33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Lol Happycupcake! Farts bother me too haha! But not nearly as much as I'm sure it does you at the moment lol I'm soooo hoping your lines are darker in the morning! I'm glad my nipples are everyone's business lol!

Daisies, the weather has been so hot lately but with all the rain and the "cold front " coming through, it's been kinda chilly here for the past two days. During the day yesterday it was around 70 degrees with last night in the high 50's low 60's. Today was warmer in the high 70's but was around 60ish this evening so I was freezing lol yes a cook out is what you would call a BBQ. It was nice. All the family came even though it was spur of the moment so we had quite a few people to feed with all the kids who kept getting all the drinks so I went to buy some juice for them because I don't really like my kids to drink a lot of sodas. I allow them one a day so I wanted them to drink more water and juice. Most of the adults were drinking beer but since I don't drink much I didn't drink any which of course prompted the "are you pregnant " questions which started to get on my nerves after the first five or so times I had been asked. We left early because I wanted to have time to dtd but by the time we got home dh was tired from working all day then going over there for several hours so we didn't get to. I'm a little disappointed though because after checking cp this evening it was higher softer and way more open than it has been all cycle so I'm assuming I'm going to O sometime tonight. 😑 and now no bd. So that sucks.
Daisies I'm so impressed with your willpower of not testing you need to give me some tips for this cycle! Glad you got things sorted with your dh, think we all have times like that because your so close you are the easiet people to take stuff out on. Good to see when it's happening though and be able to stop so doesn't continue.

Jessy definitely know how you feel I very often daydream about hitting my dh over the head with the frying pan 🤣🤣

Kim I wouldn't worry about last night you've been doing so well with the bd I'm sure missing one night won't harm your chances. I do understand how frustrating it is though. Sounds like you have a good time together at the cook out/bbq so that's good!.

Cupcake if ordered all the vitamins now and managed to temp this morning because of decided to do it in the bathroom, not ideal as i know you shouldnt get up but better than nothing. Temp down to 36.63 today so think high temps was just left over hormones and now af finishing hopefully back to normal. Really want to do temps this cycle so thats my plan. I'm in the UK btw.
Kim, it sounds like you had a lovely time :)
Be it nipples or cm, it's all relative here ;)
I wouldn't worry about being unable to dtd yesterday (? I'm confused with time zones), as Ladders said you have done plenty so you should be fine.

Ladders, ideally you shouldn't do anything before taking your temperature but if this is the only way you can do it, as long as you are consistent with the time and keeping activity beforehand as minimal as possible then you should be able to get an idea, a good idea I would think. It's more to do with consistency I think. And contrary to popular belief, my temps dip after I wake and get out of bed. I always find my temp is higher on waking and taking it than at any other time during the day or evening. It's meant to be the opposite I think!

I tested today with fmu and can't tell if the FRER is blank but I have a darker line on the Superdrug and a line which looks like a proper line on a One Step IC, so I don't know what's happening. It's frustrating
Cupcake would it be worth taking a digital? I know they are expensive but might help to have an answer written as opposed to trying to decifer lines?
Ha ha yes my temps will be consistent, consistently out of ear shot of dh so I don't get another lecture!
Lol I can't believe that little bleep wakes him!
I said to my husband if af doesn't show Tuesday I want to buy a different brand. A digital by then would be positive I would have thought
Did I remember to post what I peed on? I don't think I did? May as well post them, sorry if did already.
I can't be bothered to do three separate posts to show inverts and greyscale, but they are on my thread in the pregnancy test section anyway. The photo with all three from the top is todays, then yesterday's and then Friday's. All fmu


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Cupcake, if I'm looking at that right the top one in the bottom pic looks darker. I hope so. Fingers crossed!
Hay ladies sorry it's been a while been away for work and not really been in a situation to check. Wow u girls do keep me busy trying to catch up and I still can't work out where you all are so apologies I have no personal responses but I will try better😳 Not sure where I am in terms of my cycle as it ha been a while but if I'm on for 29 days af will either show up Friday or not been really windy last couple of days sorry if tmi and been really bloated so think af will make an appearance so will continue to stalk the thread and keep updated better this time x x
Starting to show progression on the Superdrug ones cupcake! So annoying frer is still blank though?? I guess just wait until AF is due and then if no period and no obvious progression maybe go to GP and see what they suggest?

Sorry, not a lot of time to post an update today. AF due for me tomorrow so assuming it'll show tomorrow or Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. If not I will test again Thursday but 9, 10 and 11 dpo tests were all blank so expecting to be on CD1 soon. As soon as AF shows I will buy some opks for this month.
Just had chance to have a proper read through of the posts. Sounds like you had a good night Kim. I know what you mean about people asking if you're pregnant. Since probably Christmas our families keep asking/making comments. I just don't want anyone to know that we're ttc because to me it's more stressful when people know, so it's annoying having to shrug it off. The weather where you are sounds amazing, I could do with some warm weather!

Ladders it's just easier to me to not keep testing. I like seeing what's going on with all of you but it just disappoints me when it's a bfn.

Bassit - hi, hope you are ok! Windy can be an early pregnancy symptom can't it? Although I think most things are possible pregnancy symptoms!

Hope you've all had a good weekend!
I see progression on the superdrug tests Happycupcake! When I zoomed in all the way on my phone on the frer pic I could see the test line but it was white. That's so odd! I'm sorry you're confused about it. I am too. I hope this is your bfp!

Citrus, hopefully af won't show and you'll also get a bfp!

Thanks ladders we had a good time.

Bassit, I understand. It gets a little tough try to reply to everyone when you miss a day or so. I'm sorry if you've said already but do you think you have a good chance this cycle?
Yeah daisies, we had a good time. Most of my family already know we're ttc because my dh can't keep his mouth shut 😑 so I only assume that's why everyone kept asking. I finally just stood up and said "so I can answer everyone at once, I am not pregnant I just don't feel like drinking tonight" lol (I'm a blunt person especially to my family because we all are lol) so they just laughed and shrugged it off and we continued to have a good time till we left.
No one knows we are ttc and i want it to stay that way. I think now that my DD is almost 4 no one expects me to have anymore.

Any progression cupcake? Any news from anyone else.

I do not feel confident about this month at all.

What is everyone up to today. Me and DD will probably head to a little ceramic cafe which has a ceramic painting bit and soft play.
Hi ladies, may I join? I'm 30 and also TTC #2. This forum helped me so much with trying for our first daughter a few years back and now I'm here again after my husband and I decided today to officially try for one more. I took my last birth control pill last night and my AF is scheduled to arrive next friday if I calculated it right. So then we will be starting cycle #1. It took us about 6 months to conceive our first and at the beginning of the pregnancy our doctor told us we had a miscarriage, but then about 2 weeks later, we got the news that we were in fact still pregnant! So here we go again. :)
Kim, I love how you dealt with all the questions lol it's precisely the type of thing I would have done too ;)

Jessy we are the same here too, only my husband and I, we don't want anyone else to know because we are quite private people and our families for the most part would have an opinion we wouldn't want to hear. We are judged constantly for having five between us. It has sod all to do with anyone.
The cafe you mention sounds like fun! Unique too.
I'm sorry you don't feel confident this month but I'm keeping everything crossed for you :)

Hi Bassit! Good to hear from you and I hope you are good :)

Welcome, Michelle! What a cool story! I love that, you have a little miracle :) hopefully it won't take long this time.

I'm pretty sure this is a chemical. My IC today is barely there and the FRER is the same, my temperature also dipped rather dramatically so I'm expecting af to arrive tomorrow. Don't see any point in posting photos of today's tests
Oh man i cant believe it cupcake. I was so sure the progression was on point. Are these the same brand of ic you used in previous days.

So sorry if it is a chemical.

I am 3dpo today and not gonna test until 13dpo maybe even 14dpo which will be a week on thursday. I have a funny feeling af will arrive before then anyway.

I had a 29 day cycle last month so now i am worrying that if i have a 29/30 day cycle and i didnt ovulate until cd20 that my lp would be too short for implantation anyway. Ugh its horrible not knowing whats going on. With my DD i knew when i ovulayed by the pain in my side and the amount of ewcm and i sort of knew i was pregnant as soon as i conceived. I dont feel that this time so have automatically ruled myself out.

Ceramic cafe was good then we just came home hung the washing outside and had a picnic lunch in the garden.
Same ICs yes. I have a FRER left, if af doesn't arrive then I will use it but I doubt I will have to. Will do another IC later, as my fmu wasn't as concentrated as yesterday's but I don't think it should matter at this point. I should be seeing a clear line on at least the FRER after those Superdrug tests.

You have recently stopped bc, I wouldn't rely on your previous cycle as a guide for this cycle because it can take time to establish a regular cycle after bc. That doesn't mean to say you won't get pregnant before this happens, and it doesn't mean your chances this cycle are minimal, I mean don't pin everything on your previous cycle or your cycles before bc, because a lot can change :)
Jessy, I agree with Happycupcake. Your lp should stay the same give or take a day either way unless you're taking vitamins to lengthen (or shorten in my case) your lp. Also, every pregnancy is different so the symptoms you had last time could be completely different this time. Plus, you had such perfect timing! Fx you get your bfp!

Welcome Michelle! Your dd is so cute! I love the curly red hair! Hopefully your hormones get back to normal quickly and it doesn't take as long this time.

I'm so sorry Happycupcake! Hopefully it's just because of the lower concentration of your urine this morning!

I didn't wake up to sore nipples again! What is going on with my body!? Cd25 today and still no O! Cd25 is the latest I've O'd in the past 11 months so hopefully it'll hurry up. I can't keep talking dh into dtd every other day for much longer lol we did bd last night though so I'm still hopeful. Dh is off to work, kids just left for school and now I'm going to take a nap lol I couldn't fall asleep last night till about 3am and it's 7am here now so I'm sleepy lol I hope you all are having a good day so far.

Oh and Jessy, you're ceramic cafe sounds like fun!
Thanks Kim. I have so much cramping though at the moment and it's the same each time before af, so I'm assuming it will arrive tomorrow.

What is happening! Is anything different this cycle? Are you taking anything new? Under more stress? Sometimes the symptoms you see which usually indicate ov can change. Usually I feel some degree of cramping around ov but occasionally it doesn't happen but my temps show I did still definitely ov around the usual time, so perhaps this is a whacky cycle in terms of symptoms for you and you already ovulated. Or perhaps it's a random longer cycle. Hopefully you have already ovulated though and your body decided to give your nipples a break

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