Yeah I usually spot on 10 or 11 dpo then af there properly the next day.
I'd be excited but I'm just nother convinced about my O day - I never got a +opk or a really obvious temp shift, plus cd17 is very early for me to O. Will know for sure by the end of this week anyway!
I should have some IC coming today so will try when they do. I got my bfp last time ayou 10dpo so i just feel at 14dpo for it to be so light that it can't be right!
IC came with early amazon driver so I tested and other think negative but wouldn't put my life on it. My wee was much less strong anyway I'll just keep testing...
Here's the clearblue out of its casing and the IC I just took. Neither tweaked. I feel I can see a bit of something very faint on the IC but really could just be because grasping at straws!
Hey sadako - if I'm being honest I can see something on the IC. But if I'm gonna talk from experience I know for a fact now that I see lines on IC's bfn or not. I also think unless you had late implantation I'd hope to see a darker line by 14dpo.
However! I know your O date isn't confirmed 100% this month, and some people take longer than others to show bfp's. If your LP is usually 11 days and you're 14dpo I'd take that as a good sign! I think I'm just becoming a little negative lately - which when it comes to myself I'm taking as realistic - but for others I'd say more a negative feeling since I know my own body but not others!
Wow! Very exciting sadako. I've been reading looooads about women who get late bfps and go on to have very normal pregnancies so I'm very hopeful for you congrats!
I'm 12dpo today and no af. my temp is also way high which it's never done! I took a FRER but I'm scared to look I just don't want to see another bfn
Sorry I haven't been around I've just been stressing out about stuff. And then today our eldest daughter went and stepped on a long thick sewing needle (I think it was maybe a darning or leather needle it was so long) and went right into the bone into her heel so husband and daughter have just got back from A&E thankfully they didn't have to break the bone to remove it. She's on crutches feeling rather sorry for herself now! It's time people in our house stopped taking trips to flipping hospital!
I'm 8dpo today. I poas yesterday fmu which had a super faint pink line there but I can't figure out if it's the dye gone weird or what. I did test with today's fmu but I had an awful night last night, dozed off on sofa then woke at about 2:30am and had to drink loads, a good litre of water because of cystitis starting to creep in so didn't get to sleep then until about 4am then up at 7am pee was so diluted it was virtually clear so wasn't much if anything to see on that. I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow
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