35+ CD 16 today. Never been pregnant - join me

Good morning ladies!

B - I agree with DrH, I would wait to be late and use FMU so you know for sure. I'm really glad you're feeling better!! Baby aspirin is such a low dose but you just never know :shrug: Fingers and toes crossed for you hun!!!

DrH - I hope you got some well-deserved sleep - your schedule is crazy!! About your FF, not sure as I've never had a problem with it. Do you use it on your computer or your phone? I've had some strange things happen on my phone but I think it was just because the app was buggy. On the computer it's been fine. We're on almost the same schedule because I'm at 7-8 days before testing or period as well. DO you ever test early? Early on in TTC I tested one month before AF was due and was SO upset to see the BFN that ever since I want to get AF.

As for me, doing much better today. Yesterday was a low day as I was contemplating the potentially long road ahead of us and the possibility that I might never be a mother. Today I'm at peace, and I just have this feeling that I will have a baby when I'm 37 (I'm 35 now). Actually I've thought that for a while, but now stronger than ever. I don't mind waiting a little :winkwink:
Good morning ladies. Hope you are doing well.

I have a feeling I might be out this month. 12 dpo and temp dropped :(

Will see how it goes tomorrow. I'm super tired today and a little emotional but it's pretty likely it's because AF is coming. I have no idea when it might get here though. Sometime in the next 1 to 5 days.

Yay for the weekend though. Lots to do to keep busy thank goodness.
Good morning ladies! How was everyone's weekend? DH and I had a nice relaxing time and I tried no too think about the tww. Towards the end of the tww I always get depressed and moody - it's that double whammy of knowing that af is probably coming and also the hormones themselves going wacko. But fortunately I'm doing okay this month :)

B, I'm sorry about the dropping temp :hug: I hope you were able to keep busy hun.
me too B. I hope af didn't show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you ok?

We just saw looper at the movies, very good and hung out with the inlaws. Very relaxing weekend. Just what was needed!!!!!!!!!!!!! we saw fireworks, had pizza, did exercise and had a shag just because!!!!!!!! No baby making required. DH needs a sperm test on Wed.

Green orchid hoping you aren't too moody and progesteroney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you had fun this weekend??
Hi ladies. Glad you had such awesome weekends!!! :thumbup:

I know what you mean about the end of the tww. It's brutal. My hormones are raging so I didn't do so well keeping busy and not thinking about 2ww.

Plus I missed my synthroid and cipralex on Saturday so I went all OCD/emotional on the weekend lol.

Pretty crampy and nauseaus today and expecting :witch: any minute.


Owell, DH and I are excited about the house. Went and saw it Saturday and it looks awesome! 2 1/2 weeks left omg!! :happydance:
hi b - i see you are on line. are you still in or out? Im day 14 dpo today. I am feeling over the knicker nerves - you know when you are too worried to go to the bathroom in case AF has arrived. We will be very disappointed this month. Temp up today though to 97.9 so who knows.

You said something about two and a half weeks - did you buy a house?

We are still renting. bah!!! would love a house and a dog. soon soon!

Hoping the progesterone is reducing for you.

Green orchid hugs hugs. Did you get any more advice from your RE re. your endo? How are you and your DH holding up?

back at work today after long weekend. bummer. oh well three days till friday.

dr H
Hey Dr! The nerves can get to you. I'm keeping my fx for you! I had another drop almost to my coverline. I know I'm out this month, but AF is taking forever! I'm 16dpo today and waiting.

So we bought a condo in 2007 and it's not bad but we wanted more space and more quiet so we are building a new house outside the city. We were supposed to take posession a few days before the wedding but they moved the date a few times. Worked out ok because that would have been a lot of stress all at once.

So we have about 17 days left and they finish most of it this week. Super stoked! Lots to get done before then too, so I will be happy when AF shows and I can focus on other things for a couple weeks. I'm sick of this condo. This morning I drew a bath and went to jump in...ice cold. Ugh! Lovely someones used all the hot water already. ](*,)

Anyways, long weekend here this week :happydance: Here's hoping I'm more productive than last weekend.

GreenOrchid - how are things? Any news for us?
hey b.

my temp is also dropping like a stone. I think I'm just about to start bleeding as DH are now fighting over who has to eat the dud chocolates at the bottom of the box!!! He likes the good ones too!!! Cycle 3 - wipeout.

We live in a flat just like you. I'd love to have a house so we can have a baby and a dog. Won't be this month I suspect. Am feeling average to crap. Unfortunately its a five year engagement on the tele, chocolate and a glass of vino! as a solution!

You must be so excited about your proper house! Did you get to choose everything yourself or is it a turnkey deal. We would love to build, we would love two shower heads next to each other!
Hey Dr!

I know what you mean. I need a good drink after this last couple months. Who knew TTC would be such a rollercoaster. Still waiting for AF though but have a feeling it will be today.

We did get to pick everything for the house from the floors to the roof. We picked a standard floorplan and didn't change that much except to extend the deck on the back (yay). It still hasn't really sunk in yet that we will be moving...into a HOUSE! Haven't lived in a proper house since I moved out of my parents back in highschool.

I'm excited to see what our cats will think of it hehe. First time for them too.

They figure most everything will be done this week. The best part is this all costs pretty much the same as if we bought one but it's all new. After building now, I would do it again if we ever decided to move.

2 shower heads would be awesome. We had a shower like this in our honeymoon suite it was great.

I suppose I will have to carry lots of boxes now that I'm not pg although I'm sure DH will still do all the heavy stuff.
No sooner than I posted I got up for a bath and AF came. FINALLY! Here we go again ladies.

Edit: a cold bath - no hot water AGAIN! What a stupid morning.
Hi Ladies!! Sorry for the late reply. I starting writing yesterday and then looked at the clock and realized I was late to be somewhere so had to run without posting.

So this month is a strange one for me...my temp went back up this morning after dropping yesterday. Never had that happen. For now I'm chocking it up to the clomid I took this cycle - maybe it is lengthening my LP? But the other strange thing is that I don't have my usual moodiness or desire to stuff every possible form of junk food into my mouth. I am cramping up as usual (now I realize this must be endo), but I understand that happens regardless of if you're preggers or not for most women with endo. So I'm going to be going completely nuts at least until I see my temp tomorrow morning. And I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up - it's probably just the clomid.

DrH - I'm sorry about your temp :( :hugs: I hate that anticipation of waiting to see what my temp is at the end of the LP. Hahaha that's funny about fighting over the chocolates :haha: My DH knows to get out of the way during PMS when there's chocolate involved. But yes, chocolate and wine do make everything better :winkwink: What kind of dog do you want to get? We have two and it makes life so much better. They are so full of love and never complain!!

B - Sooooo exciting about the house! It's soooo nice not to share walls with other people and hear their nonsense, and also good to know that they can't hear you, especially around ovulation time :winkwink:

Just like you DrH, hubby and I had fun sex instead of babymaking sex this past weekend. So nice not to be worrying about position or saliva killing sperm or any of those other issues. His SA is tomorrow so we were advised to have sex 2-5 days prior.

B - your hubby's SA is today, right? Fx'd for super sperm!!!
No sooner than I posted I got up for a bath and AF came. FINALLY! Here we go again ladies.

Edit: a cold bath - no hot water AGAIN! What a stupid morning.

Ugghh yuck, that is a stupid morning!!! :hugs: Well at least now she's here and you can get this cycle started and think about all the nice hot baths you'll be taking soon in the new house!!!
Morning Green,

It will be nice not to have neighbours so close hahaha.

Neither DH or I have had any analysis done. I might go get a checkup soon because I think I might have a weird bump beside my cervix, but it could be all in my head. DH has a bump but it's an old rugby injury and we are pretty sure his swimmers are still ok.

Sorry about the cramping, it's never fun. Keeping my FX that your checks are all good. I know what you mean about getting your hopes up. It's hard not to. I felt the same way for the last week. Tried not to get excited or anything. I will be chart stalking you though ;)
hiya girls

dh sa was today. he did it finally. and then couldn't get a park. so went to work with it in his pocket. what can I say?

AF in full force today. feeling average to miserable. anyway up and up from here.

B house sounds awesome. yay for vino on the back deck. you are nesting for babies the cats will love the extra space hey. and no cold baths/showers!!! yay yay

we would love a labradoodle or a golden retriever. oh to have dog. green what do you have?

also green, your chart means you are not out. will be interested to see what the outcome is!!!!!!!!!!!
Oops sorry ladies, should have read more carefully - I got mixed up whose DH was doing their SA yesterday :dohh: So DrH, did your DH actually make it to the clinic to drop off his sample? Mine just did his this morning (collected at home) and I'm assuming his sample made it safely to the clinic...I haven't heard from him otherwise. It's taken a while for him to to this so I don't want to harass him about it, you know?

DrH, sorry about AF, but you're totally right, you're on to bigger and better things :winkwink: Hope the miserable feeling goes away quickly! As for doggies, we have a chiweenie (chihuahua and dachshund mix) and another mutt that we think is a mix of pomeranian and shiba inu. The dogs used to belong to my SIL but she couldn't keep them anymore after she had her third kid so we took them on. Eventually we plan on getter bigger dogs - maybe a boxer or boxer/labrador mix. Labradoodles and goldendoodles are great dogs! I want one but DH doesn't like poodle mixes so that's not happening.

B - Hmmm, I get bumps on my cervix but the doctor said they're just cysts and nothing to worry about. Maybe you have the same thing? I guess get checked out just for the peace of mind? How's packing going? Moving is such a pain in the rear but soooo nice when it's done, especially since you're moving into an awesome house!! :thumbup:

Wow this is turning into a novel...sorry girls...really quick - my temp only dropped slightly this morning so won't know until tomorrow if it's a trend, but...I'm starting to feel like AF is coming. This LP is way longer than usual and no spotting like usual...I'm inclined to think it's due to the clomid. Who knows :shrug: I was really tempted to test this morning but promised DH I would wait until Sat.

Have a great day lovely ladies!! :flower:
Green Orchid, your looks really good. Keeping my fx!

My DH is slow to do things too. He let his licence expire and hasn't bothered to get a new one yet and it's been over 8 years. Bugging him hasn't seemed to work.

So I get little bumps on my cervix but they come and go. This one is bigger and feels more like it's way under the tissue. It's probably nothing but who knows. Got an appointment next Friday. I talked to DH about my appt and he said he wants me to get the MMR vaccine as well so we will have to take another 4 weeks off TTC. So will have to pickup again mid November, just in time for O.

Sounds like this is a great time for some vino and and a hot bath for sure!

Let me know how the SA's go ladies. Hoping for good news!
Bummer ladies - my temp dropped like a rock this morning and I'm getting crampy so I'm definitely out this month. The clomid extended my LP a bit longer than usual and faked me out into thinking the news was good. I just made an appointment with the FS for a week from Monday for a repeat ultrasound of my wonky ovary. Also, I'm supposed to get a call today with the results of DH's SA. Now, the good news - I'm feeling surprisingly okay about things today and in a good mood :winkwink: I just have this feeling that now that DH and I are going though all the testing and putting the pieces together as to why we're not pregnant yet, we're going to figure it out and get ourselves a baby or two.

B - Yeah if I had a bump that was different from usual, I'd want to get it checked out too. Good for you and I'm sure it's fine. So what's the deal with MMR? My FS had my do a blood test to see if I'm immune to rubella. I didn't know it had anything to do with TTC.

We're in the same boat - due to DH being away for work this month, looks like we're going to take the month off as well unless the egg pops extra early or late.

Have a great weekend ladies and enjoy some wine and relaxation time :)
Green, it sucks when you see that temp drop. Glad you are doing ok though. I seem to be more ok than I thought I would be it will be hard to take a month off. So I haven't ad any rubella tests but they say you should get the MMR before TTC because it can be very dangerous if you don't and you become exposed while pregnant. I have heard that lately a lot more kids are getting sick because parents didn't vaccinate (that whole autism scandal). I figured it would be ok but when I started thinking I should get my checkup it came up and then we decided it would be best to just get it and wait.

I suppose with moving and everything it's the best timing to wait. Better now then later.

Have you heard back on the SA? Hoping your u/s goes well! It's empowering to know what's going on with your body and to know you are doing your best to make it happen. I think too it might take some of the worry out and you can just let your body do it's thing. I have a good feeling for you guys.

Dr! That's too funny about your DH. It's almost like "take your kids to work" day haha. Hoping you are keeping well and AF is not being horrible to you. I am sure you are staying busy. Thank goodness its Friday (or maybe Sat there).

Here's to the weekend (holiday weekend here, yay)! :yipee: :wine:
hi ya lovelies,

as have af spent the day drinking wine at a regional wine area. twas very nice. normally would have had a crap time worrying about the tww, so the timing was good! Today off to lunch with the family to celebrate DHs bros birthday!

rubella infection in first trimester can end in fetal death or blindness, so its good if you can be immune prior as the mum. the vaccine is live though. if you have it, you will need to wait for three months pre trying. B you are right, after the Lancet paper re. autism alot of people haven't vaccinated, so there is more about in the population.

I havent sero-converted after two jabs, so we are going ahead. Green fx for the SA. When do you get the results? sorry to hear about the temp drop and af.

B - it sounds like you may have nabothian cysts of your cervix. I think they are pretty harmless but ask your doc about yours!

Good luck girls, thinking of you both.
Happy monday ladies! AF gave me hell this weekend. I spent all day Saturday laying on the couch either knitting or napping. Felt better enough yesterday to go to the gym in the afternoon for an easy workout and almost completely back to normal today :)

We should get DH's SA results today - I called them on Friday at the end of the day but the results weren't available yet :nope: It's funny, he seems more anxious than me about getting the results. Because his job in the past has required him to work around satellite dishes and radiation, he's paranoid that his swimmers might have been affected. I'm not worried at all, but we'll find out one way or the other later today.

Thanks B for all the warm vibes. I really think that once we get my issues sorted out, even if it takes a couple of procedures, we'll be able to get pregnant without much issue.

B - I agree that it's a good time to get the rubella vaccination taken care of now. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling so positive, because you're right - once you get all the pieces of the puzzle put together, you'll get your LO :thumbup:

DrH - Thanks for the info about the rubella. I never heard back from the FS about the rubella titre that I had done a couple of weeks ago so I'm assuming that I was positive. Also didn't realize that some people don't develop immunities even after vaccination. Is it possible you are immune but the antibodies aren't showing up in your blood? Glad you had such a lovely day of wine drinking :) That's always the up-side of AF showing up, isn't it? :thumbup:

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