Ladders, I see what you mean about finding a silent or quieter thermometer. I have read a few suggestions but are you UK or US? Or somewhere else...? If you can't find any then another option would be to take your temp under the cover or something, I read someone suggesting plugging any hole (speaker) and also if it records your last temp taken then simply switching it off immediately when you hear it bleep, then turning it back on to read your temp. Alternatively, you could sneak earplugs into your OH's ears when he's in a deep sleep...
Absolutely, start the vitamins sooner rather than later. Don't be alarmed if your pee looks radioactive lol!
Citrus - I hope af doesn't arrive. Will you wait to test until af is due? If you have only used ICs bear in mind many women don't see a positive until af is due and then many a time the test line is only faint.
Jessy, it only takes a single time

Why does your OH drive you nuts?
Daisies, cramps can be a good sign of pregnancy too, I had cramps with all mine. Hopefully af won't show!
Kim, your nipples are everyone's business here, there isn't such thing as tmi lol

Perhaps you are taking longer to ov this cycle? I know what you mean about the cm though since this has been me for this whole cycle so far which is different.
I hope you have had a good day today
Thought I would answer questions about the tests here - all were with fmu, yes. I did another Superdrug this afternoon because my pee would be useless and I wanted to see if it would give me a convincing evap. Bugger all. Barely a hint of a line there, if anything, so I'm assuming it would be unlikely I would have a blank test followed by three with lines followed by another blank and those three be evaps. Will see what tomorrow's do.
I have had what I believe to be chemicals, yes. A few of them since August.
I think someone asked if anything is different? Yes. Cm is different, ewcm and creamy but lots more of it. Could be the extra water and vitamins, could be coincidence rather than a sign. Metallic taste which I usually see, but this has been daily which isn't usual. And, sense of smell. Having Asperger's means I have the nose of a bloodhound anyway, I am hypersensitive to most things, but I have seen for the last few days this has increased which is annoying. To give an idea - we live in a huge old Victorian house, three floors, huge rooms with high ceilings. I can smell plain boiled rice being cooked on the ground floor from the third floor with the door closed. The smell of things being cooked at the moment makes me feel nauseous which is unusual, cooking smells don't usually bother me. Farts bother me. Cooking doesn't