Citrus I hope you didn't feel I was criticising you, I think it sounded like I was but I'm rubbish at sounding how I sound in my mind, and I too frequently sound blunt in my posts! I think it's common for people to leave temping until later on, but the app does a better job when you temp throughout. Also, if there were any issues with your follicular phase, you would have a better idea of this if temping consistently from CD1 onwards. I can see your logic, as you want to know when you ovulate so the other times seem irrelevant, but the app doesn't see this and prefers whole cycles to go by.
If you don't have any hormonal issues then it's likely it doesn't matter as much, but it may take the app longer to detect ovulation, possibly, because it wants the lower follicular phase temperatures to compare to luteal phase temps, if this makes sense?
Kim lol bless your heart. I know what you mean though, I was always super emotional (and also a right bitch at times) during pregnancy! It plays games with your emotions. I even cried at stupid TV shows, I can't remember what, but definitely wasn't something I would usually do.
I think you can get morning sickness at any point. I was lucky with the boys and avoided it mostly but with our daughter it hit me about a week after we discovered we were expecting her I think. I don't know precisely where I was since I hadn't had a period since having given birth twelve weeks previous to that, but I saw a CB digi 3+ immediately with her.
Those are convincing lines, if I hadn't seen them in literally every single cycle so far! When I first saw them I believed they were real, but after it happened a few cycles I came to the conclusion they meant zilch! And then I saw many others seeing the same lines too, which also didn't mean anything. It's quite frustrating.
Oh, and Rics, I agree with Kim on this. I have had a couple of days with positive OPKs and always count the most recent positive as the 'true' positive as it seems more logical. Although, it's completely possible to ovulate on that day too, I usually ovulate the day of the positive or the day after (which is why I changed my chart).
Kim, you do crack me up lol I feel like doing a survey in town of all the women, do you get sore boobs and nipples when you ovulate...? I think I may hand out a questionnaire along with the flyers lol