Ladders, you mean you buy disposable soft cups? A MeLuna or other soft cup similar is reusable, you only have to rinse them during the duration of use and then sterilise by boiling them for five minutes.
Jessy, I haven't had a pink line on a FRER that hasn't been positive. I have had plenty of completely blank FRERs and they haven't developed any kind of line after any length of time, so I would say there's a good chance you are pregnant! Give it a day or so and try another FRER. Don't try a digi until you see a definite line you know you have seen develop, because they aren't as sensitive and I would hate for you to feel disheartened by using a digi too early. I think the Clearblue digis with conception indicator are 25miu, but the others are anywhere from 50-100miu.
Also, whilst you can sometimes see a line develop within a minute, you can leave them for ten or fifteen minutes max (I can't remember which) to read them.
Citrus, you can leave a cup in for up to 12 hours like someone above said, I think Anni? They are excellent if you can get the hang of them, you have to have a good feel for your cervix to get placement correct, fold them in a way which suits you and make sure it pops open inside otherwise they leak. They can be awkward to get the positioning right but they are worth persevering with.
I did my FRER with my fmu today and in a certain light I *think* I can see a line but I don't know if it's real. I have unaltered and tweaked so will post both. I looked at the other FRER I used the other day, which I know I shouldn't have looked at, and it has a definite line there which has colour. The FRER I used before that, is still blank. So I don't know what to think. 12dpo today, would have thought if genuine I would be seeing a more obvious line? My chart and temps are still all over the place but I barely slept last night, my youngest son was up with constipation and was literally waking in pain every half hour all night long so I doubt this has done much for my temps today!
Anyway, first is unaltered, next is tweaked