35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Me again,

Jules as for day care, that's a tough one. I was lucky as my parent's live sort of close by and DH's schedule is more flexible. We do a full day on Monday's, half day Tuesday at daycare, day and a half with grandparents, two days with DH and sat and sun with me. If you have some flexibility most day cares do half days. Also if you google daycares and questions you can get some good guide lines of questions to ask day cares and things to look for. Going back to work is hard there's no easy way to do it. Best of luck!!

Anna, are you pregnant again already?? Is that ticker just restarting?? :lol:
Nope, I keep forgetting I have to change my ticker. Can't do it from my phone and that's how I reply 99% of the time. Will try and change it this weekend.

BTW, Josephine is all better. Mysterious baby bug.
I was thinking you were having Irish Twins. :lol: It would have been interesting! We actually had a friend who got pregnant shortly after having her baby by fertility. She had ovarian drilling. Thing about Ovarian Drilling that she didn't know about is that the effects "pause" during pregnancy and once your done, continues working. She got pregnant with twins shortly after.
Nope not me. Just got the witch. But as I said before I would love to be!!! Wishful thinking DH would freak!! Can't imagine being pregnant with twins now. I'm already so tired.

Carol I will be thinking of you all weekend. Finger crossed you have a good scan and all is well.

Happy Friday!!!

Carol I will be thinking of you all weekend. Finger crossed you have a good scan and all is well.

I agree. Praying for a clear scan and healthy pregnancy all the way through! :hugs::flower:

I think I'm sensing Amelia is head-strong. While she cries when her diaper is dirty or she needs to eat, lately she's been moody. She's out right now before her last feeding and she slept a good 3 hrs long before her 4pm nap (at 1pm). She's really salivating and teething. Nothings come up yet though. Could this be why she's so grumpy?

We put her in her jumper and she stays around 30 minutes before she gets bored and cries. We take her out and put her on her back and she stays for another 30 minutes before she's bored. She DOES NOT like "tummy time" though she has turned from belly to back and back to belly. It's just not where she wants to be.

She doesn't like swing time and screams. I've tried putting her in her bassinett for her naps now and unless she's asleep beforehand, she screams (I've let her try and self soothe) when she'll finally falls asleep a while later.

She's just getting finicking and/or headstrong. She's only 5 months but is this something I should be worried about? Could it be just the teething issue or should I be doing something to nip this in the budd before it becomes a problem when she's older?:shrug: It could even still be the reflux issue too.

Anyone have advice?
Hey Rebekah, Gabriella despises tummy time too! My pediatrician told us to start doing it a couple of weeks ago. The first time I did it, she was so distressed, she cried. I got so upset because she was upset, so I started to cry! My husband felt bad for the both of us, gave us both a cuddle and that was the end of tummy time for a few days LOL. I'm doing it a couple of times a day now but she still hates it. A lot of the time she's in my arms or sleeping on my shoulder so she's not flat on her head most of the time.

Do you have a noise machine for Amelia? We have a 'sleep sheep' attached to the end of her bassinet which is a sound machine. She loves the 'rain', 'ocean' and 'bubbling stream' sound effects. They really calm her down. White noise and swaddling really do the trick with her when she's fussing.

Amelia is older though, so perhaps she is teething? Poor thing, I imagine that must be very uncomfortable for a baby. Hopefully it isn't the reflux.

Anna - I really want to be pregnant again too and I only gave birth less than 4 weeks ago LOL. Even though I had a crazy, painful time with fibroids and the high blood pressure and an irregular heart beat, I miss it so! Tony is on the fence about having another one. He isn't against it, but wants some time to think about it so we've decided to wait until Thanksgiving and then decide if we will go forward with having another. I'm worried about my age though. I turn 40 tomorrow :wacko:

Carole - how are you doing, love? I am sure you are beside yourself with worry right now. I am thinking about you and have everything crossed for a normal, perfect scan when you go back. :hugs:
I want another baby too. Going to try next winter. Hopefully I've have some loss soon. I'm so bummed because I can't take Amelia out in a stroller around this neighborhood after being followed over a month ago by an oddball. lol I hope we can find a place soon. I REALLY want to get out and walk/jog and hike...maybe even kayak. Anna, how much do you do actively now that baby is here? What do you do WITH her?? We have an Ergo carrier so we've been using that right now. We're also transitioning over to a convertable carseat soon. Amelia hates being cooped up in her infant carseat. her legs are getting too long and to be honest, she's constantly observing her surroundings. She feels cooped. :rofl:
Hey Ladies I had to update you as I went to a different hospital in town and insisted on being scanned as was so worried I couldn't wait any longer. They were fab and have given me the all clear and said there is nothing wrong with Zara at all PHEW we cried we were so relieved. They gave me a disc with more pics of her and a video which is just so precious. Also got pics of her brain as reassurance.

I never want to be put through anything like that again.

Will catch up later as DH is taking me out for something nice to eat to celebrate

Thanks so much for all your love and support, I really don't know how I would cope without you all :hugs:
Happy Birthday Jules! I love meeting fellow Pisceans. My birthday is Tuesday, and I "will" be 40, LOL! The sleep sheep is in my wish list, LOL. It's so cute, and I ran across it when I was looking for a new sleep/noise machine for myself (love them).

Sorry about all the sick finicky babies--I know it's just a stage, but still...

Apparently, I'm not having a 12-week scan like so many others. Because I went into the first appointment early (6+3), my 4 week scheduled appointment falls on off weeks. So my appointment last week was at 10+5. Baby was moving and grooving. And that's it. Next appointment is in week 14. I have my NT in two weeks, so that's my next "doctor's appointment." After I have that (and everything's OK) we'll tell my parents (and I guess his family) and close friends. My MS has gotten worse in the past two weeks, unfortunately, as have my hives (horrid things--they're the worst part of all this, actually). I also have atypical eczema (which I don't have at all normally). Otherwise, things are swimming, LOL.
Hey Ladies I had to update you as I went to a different hospital in town and insisted on being scanned as was so worried I couldn't wait any longer. They were fab and have given me the all clear and said there is nothing wrong with Zara at all PHEW we cried we were so relieved. They gave me a disc with more pics of her and a video which is just so precious. Also got pics of her brain as reassurance.

I never want to be put through anything like that again.

Will catch up later as DH is taking me out for something nice to eat to celebrate

Thanks so much for all your love and support, I really don't know how I would cope without you all :hugs:

Oh Carole, so happy for you!!!!! I didn't see this at first--GREAT news!!!!!
Hi girls!

Thank you for the birthday wishes! Nikki, our birthdays are very close - I also like to meet other Pisceans! I have a lot of Pisceans in my life (and Virgos!) - not sure if that is coincidence or not LOL.

I'm sorry about your MS :( Are you nervous about your NT scan? I was shaking on the table when I had mine done LOL. You must update us and let us know if you're having a little girl or boy! :happydance:

Your little one is going to LOVE the Sleep Sheep! I actually got two of them! One is the original and the other is the travel version to take with us when we are out of town/visiting grandma. I have the travel one permanently velcro'd to Gabriella's bassinet - she loves it!

Carole!! I am THRILLED for you honey! I can only imagine how scared you've been up until this point - I hope you and hubby had a lovely, celebratory dinner together:thumbup:

So I have to brag and show you gals what my amazing hubby got me for my 40th birthday! It is a beautiful amethyst and diamond necklace - he bought it because Amethyst is our daughter's birth stone. Honestly I was so stunned when I saw it. It is the most thoughtful, beautiful gift I have ever received and made me cry! Here is a picture of it. I feel very spoiled!


How is everyone else doing? I hope you are all having a great weekend so far! :hugs:
Wow that necklace is stunning! What a wonderful husband you have!!! Enjoy.
yehh it worked, ok one more that cracks me up ....


LOL!!! Anna

Beautiful. hey my email is [email protected], if you want to ask me anything since I reckon I have been through it all hahaha!!
Ok forgive me I am terrible at updating on here!!!!

Beth and Jules congrats again on beautiful 'Ella" and 'Poppy' :happydance:

Bek, house prices over your way are so good compared to us!!!!! Keep positive, the right one will come along. :thumbup:

Can't remember who asked about custard, but it's like thick yoghurt, made with eggs, milk, cornflower and vanilla.

Anna so sorry Jo has been ill. Callum had had a cold for two weeks now and the first couple of days were brutal. Sorry I also didn't get back on tips for sleeping and food in time. I don't mind the crying it out way, it works for us.

Carole, such good news! :happydance:

Beth, I really feel for you with an unhappy bubs. :cry: I know Charlie is just feeling guilty that he can't do more than he does, Chris is the same. I think they do feel left out a lot of the time. I am lucky in that Chris comes home every day for lunch to see us because he doesn't get to spend much time with Callum.

Wow Chris Sophie has two toothies already, awesome :happydance: I'm not sure I want Callum to get teeth just yet as it's hurts enough feeding him now when he clamps down with his gums :cry:

Jules, Callum had hiccups all the time and grimaced and grizzled a lot. He has silent reflux. I hate medicating him but it really worked. Hopefully I can wean him soon though.

HA, :cry:

Rottpaw, year already, it's crazy how time flies.

Junebug-so close!! :happydance:

AFM. Have had MIL here for a week which was great. She cooked almost every night for us!

I am so busy these days. I seem to have signed up to do lots of things in my baby dazed state! We have an organisation called Plunket here who look after you and your baby up until school age. They see the bubs every couple of months and it's totally free. This week is their annual appeal, and I have been ringing looking for collectors etc and organising collections. I have also agreed to volunteer at a group of ante natal classes, the same classes I took while pregnant. They are keen for me to also do a talk on my experiences with severe PPD.

I have two coffee groups a week, a music and movement class, playgroup, and therapy!! I am just as social as I was before baby, except the people I socialise with are small and cuddly!!! :dohh:

Callum is crawling backwards now which is great, but he is also waking up one or two times a night now since he has been sick and not going back to sleep easily. :dohh: Has three meals a day, but is picky and only wants to feed himself not have us do it. He tries finger foods and can do crackers, toast and pieces of fruit, but isn't too co-ordinated yet and hasn't fully developed his pincer grip. Anyone having trouble thinking of foods to feed baby? He flatly refuses any food from jars, so I make it all from scratch.

Gosh sorry for the essay!!

Love to all
hi ladies,

holding my little love while he finally sleeps fitfully for a bit (typing one handed while he occasionally moves his face to my lips for kisses - so cute!). we had a terrible weekend - he was miserable and had many many poopy diapers and tons of gas as well as reflux issues. We are going to the ped in about an hour for his one month checkup and followup from last weeks visit. I'm not too hopeful they will give me any more advice other than the useless "keep him upright after a feeding for 30 mins".... we keep him upright and quiet for an hour and he still spits up and is reflux miserable. Charlie is coming too so he will be more forceful in resolving things hopefully. the visiting nurse says to get the zantac so we will see if the ped agrees.

my incision is finally healing... still a gaping hole but getting slowly better.... I do have an autoimmune issue which is interfering with a speedy healing as well as on a steriod that also slows things down. :(

viv - so glad to see you pop back on! I love your cuddly social life now! :happydance: Lucky you! Cal is doing great! I'm so happy for you both! (ps, my hubby's initials are CAL - he uses that to sign all his work stuff so I think of you when I call him CAL)

Jules! Happy one month birthday to our babies!!!! Can you believe we made it to a month? sometimes it seems to have flown by, but if you ask Charlie at the 3am feedings when I'm cranky tired, he'll tell you it has crawled by! :haha:

and happy belated birthday to you!!!! so great to be so close to gabby! and WOW WOW WOW on the necklace!!!! way to go tony!!!!!! :haha::hugs:

carole - thank god you went for the other scan. What joyous news to have your mind set at ease. Little Zara has so many people praying for her! I hope you and hubby had a great celebratory dinner. You both deserve it.

My little love is getting very heavy, so I will wrap up and send huge hugs to all my other lovely friends..... I will let you know either later today or tomorrow what the ped has said. I keep notes on everything that has happened so hoping it will spell out something we can easily resolve other than the useless "keep him upright and he will be fine" crap.
Hi girls!

Thank you for the birthday wishes! Nikki, our birthdays are very close - I also like to meet other Pisceans! I have a lot of Pisceans in my life (and Virgos!) - not sure if that is coincidence or not LOL.

I'm sorry about your MS :( Are you nervous about your NT scan? I was shaking on the table when I had mine done LOL. You must update us and let us know if you're having a little girl or boy! :happydance:

Your little one is going to LOVE the Sleep Sheep! I actually got two of them! One is the original and the other is the travel version to take with us when we are out of town/visiting grandma. I have the travel one permanently velcro'd to Gabriella's bassinet - she loves it!

Carole!! I am THRILLED for you honey! I can only imagine how scared you've been up until this point - I hope you and hubby had a lovely, celebratory dinner together:thumbup:

So I have to brag and show you gals what my amazing hubby got me for my 40th birthday! It is a beautiful amethyst and diamond necklace - he bought it because Amethyst is our daughter's birth stone. Honestly I was so stunned when I saw it. It is the most thoughtful, beautiful gift I have ever received and made me cry! Here is a picture of it. I feel very spoiled!


How is everyone else doing? I hope you are all having a great weekend so far! :hugs:

Happy Birthday! :hug: I think I'd like to borrow that necklace!! :lol: It reminds me of the necklace on the movie "The Titanic". VERY romantic!:winkwink::flower:
hi ladies,

holding my little love while he finally sleeps fitfully for a bit (typing one handed while he occasionally moves his face to my lips for kisses - so cute!). we had a terrible weekend - he was miserable and had many many poopy diapers and tons of gas as well as reflux issues. We are going to the ped in about an hour for his one month checkup and followup from last weeks visit. I'm not too hopeful they will give me any more advice other than the useless "keep him upright after a feeding for 30 mins".... we keep him upright and quiet for an hour and he still spits up and is reflux miserable. Charlie is coming too so he will be more forceful in resolving things hopefully. the visiting nurse says to get the zantac so we will see if the ped agrees.

my incision is finally healing... still a gaping hole but getting slowly better.... I do have an autoimmune issue which is interfering with a speedy healing as well as on a steriod that also slows things down. :(

viv - so glad to see you pop back on! I love your cuddly social life now! :happydance: Lucky you! Cal is doing great! I'm so happy for you both! (ps, my hubby's initials are CAL - he uses that to sign all his work stuff so I think of you when I call him CAL)

Jules! Happy one month birthday to our babies!!!! Can you believe we made it to a month? sometimes it seems to have flown by, but if you ask Charlie at the 3am feedings when I'm cranky tired, he'll tell you it has crawled by! :haha:

and happy belated birthday to you!!!! so great to be so close to gabby! and WOW WOW WOW on the necklace!!!! way to go tony!!!!!! :haha::hugs:

carole - thank god you went for the other scan. What joyous news to have your mind set at ease. Little Zara has so many people praying for her! I hope you and hubby had a great celebratory dinner. You both deserve it.

My little love is getting very heavy, so I will wrap up and send huge hugs to all my other lovely friends..... I will let you know either later today or tomorrow what the ped has said. I keep notes on everything that has happened so hoping it will spell out something we can easily resolve other than the useless "keep him upright and he will be fine" crap.

We went through a whole lot of stressful days/nights like this. In the end, I'm glad we finally went to formula. We do the Neutromogen for reflux. It's the most expensive one on the market but if you get a Dr.'s script specifically for reflux for the formula, it will cover majority of your expenses. Be sure to ask for a script for a months worth of formula so it costs you less over time! You can also sign up for coupons and we get a TON of 5.00 off coupons we can use even at the pharmacy.:winkwink: This is of course if or when you decide to.

It took me awhile before I could transition from bf'ing to ff'ing. I felt SO GUILTY. In the end we tried for awhile with no change. Amelia was miserable and mommy was beside herself with lack of sleep/frustrated and just as miserable. When I let it go, she fell into ff'ing and we were able to bond MORE because we both weren't on so much edge. She still has "some" issues but once on her med for reflux things started getting MUCH better. I figured I'd throw that thought out to you. :winkwink:

Viv....sounds like your quite the social butterfly. I'm holding back a bit but we have a lot going on here. Emotionally I'm all over the place. I'm starting to sleep without Ambien now which is good but I'm still sleepy throughout the day. :wacko:

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