33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Ooh exciting cupcake! Do you have any other kind of test? I'd be tempted to go get one! But then I am a test a holic! Defo see it more obviously than some of the very slight evaps I was getting x
Thanks Citrus <3 I have some FRERs I'm waiting to arrive, they are estimated to be here between today and Monday! If they don't arrive today at some point I will buy a pack from town this afternoon, or perhaps some Superdrug early tests, I hear they are also good. Only thing with those is the tiny window, it annoys me! So I may stick with FRER if bank balance will allow. I usually test like a crazy person and usually buy too many of the more expensive tests the further into the TWW I am, which is a rubbish habit because they are SO expensive
Yes I'm genuinely really proud of myself for not going and buying another test! But I think you have a genuine reason to this time. I got my bfp on Superdrug at 9 dpo last time, so another vote for them. Never used an frer, think the Superdrug ones are cheaper too. Good luck, let us know! You might be our shot at a Christmas baby for this thread! X
Can anyone please help me. My DD wasnt well last night fever and bright red rash on her cheeks and forehead. Doc thinks it could be slapped cheek. If i am pregnant and catch it is there a high chance i will lose the baby.

I didnt want to tell the doc as i am only 6/7dpo and not even definitely pregnant. Ugh typical.

Sorry AF got your ladies, onwards and upwards. Still holding off testing as only has one frer and 2 digital ones so i dont think they will tell me until later on anyway.
Thank you, I hope so! The Superdrug tests are definitely cheaper. I bought them before ages ago but haven't had a positive on those before, but they haven't given me an evap or false positive. Have always heard good things about them but their website doesn't have good reviews for some reason! I don't know why? Because literally everyone I have read using these has always praised them.
I have always had good results with FRERs. Thankfully we haven't changed ours to the curved FRERs because many people seem to have issues with those. Why try to fix something that isn't broken! Will grab some today if they don't arrive this afternoon x
Can anyone please help me. My DD wasnt well last night fever and bright red rash on her cheeks and forehead. Doc thinks it could be slapped cheek. If i am pregnant and catch it is there a high chance i will lose the baby.

I didnt want to tell the doc as i am only 6/7dpo and not even definitely pregnant. Ugh typical.

Sorry AF got your ladies, onwards and upwards. Still holding off testing as only has one frer and 2 digital ones so i dont think they will tell me until later on anyway.

There are risks, but they are small. As with any illness, be sure to take extra hygiene measures i.e. extra washing hands (all the family) and using alcohol gel. Our daughter had slapped cheek and was a little off for a day with bright red cheeks, but she didn't say anything to us about it so we thought her red cheeks at first were sunburn because she had been at the beach all day that day! She was fine and the symptoms didn't last long. She was generally ok, she simply said after she felt a bit off that day but it wasn't so much so she said anything about it. I don't know if you are aware, but after having slapped cheek you are immune (I think, I'm sure I read this when she had it), so if you had it (which you probably did during childhood), then you won't catch it but I'm assuming the risk to baby is still there, but still small. Also, once having it, it isn't unusual, especially for children, to see a recurrence of red cheeks from time to time, especially if feeling a little under the weather. Our daughter has red cheeks sometimes from it, but she doesn't experience any other symptoms. They don't usually, only the red cheeks
This is the NHS link. It sounds scary, but the risks are small so don't panic
Actually, is it still there? The risk, if you are immune? You know I can't remember. Will Google...

Here we are - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/slapped-cheek-syndrome/Pages/Introduction.aspx
You have to scroll down a little to see about pregnancy but it reads as though if you already had it you will be immune, which sounds as if the risk isn't there during pregnancy if you are?
Thank you. My mum doesnt recall me ever having it and my DD has been basically attached to me all night and actually rubbed her cheeks all over mine so i imagine if i am not immune i probably will get it.

I read somewhere the chances it affecting a pregnancy before 9 weeks is almost nil so i am hoping it will be ok (if i am even pregnany that is!)
I have been reading the risks seem to be between 9-20 weeks. And to be honest, the chances of your mum remembering if you had it could be small if you didn't exhibit obvious symptoms. As I said, if our daughter hadn't said anything, we would have thought it was sunburn. It was only because she said her cheeks felt hot and itchy that I Googled it and realised what it was. Sometimes the symptoms aren't obvious and I think if you did have it as a child and it happened to be summer time, your mum may have thought it was sunburn if you didn't say anything! Some don't feel awful or any different, sometimes it is simply red cheeks and sometimes a rash in other places but isn't always
I'm so sorry af got you citrus! Good luck for this new cycle!

It's okay you ladies didn't see anything on my tests. I'm sure they were evaps because they were so so faint I couldn't tell if they had color. I'm glad though, that you could see it Happycupcake! Now I know I don't have line eye as bad as I thought! &#128514;

I haven't really read all of the new posts yet I wanted to try to remember how to post the new picture haha. I'll go back and read through and reply to everyone now.

If the picture works again, bfn at 9dpo


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Ohhhh Happycupcake!! I definitely see that line!! Yayyy! I hope it's darker for you tomorrow morning! Or whenever you decide to test again! Lol! How exciting!

Jessy, I'm sorry your Lo isn't feeling well. I hope she feels better. I've never heard of slapped cheek so I'm no help there but looks like Happycupcake had the answer lol

Daisies, it's been ten years since I was on birth control so I don't really remember what my first real period was like after the breakthrough bleeding so I'm sorry I can't help on that subject. Good luck and let us know what you find out hun

Ladders, I'm sorry af got you too hun. Like you said though at least now you know what your cycles will be like now. Good luck for this new cycle! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everyone on this thread! I really hope we all stay in touch and still comment on this thread often. I really feel like you ladies are my friends now and I hope with the new cycles starting that you ladies still hang out till the next tww &#10084;&#10084;

I am not actually expecting an early bfp for myself. I've never known anyone can actually test early since I was young when I got pregnant with dd. Then ds1. Waited a few years and when we tried for ds2 I fell pregnant on the first try and waited till I was 2 days late to test. It was a clear bfp but I have no idea if I would have gotten an early positive. The whole point of saying all that is I have such a long lp (16-18 days) that I don't know when an early bfp would even show? Would having a long lp affect the time of getting an early bfp?
I am useless at seeing lines but i think i saw something there cupcake!

Thanks ladies. Will just hope for the best.
Fmu on top. Smu on bottom. Not really sure if I see anything yet maybe possibly a shadow on smu if you squint really good and maybe a flashlight with one eye open :haha:

Since it's only 9dpo I probably won't test tomorrow (if I can help it) and just test again on Sunday and probably every other day after that until either af or a bfp. I'm expecting af though because we didn't get to time dtd very well this time.


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I hope everyone stays here too, it's been nice :)
Hopfl4 I can't tell! When I invert them I'm unsure if I see a super faint line. I think with the longer lp you have to take this into account but it would also depend on when implantation happened too. I know more about short luteal phases than long, but 14-16 days is average, 18 is long. But the only things I read about are about short lp being problematic. I don't think you should see too many issues, if any, with a slightly longer lp
It's okay I'm not sure if I see anything either. I'm just going to try to skip tomorrow and test again on Sunday. I've been trying to google about the long lp but haven't been able to really find anything on it. It's mostly short lp's that I keep seeing
Cupcake I definitely see a line! How exciting!!! How many dpo are you know? Sorry I know you will have said!

Jessyg I hope your dd feels better soon it's so horrible when they are poorly as especially as your worrying also about possible*

pregnancy, I'm pretty sure that you'd need to be further along for it to be a problem though.

Daisies my first proper af following bcp wasn't the same as normal, I had slight brown blood on and off for two days and then a very short af. This time I woke up and af here in full swing and that's how it used to be so fingers crossed back to normal now hopefully you'll be the same.*

Thanks Kim and I'll definitely be hanging around as it's the but before ovulation that stresses me out the most because I'm just worried about not getting a good one in! So to speak lol*

I'm sure a see a line on that top ic!!!!
Hopefully we all either catch this cycle or next and can start a Dec/Jan baby club thread!

If i am pregnant i feel really sorry for this little mite. My DD literally climbs all over me, wedges her feet into my stomach. Blah!

Where are we all from.

I am on my phone so cant see locations but i am in Scotland.
Id quite like another jan baby so I'm definitely going to get on it this month! I'm in England btw.

I'm really in two minds about whether to take epo this month. It's the only time I really get any ewcm but I'm worried that it will delay ovulation and I really don't want it to this month as the day I'm predicted to o is dh first night shift and if delayed will be in the middle of that set and we will have no chance. And for the life of me can't remember if I took it when got pregnant with dd but then can't imagine I did as was straight after mc. Ahh decisions decisions
I hope so too Jessy! If I'm not pregnant this time I won't be on the same schedule as everyone else. I will be the following cycle though. I'm hoping that it won't take a few months for everyone to get their bfps though so hopefully all of you will be in the 1st trimester section by the time I O next time and hopefully I can meet you all there but I'm hoping that you all will still let me hang out with you all until I do O next &#128514; (I hate having such long cycles)

Ladders, when I took the epo the first time I was so pleasantly surprised to O on cd18! It was the second cycle taking it that delayed my O even more. I asked the other ladies in the thread if they knew anything about it delaying O but none of them had heard of it so maybe it was just me? It also caused mid cycle spotting which I have never ever had. IDK what that was about because it was just before O like 3 or 4 days before so I wouldn't think it was O spotting? Either way I don't blame you for being hesitant about taking it. I probably would too if it would mean I wouldn't have a chance for that month. I hope it is an actual line and not an evap!

I am in the United States. I'm way down south in Mobile, Alabama. Right on the gulf coast. I'm about an hour away from the gulf. My dd(14) is actually going camping with my mom and all the granddaughters to gulf shores for the week. She leaves tomorrow morning and will be back next Saturday. (my sister will be going too and they're going in a big camper trailer)
Hopfl4 I think there's few issues with a slightly longer lp. I will Google some more though and if I find anything I will post links :)
I know what you mean about waiting, it's the best thing to do but of course it becomes too tempting to test!

JessyG I do hope your little girl is better soon!

Did someone ask where we all are? I think I missed this. I'm in the UK.

I tested with afternoon pee after a three hour hold with an IC which I thought I saw something on, a FRER which I saw zilch on and a Superdrug early which I saw a line on but when I took it out of the case (to photograph without the shiny screen) I couldn't see anything and of course I didn't remember to check the casing before I binned it so I'm assuming the case had a line on the plastic?! Don't know why I tested in the afternoon, I drink tons of water during the day so it was a silly idea
Hi ladies,

Sorry to those of you AF got.

Cupcake - FMU test!! I love having a good squint at other peoples' tests.

Jessy, My daughter had suspected slapped cheek while I was pregnant. Apparently most adults will have had it at some point. Also by the time the rash comes out the contagious stage is over from what I read so hopefully you should be all good for a pregnancy if you get your BFP this month.

I am symptom spotting like a crazy person over here. I have loads of spots (last time I had more than 1 at a time I was pg with DD) I have heartburn, nausea, headache, bloating. I could swear I felt a pulling just below my belly button the other day but since I'm only 4-5dpo I'm trying not to read into it. Oh also I'm starving! I've been in work today and I swear the staff and patients were sick of me wondering what else I could eat!

I'm near Manchester in the UK by the way.

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