I'm so sorry Curious
I'm sorry AF got you too Petzy. I'm with you on the wine! I had a couple glasses last night when I got my bfn, hah! I told myself if I don't get Af today I won't have any tonight, but we'll see...... The odds are all against me at this point. If I were pregnant it'd be have to be like *despite* my temp dropping a little and *despite* getting a BFN at 11 dpo and *despite* my OPKs being really light... ha
I can see something in that last one Sadako!! FX. I'm 11/12 dpo today and been reading a lot about women who get totally vvfl at 11/12 dpo and go on to be perfectly prego. So I think it could be a fine time for the start of a line!
I'm hoping it's the same with me... if FF is right and I'm 12 dpo, then my vitamin B is really working! I'm happy about that since I haven't like ever had a 12-day LP. If I'm 11dpo, I'll expect AF tomorrow but I'm happy to have my normal LP length back. The last two months it's been super wonky so I feel like what we've been doing with supplements is working (Lydia Pinkham, vitamin b6, vitamin D).
I have been SO crampy for the last several days though but this a.m. was another BFN. Ugh. Last night I had like... light burning cramps? It was very odd and I can't remember ever feeling that before. Have any of you had that?
I've also been checking my CP and I cannot even feel it! I don't normally check it though so maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, but I really don't think I can feel a damn thing. It just feels squishy... no matter how far I stick my finger up there

I know I've felt it before and been grossed out (which is why I don't monitor it generally, lol) but the last few days it's just been like MIA. I did get a ton of creamy CM when I checked this morning though. My body is just being mean at this point I think!