We must have a big time zone difference between all of you and me 😂 I posted my tests at about 10:30 am here but I actually got on when I got up to cook dh breakfast and lunch before he left for work this morning at 4am and there were already a few replies but I couldn't read them all and had to finish cooking his breakfast. I've been super busy today with the boys. All 3 are out of school for the week for spring break. Dd is gone camping with my parents and sister with all the granddaughters so I had to find something to entertain the boys with while dh was at work today.
Ladders, I'm sorry you're feeling bummed today. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. I hope it doesn't take very long this time for you to conceive. I have a feeling everyone here will pass me up with the bfps so I know the feeling you're talking about.
Jessy, when I zoomed in on my phone I think I can see a line there too. But if not, 8dpo is still very early so still plenty of time for that bfp! Maybe your OH is just trying to protect your feelings and that's why he's saying that? Doesn't make it any better but it could just be his way of protecting you?
Anni, I like the woman possessed comment lol! If you're confident this month then I really really hope you get your bfp on Tuesday. I actually can't wait to see your tests now! I also had the snotty cm you mentioned then it went to creamy for a day. Creamy mixed with ewcm for a day and now today back to snotty and stringy. Hopefully this will be a good thing for us!
Citrus, have you ever been tested for any kind of endo or pcos? I don't think that's what caused the pain just curious. The first month dh and I started ttc this time my first af was painful now that I think about it. I hate the cds too and the waiting to O and then the 2-3ww too lol some cycles are better than others though. When I was 16 I had abnormal paps and had to go back for another one. On the second one I was told I had precancer cells and had to have a biopsy then the leap procedure. After that my gyno told me it would probably be impossible for me to get pregnant and if I did then I would most likely not carry to term. So, when dh and I started to become sexually active on new year's eve when I was 17 we never even used any form of protection and he never tried to stop either. (we were young and not very experienced or educated on pregnancy. We were just going by what the Dr told me a few month before) anyway 10 months later I noticed I was starving to death one day and ate everything in sight which I never did before. I hardly ever ate anything back then and was tiny. Well I got him to take me to Walmart and we bought 2 ept tests and tested at 10pm that night and it was positive! To say we were shocked and scared would have been an understatement lol! Well she was born when I was 18 and everyone told me I couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding...... Well..... When she was 4 months old I go to the Dr for a check up and he comes in the room saying "congratulations, you're pregnant!" 😱😱😱😱 well ds1 was born 5 days before dd first birthday. I got the mirena iud after that but had problems with it a few years later and had it removed. Got on the pill and when we were 21 and 22 decided to try for another. I got pregnant the first month off of the pill and ds2 was born. I didn't take any birth control after that we just used the pull out method and it worked for the first 7 years. We decided we wanted to try for our last baby between the ages of 30-35. Well about 16 months ago we were pleasantly surprised with another pregnancy. We were devastated when we lost that baby 14 months ago. It took a while for dh to decide he was ready to try again after that because of how upset I was. But in November of last year we started trying again and that leads us to today 5 months later and still no bfp. I genuinely believed we would conceive on the first try but we haven't yet. I often tell dh that I wonder if maybe we waited too late to try again. I'm 32 now and he's 33. Sorry this reply was so long.
Happycupcake, I'll check out the MeLuna softcups and see if maybe that will help for next cycle. Honesty I'm so scatterbrained I have to write down lil notes and who it's from so I can reply haha. I'm sorry I don't know anything about charts so Im not much help there. When I zoomed in on the ic's I can see a line today! I also see the line on the 1st and 2nd pic of your frer. I think my ic's have indents too. I also would be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to relax.
Daisies, good luck on waiting if that's what you want to do. I don't know if I would be able to do that though. Not to sound cliche (sp?) but maybe just maybe taking a more relaxed approach it'll happen. (lol! Happycupcake!)
I'm glad you ladies like novels because I talk wayyyy too much Hahaha!