35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

WOW I missed a lot!!!

Happy Auntie – I am so sorry to hear your news! My heart and prayers are with you and your DH.

Angela – YAY on Ethan crawling and almost walking! That is fantastic. How was your retreat? Please post some photos with is teeth!

Rebekah OMG on the house prices. If you only knew what the pricing was on houses here in Los Angeles 400k + and that is AFTER the houses have dropped! I am hoping soon to move to Denver area where the prices are more sensible. Good luck in your search, you will find the right house and it will have everything you want  My hat is off to you on eating Vegan and on starting yoga!!! That is fantastic!

Beth – Glad to hear that your incision is healing and that you can stop the antibiotics!! Also, glad that little Charlie/ Poppy is feeling better. Poop = good. Definitely sounds like a growth spurt. Hee hee on calling him Poppy on the phone with your mom. It is common that they tell you to wait 6-9 months before getting pregnant again due to the c-section. As you continue to bf you will lose more weight.

Nikki – I totally understand about being anxious to tell but waiting until after 1st Trimester. It was so incredibly hard. I had to tell my mom around 10 weeks, because she was coming out (unfortunately, for her best friends funeral) to stay with us and I was throwing up at the smell of everything! I will be praying for a GREAT birthday and excellent news from the OB. Looking forward to hearing your parents and friends good cheer when tell them the news! There are still several people in here that are still pregnant so you are in good shape.

Carole – I hope that you had a good time this weekend at your event. When is your next appointment? Looking forward to seeing photos of Zara from your scan.

Jules – I so love the photos for baby Ella! What a beauty!!!

Twinkle – HIYA!!!

Chris – YAY on Sophie’s first tooth!!!! Woohoo! I’ve been lurking a lot too!

Never! Congrats on 2nd trimester. If you were having nausea (can’t remember sorry) it should start to subside

CJ – Glad you had a great shopping spree!

Pablo – Sorry to hear about Jo’s RSV. One of my other friends baby has it at the moment as well. Because Katelyn is Preemie, she has been getting RSV shots once a month since October. Apparently, preemies are more susceptible. I think her last one is in April. Please send me the name of the cook book.

AFM – Katelyn is crawling and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING. She gets mad when I remove her from her crib because she has pulled herself up and is grabbing at the mobile (my husband took down the actual mobile, it is now just the music part still attached). Katelyn has yet another cold. It seems like every other week, her poor nose is running. She and I both hate wiping and suctioning the snot out of it. I still need to get the nose Frieda thing, but keep forgetting. Katelyn gave me a scare the other day. I had decided to give her a Gerber Puff again to see if she would put it in her mouth this time. She did, she put it to her lips and then stuck her tongue on it, then popped it into her mouth. Well that thing DID NOT dissolve immediately as it says on the box. It was sitting on the middle of her tongue and she started to make gagging motions. The second time she did this, I reached into her mouth and promptly grabbed the stupid thing out! Apparently, she is not ready for the puffs and neither is mommy. Anyway, I am searching for “themes” for Katelyn’s birthday as I will need to send out invitations in about 3 weeks! WOW where did the time go. On Friday I was in a meeting with a pregnant woman and was saying how I just had a baby…10 months AGO, that is no longer JUST having the baby. It feels like I just had her, but she is almost 1. Can’t believe how time is flying by. On that note, I need to head on out, my hubby is here for me. My stupid car is broken so he has been schlepping me to and from work.

HUGS to all.

:rofl: I'm trying to find a "theme" for Amelia's birthday and she's not even 5 months yet. :haha: Let me know what your planning because I've been trying to figure out what 1 year olds can actually do. I'm sure having several 1 year olds in a room will cause meltdowns. :rofl: I was thinking about a party at Barnes and Noble but they don't do party's. ((this said as Amelia starts raspberries. :haha ))

I've heard about CA having TERRIBLE prices on the homes. It's similar to NY City :hugs: You pay more per square foot for less.

Glad all is well with Katelyn concerning the cheese puff.

Anna, so glad to hear Jo is better from the RSV. It's a BAD thing to have and I can't imagine how worse it can be at an elevated level. No, I haven't seen that show. I'm going to see if it's on Youtube though. It could help us out a bit. Thanks!

Carole, my Doula was LOVELY! So worth the money. She also was there for Doug. Doug felt faint when they started cutting me open. He's a nurse but it made him ill to have this happen close to him. I wasn't his patient but someone he loved. The Doula shared he was getting faint, kept him calm, kept me calm and things went on. It was beautiful!

CJ, had they detained you, I could have visited. :rofl: Buffalo isn't very far from Syracuse. About 2 hours. Glad all went well though. I can't see them detaining you. NY State needs as much money as we can get for our economy. Your actually HELPING us, not hindering by spending that much. :winkwink::flower:

I can't believe your 31wks already. It's FLOWN by. :happydance::cloud9:
LOL MA, what an occasion for a visit eh? It is the Canadian customs we have to clear when heading back home, so you would have had to come to our side of the border :haha: i know, it's ridiculous how fast time has gone by...
LOL MA, what an occasion for a visit eh? It is the Canadian customs we have to clear when heading back home, so you would have had to come to our side of the border :haha: i know, it's ridiculous how fast time has gone by...

REALLY? I haven't been to Canada in awhile so who knows what it will cost us when we bring things home. I wonder if it would have been cheaper to send the items by mail. I know they do it in England. It's usually cheaper to send it than go through customs. :wacko: I better figure things out. I need my passport renewed and both Doug and Amelia need theirs. I hear we could get some sort of license instead but it makes no sense. I'd rather pay for the passport.
If you come shop in Canada, then it's the US customs that you would have to clear on your way back. I don't know what the 24 hour max is for US citizens shopping here. For us, the max is $100. No, I find that buying online in the US and having goods imported is more expensive as I routinely get slammed with import duty taxes by the Canadian customs. MUCH cheaper to shop there in person and only declare a portion of your spending :rofl:
Ma, just got Jo's passport in the mail!! As for The Holmes Inspection it's a show where this guy whose a contractor goes around and fixes peole's homes for problems that the original building inspector missed. An they miss A LOT!!!! So stay vigilant, what I've taken away from the show is that it's REALLY hard to get a good home inspector.

Svet, first tooth!!!

I have skimmed the last few pages, so I may have missed something, but has anyone heard from Heartree??

Twinkle, hi!!

Have a good Tuesday all!!
P.s. Steph I will get the name of the cookbook for you soon!
Thanks so much ladies for all who asked about my scrap booking weekend. It was great, and details to follow, but I came home to a very sick munchkin and, after seval days of hi fever and misery all the way around, we are off to the dr. This afternoon. Update to follow. Hugs and love to all and Anna, hearty is still doing great at about 17 weeks I think! Yay!

Thanks Angela! I don't think I'll breath easy until she has that baby and everyone is healthy. Hope Ethan feels better soon. So sorry he is so sick!! Lots of hugs from me.

Thanks Anna! I agree and I think Amanda feels the same!

So my poor little guy has a viral respiratory infection, ear infection and rash (from the virus). But he is such a little trooper, you would never know he is so sick. He is playing and hanging out just like usual, and only really gets fussy when the fever gets really high. So far, his highest fever this round has been 103.6, which is just too scary to me. :cry: but the dr did not seem too concerned about it as long as it is controlled. Well, at two last night he was 103 and hubby andi were sitting up rubbing him down with wet washcloths. Poor little guy!

Anyway, we just got home from the dr and pharmacy/store run. I'm exhausted lol!

The scrap booking retreat was awesome, and I got about halfway done with the album for our last major vacation. Yay! Itwas really fun to get to visit with one of my oldest and dearest friends, the only downside was that the camp cabin bunks were not so comfy as we remembered from when we were fourteen :dohh::dohh::dohh: they basically consist of a very thin mattress over plywood, and I literally slept only twenty minutes the first night. Sigh. But it was fun nonetheless, and we will probably go every year now that we know about that particular retreat. Think I will take my own egg crate/foam mattress next time though! :haha:

So sorry I have not yt read back but I will, and will respond in more depth shortly. Hugs and love to all!
Oh Angela I'm sorry to hear Ethan is so sick. Poor lil dude.

Anna I'm glad Jo is better. So scary when these lil ones arent well. Sophie had a horrible cough last month. Just breaks your heart to hear it.

Fantastic news about hearttree. :thumbup:

Still sending massive :hugs: HA's way xo

Quickie post. Typing one handed on the iPhone.

Sophie cut her 2nd tooth the other day. :cloud9: Shes almost mastered sitting unaided too!!! Growing up so fast.

Junebug you're so brave at customs!!! Lol $16 is nothing. Did you wear/hide the stuff you bought had they searched you? I've done that before lol

Thank for the heads up!

Angela, it's so sad when they get sick. Poor little guy. I've never been to a scrapping party. I actually don't know HOW to scrap. I need to learn though since I'm trying to get Amelia's photo's together not to mention our wedding and honeymoon.

AFM: I found THE HOUSE. Thing is, I'm not quite sure whether the owner will accept our offer. We can go a "little" higher (which I'm not telling the realtors) but I'm holding off excitement until we know. We'll see if they accept the offer. It fits our needs is on a very good street and in a good school system in case we decide NOT to homeschool, has a HUGE 4 part basement with a bar...in another section a wood stove. Workshop and you can walk to the garage which is car and a half in size. Backyard is cute but eventually the pine tree will need to go out and a fence put up. CUTE new shed with a workshop and all electrical outlets. Kitchen is update but needs new appliances eventually and a sidewalk to the driveway is needed. It will also need some piping replaced but we called several plumbers in the area who all seemed to say the same thing. It's something they do all the time. It helped to call around to see what we'd be working with and if it was worth it to us. It's within walking distance to the Seneca River too.

While I have my heart set on it, if the seller refuses our offer, then I know there will be others eventually.

I'd like to hear how Hearty is doing too.
Morning Ladies

Rebekah great news on the house and so exciting for you guys, I really hope that the offer works out for you but I do like your thinking now that you have found this one so if it doesn't pan out you know that there are good ones out there it just takes a little more searching. I know you will get there just think how patient you were with TTC if you can ride that out you can do anything:hugs:

Svet oh my 2 teeth, such a big milestone. Hope Sophie is not suffering too much with the pain of teething.

Angela so sorry to hear about little Ethan:cry: So upsetting when little ones are poorly. I am hoping that he fights this off real soon and you can get some rest:hugs:

Pablo very cool that you have a passport for Jo and btw DH and I watch the Holmes programme here in Bahrain on cable and we love it.

Steph wow how time has flown it really doesn't seem that long ago that Katelyn was born but so exciting that you get to plan a party for her:hugs:

AFM have nearly made it through another week at work, my boss is travelling tomorrow so I have decided to take a days leave as I need to catch up on household chores, paying bills etc as have just been so tired all week that these things have suffered. I also have my hospital appointment tomorrow morning so get to have another scan and see Zara again. I know she has got so much bigger as I can feel the difference when I touch her through my belly. Friday we have our birthing worshop as it was postponed last weekend and then a friends 30th birthday lunch. Saturday I just plan on relaxing at home charging my batteries before another week at work.

Hope you all have a great day and catch up later :hugs:
Angela, hope Ethan is better soon, poor little guy!!! I hate it when they're sick...

Steph, wow so exciting to be planning a first year birthday party! We did a safari theme for Z, she loves lions and giraffes. Her cake was a giraffe. We have pics up on my FB (BTW, happy to add ladies if interested in becoming FB friends! I think because of my job I'm very well hidden, may need to search by email address so PM me!).

Rebekah so excited for you on the house! I hope the seller accepts your offer!

Mike Holmes is a Toronto contractor, I have some friends who got him to do work on their house. Many of those shows on that network are based in Toronto! I used to watch it all the time while on mat leave.

Carole I hear you RE: work. I am counting down myself! Only 6 weeks and 3 days left (including today since it's 9:15AM :haha:). With my hip pain this morning though I was wondering how I'd keep chugging along :cry: I have another apt with my chiro on Friday, and likely Monday as well...

:hug: to everyone!!!
Angela - Sorry to hear about Ethan's respitory infection. Poor little guy! I know that it is very stressful for you and your hubby. I hope that he feels better soon. Hopefully with Spring around the corner, he won't catch any more colds, etc. Also, thank you for the update on Amanda.

Rebekah - YAY on the house. It sounds amazing! If the sellers do accept your offer, please send us photos! Is it an ok distance from Doug's job? I know you were concerned about that on a previous house you looked at.

Carole - you are almost done! Enjoy your birthing workshop. It should be fun. Let us know how your Dr appointment goes.

CJ - I sent your PM with my FB info, please friend me so I can see your photos.

AFM - I was thinking about doing a ladybug theme for Katie's bday. I always call her my Katiebug the Ladybug so that is why. I found some cute lady bug invitations, plates, etc. Waddya think?

I have a few other options, but thought that would be cute. We are going to have it in the park, I just hope it doesnt rain. I am off to lunch. I hope that everyone is doing well and having a great day.

Hi Ladies
selfish quick post as Charlie is gone to a meeting and I finally have stopped crying to post this. I am so upset and angry at Charlie but I know it's hormones driving most of it....

Poppy has been going through some reflux issues and I'm still off my feet most of the day due to the infection and Charlie has been working from home in the mornings and going into work for a few hours each afternoon. He told me last week he could probably work from home almost indefinitely if need be..... today he came home before another meeting he had to go to and poppy and I were upstairs vegging out and feeding. Charlie comes in all hurried and aggravated to say he had to run but this wasn't working as his work was now suffering and I wasn't getting better. I told him he didn't need to come home (as I do each day, I keep telling him we are just fine). He suggested a mother's helper to come in and help me out. I FLIPPED out. Not that I have anything against them but his tone was so abrupt and made me feel like I couldn't take care of my own baby. I told him he didn't have to keep coming home that we were just fine and he said it was too long for me to be alone with the baby - he said that to me before when he had to go to the market and said he was worried to leave us alone together. It seems like he doesn't trust me alone with the baby! I'm very upset about this as he is driving me crazy being home all the time working and his attitude about my being alone with the baby is upsetting. He even suggested to have a girl who is the daughter of the woman who cleaned out house once and is slightly developmentally slow come over. I was SHOCKED as we joked before about how she is 21 and looks and acts 15 and is very nice but NOT someone we would ever trust to take care of our baby (she is thinking of going to college to be a daycare assistant). So needless to say when he said, maybe we should call her, I flipped again saying he would trust HER with the baby but not me??? The girl who had to take her sneakers off and borrow a pair of my slippers because she splashed some water on her sneakers and acts like a flightly 15 year old? Yet me, the mom, isn't freaking fit to tend my own baby? I said the only issue I had was going up and down the stairs and we could avoid that. Charlie got the message I think and said he was only trying to help and as he was leaving he said he would hurry and be quick so he could come home soon as I was ready to throw him out - i don't think he gets how upsetting it is to think he doesn't think I can handle this.

ok, obviously venting is not helping me as I'm getting more and more upset. I know Charlie is under stress from my infection not healing and work pressure and it is coming out against me but I'm so upset right now. sigh.
:hugs: Beth, I hope Charlie realizes that you can be trusted 100% with Poppy... Having a baby puts a tremendous amount of strain onto most couples' relationship, I remember that very well. Things DO get better, just keep talking about how you are feeling to him and keep communication flowing.
Hi ladies! :hug:

Well, the house didn't work out. It's okay though. He bought the house from auction for 50k and remodeled it and tried to flip it. There were a couple issues we were planning to fix but he rejected our offer. Turns out he wants to MAKE 45k off the deal on top of what the house is worth after remodeling it. I have NO IDEA who will give him what he wants. He made a very bad investment in our opinion to want more than what we offered. I feel bad if someone takes him up on his offer. They're CRAZY if they want the house that bad to give the guy 45k profit. Are you kidding me?! So we're out looking again. I'm at peace we made the decision to live within our means. I'd say it was a wiser choice than living above it and not being able to enjoy the house. :winkwink:

Beth. Oh, I'm sorry. Men don't often think that how they speak can often come out insensitive. Doug has just started to figure this out. :wacko: I'm assuming he may think you have PPD?? Is that why he's worried about you being alone with the baby? I know I had some emotional moments with Amelia. Some like you where I'd cry because she couldn't be consoled and I wasn't sure what to do...Doug would take her like your hubby and calm her. It's gotten MUCH better I can assure you. It's hard during the transition period for parents to get used to have a new baby around. I'm guessing this happens no matter how many children you have when you bring home an infant.

Hopefully when he gets home you can discuss the issue together and work it out. He probably feels bad because he wants to be there for you and the baby but has to work. He can't be two places at once and sounds like he'd love to be snuggling up with his wife and baby. Women go through guilt when leaving baby to go back to work, I'm sure men can feel that way as well.

In the meantime, if you are feeling like you may have PPD make sure you take care of yourself and get the rest and time YOU need. On the other hand...KNOWING what it's like with a baby with REFLUX (she still has a little bit) It's no cake walk and sometimes it's hard to sleep or deal with the crying that comes with it. I'm learning the techniques that work for Amelia and wish I knew then what I know NOW as it's starting to finally go away. You'll find what works and what doesn't and then the baby will change it over again. Haha

Praying you feel better now and that you'll both talk and move on. I understand your frustration. ESPECIALLY with a new baby. :hugs:
Hugs to Beth. My DH is a typical Libra who already has one DD. He will be EXACTLY the same as your DH, I fear. I see the signs.

So sorry about DH!!! Josephine had colic and it was HORIBLE!! She's just gone off her medication. Anyway if she wasn't sleeping she was crying, screaming really until we figured out what was wrong. Point is my DH KEPT BLAMBING ME!! I couldn't believe it. There I was dealing with a never ending crying new born and he kept saying it was my milk, I shouldn't eat this or drink that or I was doing any number of things wrong. It was like everything I did was wrong and what I needed from him was support not criticism. It seems like couples with new babies are under so much stress they need to blame someone for things if not everything is not perfect. But it shouldn't be you. I agree with CJ, try keeping the lines of communication. We shut ours down and I still harbor a lot of animosity toward my DH. I feel as if his criticism was a huge factor in my milk issues.

Ok sorry this was supposed to be about you not me. Sounds like you're both under some stress which is totally normal!! And a baby with reflux is so hard. Maybe try suggesting to Charlie that extra help would be good but someone you pick. Or maybe he was under prepared for how hard a new baby is to care for. Remember he adores you. From all your posts I've had the best feeling about your relationship.

I don't know if I said anything helpful, but we all know what a tough situation your in with a new baby, made even harder by the infection.

Angela, hugs and kisses to Ethan, hope he feels better soon, poor little guy.

Ma, think you have a great attitude toward the house. Some people get way too emotional and make bad financial decisions.

CJ, 6 weeks left??!! Can't believe you know mike Holmes. Can u get me his autograph?? LOL just kidding.

Carol, take the personal day and take care of yourself. Must be getting close sounds like your nesting.

Svet, our babies are opposite, Jo's sitting by herself this last week but still no teeth.

Steph, love the party idea!! So cute!!

AFM, work work, work. But Jo's started eating food just this last week and has gone from just a few spoonfuls to a three course dinner in a few days. I call her my little phirana (sp). She attacks her food like a crazy baby. Apparently just like her mom never met a meal I didn't like.

Anyway, happy Wednesday !! Hugs to Beth and god luck!!

Forgive all typos, i phone typing
I have just come back from my rountine appointment and the Dr. shared with me that I have to have another radiographer scan next week as they picked up an enlarged brain ventricle at my 20 week scan and need to check it again. They wouldn't give me anymore information when I asked what this could mean just told me that they wanted to check if it was still a problem and would discuss it with me after the scan on Tuesday if still present.

I am now at home crying and so scared as have looked this up and it could mean so many quite big problems. Why didn't they tell me at 20 weeks.

I don't want to worry DH as he panicks so much so have shared this with our Doula who has agreed to come with me on Tuesday.

Has anyone else had any experience of this, I am so worried.

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