35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh Carole honey I'm so sorry they scared you like that, and I can't believe they would not tell you what it means or what to expect! I'm even wondering if it could be a mistake since they supposedly picked it up at 20 weeks but are just now saying something about it?? I don't have any experience on this point but maybe CJ can shed some light on what it may mean. She is a doctor and has helped many of us better understand the medical issues we run across.

Hugs and prayers and TRY not to worry. I have had several friends on the boards have things like this turn up on a scan and the baby turns out to be FINE and I'm praying the same for you and Zara! :hugs:
And girls I am so sorry I haven't caught up and responded yet - my mother in law arrives today and it will be busy today but i should defo have a chance to catch up this weekend.

But meanwhile I just want to say its Ethan's every first birthday today!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

We are SO excited and are planning a bit of a party next weekend. (BTW Steph, i LOVE Kateybug the Ladybug.... That is PERFECT for your theme!). We will do a teddy bear theme. I wanted Paddington, my all time favorite bear, but could not find invitations ANYWHERE. so, general teddy bear theme it is lol!

Okay more update to come soon. Hugs and love! Must go clean this wreck of a house for mynMIL to arrive. Eek!

Thanks Angela,

I called the midwife and pushed for more info and then my Doula went to the hospital in person and found the Dr who did my 20 week scan and pushed him on the situation. They have now said that these things can be "transient" so can change and that they are checking again to make really sure there is no problem. They said that because this is the time that the brain goes through rapid development it is a good time to check. She told him off a bit and made him change me appointment so I get to go on Sunday now at 7.30am so at least I don't have so long to wait.

Been checking on here and some ladies have gone through this and been ok and said that the measurements can vary from day to day and whoever does the scan.

I am trying to hang in there but DH broke down in tears at work when I told him. Nothing ever seems easy:cry:
No, it's rarely easy and I think especially for us at 35+ because we just depaerately want at least ONE healthy baby and anything that can go wrong scares us to death. I am so glad the doula is so helpful, and now you don't have to wait quite as long to doubt check. I know one of our march girls last year was told her sons head was lemon shaped (!!!!) and they scared her half to death, but he is perfectly FINE. So I know it is hard but please try not to worry! :hugs::hugs:
Carole :hug: :hug: :hug:

First of all, if it would have been severe they definitely would have mentioned it at your 20 week scan. My gut feeling is that it is "borderline" because they said nothing, and most cases I see with borderline ventriculomegaly turn out perfectly fine! Is the apt you have on Sunday to repeat the ultrasound to check where the measurement stands now?
Happy happy first birthday Ethan!!!! Wow, how time has flown! I love your teddy bear theme Angela, and can't wait to see pictures!!
Thanks CJ all I have been told is that they want to redo the radiographer scan again as at this stage of pregnancy they should be able to tell if there is still a problem or not. They said they would check the ventricle again and said that all other organs were fine. I didn't even realise what this meant until I came home and looked up on the internet they just wouldn't give me any info of what this really was or the possible scenarios.

I am scared senseless as to be honest could cope with a problem with heart etc as there is more that can be done but the brain is just so scary.

I am supposed to be going to our birthing workshop tomorrow but really can't face it. Just want to know one way or the other if our baby is ok or not.
Oh hun, the dangers of the internet! Yes, very large ventricles can be associated with chromosomal changes, hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and other genetic syndromes BUT like I said, if they weren't too concerned at 20 weeks, I really really doubt that Zara's ventricles are in that scary range :hug: PLEASE stay off the internet until your scan on Sunday! Most cases with slightly increased measurements at 20 weeks NORMALIZE by the following scan and the babies are perfectly fine! I know that it's difficult after what you read to try and be positive, but I really feel based on the info I have that Zara will be in this "perfectly fine" category! :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Carole - oh my goodness, how scary! I'm so sorry you are going through this! And how crappy that they won't even give you a bit of info. Thank god for CJ to calm our fears. :) I am sure things will be just fine and there is nothing to worry about but you are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you to all who didn't peg me as a hormone-crazy lady with my post yesterday. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Here's the thing - the reflux is pretty nasty but Poppy doesn't really cry at all. He is just UP and Awake ALL THE TIME and spits up constantly. And I mean constantly! I follow the dr's orders and burp him often and keep him upright for 30 minutes after a feeding - even in the middle of the night - and the second I put him down to finish the swaddle (I like to feed with his arms out of the swaddle) he spits everything up. And then wants to feed again. Then spits up again, then feeds again. I have even kept him upright for over an hour after feedings and it doesn't matter, he still spits up (and arches his little back when feeding, poor thing). Last night I got about an hour sleep and that wasn't even a solid hour. I was trying to be nice and not wake DH as he has a few meetings today but I am pooped. We have his bassinet on an incline and that has helped a lot, just not last night as he was up alllllllllllll night. The ped. said to go off all gassy foods for me and see, then I may have to go off of all dairy too see, or even use some rice cereal now. We see him again Monday, I'm hoping for the cereal route.

So when DH got home last night, I was calmer :winkwink: but almost lost it because Poppy was fussing and he took him and bam, suddenly he was fine. annoying. So I said to him that I was really hurt from what he said earlier and frankly insulted that he makes me feel like I can't take care of my own baby and he apologized and said he feels so overwhelmed because the Drs and visiting nurses keep telling him I can't do much and need to rest so he feels like he has to do more but he can't due to work. So I asked him what the heck it was beyond the stairs (which are still tough for me) that he felt he needed to rush home every hour to check up on us...... he said he was stressed out because he had to do the laundry and food shopping and some of the cooking besides worrying about Poppy and me. Laundry. LAUNDRY!!!! Are you freaking kidding me? Laundry?!?!?!? I know he hates to do laundry but I thought we were ok as he puts it in the machines, then I fold them when dry. Sigh. And I've signed up for peapod - that is a supermarket around here that delivers and told him Poppy has plenty of clothes, leave the damn laundry.

I asked him if he thought I had PPD and he said no, he just feels overwhelmed with my not healing fast, Poppy's reflux and work being crazy busy. i told him he doesn't have to come home all the time, we are just fine and said he wants to because he misses us. So I know there are some misplaced aggression venting to me lately. He asked if I thought I had PPD and I said no, but I am hormonal! I love taking care of Poppy when I have him and don't feel sad or depressed at all, I just am frustrated with him and his over-protectiveness! I think he got the point and we were OK the rest of the night once we got it all out. I told him how I feel when he makes stupid comments :growlmad: about how there is something wrong with the baby because he feeds all the time or spits up all the time or doesn't sleep except for in our arms (if we put him down, he just fusses loudly but no crying and that can be tough to listen to). He doesn't get that Poppy is too little to have a sense of time yet, so he will sleep all day and be up some at night - he is just 3 weeks old for heaven's sake! sigh. But thank you all for your support :hugs:, i love him to pieces but sometimes I just want to smack him.

Seriously.....Laundry. :dohh:
Seriously.....Laundry. :dohh:

:rofl: oh Beth honey - hugs! :hugs:
As both Junebug and Rebekah stated, the transition from just the two of you to adding a new baby in the mix can sometimes put a strain on any relationship. You should have seen Tony and I go at it the first two nights! LOL - we were on zero sleep and I was very emotional due to the hormone crash and we took it out on each other. Thankfully we both realized what we were doing, stopped and apologized and agreed that if Gabby has a bad day/night, we will handle it together and stop being in a snit with each other.

I am sure Charlie is just very worried about you and also stressed (as you are, dealing with a newborn colicky baby and an infection!). I do hope it gets better.
PS: Can you believe our babies are going to be a month old on Monday?!!
CaroleB :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling right now while you wait for your next ultrasound. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated, I am sure everything will be okay. I will be thinking about you.:hugs:

Angela - happy birthday to Ethan today! I can't believe he is one already! I love the Paddington Bear theme for him - I grew up with Paddington Bear, as he is a very popular children's character back in the UK. I can't wait to see pictures! Is he feeling better?

Steph, I love the ladybug theme for Katelyn!:thumbup:

Rebekah - I am sorry about the house falling through. I hope something great comes up for you guys very soon!

AFM, Gabriella is doing well. She gets the hiccups a LOT and she gets ever so upset when she gets them and starts wailing :cry: Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do when she gets them? I try everything to soothe her but nothing works :cry:

I still have 8 weeks left of maternity leave but I am already thinking about having to go back to work and I don't want to:cry::cry::cry:. Although I work from home, I will have a new role when I go back (it is a bit of a promotion) and I know my work day is going to be crazy.

We were thinking of paying the wife of a friend of ours to come to our home and look after Gabriella part time, but I don't know if it will work as she has to leave at 2:30pm to pick up her kids. So I am thinking daycare instead. There is one literally 2 mins away from our home that we visited while I was pregnant. I get a good vibe from them but the thought of not having her home breaks my heart. :cry:

What do you guys do about childcare?

Hope all is well with everyone else !! :hugs:xoxo
Jules, hiccups can be a sign of reflux. Maybe see your doc? Reflux is really painful, it's acid coming up from the stomach and burning the esophagus... Beth, same with you hun, it sounds like Charlie's reflux is severe enough to warrant meds. Zoë had SEVERE reflux, she didn't gain weight for 2 months because it hurt her so much to feed that she would resist eating and just cry at the breast. When we started medication (Prevacid), we had a new baby, the breast feeding improved, she stopped puking and crying when she was feeding. It took TWO months for my doctor to take it seriously. Please pursue it and don't wait for your babes to be "failure to thrive"! I was so frustrated when the medication helped so much, since no one would listen to my concerns and I was blaming myself :cry:
Jules, hiccups can be a sign of reflux. Maybe see your doc? Reflux is really painful, it's acid coming up from the stomach and burning the esophagus... Beth, same with you hun, it sounds like Charlie's reflux is severe enough to warrant meds. Zoë had SEVERE reflux, she didn't gain weight for 2 months because it hurt her so much to feed that she would resist eating and just cry at the breast. When we started medication (Prevacid), we had a new baby, the breast feeding improved, she stopped puking and crying when she was feeding. It took TWO months for my doctor to take it seriously. Please pursue it and don't wait for your babes to be "failure to thrive"! I was so frustrated when the medication helped so much, since no one would listen to my concerns and I was blaming myself :cry:

Hey JuneBug

At first I thought it was reflux/gas, but our pediatrician said that wasn't the case. She said that a gassy/colicky baby will show signs, such as drawing its legs up to it's chest in pain, and she doesn't do that. Our pediatrician said that hiccups are really common in newborns.

I do give her a product called 'Colic Calm' sometimes when she gets the hiccups (which works wonders: https://www.coliccalm.com/). It's Gripe Water and stops the hiccups, so she stops crying. She is gaining weight really well (up a pound since birth 3 weeks ago) and she eats like a horse.

As far as babies go, she doesn't cry that much. Only when she is wet or hungry - and gets the hiccups! They occur a few times a day. I just think she gets frustrated :( Breaks my heart when she cries!!
Hi Ladies :hi:

I am currently on the ttc 35+ thread, but hoping to move over here soon, just feel a bit anxious about doing it yet (iykwim)

anyway I hope you don't mind if I just posted a link for carole - there is whole thread of ladies who had the same news as you, I thought it might help?


Hope that's ok.
OK Jules. Zoë never arched, had tons of hiccups and cried with feeds. You can have "silent reflux" too where the babies have hiccups and crying without puking. I'm not sure I agree 100% with your pediatrician. At least she's gaining weight! Gripe water never worked for Z, I guess because she truly did have reflux!
Trying to catch up here.

Carole, I'm so sorry about what your going through. While we didn't have issues like you we were asked to have a pediatric cardiologist appointment in MY opinion too early. We ended up waiting WEEKS for a second fetal ultrasound. The 1st cardiologist jumped the gun and assumed without any REAL diagnosis but a "hunch" that Amelia could have Fetal ASD Arterial Septal Defect. I was worried for WEEKS. It ticked me off to no end that not only did he assume she had it from what now was a shadow of the picture they got but he also went into detail to share that it was mostly assumed with down syndrome. So I was upset for my daughters health and well being. It was CJ here that put my heart at ease until we got an "official" picture later on in my trimester. I will NEVER let them do that fetal ultrasound again until I'm close to 20wks.

This is obviously different than the brain scan, however I've learned from this past pregnancy NOT to jump the gun. Often they like to be thorough which is AWESOME! However, sometimes they say too much too soon without having a detailed diagnosis where in our case, had they waited a few weeks, they would have seen her heart better (she was breech the whole time) and wouldn't have started talking through their noses about things that didn't end up to be a problem. I'm the type of person that likes a "KNOW when you actually KNOW" kinda person and not a dx by guessing-game until the facts come out. :wacko:

Let CJ's comments help put your mind at ease for right now UNLESS you get facts. Then you can figure things out from there. FEAR is only going to put you over the edge at a time you need to be calm for both you and baby. Right now there's no proof. Cross that bridge when you get there dear and try not to google EVER AGAIN. :wacko: oh golly did that put me over the edge too. :rofl: One symptom could cause MANY outcomes and it's just not the type of stress you and baby need right now.

Beth, Oh goodness! :rofl: I'm STILL hormonal. I swear the progesterone injection I had to keep Amelia from preterm stayed in my system for MONTHS after. I ended up with post PUPPS which usually take place DURING pregnancy, and I still have a lump on my rear-end that's from the oil. I wonder if my progesterone is still high so I'm going to call tomorrow to see what my levels are.

It takes time to get through the emotional aspect, lack of sleep, new lifestyle, etc.

REFLUX. Holy moly! Amelia had it all. The arching back, the slight spitup, terrible crying fits (we didn't know it was because she was on her back until we figured she had reflux) sleeping issue and LOTS of hiccups. poor kid. She's getting better. I think my milk wasn't efficient enough for her. What I was eating..the fact that I have PCOS and am hypothyroid/type II diabetic on meds...I just think it didn't give her what she needed along with her peanut butter tongue. So going to formula (she's on Neutromogen) for reflux has been very helpful. I pumped and froze for her cereal.

I know now more for next pregnancy and will speak up a bit more and know that I know my baby and his or her needs more than several Dr.'s with different opinions for the same issue. :winkwink:

I'm also finding that I'm less Neurotic with her now. She needs room to explore and enjoy the world. Me hovering over her will only make her anxious. So I'm laying off. It's helpful for us both because I'm LESS stressed about her. Of course I went from one thing to now another where I'm stressing over getting the heck out of here. :lol:

Yesterday the new girl who moved in to the rental next to ours, her new roomate :wacko: and several other girls were fighting with their mother. (apple doesn't fall too far from the tree) Fighting from 9pm until my husband got home at midnight. They shut the heck up and at 2am this morning one of them with their boyfriend started pounding on the door (second time this week). I finally went out and reminded them it was 2am and my daughter was asleep. They informed me they were locked out. :wacko: Either go somewhere for the night or flipping get another key idiot! Beer cans all over the lawn. So much for the landlord wanting to get rid of riff raff out of the community. He's not really caring about the constant men coming in and out of the place next door or the fact that the lawn is now filled with mud because they're parking all over the lawn. I should remember what it was like to be in my 20's but I was flipping out f-bombs in arguments every night with a poor little 3 year old in my presence while smoking like stacks bringing a different man over EVERY night (or so it seems). I also find it embarassing that this chick comes out in just a blanket in the middle of winter to smoke on the sidewalk at noon when we have guests over and also in front of my husband.

Oh is it going to take all I've got not to knock some sense into these kids. As a former foster parent, I'm just sick over this poor little boy being in the middle of it. You could here him trying to divert the arguments yesterday by saying..mommy!! mommy look!! Mommy I love you....but nobody even acknowledged he was there. Not to mention we were hearing MORE than we needed to know about court dates and mis-parenting. :wacko:

Hopefully I don't sound like I'm on some pedestal. I'm just frustrated and have to be "patient, kind, gentle, etc..... It's a far cry from saying what's on my mind".
Welcome PurpleLou. I remember you and Congrats! I thought you deserved a separate post. lol :hugs: :happydance:
OK Jules. Zoë never arched, had tons of hiccups and cried with feeds. You can have "silent reflux" too where the babies have hiccups and crying without puking. I'm not sure I agree 100% with your pediatrician. At least she's gaining weight! Gripe water never worked for Z, I guess because she truly did have reflux!

Our pediatrician never mentioned silent reflux or anything of that nature - just gave us signs to look for (as if she would be in pain)? She sleeps rather soundly at night - up to 5 hours at a time, sometimes. She's really rather a happy baby 90% of the time, but those hiccups when they happen really frustrate her.

Sometimes she will have the hiccups and she is calm through them.

I have another appointment with the pediatrician next Friday, so I am going to ask about silent reflux and see what she says.

Do babies with reflux generally not want to eat because of the pain (like your Zoe?) Because our little Gabby eats like a horse LOL
It's 8:40pm and Gabriella is sleeping in her bassinet after a good feed :thumbup:

I've been rather emotional today - a lot of crying for no reason! When I get emotional I go to Tony and tell him 'I feel emotional!' and he makes me laugh, gives me a cuddle and makes me feel better.

A couple of his friends' wives had severe PPD so he's been very worried about that with me, which is why I don't keep how I am feeling from him. The hormone crash following childbirth is brutal sometimes - it's like PMS x 1000 on steroids, right? How long does it take for hormones to stabilize? LOL

Rebekah - it breaks my heart to think that about that little 3 year old boy in the middle of that situation you described. Since having Gabriella, I get very upset when I hear or think about children in unsafe conditions or with uncaring parents. :cry: Being a mother really made me feel so much more protective of not just my child, but other children too. No child should grow up with a miserable upbringing.
Just a quick note,

Jules, Josephine was opposite of Zoe but same problem. SEVERE reflux. However she ate non stop to try and soothe the pain. She was gaining a pound a week!! Eating up to 6-8 oz as a new born!! It was crazy. I am not an advocate for giving your kids drugs if it's not necessary, but like Zoe, we were put on a Prevacid solutab and it worked wonders. A while new baby. We were lucky our doctors took us seriously. Helped Josephine cried all through the appointment. Good luck. Go with your instincts.

Carole, sounds like CJ Had some great info. Many hugs. I am sure everyone is right and it will turn out to be nothing, but so hard not to worry. Hug hug hug.

AFM, baby throwing up all day, no fever. Any advice?? Doctor said to stop all dairy and go with pedialite and water mixture. We've done that and she's doing well. Sleeping now. will give her a bottle of clear fluids again tonight for first feeding then milk for second as it will have been 12 hrs since last throw up. DH thinks it's a return of reflux but it smells like vomit not formula and she's been off reflux meds for 10 days with no I'll effect. Wouldn't she have experienced a relapse before this?? Any advice appreciated.

I almost forgot HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHAN!!!!

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