Sadako when is af due?
Mel, I'm sorry

but as you say, it's really positive that your lp is longer
Thank you everyone, daughter is fine. I can't remember if I said before but I saw the X-ray (doc turned a blind eye to hubby taking a photo of it!) and it really was stuck right in the bone, like halfway into her heel bone! Thank God they didn't have to put her under to break it. She's fine now though, it's tender but she's good. She had gas & air when they did it and was high as a kite lol she came home and said "all I could hear was this doctor with a funny accent I didn't understand, echoeing round the room, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about so I just said yeah ok" lol! She did panic a bit according to my husband, he said she almost broke his hand.
This month has just been a nightmare for us, it literally has been one thing after another and I've been so stressed out I've lost half a stone, haven't been eating properly at all, I haven't remembered to take my vitamin supplements and I didn't bother with OPKs, I just didn't think about it. I poas because of the metallic taste and nausea when smelling certain things like our son's juice I couldn't stand it yesterday which doesn't usually bother me unless the filthy little fiend burps in my face!
I saw something at 7dpo but it wasn't anything definitive, but today there are faint but clear pink lines at 9dpo. The wider Cassanovum test don't give me lines ever for some reason so I'm ignoring that. The others are the same One Step brand but different batches. Top two are 7dpo and bottom two are today at 9dpo.
I'm not getting excited as this has resulted in chemicals on quite a few occasions now and given how the months has been I'm not holding out hope that this will progress. It's just easier to assume it won't