Ladders, I'm sorry

I was hoping so much you would come here and post that the bleeding had stopped or slowed significantly. I wonder what's happening? Has there been any significant changes recently? Are you using anything to boost/balance your hormones? How's your diet generally? Lots of things can play a part but if this isn't usual for you then firstly I might see my doctor to see what their advice is, and also, many things can be sorted through simple things, tweaks here and there, providing you know what the issue is, IF there is an issue. It may simply be a single weird cycle, which most people see occasionally.
Jessy, personal question sorry - you say it's a little sore down there, could sperm friendly lube help? Conceive Plus or Preseed perhaps?
Citrus, when Fertility Friend changed ov to CD12 I changed it back to the original CD10 but have since changed it to CD11 as this makes more sense going by previous cycles and what my instinct says, so go with what YOU feel is right, rather than an app which despite its accuracy, doesn't know your body like you do

knowledge is power, as they say

Don't think yourself out, it's still early.
I think the IC was faulty, the FRER was an indent or something because there isn't a line there today so I'm hoping since I didn't see a line on the Superdrug yesterday and haven't experienced any evaps, indents or otherwise false lines, today's is genuine but we will see I guess.
Daisies, hoping af doesn't show up for you