35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Chris #2 – Amazing photos. She has blonde hair like her mommy. What a beautiful little girl she is. In terms of who she looks like “the milkman” HA HA HA HA that is classic! Don’t get too hung up on the way she looks now anyway, as she will look entirely different 2 months from now.

Viv – Hang in there sweetie. Katelyn also had reflux. The first medicine she was on didn’t really do much, but now she is on something else (the official name for prilosec) and that actually has been working. The non sleeping will get better. I know at the moment it seems like there is no light at the end of the sleepless tunnel, but it is there. I promise!

Rebekah – How are you and Amelia (and Doug) doing? We are all so looking forward to seeing photos.

Good morning to everyone else. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We went with my hubby’s sister and her family to the LA County Fair on Saturday. Katelyn’s first fair YAY. We even put her directly into the stroller, not with the carseat. That was weird for me, as I like looking at her while I push her around, but she enjoyed it. We were going to put her in the carrier, but it was so hot that she and I would have been sweating big time! Well I am off to a meeting. I will check back later in the day.

She's so adorable! Congrats sunshine. Trying to hold her head up already?!?! Sounds like my niece when she was born. Go girl power!
Evening Ladies!!

MA, a belated huge congrads to you!!! :happydance::happydance: I am so excited for you and so happy you have little Amelia here safe and sound. Hope you are doing well and can't wait to see pictures.

. . . . speaking of pictures, Sunshine love the picts! Your little one and mine are very similar. Same favorite burping positions, same effect on their mommy's during birth. Not to scare you, but I am still bleeding a month later. Hope it will stop soon. I feel for you sister and hope those ice packs are doing the trick!! How's the BF going??

Vivienne, I am sorry and feel your pain too. Are the meds helping? Just remember this is just a stage. We're all struggling with being new moms. It's hard because I have friends who have "perfect" babies. No fussing, no crying except when their hungry. And here I sit with a baby that fusses all the time. Every baby is different and some have higher needs than others. I am reading a book that says babies that are high need develop really strong bonds later in life. Hang in there sister!!

Steph, how's work going? Glad you got out with the stroller!!

Skye, how's the nursery going??

Carol, glad you are doing so well!!

AFM, took baby camping last weekend. Results were mixed. The camp spot was a new one and it was too hot and there were lots of bugs so we stayed in the camper most of the weekend. Lesson learned. Also got some of the quirks worked out of camping with an infant. On the not so great side I think she has reflux or colic or both. We have a doc appt tomorrow morning. Every evening is filled with a few hours of extreme crying and she just screams like she's in pain. We've tried everything from eliminating food from my diet, to cutting out BFing, to gripe water, etc. At the end of it she's miserable and it's pretty trying on me and DH. On the plus side, she slept in her bassinet for the first time last night, not in our bed. Also she's getting up every 2-3 hrs but then goes back down pretty well. So roads are being made in the right direction. I will let y'all know how it goes at the doc tomorrow. I just hope they don't say it's normal and send us home empty handed. It's not normal for a baby to be that unhappy.

CJ, if you're around and remember the chapter in the Dr. Sears book on high maintenance babies, that's us to a T.

Ok, have a good night all!! Anna
Viv honey,
I don't know yet first-hand what you are going through, but I'm sure the sleep deprivation it's excrutiating (hey that is why it is such an effective form of torture). Try to pause for a minute and remember that it is temporary. You will able to sleep again & recharge eventually. Other than the reflux, how is Callem doing? Were you at home or the hospital this weekend? I'm sorry if you told us and I missed it. Hang in there & don't be hard on yourself. You just created & delivered a new human being so give yourself the credit you deserve.

Thanks Lava. I was home at the weekend and now we are trying extended leave for a week :wacko:
Evening Ladies!!

MA, a belated huge congrads to you!!! :happydance::happydance: I am so excited for you and so happy you have little Amelia here safe and sound. Hope you are doing well and can't wait to see pictures.

. . . . speaking of pictures, Sunshine love the picts! Your little one and mine are very similar. Same favorite burping positions, same effect on their mommy's during birth. Not to scare you, but I am still bleeding a month later. Hope it will stop soon. I feel for you sister and hope those ice packs are doing the trick!! How's the BF going??

Vivienne, I am sorry and feel your pain too. Are the meds helping? Just remember this is just a stage. We're all struggling with being new moms. It's hard because I have friends who have "perfect" babies. No fussing, no crying except when their hungry. And here I sit with a baby that fusses all the time. Every baby is different and some have higher needs than others. I am reading a book that says babies that are high need develop really strong bonds later in life. Hang in there sister!!

Steph, how's work going? Glad you got out with the stroller!!

Skye, how's the nursery going??

Carol, glad you are doing so well!!

AFM, took baby camping last weekend. Results were mixed. The camp spot was a new one and it was too hot and there were lots of bugs so we stayed in the camper most of the weekend. Lesson learned. Also got some of the quirks worked out of camping with an infant. On the not so great side I think she has reflux or colic or both. We have a doc appt tomorrow morning. Every evening is filled with a few hours of extreme crying and she just screams like she's in pain. We've tried everything from eliminating food from my diet, to cutting out BFing, to gripe water, etc. At the end of it she's miserable and it's pretty trying on me and DH. On the plus side, she slept in her bassinet for the first time last night, not in our bed. Also she's getting up every 2-3 hrs but then goes back down pretty well. So roads are being made in the right direction. I will let y'all know how it goes at the doc tomorrow. I just hope they don't say it's normal and send us home empty handed. It's not normal for a baby to be that unhappy.

CJ, if you're around and remember the chapter in the Dr. Sears book on high maintenance babies, that's us to a T.

Ok, have a good night all!! Anna

Oh I feel that pain Anna. We are pretty sure it's reflux here. Are trying some Ranitidine tonight. Good luck at doctor, I had to practically beg for meds otherwise I would go mad!!
Sunshine I thought she looks like u too although haven't seen your DH. But she is sure vv pretty :)))) Lot's of kisses for u and her xxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs: Viv, I'm sorry to hear that you are sleep deprived. HUGSSS. God! Not sleeping turns me into a grumpy lioness so I guess I should get ready what's to come :blush: How is Callum, is he growing well? :kiss::kiss:

Carole :hi: It's good to hear that you are both well. I waited for 12 weeks scan to tell the family too. You'll be there before you know it anyway.

Hey Laura how's it going? How is club pink and club blue doing? Are you doing any special twins diet? I eat loads and loads of green veggies out of choice which is good but not keen on meat as much. It must be harder to feed 2 babies xxx

NMG how are you hon? When is your 20 week scan?

Anna :)) Good luck with the doc. I hope he can resolve Josephine's tummy problems. I bet she'll end up being one of those nature loving strong little girls already been camping :))

Steph Katelyn has grown so much no? :))) There seems to be a debate about which way the baby should face in the stroller. I guess it's good for them to see the world as well :)

Terry, Angela, Charmain, Lucy, Chris, MA xxxxxx

AFM Me and the helper lady managed to get most of the unnecessary papers and boxes out of the small room. Which is used as storage/guest room/drying and ironing/sewing room. So there is lot's to shuffle. I'll get sone to remove the desk and my sewing machine, paint the dark brown bed and squeeze the white baby furniture. So still quite a bit to do. DH's in Portugal for work the whole week. I can't order anything that needs viewong while he is away since he needs to drive me to Toys r us etc. Hopefully all be sorted while we wait for the furniture. I've started to buy and prepare the baby clothes. They are sooo cuuutttte. Man I'm trying to hold off on going crazy but it's hard. Anything you girls think is a must?
I am eating pretty much what I like & have gained almost 20 lbs already which is what my multiples book recommends. I am suppised to manage 100 grams of protein daily but I'm just not a huge meat eater lately so lots of milk, dairy, nuts, peanut butter & these protein bars.
we haven't started decorating the nursery but we have everything but the crib ready to go. need to move everything out and paint. I have also started collecting baby clothes but mainly through consignment shops & outlet stores. I know I will also get some hand-me-downs & items at the shower. The girl clothes are so adorable but I've found some sweet stuff for the boy too. Happy shopping!!!!
Hi Ladies,

Sorry it's been awhile since posting.

Amelia Gabrielle Shearer arrived at 8:29am on Sept. 29th by c-section. The section over all went well but felt kind of odd being pulled. She came in weighing 8lbs 13oz's

She went up to NICU and they let her down two hours later only for her to go back up the following day because her sugars weren't stabilized. It became rough from there. NICU was only "open" during certain times. DURING those times you had to breastfeed or feed your baby. Amelia was learning to attach but has issues with peanut butter tongue...meaning her tongue goes to the roof of her mouth instead of lying at the bottom. So that made our time spent there much later and gave her less time to latch on and get food. All the while, we'd get downstairs eat and instead of sleeping, we'd go back up for her feeding times. It was awful seeing her on lead lines, being poked and prodded for testing. I was obviously emotional seeing it.

She was finally sent back to us but then they said she had jaundice. They wanted to keep her and we said okay, however the testing they did and then the light therapy left her without clothes on, cold, unswaddled and eyes always covered. By the last 6 hours she'd had it and so did we. It was horrifying to go through with our little one.

We came home yesterday on day 5 of our stay and life has been better. Amelia is latching on nicely, my milk has just come in and we're getting sleep when it comes. It's been better together at home where we all belong.

Wanted to share a few pics with you all.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0337.jpg The 1st time I saw my miracle baby.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0362.jpgWelcome Amelia Gabrielle!

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0380.jpg Cute little one. I just love her more and more each day.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0390.jpgAmelia's first hour in her bassinete.

As of now, I'm recovering from the incision, have contracted PUPPS rash from pregnancy. My abdomen is mishapen and my body has TONS of water retention in the abdomen especially. I kept crying because I wondered if my body would look disfigured forever but have been told it will take time, but will get back to normal.

As I recover from the harder issues, I just keep looking at my daughter Amelia, my husband and our dogs and remember how blessed I am. My cup truly runneth over with abundant love!
Oh wow Rebekah!!! So happy for you. Thanks for the lovely update and pictures!!! Xoxo She's beautiful!

Chris I haven't responded to you yet either! That first picture had me laughing so hard. She is adorable. Xoxo Sophie prefers that burping position too.

Quick post because i'm on my tablet.

Congrats you two!!!!!

What's silent reflux Viv? Sorry you are having more troubles.

Anna I am so impressed you took Jo camping!!! Hope her crying eases up. What did the Dr. Say?

Sorry I know I've missed so many of you. Xoxoxoxoxi
Rebekah - Thank you so much for the photos! She looks just like you! I totally understand about being emotional seeing your baby with lines/wires and having them lay under the little sunlamp with their eyes covered due to jaundice. I am glad that she is now home and she looks so comfy and cozy in her bassinet. The swelling WILL go down. I am so happy for your my friend. Please keep posting photos

Anna - Impressed by you taking Jo camping with you. I am sure next time the weather will be cooler. Sorry to hear about the reflux/colic. The medicine will help, but it takes about 3-4 days for it to kick in.

Skye - Yay on shopping! If you will be using bottles, get a drying rack for them. What NOT to get is a wiper warmer - big WASTE of money. They only stay warm for like a second and you can't place it on too many things because it will burn through lots of types of materials; wood, plastic, etc.

AFM Katelyn is learning to roll!!!! This morning I placed her on her tummy and then she rolled onto her back all by herself! She did this three more times and luckily I was able to record it on our flip. She will be 6 months old on Friday. Where does the time go!

I hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry, I don't have time to address everyone...

Good evening! I don't have time to post right now (hungry child awaits) but I wanted to quickly check and see if MA had pictures up yet...

She's beautiful!!! Congrats, MA!
Chris and Anna - you need to change your tickers! Go to lilypie.com
Hi all from a much quieter house. . .

MA, love the pictures!!! She is beautiful. After all you've been through I am so happy you are home and happy. We have the same bassinet!!

Thanks all for the kind words of support. To let everyone know the doctor went really well. I thought for sure she would say," all babies have gas, deal with it." But she was very receptive and even said, " you wouldn't be here if there wasn't something really wrong. " So nice to be listened to. She said, yes acid reflux and gave us a perscription for a baby Zantex (sp) and to use a little milk of magnesia(sp). I know it should take a few days to kick in but today was the first scream fest free afternoon we've had in a while. And here's an interesting thing. . . she's 10.9 lbs!! Little chunk! I have thought for a while that she's been comforting feeding due to upset tummy as it's the only thing that feels good. And the numbers and the doc confirmed it. She showed me a chart of her growth compared to a normal new born and we blow it away. Anyway, not feeding as much today, so I think she's happier.

Hi to everyone!! Skye, I love my blankets that are adden and anise( sp ) can't remember the exact name but their awesome for all kinds of things and the best blankets I've found for swaddeling.

Have a wonderful night!! MA, welcome home!! Sunshine, how ya doin? Impressed you posted. Vivienne, hang in there. Lava, how r u? Steph, I know I need to change ticker. Today was house chore day, tomorrow computer day.

take care Anna

P.S. Ma, I was bloated like a puffer fish for at least a week or two after the birth, it will go down. I kept getting hot flashes, I think I sweated out all the water!
Chris and Rebekah, HUGS Congrats!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Hannah and Amelia are absolutely precious!!!

Anna: if you have a fussy baby, you may benefit from Dr. Sears's book "The Fussy Baby Book". Yup, he even wrote a whole book on our kids!!! It was an absolute sanity-saver for me :hugs: Hope it gets better!

Viv, I hope the ranitidine helps! It took docs here a longer time to figure out Z had reflux :nope: She was finally diagnosed at 9 weeks of age after losing weight over a whole month :cry: For us, pantoprazole did the trick. She outgrew the reflux at 11 months of age, it was REALLY hard for the first 4-5 months though...

Not much time to update here, other than 10 weeks today and not a single symptom other than hair loss. I swear I payed my dues with the last pregnancy though, where I was sick all day all night for 39 weeks :wacko: I keep forgetting I'm actually pregnant this time around, which is probably a good thing given that DH is 5 hours away at school, I'm working full-time and single parenting a toddler right now! My CVS is on October 17th, and we won't be disclosing the pregnancy unless the chromosomes are normal. And yes, we will find out the sex :)

Hugs to everyone!!! So excited to read more about all these new babes!!! :cloud9:
Such lovely pictures, MA. I am so incredibly happy for you & Doug knowing your miracle baby is finally home with you safe & sound. Praise God! Hope the swelling goes down soon and your c-section recovery goes well. I understand that it is highly likely I will have one too with twins & I'm curious what it will be like, but a little nervous.

Sorry for all the ladies dealing with baby acid reflux. Poor things. I have acid reflux with my pregnancy & it hurts. Can't imagine what those little babes are going through, but I'm glad to know the doctors have been responsive & prescribed something. Viv, hope the meds work for Callem.

So glad you are feeling well this time around. You have a lot on your plate. Last thing you need to be dealing with is 24/7 nausea.

Thanks to all for their registry tips. I am putting the finishing touches on mine as my shower invites are going out this week. It will be Nov. 5th, just girls, as my DH will be up in Athens for the football game. It is something to look forward to. The holidays will be here before I know it. Can y'all believe only 2 months & 3 weeks until Christmas?

The other exciting thing is that 2 of my 3 friends who were pg this year then miscarried, including the one that lost twins on an IVF cycle who was at my clinic & only a week behind me, are both pregnant again!!! I am so excited for them. My third friend still hasn't spoken to me, but I sent her a shower invite anyway even though she won't come or probably RSVP. I wish she would have better luck with the IVFs or consider adoption. She wants to be a mom more than anyone I know and I just hope she has good support & isn't isolating herself.

I am very worried these days about premature labor. My fear is that we will be in the hospital/NICU at Christmas time. I need to keep them in there until at least January when I will be 35 weeks. Obviously, the longer I go, the better. Did any of you ladies start totally obsessing about viability milestones & the weekly countdown in your last few months or is it just me?

I think I'm just now (maybe) feeling the babies move but no kicks yet. I have an anterior placenta so I knew it would be somewhat delayed. But my friend has felt her baby kick since 15 weeks. When will I feel them kick? My husband puts his hand on my belly every night and talks to the babies, but we don't feel anything. I'm 22 weeks. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Sorry this post is all about me.

Angela, how are you? Haven't heard much from you lately ... how is Ethan? Has he grown out of that adorable frog onesie yet? ;) Question for you about Zofran ... you probably told me already, how long did you take yours? I am out of my prescription. The doctor will give me more. In the last two days, I've been slightly queasy. Should I get more of the Zofran or wait it out a few more days? I don't want to over-medicate. However, on the flip side, after a few sleepless nights, I took a Benedryl last night and voila, slept like a log & woke up refreshed. So drugs are my friend today. ;) What do you think?

Hi MsMuffet (love your avatar of Katelyn), Chris, Anna, Charmaine (how is the night nanny working out?), NMG, Jules, everyone I'm missing.
Hey girls!

WHEW! Like three weeks have flown by at I feel like they all hit me at once! :haha: I am sorry to be MIA so much lately. I read every day, but hate to do drive-by postings and I don't want anyone to feel like I leave them out so I end up not posting at all unless I can write a novel! :dohh:

First, CONGRATS and GORGEOUS photos Sunshine and MA! I am so glad we can welcome two more precious little ones!! I loved the photo with Hannah's little fingers - EThan did that to me in those early days too and we said it was his way of saying "thanks a lot for kicking me out early, MOM!" LOL! Bek, I hope they can get Amelia's blood sugar stabilized. I have heard that it can be a temporary side effect if the mother has diabetes. Hopefully it is all cleared now that she is home!

Thanks to all who have asked after me and Ethan. We are doing great, just finally getting out and about more and getting involved in a few activities (this is all good, because I was so isolated over the summer when it was so hot here, I rarely felt up to getting out and just sitting around the house was not healthy for me!)

I am starting to walk each day, weather permitting, and taking Ethan out and about for strolls. He seems to enjoy it and I feel like I get my daily exercise in. Our neighborhood is very hilly, and pushing that stroller with my now 18 pound chunky bear in it is real work LOL!

My husband had to travel for business for a week and so my MIL came to visit. Thankfully, we get along GREAT and she is super helpful, so I was able to get a lot of things done that are harder to do with a baby in tow. Went to the dermatologist (something I"ve been putting off FOREVER) and got checked, and there are a couple moles he wants to remove more of... they came back moderately atypical and I don't want to take any chances, with my family history of cancer. But I know I am in for more of that in the years to come, as I have not always been careful with my skin in the sun... Sigh. I wish we knew at 17 what we know at 36!! :dohh:

Anyway, we're doing great and I can't remember but it seemed like a couple of people had specific questions for me. I will try to read back and catch up, I am so sorry! :hugs:

Laura, YES I did obsess over the whole viability thing starting about 21, 22 weeks. I think at that point it starts to seem like you are sooo close and you just start to wonder and worry. I definitely found those weeks to drag for me and kept thinking and praying how much better I would feel once I knew we had cleared viability. But as I've mentioned before, the worries don't end there, they just change LOL! About the time we cleared viability, I started to worry about L&D. I will definitely keep you in my prayers and I am so glad to hear of your friends' new pregnancies! :hugs: On the zofran, I found I needed it only 1x a day, but that was to get through the night and be able to sleep without waking up sick, so I took it about 12 or 2 am, whenever I would wake up to pee (for hte first time each night LOL!) I took it throughout second and third tri and was still taking it in the delivery room, quite literally. Ethan is perfect, so no worries. I would say definitely ask for more if you need it. Your rest is super important! And I think I was about 22 weeks before I could feel a definite kick, but like you, I had anterior placenta and it makes a HUGE difference. So don't worry! Your scans have been perfect and the first time around, it is hard to know for sure exactly what you are feeling, at first.

Steph, I cannot believe how big Katelyn is! She is looking GREAT and you will love starting solids (can't remember if you have already done that now) - it is so much fun!

Anna, Svet and Viv - for those who are trying to hang with the bfing, take it one day at a time, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. The biggest thing I learned with the reflux issue (which Ethan definitely has), was that breastmilk is (unfortunately) about the worst thing that we can feed them in terms of reflux; it is thinner and therefore comes back up more easily than formula. So once we switched to formula and then (blessedly) to the Enfamil A/R (acid reflux) formula, that made ALL the difference in the world. We considered (and were prescribed) ranitidine (Zantac) but opted against it as both hubby and I were uncomfortable with meds that early on... but it worked great for some friends of ours that used it for their daughter. Just know that it WILL pass. Ethan is 7 months now and has pretty much outgrown it; it happens very seldom now (maybe 1x a month). We do other things too lke elevating the head of his crib, not laying him down right after he eats, not trying to change diapers right after a feeding, etc... just trying to avoid things that make it worse. But it WILL pass and you WILL find it easier as you go. My dr. said basically ALL babies are born with weak muscles that keep the stomach closed (valve or sphincter does not work as well in those early days) but almost all outgrow the problem. I remember it well and can still remember bawling when I sat with Ethan at 2 in the morning after nursing him and then he threw EVERYTHING I had fed him up... it is hard but just try to take it one day at a time.

Skye, enjoy getting everything ready! That is such a fun stage of pregnancy and I really enjoyed myself shopping and registering and making decisions about what we would want and need. Fun!

CJ and Carole and NMG, so happy to hear all is well with those babies!! And CJ I am so jealous of your symptom free pgcy, but yes it sounds like you definitely paid in full the first time around LOL! So glad you are feeling better this round! Carole, I know I owe you a PM. It has been a little crazy this last couple days but should smooth out now.

Charmaine, you are a rock star and I am so glad to hear those beautiful girls are doing well! :hugs:

Lucy, Rowan, how are you ladies doing?

Hi and HUGS to all, and I hope I have not missed anyone. If so it definitely was not intentional! Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying this babies, whether born yet or not! :)
And ummmm... why is everything centered? Is it just my computer?

And I am so sorry for the rash of posts here, but wanted to share a recent pic of my little guy. Laura - yes, he has outgrown that froggie onesie I love so much! But I like this outfit really well too and can already tell it is my new favorite. He looks like such a grown up little BOY already instead of a baby! I can't believe it! :rofl: :cry:


  • Ethan 9-21 edt.jpg
    Ethan 9-21 edt.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 7
Hi All,

I am about to go to a meeting, but wanted to just write a quick note, especially with almost of all of us having babies that suffered/suffering from Acid Reflux. I have to say that it is VERY comforting and reassuring to know that others are going through this and that IT WILL PASS. Angela, when I read what you just posted about being up at 2am bawling, I thought I was the only one who cried at night because of the reflux and sat with Katelyn in an upright position for 20-30 minutes after each feeding so she wouldn't throw it back up. It is easy to forget that other mom's are going through the EXACT same thing. That is one of the reasons I love this site...we are NOT alone in this.

I especially love this thread and the original thread and really only read these two on a consistent basis. You are all wonderful people and I am SOOOOO happy to have gotten to know you all. I am looking forward to reading and living our motherhood journey's together.

LOVE and HUGS to you all!!!

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