33 yrs young ttc#1...need buddies:)

Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

Trolley, I have not heard of this and actually I find it kind of shocking. Everything I have read ALWAYS says 1 year of trying on your own before getting doctors involved. Can you switch doctors? Sorry you have to deal with that crap, that is BS if you ask me:growlmad:
Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

Trolley, I have not heard of this and actually I find it kind of shocking. Everything I have read ALWAYS says 1 year of trying on your own before getting doctors involved. Can you switch doctors? Sorry you have to deal with that crap, that is BS if you ask me:growlmad:

Its absolute bs and im not standing for it going to call them back 2mo...and put my foot down grrrr .
Hi Everyone! I just turned 33 years old a few weeks ago, I definitely know what you all are talking about. Me and my dh have been trying over a year got pregnant about 4 months ago and lost our angel, it was a very difficult experience. We have decided to start trying again. We were using the the clearblue fertility monitor and on the first try, we got pregnant after a long time of trying so I hope it will work again :-). I hope that we will all be able to have a little bean soon.

Welcome, Miracle2012! I'm delighted you're joining us! I'm really sorry to hear about you and your dh's loss - that must have been terribly difficult :hugs:

I'm glad to hear the cbfm worked well for you - hopefully, with its help, your little bean should be with you quickly this time! Where are you at in your cycle?

Thank you fruitful for your warm welcome! I am 9 dpo so a long way to go but I am taking it easy no stress :coffee: ... waiting for another miracle. I am going to stay positive hopefully we will get a BFP in this thread soon.
Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

Trolley, I have not heard of this and actually I find it kind of shocking. Everything I have read ALWAYS says 1 year of trying on your own before getting doctors involved. Can you switch doctors? Sorry you have to deal with that crap, that is BS if you ask me:growlmad:

Its absolute bs and im not standing for it going to call them back 2mo...and put my foot down grrrr .

That does sounds like total bs, and I'd be furious if I were you. Absolutely call them back. I had a quick read of the NICE guidelines as they appear on their website:
The only reference I can find to "two years" is in their definition of infertility. Otherwise, it seems to say after one year of trying, you should be offered bloodtests to see if you are ovulating properly, an SA, and a procedure to see whether your tubes are clear. I know you said your dh had a SA done. Did they run bloodwork on you to see if you are ovulating? You haven't mentioned having an HSG, so I'm assuming they haven't checked your tubes? Also, did you speak to one of the doctors or to the receptionist? Sometimes doctors have more leeway that their staff in making these sorts of decisions and, at the very least, they should be able to explain to you exactly what they mean by saying the criteria have changed (for diagnostic tests? for treatment? for which types of treatment? which organisation changed the criteria? NICE? your local health authority?).
Good luck with it, and if they're still being stubborn, you have the option of changing doctors and getting a second opinion (or getting tests done privately if you can afford it), so don't let them get you down. :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you fruitful for your warm welcome! I am 9 dpo so a long way to go but I am taking it easy no stress :coffee: ... waiting for another miracle. I am going to stay positive hopefully we will get a BFP in this thread soon.

I have my fingers crossed for you, Miracle2012 (love the username, by the way!). I'm glad you're managing to take it easy. I think that's so important, and it's one of the things I'm trying to work on. What are you doing to keep yourself busy during the 2ww?
Thank you fruitful for your warm welcome! I am 9 dpo so a long way to go but I am taking it easy no stress :coffee: ... waiting for another miracle. I am going to stay positive hopefully we will get a BFP in this thread soon.

I have my fingers crossed for you, Miracle2012 (love the username, by the way!). I'm glad you're managing to take it easy. I think that's so important, and it's one of the things I'm trying to work on. What are you doing to keep yourself busy during the 2ww?

Well I realize that I was very relaxed the last time i got pregnant and basically was like Whatever happens happens you know... and boom it happened. So i am hoping I can keep up with the same attitude and give myself some time to conceive (about 3 months) so I won't be disappointed if ever I get a BFN. I guess you just have to be prepare yourself mentally and relax read a good book, work, exercise keep yourself occupied. Again... I hope I can keep it up this time...lol...waiting on my next " MIRACLE"(:winkwink:) .
So I got my rubella immunity test result back, and it was positive, which is awesome as it means we can carry on TTC without worries - yay!! I'm surprisingly relieved!

Girls, how's everyone? Any updates? My OPKs are still neg, so just eating healthily, meditating, and generally going about my normal everyday life :) xxx
Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

Trolley, I have not heard of this and actually I find it kind of shocking. Everything I have read ALWAYS says 1 year of trying on your own before getting doctors involved. Can you switch doctors? Sorry you have to deal with that crap, that is BS if you ask me:growlmad:

Its absolute bs and im not standing for it going to call them back 2mo...and put my foot down grrrr .

That does sounds like total bs, and I'd be furious if I were you. Absolutely call them back. I had a quick read of the NICE guidelines as they appear on their website:
The only reference I can find to "two years" is in their definition of infertility. Otherwise, it seems to say after one year of trying, you should be offered bloodtests to see if you are ovulating properly, an SA, and a procedure to see whether your tubes are clear. I know you said your dh had a SA done. Did they run bloodwork on you to see if you are ovulating? You haven't mentioned having an HSG, so I'm assuming they haven't checked your tubes? Also, did you speak to one of the doctors or to the receptionist? Sometimes doctors have more leeway that their staff in making these sorts of decisions and, at the very least, they should be able to explain to you exactly what they mean by saying the criteria have changed (for diagnostic tests? for treatment? for which types of treatment? which organisation changed the criteria? NICE? your local health authority?).
Good luck with it, and if they're still being stubborn, you have the option of changing doctors and getting a second opinion (or getting tests done privately if you can afford it), so don't let them get you down. :hugs: :hugs:

Thanx so much fruitful and for all the info...im calling the doctors on friday when the fertility doctor is on and going to speak with her and hopefully get an appointment with her that day....im really pleased to see your all clear and u can still ttc so reasuring for you.
So whats your plan this month??
Im trying to stay chilled atm...im waiting for my clear blue fertility monitor to be delivered but im not sure wether to use it tbh...i feel like just not using a thing apart from preseed...

This thread seems to have gone quiet...i hope everyone is still ok...we need to keep this going x
Hi, girls.:flower:

Fruitful, good news about your test. Now you don't have to worry!

Trolley, sounds like a good plan with the doctor's office. I kinda know what you mean, I've been teetering back and forth about maybe using the "less is more" approach. Sometimes I feel this way and other times I don't so I just kinda do what feels right day by day lately.

I have been a little confused about my cycle which is why lack of posting. My body says one thing, OPKs say another. They were pretty dark a couple days ago and then the last two days they got lighter as my cerivical position and fluid got more and more fertile. Not sure what to make of that so we have been BD'ing anyway. Figure we'll just dance when we can until I see the temperature shift indicating ovulation. Also, haven't done an OPK yet today as it's still early afternoon so maybe I'll get more answers tonight as my cervix seems to be really ready right now, very high and soft. I just wish I'd see the LH surge to confirm what my body is saying:shrug:

Trying not to stress as much as possible. Sometimes I'm good at it, sometimes I'm not, lol. I've been diagnosed with OCD so it's harder for me to turn my brain off and relax than other people. So..been trying to distract myself and stay relaxed while still staying on top of this cycle so we can catch that egg..kinda hard to do but trying my best:winkwink:

Baby dust to all.......:dust:
Hi Ladies, hope you are all doing well.

Wow! that good news fruitful to hear abt your rubella immunity test result.

Trolley_D That's a wonderful idea, hope you will see her tomorrow and get the right info.

Tink80 Just go for BD every second day, remember a sperm can survive up to 6 days.

I wish you all the best.
Hi girls!

Tink, let us know how your OPKs progress - that does sounds kind of frustrating, though I guess if you're BDing enough anyway, it won't make any difference to the outcome (but it's always annoying not getting clear answers!). It's funny, but just the other day I was thinking that TTC is an OCD-sufferer nightmare situation if ever there was one! Some aspects of TTC definitely have the potential to press all the wrong buttons. One of my favourite meditations is actually one when during the breathing exercises, you repeat "I let it go. I am not in control" - after a while I start to believe it and it's kind of soothing :)

I completely know what you girls mean about the difficult balance between feeling like you're staying on top of things and staying relaxed!! After months of BFNs it starts feeling like mission impossible. Even when I'm feeling relaxed and happy, I seem to be thinking about TTC ALL THE TIME :) OPKs are great, but they're definitely a constraint, so I understand how you feel about the CBFM Trolley Dolly. Just do what feels right for you this month.

I think my plan for this month is much like the plan for last month, but maybe using preseed. Also I've started taking fish oil. And I have enough OPKs not to run out this time - lol. We have family coming to stay around O, though, so I don't know how well we'll do, but fingers crossed!

Also, Trolley, good luck with the fertility doctor tomorrow. Let us know how it goes!

Thanks for the updates, girls! Keep 'em coming! xx
Hi Ladies, hope you are all doing well.

Wow! that good news fruitful to hear abt your rubella immunity test result.

Trolley_D That's a wonderful idea, hope you will see her tomorrow and get the right info.

Tink80 Just go for BD every second day, remember a sperm can survive up to 6 days.

I wish you all the best.

1st Try, how are you doing? Are you still getting cramps? I seem to be reading everywhere that they're very common in early pregnancy. Are you feeling any different otherwise? xx
Hey, girls!! Just got a positive OPK!!:thumbup:

Me and hubby are goin dancin tonight so let's hope I can seduce him:winkwink:
Hi ladies well we r booked in to see the fertility doctor on the 16th just at my local doctors...hopefully she will be alot better in advising us of our next options....
Well me and dh r on our fertility vitamins...im taking pregnacare...vitamin c with zinc,epo,and maca so is dh ive heard maca is good for low sperm count...so we shall c.
I also have my new cbfm which ive rigged up so gonna give it a whirl but im not going to say anything to dh and try to have fun sex every 2-3 days as ive heard everyday sex is no good for low sperm count and tbh its better for the both of us...more enjoyable.
I dont know why but i feel like ive chilled out alot this month...i turned into a crazed woman and felt so stressed last month and tbh it took it out of me...so gonna not symptom spot this month.(she says)ha.

Tink congrats on your positive opk have fun :)
Hey, Trolley. Sounds like a good plan you've got going there. We are also using Maca. I think it's working as I've felt more balanced and OH seems to have an increased amount of swimmers if you know what I mean:winkwink:

So I think my first actual positive OPK was this morning, not yesterday..even though it was really close to being so. I'm keeping all my OPKs in a notebook this month and this morning I took another test and it was WAY darker than yesterday's and upon further inspection yesterday's looked like it was almost positive but just not quite there. Test at 7:30 am was definitely a SOLID positive though!:thumbup:

Last night we had a great time going dancing and we both ended up drinking a fair deal:blush:but it was SO NICE for us to just cut loose as we've both been kinda stressed lately with family issues and I think we both really needed it. Poor OH is hungover today. I was sure we weren't going to have a chance at BD but then he woke me up with a "sample"..apologizing that was the best he could do in this state but he knew i was ovulating so he did his best. I found that to be so sweet that he was feeling ill but so committed he still did what he could. Poor thing, I did what I needed to do and ordered the sweet man a pizza to try and soak up the residual alcohol, lol.

Hope you girls are doing well. Loads of baby dust to all:dust:
Hi ladies how is everyone....

Im fuming thb....i called the doctors today about it being a year we have been trying etc....and they told me the criteria is now after 2 years....i was like wtf...since when???Im so mad...by the time it gets to 2 years they will b like...oh the criteria has changed and its 3 years im fuming!!!
Have u guys heard of this???

Trolley, I have not heard of this and actually I find it kind of shocking. Everything I have read ALWAYS says 1 year of trying on your own before getting doctors involved. Can you switch doctors? Sorry you have to deal with that crap, that is BS if you ask me:growlmad:

Its absolute bs and im not standing for it going to call them back 2mo...and put my foot down grrrr .

That does sounds like total bs, and I'd be furious if I were you. Absolutely call them back. I had a quick read of the NICE guidelines as they appear on their website:
The only reference I can find to "two years" is in their definition of infertility. Otherwise, it seems to say after one year of trying, you should be offered bloodtests to see if you are ovulating properly, an SA, and a procedure to see whether your tubes are clear. I know you said your dh had a SA done. Did they run bloodwork on you to see if you are ovulating? You haven't mentioned having an HSG, so I'm assuming they haven't checked your tubes? Also, did you speak to one of the doctors or to the receptionist? Sometimes doctors have more leeway that their staff in making these sorts of decisions and, at the very least, they should be able to explain to you exactly what they mean by saying the criteria have changed (for diagnostic tests? for treatment? for which types of treatment? which organisation changed the criteria? NICE? your local health authority?).
Good luck with it, and if they're still being stubborn, you have the option of changing doctors and getting a second opinion (or getting tests done privately if you can afford it), so don't let them get you down. :hugs: :hugs:

Thanx so much fruitful and for all the info...im calling the doctors on friday when the fertility doctor is on and going to speak with her and hopefully get an appointment with her that day....im really pleased to see your all clear and u can still ttc so reasuring for you.
So whats your plan this month??
Im trying to stay chilled atm...im waiting for my clear blue fertility monitor to be delivered but im not sure wether to use it tbh...i feel like just not using a thing apart from preseed...

This thread seems to have gone quiet...i hope everyone is still ok...we need to keep this going x

Throlley I am happy you decided to get the cbm, You can try it with everything else if it will make you feel better, but I can tell you, this monitor helped me get pregnant when everything else failed, i had lost hope and was like what ever happens happens and on the first try it worked, eventhough we lost our angel but it reassured us that we could get pregnant, because we were trying for over a year. You can only start using it the first to 6th day from the day AF starts, not in the middle of your cycle. No more stress ...lol .. I love it. let me know if you have any questions :thumbup:
Hi ladies well we r booked in to see the fertility doctor on the 16th just at my local doctors...hopefully she will be alot better in advising us of our next options....
Well me and dh r on our fertility vitamins...im taking pregnacare...vitamin c with zinc,epo,and maca so is dh ive heard maca is good for low sperm count...so we shall c.
I also have my new cbfm which ive rigged up so gonna give it a whirl but im not going to say anything to dh and try to have fun sex every 2-3 days as ive heard everyday sex is no good for low sperm count and tbh its better for the both of us...more enjoyable.
I dont know why but i feel like ive chilled out alot this month...i turned into a crazed woman and felt so stressed last month and tbh it took it out of me...so gonna not symptom spot this month.(she says)ha.

Tink congrats on your positive opk have fun :)

Throlley,Every other day I think is a great method my dh also has a low sperm count and we also did that with the cbm and continuing this month... , and yes have fun. Let's hope to get a sticky bean soon.:hugs:
Hi everyone

tink glad u both had a good blow out it needs to be done good stress release.

Miracle thanx so much fx crossed this monitor does the job...is your dh doing anything to improve his :spermy: etc...what day r u on your cbfm?

Hows u fruitful?1sttry?Friskyfish?

Happy weekend everyone 1st day we have had the heating on this year so nice to feel all cosy x:dust::dust::dust:
Hi everyone

tink glad u both had a good blow out it needs to be done good stress release.

Miracle thanx so much fx crossed this monitor does the job...is your dh doing anything to improve his :spermy: etc...what day r u on your cbfm?

Hows u fruitful?1sttry?Friskyfish?

Happy weekend everyone 1st day we have had the heating on this year so nice to feel all cosy x:dust::dust::dust:

Throlley, my hubby has been taking " wheat germ oil" lots and lots of it and me too. I am on day 10 on cbfm its says that I am on High fertility so there is going to be some "dancing" this week end :happydance: ...lol. How about you did you start? which day are you on?
Hey, Trolley. Sounds like a good plan you've got going there. We are also using Maca. I think it's working as I've felt more balanced and OH seems to have an increased amount of swimmers if you know what I mean:winkwink:

So I think my first actual positive OPK was this morning, not yesterday..even though it was really close to being so. I'm keeping all my OPKs in a notebook this month and this morning I took another test and it was WAY darker than yesterday's and upon further inspection yesterday's looked like it was almost positive but just not quite there. Test at 7:30 am was definitely a SOLID positive though!:thumbup:

Last night we had a great time going dancing and we both ended up drinking a fair deal:blush:but it was SO NICE for us to just cut loose as we've both been kinda stressed lately with family issues and I think we both really needed it. Poor OH is hungover today. I was sure we weren't going to have a chance at BD but then he woke me up with a "sample"..apologizing that was the best he could do in this state but he knew i was ovulating so he did his best. I found that to be so sweet that he was feeling ill but so committed he still did what he could. Poor thing, I did what I needed to do and ordered the sweet man a pizza to try and soak up the residual alcohol, lol.

Hope you girls are doing well. Loads of baby dust to all:dust:

Hi tink just wondered how much maca do u and the dh take every day...how long have u both been taking it?Do u feel any different?

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