.

OMG! OMG! TWINS!!!! :happydance: Soo happy happy for you! You getting them both out the way! So much for 1! hahah. Poor DH. Glad he made it out the office ok.


For me, yes that same day I got the test back I picked up some progesterone creme. I have started taking it again today. I have another friend who took progesterone the month she got prego, and throughout her cycle. She's also the one who recommended the naturopath dr. I'll be ordering some pills from her dr. soon.

Thanks for vibes. Sending baby cooking vibes your way! hehe.

Oh, so you took progesterone suppositories ? Where they prescription?
Hey Savvy,

So I just went back and read your old post about getting on 200mg of p. I'm soo annoyed right now, I could spit. I've been through all this with my doctor and she's got the nerve to suggest iui to me the other day, and yet has never offered to prescribe me p. WTH.

I will be calling her first thing in the morning and they open at 6:30! So yea, the abw (angry black woman) will be coming out.

I did put the creme on today, but only once.

Savvy, can you tell me how much the script cost you? I've read that the pills are cheaper but can be inserted the same. So if I can save that would be great.

Savvy Oh. My. Word! Twins!!! I stalked the forums yesterday waiting and boy was that a fun suprise! I'm so happy for you and your DH. I was a teensy bit disappointed when the U/S showed only one. But only for a tiny bit. I know my DH would have fainted. I am thrilled for you two and will pray for a happy and healthy pregnancy and two beautiful babes. Wahooo!! :happydance:
Nona, are you using the progesterone creme before you ovulate? I don't think you are suppose to have any progesterone before you ovulate, I believe you are only suppose to use the creme/pills after you confirm that you ovulated. Please check this out since I want to make sure your cycles aren't effected!! The girls I know who tried the progesterone creme took it around 3dpo and stopped it a few days before AF if they didn't get a bfp.

I have the generic P suppositories (200mg), they were prescribed from my RE when I got my + blood test confirming I was pregnant. I take 1 (one) a night, vaginally...they can also be taken orally but I think you get more side effects, plus it would have to travel through your body where I am sticking it right where it needs to be! :)
I got the prescription at my local pharmacy, I am not sure of the cost w/o insurance but with my insurance I only have co-pays of $10 for prescriptions. I have read that other girls pay up to $1 a pill. My prescription was written for 30 days x 3 a day (90 pills) though I am only suppose to take 1 daily.

If you have any other questions, just let me know! Happy to help explain anything, I want to see you get your BFP soon! :)
Thanks imphope! I am glad you got a sticky bean baking away, happy and healthy! While I am thrilled beyond words that I am pregnant especially with two miracle twins, I am a bit nervous too! I am still in shock.

When the tech told us she was checking for triplets I thought my husband would collapse...luckily there is only two! I can't wait to find out the genders...are you finding out or staying team yellow?
Nona, are you using the progesterone creme before you ovulate? I don't think you are suppose to have any progesterone before you ovulate, I believe you are only suppose to use the creme/pills after you confirm that you ovulated. Please check this out since I want to make sure your cycles aren't effected!! The girls I know who tried the progesterone creme took it around 3dpo and stopped it a few days before AF if they didn't get a bfp.

I have the generic P suppositories (200mg), they were prescribed from my RE when I got my + blood test confirming I was pregnant. I take 1 (one) a night, vaginally...they can also be taken orally but I think you get more side effects, plus it would have to travel through your body where I am sticking it right where it needs to be! :)
I got the prescription at my local pharmacy, I am not sure of the cost w/o insurance but with my insurance I only have co-pays of $10 for prescriptions. I have read that other girls pay up to $1 a pill. My prescription was written for 30 days x 3 a day (90 pills) though I am only suppose to take 1 daily.

If you have any other questions, just let me know! Happy to help explain anything, I want to see you get your BFP soon! :)

More :dust: to you Savvy!

Thanks for responding as I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. You are totally right, as I just researched to NOT take the progesterone before O. So luckily I only took it twice once last night and once today. Hopefully that wont' mess up things too much.

I was able to get my dr to give me a script for the suppositories. Same as yours. 200mg, 30 with 2 refills. Crazy thing is that it was free. My insurance paid for the entire thing. So I'm pretty excited.

While the nurse for my re said to take them starting at cd 17, I'm going to start at 3dpo. I think I will also schedule additional progesterone tests for 9dpo, just to see if the suppositories are helping at all.

My o should happen around the 4th of July so I'm trying talk the dh in a little :sex: road trip. Should be nice.
Nona, glad you got the P sorted out and your RE prescribed the suppositories! Just make sure you definitely O'd before starting them up! Even better they were free! I hate the cost of some meds and so thankful to have good insurance. Last summer I was super sick and needed a 14 day heavy duty treatment, without insurance it would have been close to $1000! I paid $50, which I thought was terrible! lol

Double fireworks on the 4th for you! :)
Nona, glad you got the P sorted out and your RE prescribed the suppositories! Just make sure you definitely O'd before starting them up! Even better they were free! I hate the cost of some meds and so thankful to have good insurance. Last summer I was super sick and needed a 14 day heavy duty treatment, without insurance it would have been close to $1000! I paid $50, which I thought was terrible! lol

Double fireworks on the 4th for you! :)

Thanks Savvy! It's been kinda crazy.

I'm taking so many meds now, it's just... crazy. Mostly vitamins, but my naturopathy dr. gave me a few herbs to help with keep the fibroids away, which is a good thing since progesterone is known to cause fibroids to grow.

With my low amh, I've be researching ubiquinol, which is would help increase the quality of the eggs.
Savvy! Twins! OMG, so happy for you. :-D :D That's so exciting.

Imphope, congratulations on your new house and your checkups coming back perfect every time.

Nona, very glad your doctor got you the prescription. I can't believe that she didn't suggest that right away - I'd be pissed too. I never thought about taking pictures of cm, lol. As for number of kids we want, we're hoping for two, but won't be sad if we only get one or none. We're still pretty firm on no IVF or anything massively expensive, although IUI might be an option. We haven't talked to a doctor yet about trying, so no tests have been done.

I'm technically a homeowner and in a lot of debt now, but we won't take possession until next week. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday if the previous owners get moved out early, but I'm not getting hopes up too much. :-)

We also celebrated our first wedding anniversary on Tuesday. The first year was fantastic, and our second year married is looking wonderful too. I'm a happy girl.
Lesli, Congrats on the new home and 1st Anniversary!!

Nona, I know what you mean. I have had times where I have been taking close to 15 pills a day, meds or vitamins, for my GI issues, etc. I start feeling like a pharmacy! :)

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