35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!


YAY!! Welcome to the world baby Amelia!!

Congratulations Rebekah and Doug!! You must be exhausted I am sure. I can't wait to see pictures. I am so happy she is finally here! :happydance:
Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Rebekah! It has been a long hard process for you and I am SO thrilled you can sit back and enjoy that precious baby now! :hugs:
So pleased to hear the good news, little Amelia has arrived! Enjoy your precious bundle! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Wow everyone, can I just say how humbled I am by all the love and support from this group? YOu all are amazing. I really appreciate your input. It means so much! :hugs: Last night was awful. I suffered in such pain, so this morning I decided to bite the bullet and start supplementing with formula. Went out already and bought some. Bottles ready for her next feed! I will try to alternate breast and formula. While nursing I am using a nipple shield and it really helps with the pain. I am hoping after a few days of no direct contact to my nipples I will start to heal and then can decide if I want to continue BF, BF + F, or just go FF. I like the idea of BF with formula. I am also going to try pumping after the FF so as to keep up my milk production until I can make a full decision. Hopefully after a few more pumping tries I'll express more than 2 oz! I am pretty sure Sophie eats around 4oz or more.... we'll soon see!

Love you guys so much. This board has given me so much knowledge and support it's unreal. xoxoxoxoxo

Hun don't worry I BF pump and FF so Cal gets the works. He is very lazy at the breast so I either top him up with expressed or formula. Our problem now is I suspect he has silent reflux as he hates to be on his back, hiccups a lot and looks like he has a bad taste in his mouth often, all the classic signs :dohh:
Big Congrats to Rebekah!!! Welcome sweet Amelia!!! Hoping that baby & momma are doing well!!!
Happy Birthday Amelia!!!!! Congrats Rebekah & Doug!

Again - please forgive me for not addressing everyone. Things have been a little crazy around here... my period of active labor was relatively short (water broke Tuesday night @ 10:30am - 3 cm dilated - then 2 hrs later I was at 10 cm and started pushing).

The pushing part, however, was an entirely different story. It took FOUR HOURS of pushing, with contractions only a few minutes apart, for her to finally make her arrival. The last two hours of it was trying to get her under the pubic bone... ouch... Anyhow, it probably goes w/out saying that I was ripped six ways from Sunday and it took over 1/2 hour to stitch me up. Ouch again... Can't even imagine doing it w/out an epidural.

But - it was TOTALLY worth it. I won't lie and say you forget about the pain (as I sit here on an ice pack...) but I'd go through it all again in a heartbeat for my precious little Hannah.

So being the proud mama I am, I've attached a few pictures. Take note of her hand on the one where she's been laid on my chest just after the birth. No doubt about it - she's DEFINITELY my kid! I think that one's going on the annual X-mas card!!! The 2nd one is her favorite burping position, and just makes me laugh every time I see her in it on her daddy's lap... :cloud9:

Oh - and a question for everyone... yesterday (at three days old) we found her rolled over on her side. Is it just me, or does that seem a little quick? She's also starting to lift her head (VERY briefly) if you put her on her stomach.

I dunno - I think I may have birthed an amazon... :wacko:

Okay - time for me to feed the munchkin. I hope to be a little more regular on here again next week. Have a good week, everyone, and I want pictures, MA!!!



HUGE congrats to Rebekah and Sunshine on the safe arrival of your little Shaika's (princess in Arabic) I am so over the moon for you both and can't wait to see the pics:hugs:

Rebekah this has been such a long and emotional journey for you and Doug and I can't put into words how happy I am that this day arrived for you both. Throughout it all you never gave up hope and you are a real inspiration to us all. This moment has made me very emotional indeed so I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling. Enjoy every moment my friend :hugs:

AFM sorry I have been missing in action for the last week or so but connection problems at home and work has been too busy to post. Things seem to be going really well for me, today I am 7w6days although my ticker says different (not sure how to correct it but will figure it out) and have our next scan this Thursday. Really looking forward to seeing how bubba has changed in 2 weeks. Most people here in Bahrain have figured out I am pregnant due to my bump but we have still not told DH's family back in the UK as they put so much pressure on us last time so we are waiting till 12 weeks. Just hoping that nobody posts anything on Facebook or they will be miffed.

Oh well back to work for me as loads to do but take care all and have a great day :hugs:
MOther of God, now we have silent reflux. The feeding and lack of sleep is driving even further into depression :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Who did I ever piss off??
Woowowwww!!! She is sooo gorgeous :)) SOOO cuuute. You've given birth to an absolute beauty Sunshine :) I love the burping photo. Hahahaha Who does she look like, you or your DH. I'm so thrilled with this all. You wait and wait and wait untill you are a ripe melon than Bam!!! :))) 3rd person in the house. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Can't wait. Not for the pushing though :wacko:
Sunshine congratulations again. Give little kisses from me to Hannah xxx

I'm totally obsessed with sorting this nursery right now. No rest for the wicked untill I'm done.
Oh Chris!!! You look awesome & blissed out and Hannah is absolutely precious! Thank you so much for sharing pictures!!!
Viv honey,
I don't know yet first-hand what you are going through, but I'm sure the sleep deprivation it's excrutiating (hey that is why it is such an effective form of torture). Try to pause for a minute and remember that it is temporary. You will able to sleep again & recharge eventually. Other than the reflux, how is Callem doing? Were you at home or the hospital this weekend? I'm sorry if you told us and I missed it. Hang in there & don't be hard on yourself. You just created & delivered a new human being so give yourself the credit you deserve.
Viv - :hugs: I'm so living that with you. Eric also has reflux and is a horrible sleeper. I can't believe the difference in my mood the day after a good night verse a bad.

Know that once Eric started on meds it didn't take very long for the reflux to settle down. We still have bad nights (far too many in my books) but I think they are more teething and some trouble pooping.

Aww, Viv - hang in there! :hugs: As Terri suggested, maybe meds can help? I hope that things smooth out for you soon! :flower:

MA - we want pictures!!! Hope you're feeling well.

Skye - I don't think she looks like either of us. (The milkman, maybe?? :blush:) I can't wait to watch her features develop and see which one of us she takes after more.

As long as she doesn't wind up looking like my MIL... :wacko:

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