33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

FRER and my chart. Sometimes I think I see something faint, then I don't so I haven't a clue


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Cupcake i Definetly see something on that top one (the Superdrug one) so frustrating they aren't getting as dark as would be nice to see!!! Still have af and seems quite a normal one, I had a smear in August last year and all fine and had no other irregular bleeding so I think I'm ok there, just think it's a whacky cycle just hoping it's a one off whacky cycle!
I think your chart looks good cupcake although I'm not the best at this as only just started. My temp was still pretty high this morning at 36.89 but has come down a bit so maybe taking a bit longer to get right down but then i would have thought that meant still producing progesterone so why did I come on?? Man it's making my head hurt thinking about it!

How's everyone else doing? Anymore peeing on things? Just realised I'm now on cycle for a feb baby! Theses months just keep rolling on!
Never bothered taking another test as i am assuming i have ovulated today. We did bd last night but my foo is now officially broken, I really want to do it tonight just to cover all basis but its just not sexy anymore 😂😂.

Anymore tests?
Ladders, please test! It all sounds so weird, I'm sure you know your body, but those temps are high and do suggest progesterone is being produced still, which wouldn't usually happen (it shouldn't happen anyway) during your period. I think so you know 100%, even if it's only a cheapie. Look up typical temperatures throughout your cycle and you will see temps during af and leading up to ov are usually lower than your current temp. When af arrives for me, my temp dips right down, sometimes to 35.something.

I don't actually know what's happening with these tests. The first Superdrug there isn't a thing, yesterday's a faint line and today a darker line, both looked pink. I haven't a single time seen an evap on a Superdrug, myself.

Jessy, I'm sorry your lady garden/foo/faff/... I won't say anymore names... is broken
I agree ladders i think if your temps are looking positive you should take a test if nothing more to just rule it out.

We are all feeling so run down with this ruddy cold. My OH goes away for training again on sunday so really hoping we are feeling better by then. Been really nice having him home the last two weeks.

What are everyones plans for the weekend?
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been mia for a while. The weather has been awful so dh has been home the past two days so I haven't been able to get on very much especially not long enough to read anything but I just got caught up.

Ladders, I'm so sorry for af! Hopefully it's just a one off cycle and your lp will be back to normal for this new cycle.

Jessy, Yay for positive opk's! Do you think you've O'd today? I think you dtd enough to catch the egg so don't worry too much if you don't feel like bd again tonight.

Citrus, I'm sorry I couldn't see anything on the test yet but hopefully the mornings test will show something! Fx!

Happycupcake, I definitely see it on all the tests!! I do see the progression on the superdrug tests!! Will you test again in the morning to see if the line gets darker?!

How is everyone else doing?

I still haven't gotten a positive opk! I think dh got the point with our little conversation the other day because he has been the one to initiate the bd every other day for the past couple of days so I'm hoping I O soon so I'll actually be in with a chance this time!
Right, I'm going to do my best to catch up.

Ladders, I was only tracking cm and cp and from that I kind of thought AF came on 10dpo (my normal lp is 14) This month though I'm having a normal cycle and it's made me realise I've not had a normal cycle since MC and I don't think I actually O'd last month so I think that probably was the reason for the short cycle. Obviously if you know when you O'd not the same situation but I was panicking a bit.

Cupcake, I've been hearing so many bad things about FRER recently and I literally haven't heard anything bad about superdrug. I have everything crossed for you.

Jessy, I know the feeling of relief of finally being past O and not needing to bd anymore unless you want to.

Citrus, I see something on yesterdays test but feel as though it might be white? Fingers crossed for you though.

Kim, good to see you. Fingers crossed for a positive opk soon.

Did I miss anyone? Daisies how are you getting on?


As I said above I finally think I'm having a normal cycle this month. I feel as though this month has probably been the first actual chance I've had of a pregnancy. Feeling a bit run down and tired but other than that no symptoms this month. I'm only 6 dpo though and even though I haven't temped reliably I'm fairly confident of that this month.


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Thanks ladies I'll test later when dh out otherwise he'll think im nuts. At least then will know for sure and can move on with this cycle. Do appreciate all the support it's been so lovely to have you ladies to talk and vent too and to get some good guidance and advice! On the advice front would you just see what happens this cycle or would you start taking something like vit b6 now to try to lengthen lp? I was planning on seriously temping this month vut dh surprised me last night with how much he hates it. He says not only does the beeping wake him up but he feels like it's a constant pressure and reminder of try and thinks I'm getting too obsessed. I just like to be in control and have something to do and really interested to see my temp pattern but think might have to leave that for a while. Told him if keep getting short lp then will have to do so have something to show the Dr.

Nice to hear from you Kim, im the same I struggle to get on here when dh around! Glad he's being more cooperative with the bd efforts!

Thanks annio and glad your having a more normal cycle this month gives me hope for this one. Do feel this af is more like I'm used to where as last one was quite light so maybe having a good clear out to prepare for a good cycle this time (fingers crossed)

Jessy how long is your dh away
for? You got some great timed bd in so much be relieved o came
plenty of time before he left

Cupcake have you tested this morning?

Citrus how's the head after your night out?
Definitely bfn so officially cd4 for me


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Hehe I'm fine thanks ladders, DH gave me a lie in this morning and looked after DS so all is good. Sorry I'm not posting it but tested again this morning and defo bfn so just waiting for AF now, then it all begins again. Cupcake any tests this morning?

Kim sorry you haven't o'd yet, but glad DH is being a little more co-operative and proactive. Daisies did AF arrive? Are you testing Monday if no AF? Fingers crossed for you. Good luck Anni! Well done for your marathon BD session Jessy...aannnnnnd relax!
Kim, I hope you are ok! Sorry you haven't seen a positive OPK, do you think you ovulated? I'm so pleased your OH seems to understand and is initiating things :)

Anni, thank you and yes I have been hearing some poor reviews on FRERs recently too. Perhaps they changed them? I didn't used to see any white line or anything on them before. Pleased you feel confident and your cycle seems to have levelled out :)

Ladders, I'm sorry your test wasn't positive but it's good you know for sure this is af. It's perfectly fine to start vitamins at any time, but the sooner the better as it takes about three weeks to start making a difference. You can buy B complex or prenatal multivitamins and if you have an issue swallowing (PILLS ladies, pills lol) then B complex is available in liquid form too. Make sure you are taking folic acid as well if you opt for separate vitamins instead of prenatal. It will help keep your hormones balanced, or promote balance if they are a little out of sync, hopefully ensuring a regular lp.
I'm assuming your OH is a light sleeper then. Mine I have to virtually shout at down a megaphone to wake him! So a little bleep from the thermometer is unheard. You may be able to buy a quieter version, I'm sure I heard someone have the same issue and mentioned about a quiet thermometer so perhaps Google those. If there is such a thing, hopefully there will be! At least then you can temp without it being obvious so he won't feel pressured. This, or you could explain that it's important to get to grips with your cycle. It isn't always used for ttc, perhaps this is worth telling him.

Citrus, I'm sorry your test wasn't positive :( what dpo are you?

I have tested today with another Superdrug but it seems lighter. I don't know if it's because I'm looking at yesterday's completely dried and this is why. Anyway, my temp actually went up today which is unusual for CD12 if af is arriving Tuesday. It isn't my usual pattern, so with this and the seemingly lighter test today, I don't know what to make of it.

Anyway, first is today's, the photo with both tests, the top is yesterday's, bearing in mind yesterday's is completely dry which makes it look a little different. Will also add my chart


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Oh cupcake I'm sorry it's not darker. I'm sorry you are in this limbo, it's so hard to have the hope and then to possibly have it cruelly snatched. You said you had a chemical before? Could this be another? Does anything feel similar/different? Honestly I would expect to see a darker line by now if things were progressing. But there is definitely a line there so continue to hope until AF or the line disappears. I don't think it's lighter, but I don't think it's darker either unfortunately.

I'm 11 dpo now. I know you're not out til AF shows but I feel totally sure I'm not pregnant so just waiting for AF and will try to take the break before o to stop obsessing so much about ttc. Anyone else feel like they are more obsessed with being successful at this than the actual idea of a baby? I do want another, but I wouldn't say I was super super broody. So I can only conclude that the disappointment/obsession I should more to do with the thrill of the chase than the actual end result. Am I making any sense to anyone?!
Citrus that makes perfect sense! In fact my ideal month to conceive would be july as would then time my mat leave with dd starting pre school so you've got to wonder why I'm so obsessed with trying so hard now. Think it's partly my control freak and over planning nature but also worrying about it taking as long as last time or longer.

Cupcake I clearly still see a line but doesn't seem darker to me but could be because these tests are super sensitive it take more to move on from a line to a dark line? I have to say i think it's more frustrating getting a hint of a line then nothing because you really don't know where you are! Good that your temps have rose though! I'm still super hopeful your going to be out first bfp! Thank you for the advice on the vits i didn't realise it took so long so I think I'll start taking some now so that it's all built up in my system for next cycle. Have looked for a silent bbt thermometer and although loads of posts asking about them can't seem to find one unfortunately but I'm going to keep looking as I really would like to temp
There's definitely an obvious line cupcake. Are all the tests FMU?

Citrus sorry about the bfn.
Can clearly see that line cupcake and its pink. Was that with fmu?

Sorry about the bfn citrus but as you say you are not out yet!

Well we didnt dtd last night so only on the day of positive opk and the two days prior to the positive. I dont feel hopeful this month not sure why.

My OH is driving me mad, to the point sometimes i think what the hell are we doing trying for another!

Kim that sucks, do you think you could have just missed the surge?
I can definitely see that line cupcake, fingers crossed for you that it gets darker.

Sorry bfn citrus but at least you know for sure now.

Jessy, I think the same with my oh sometimes. This last week we have just been bickering and generally being horrible to each other. It really got to me earlier and I had to speak to him to say I don't want us to get into a routine of being horrible to one another and being miserable for it. Every couple has down spells but you don't want it to be a prolonged thing. After that chat we've had a really nice afternoon together (child free) so hopefully we'll get back to normal now.

No af here but been getting af type cramps so reckon it's on the way. Checked my dates and it's tomorrow I should be due if cycle this month same length as last month. Not tested yet, and won't do till at least Monday. I'm sure this isn't my month so not setting myself up for a disappointing poas
I'm cd23 today and don't think I missed the surge. Only because since I've been tracking O for the past year and a half, the day I O, every cycle I've woken up with sore nipples (tmi I know) and the next day it's the whole breasts that are sore all the way to af. So far, I have no soreness at all yet. My cp is still high soft and open. My cm keeps changing from ewcm to ewcm mixed with creamy then back to ewcm so I have no clue what is going on with me. I just used my last opk so I give up on that for this cycle. I'll just pay attention to my body so I'll know what's going on. I thought at first I must have gotten a bad batch of opk's and possibly missed the surge but I have absolutely no post O signs so surely I couldn't have missed it? IDK but I'm giving up on this cycle and calling it an anovulatory (sp?) cycle.

Ladders, I'm sorry it is in fact af but at least now you know that it is and you can start taking the vits if that's what you want to do.

Citrus, I'm sorry it's a bfn but you still have time! I'm rooting for you! Fx this is your month. You had such perfect timing imo

Jessy, why don't you feel hopeful? I think you had such perfect timing as well!

Thanks Anni it's good to hear from you too! My dh hates when I'm on my phone for long periods of time when he's home because I usually talk his ears off when he's home so when I don't, he always thinks that something is wrong or I'm angry at him or upset about something so if I'm quiet or on the phone he starts to wonder if I'm angry so I usually just read through when I can then reply when he goes to sleep lol

Happycupcake, I still see the line! It doesn't look lighter to me so fx it'll get darker soon!

How is everyone else doing?

I'm going to a random spur of the moment cook out at my parents house in a few minutes so I have to get myself and the kids ready. Dh will come when he gets off work about 6ish so I'll try to check in when I can. I hope everyone is having a great day.
Jessy and Daisies, we've all been there I'm sure. Hopefully by the time your oh gets back home, Jessy, everything will have settled down and you guys will be back to normal. It's hard sometimes when they leave for work often so you're used to being home and having a routine. When dh used to work out of town for the week and come home on the weekends he used to drive me crazy with changing up everything and getting me out of my routine so that would make me pissy and anxious which would cause arguments. Eventually when he finally got to stay home on the daily and we got into the routine of things then everything was fine after that with only the occasional argument that I'm sure every couple has.

Daisies, I'm happy to see you and your oh have had a great evening together and you guys had a chat about it. Hopefully af won't show and you get your bfp on Monday! I'm sorry I forgot but why is it that you don't feel hopeful this cycle?
Kim, maybe there were just no signs, maybe the opposite to symptom spotting pregnancy - so you were waiting to notice them but because of thinking about it? Bodies are strange things and I really think our minds have such a power over them.

I'm assuming a cook out is what we'd call a BBQ in the UK. Enjoy! I can't wait for the weather to warm up here so we can sit outside to eat. What's the weather like there? Way warmer than it is here I don't doubt.

I'm not feeling hopeful because I just don't think the pill is out of my system yet. Last time ttc my cycles were 29 days, I'm currently on day 32. I've had zero ewcm this month and the most minute amount last month, that little that I'm not sure it even was ewcm.

I just don't feel like everything is working exactly as normal yet, so not expecting anything other than af to appear soon. And for this month, that would be fine. We're off on holiday next week and I'm quite happy to go on holiday and enjoy eating and drinking whatever I like. we'll see what the next couple of days brings I guess!
Ladders, I see what you mean about finding a silent or quieter thermometer. I have read a few suggestions but are you UK or US? Or somewhere else...? If you can't find any then another option would be to take your temp under the cover or something, I read someone suggesting plugging any hole (speaker) and also if it records your last temp taken then simply switching it off immediately when you hear it bleep, then turning it back on to read your temp. Alternatively, you could sneak earplugs into your OH's ears when he's in a deep sleep...
Absolutely, start the vitamins sooner rather than later. Don't be alarmed if your pee looks radioactive lol!

Citrus - I hope af doesn't arrive. Will you wait to test until af is due? If you have only used ICs bear in mind many women don't see a positive until af is due and then many a time the test line is only faint.

Jessy, it only takes a single time ;)
Why does your OH drive you nuts?

Daisies, cramps can be a good sign of pregnancy too, I had cramps with all mine. Hopefully af won't show!

Kim, your nipples are everyone's business here, there isn't such thing as tmi lol ;)
Perhaps you are taking longer to ov this cycle? I know what you mean about the cm though since this has been me for this whole cycle so far which is different.
I hope you have had a good day today :)

Thought I would answer questions about the tests here - all were with fmu, yes. I did another Superdrug this afternoon because my pee would be useless and I wanted to see if it would give me a convincing evap. Bugger all. Barely a hint of a line there, if anything, so I'm assuming it would be unlikely I would have a blank test followed by three with lines followed by another blank and those three be evaps. Will see what tomorrow's do.
I have had what I believe to be chemicals, yes. A few of them since August.
I think someone asked if anything is different? Yes. Cm is different, ewcm and creamy but lots more of it. Could be the extra water and vitamins, could be coincidence rather than a sign. Metallic taste which I usually see, but this has been daily which isn't usual. And, sense of smell. Having Asperger's means I have the nose of a bloodhound anyway, I am hypersensitive to most things, but I have seen for the last few days this has increased which is annoying. To give an idea - we live in a huge old Victorian house, three floors, huge rooms with high ceilings. I can smell plain boiled rice being cooked on the ground floor from the third floor with the door closed. The smell of things being cooked at the moment makes me feel nauseous which is unusual, cooking smells don't usually bother me. Farts bother me. Cooking doesn't

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