35+ CD 16 today. Never been pregnant - join me

Hi Green,

Good luck for the SA. I hope theres millions of strong virile ones!!!!!!!!!! We are having another go at it, after the can't get a park, didn't hand the sample in!!!!!!!!!! of last week!!!! Early morning having fun tomorrow!!!!!

Sorry to hear you had a stinky period too so did I this month! Oh well, role on no periods for nine months for good reason!!

B - hope you are well even though you are on a break at the moment!

Thinking of you both!!
Quick update ladies - DH has supersperm :happydance: So now we just need to get my issues sorted out and we'll be on our way :)
Yay for supersperm!!!! Glad to hear the SA went well Green.

Hope you get the same good news Dr!!

Should be an eventful week. Have my appt on Friday and asked DH to come so we can make sure there is nothing he needs to do as well. Started packing and forgot how much I dislike moving.

Anyways, better get some sleep before work. Take care ladies!
hi b good luck for the move. crossing fingers for you. i hope you walk in and go, I LOVE IT!!! That would be awesome!!! Moving sucks though so I hope it all goes easy.

Green so pleased re. your SA. Great news. Mild endo hey you will blitz this!!!!! we dropped off the sperm this am, far better, had a shag interupptus which made dh happy and then we dropped off SA with a getaway driver (me) this am! All dropped in, no stuff up in sight. Results friday :)
Hey Gals! Just got home from the FS. I wasn't supposed to go until next Monday but they had a cancellation for this morning so I jumped at the chance. The good news - my AMH is 2.1, so plenty of eggies left just waiting to be fertilized. The other news - the endo is still there, and it's actually on both ovaries. The one on the right ovary is huge, and there's a little one on the left ovary. He said there's no need for a lap at this time - the first step is my HSG, which is scheduled for next monday. I'm just praying that my tubes are open and the endo hasn't scarred them. Obviously if they're blocked then we'll go straight to IVF. And if they're open we'll probably move on to IUI. He also wrote me a prescription for Femara, which I'm starting today.
B - So is your appt on Friday for the rubella vaccination? The move is so close!! So excited for you guys! I bet you'll be in major nesting mode once you move in :)

DrH - Getaway driver! Love it! :haha: Very good plan - fx'd that .you get great results
Hi ladies!

Hope you have been well.

What a work week from hell! Thankfully we are off today. Had my checkup this morning. Instead of vaccinating me the dr ordered a full cbc and some other bloodwork and is going to have me tested for rubella immunity first. She did a little poking around; such an uncomfortable thing. So off to the lab tomorrow and it should be about a week to get all my results back. The only thing that sucks is that by the time I find out if I am immune or not I will likely have already O'd and if I'm not immune then I will have to skip next cycle as well.

We will be moving in less than a week (crazy). I'm super excited but wish we had a little more money laying around to get some furniture. The place is going to be a bit empty for a while.

We got a new pet last week though, by accident. This lady came from Texas to deliver furniture to the store my BIL works at and a little gecko climbed out of her camera bag. They didn't know what to do with him so we have taken him in. He is very tiny and hides a lot.

Green - what is AMH? Whatever it is, glad you have lots of little eggies in there waiting for some super sperm ;) fx that your tubes are good and the Femara works on the first go!

Dr - how were the SA results? Good news I hope!
B - A gecko didn't even know that they could be pets!!! How is he/she fitting in? How many days now till the move? Are you sorted

Green - Pleased to hear green that your doc is taking your endo seriously. Femara are you on that for a while?

We haven't got the sperm results yet waiting waiting!!!

Went to a christening today babied babies everywhere! so tonight wine then shag and cross fingers up the duff as its our fertile window!
Hi ladies! I'm in the waiting room right now for my hsg. So freaking nervous! Not looking forward to the pain, and also worried about the tubes being blocked given the damn endo.

DrH, know what you mean about all the babies!! I just think of it as good motivation to get through all the infertility diagnosis and treatment. My FS office is right next to the obstestrics dept in the hospital here - so many preggos walking past the waiting area full of women having trouble ttc. Hope you get some good SA results today and of course did some great babymaking!!

B, that's a bummer that you have to wait even longer :( so frustrating. On the bright side, I guess it takes a little stress off while you're moving and unpacking and getting settled in. Geckos are so cute!! We have them where I live - in the summer they are all over the place climbing on the outside walls of our house.

AMH is a blood test that basically tells you how many eggs you have left. It's supposed to be much more reliable than FSH and can be done any time during your cycle.
Hey Gals - just a quick update - My right tube is perfect but the left one is blocked and hydrosalpinx :( I have a follow-up with the FS in two weeks to discuss how to proceed from here. I see a lap and possible tube removal in my future based on the little bit of research I've done...
Aww bummer Green. Hopefully they can repair the tube, I forget what that's called. Glad to hear the other one is perfect, that's half the battle already won! Are you starting Femara soon and will this help you ovulate from your good side?

Dr, doesn't it seem like you never notice something until it becomes a big part of your life and then its everywhere! I suppose it never occurred to anyone that placing FS right next to obstetrics, however logical it might have seemed, could create a difficult environment.

So our little gecko is doing ok. I'm not sure if they are usually pets but it's so cold here I don't think it would have survived outside. I guess they are very common in texas and warmer states.

I was also thinking it was probably good we have to wait a month or two. Work has been a bit stressful recently and moving will be crazy until we get settled. DH is also excited we will conceive in our new home haha. It does kinda suck though knowing I am fertile right now and missing the chance but it will go by quickly and no added stress from the 2ww this time.

Keeping fx for you guys for a lucky cycle ;)
Hi guys... here is a great link to sperm results https://www.monashivf.com/site/DefaultSite/filesystem/documents/interpretation-of-semen-analysis.pdf ................. that are worth reading.

sperm sperm is away for work and I am on my own with ECWM. :( bugger.

Green sending you hugs re. your tube. You may need IVF? I am sure that you will get some answers soon.

BM - looking forward to your move!!!!!!!!!!!!! great to hear the gecko is settling in well. I hear you B about the bumps!
Hey gals! I've had a crazy couple of days and haven't had a chance to post much. No special reason for the craziness, just busy with everyday stuff, and for some reason I've been in the mood to cook elaborate meals so been spending hours in the kitchen every night.

B, looks like today is moving day for you - hope all goes smoothly, and that your little gecko friend does okay! Moving is never fun - we just did it in July and it was a bit of a mess. It was our first time moving together since being married, and we just didn't realize how much stuff we had.

DrH, did I miss something? Did your DH get awesome SA results? You typed sperm sperm, but maybe you meant super sperm? I hope so!! I saw from your chart that you already ov'd. Did you miss it all together with DH being away? Ugh, that's so frustrating! Mine is leaving early tomorrow morning for a couple of days. We're going to BD tonight and then that's it and I pray the egg pops tomorrow or else we're out for the month.

So I have no idea right now what's going to happen with my tube and endo etc. I've spent way too much time on the computer doing research - some say the bad tube has to be removed because it can prevent implantation even if sperm and egg meet in the good tube, some say it can be repaired, some say we have to go to IVF, I just don't know and it all makes my head spin :wacko: So I'll just have to wait until my next appointment to see what the FS recommends.
224 million! Great motility and anatomy super sperm!
Yay again for super sperm!!

So we got the house keys and now comes the not fun part - moving our stuff. It's a mess alright.
oh love moving is so suckfull. we wont move just so we don't have to pack. its one of those things as the house we are in is too small!!!

did you take days off???
whats the plan???

How are you green!!!!!!
Hey girls!

Don't think this is going to be my month. DH and I BD'd last night and then he left early this morning for a business trip. I woke up with a cold and feel like crap today. Supposed to ovulate today or tomorrow but don't feel like anything is happening down there. It seems like the egg is usually released in the evening so fx'd for tonight. If not, DH won't be home til late sunday night which will almost certainly be too late.

DrH - woot woot for super sperm!! :happydance: Did you manage to BD at the right time or was your DH gone for work?? It really stinks to miss a month due to scheduling problems :(

B - How did the walkthrough go when you got the keys? Do you guys just love it? Hope the move goes smoothly hun!
green i ovulated on day two of a four day business trip. I fear this month was a write off too my sweet. our hubbies obviously compared notes!
Oh my goodness. The last few days have felt like forever and we are still not done. This moving thing is stressing me out.

The house is awesome though. DH and I are loving it but its still a bit empty, coming from a small space to this. It took a day or 2 for the cats to adjust. The first night my poor boy wandered the rooms yelling all night long. It's so nice and quiet here though.

So I got a callback from the dr about my checkup and apparently they didn't get enough cells to do a proper analysis so I have to go back and get another test done in 3 months. Still haven't had a chance to get the bloodwork done yet either. I fear we may end up waiting another month but will see. Might have to hope for a xmas babe.

Well I'm exhausted. Talk soon and fx for you 2! Off to :sleep: for me.

so pleased to hear that the move went well.. now you just have to christen all the rooms!! wink wink...

How are you???

Good to hear cat is good and is probably now able to have its own room since you are so roomtastic.

Working hard here. not much happening... trying to pick a wedding dress... maybe maggie sottero!!!

Any hints for a nice wedding reading girls.. am trying to sort that out now!

dr H

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