35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies,

can I firstly just say, Ive been stalking a bit and you little ones are all so gorgeous!! you must all be so proud!
and secondly, I thought I try and bite the bullet and have a post over here, although now that Im writing it I have an awful sinking feeling in case Im jinxing anything!
So Im Louise, everyone calls me Lou and this is hopefully my first baby :D I had a MC in August though so you can understand Im quite anxious (scared to death actually) but anyways - Its lovely to "meet" you all, although of course I have read most of you stories on the ttc #1 thread so I feel like I know lots of you already, and some of you ladies were just leaving there when I joined :)

anyway, I wanted to ask a question if I might, and perhaps you might be able to help. I am almost 8 weeks along and my symptoms have changed. initially I had awful nausea, but no actual sickness and nothing tasted good, oh and horrible heartburn! but the last few days I feel hungry again and want to eat, although Ive completely lost my very sweet tooth. did this happen to anyone else?
thanks in advance to anyone who can recall back to first tri :)
I look farwards to getting to know you all :hugs:
Good morning Lou! So glad to see you back!

As far as foods, I found what I could tolerate in first tri to be very little lol! I basically lived off chicken and potatoes, plain. I needed bland foods and yes, definitely lost my taste for anything sweet, which made me gag. But yes, you will find your tastes and what appeals will change during pregnancy, especially first tri! One thing i liked early on was Greek salad, I guess because of the vinegar and salt from the dressing and olives. Glad you aren't feeling too badly, and congrats on 8 weeks!





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Angela - many many many congratualtions!!
:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:
wonderful news!

and thank you for the advice :hugs:
Thanks Lou!

I'm honestly in the "knock me over with a feather and I'm still hyperventilating" stage.

I am SO excited, but also freaked out because I have been on cold meds for the last week. CJ, PLEASE tell me there's little chance I could have harmed the baby! I tested (at 8DPO) with a FRER before I started any meds, and it was completely negative... not even a hint of a line... so I assumed there was not even a chance of a pgcy. I was desperately ill with a sinus infection and bronchitis and so have been taking robitussin cough & cold (guafenisin, phenylephrine and dextromethorpan) as well as amoxicillin. Oh and tylenol by the boatload because I was running a fever. :cry:

So I'm just praying there's no harm done, and waiting on my RE's office to call back (my OB doesn't want to see me till 8 weeks). I'm hoping my RE will run betas, as last time they put me on a progesterone supplement at about 6 weeks and I want to be SURE I get on that if needed.

Okay, I'm back to hyperventilating!!!!!!
Hi Ladies,

can I firstly just say, Ive been stalking a bit and you little ones are all so gorgeous!! you must all be so proud!
and secondly, I thought I try and bite the bullet and have a post over here, although now that Im writing it I have an awful sinking feeling in case Im jinxing anything!
So Im Louise, everyone calls me Lou and this is hopefully my first baby :D I had a MC in August though so you can understand Im quite anxious (scared to death actually) but anyways - Its lovely to "meet" you all, although of course I have read most of you stories on the ttc #1 thread so I feel like I know lots of you already, and some of you ladies were just leaving there when I joined :)

anyway, I wanted to ask a question if I might, and perhaps you might be able to help. I am almost 8 weeks along and my symptoms have changed. initially I had awful nausea, but no actual sickness and nothing tasted good, oh and horrible heartburn! but the last few days I feel hungry again and want to eat, although Ive completely lost my very sweet tooth. did this happen to anyone else?
thanks in advance to anyone who can recall back to first tri :)
I look farwards to getting to know you all :hugs:

Hey Lou great to have you on here with me. I completely understand your fear as I was scared to death this time so that is completely normal after a loss. As for the symptoms I felt sicky in the early weeks too but never actually sick and yes then my appetite came back with vigor, I also had extreme tiredness which then went away about 16 weeks but has returned again recently.

You are nearing the end of the first tri and once you get into your 2nd you will have a new lease of life again.

I am looking forward to all your updates as bubba bean grows :hugs:
OMG Angela I am so over the mooon for you YAY How exciting:happydance::happydance::happydance:

It is so lovely to see you fall so easily this time, I am sure your bubba will be perfectly fine. Hoping that this time you have it a little easier with the sickness.

Love and hugs :hugs:
Thank you Carole! And yes, I can't believe we got pregnant on the first try this time. :happydance: I go in tomorrow for my first betas, and will report back as soon as there is any news! :hugs:
Angela CONGRATS!!!!! That is fantastic news...I am so excited for you. WOW pregnant again. It feels like yesterday you had just told us the news about your getting a BFP with Ethan! YAY!!!

Lou - Congrats and I understand the nervous/cautious feeling as I have been there as well. During my 1st trimester I was pretty much sick the entire time, but did get hungry, but the thought of most foods made me sick. As Carole said, you are almost in 2nd trimester and it is much better.
Thanks Steph! I do feel like it was almost yesterday with Ethan, yet it feels like a lifetime has passed with all that has changed. When i was pregnant with ethan, i had so much on my plate trying to work full time as an attorney and then with my dad and grandmother being sick...and in so many ways I will be SO excited not only to have our second child, but also to simply have the chance to really ENJOY a pregnancy. I feel like the last time I was just literally trying to survive, day to day, and it will be so exciting to enjoy that time for a change!

Of course it's very early, and we all understand what sorts of news beta testing can return, so part of me is still very guarded about the news, but part of me is positively giddy just seeing that BFP!

And ladies, I'm so sorry to turn all my posts recently into just about me! I WILL catch up on everyone's news!

Love and hugs!
Thanks Lou!

I'm honestly in the "knock me over with a feather and I'm still hyperventilating" stage.

I am SO excited, but also freaked out because I have been on cold meds for the last week. CJ, PLEASE tell me there's little chance I could have harmed the baby! I tested (at 8DPO) with a FRER before I started any meds, and it was completely negative... not even a hint of a line... so I assumed there was not even a chance of a pgcy. I was desperately ill with a sinus infection and bronchitis and so have been taking robitussin cough & cold (guafenisin, phenylephrine and dextromethorpan) as well as amoxicillin. Oh and tylenol by the boatload because I was running a fever. :cry:

So I'm just praying there's no harm done, and waiting on my RE's office to call back (my OB doesn't want to see me till 8 weeks). I'm hoping my RE will run betas, as last time they put me on a progesterone supplement at about 6 weeks and I want to be SURE I get on that if needed.

Okay, I'm back to hyperventilating!!!!!!

:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: ANGELA!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!! :hugs:

Cold meds are fine, most of them are anyways. Which ones did you take? I've needed and taken them during both pregnancies after calling Mother Risk, a phone consultation for pregnant and lactating women wishing to check safety of meds, based in Toronto.

Welcome and congrats Lou!!!!
Holy pregnancy brain.
You listed the meds. They are fine! I took 14 days of Amoxicillin last month (during 2-3 tri) for a horrible sinusitis, and take Tylenol almost daily for my severe SPD. The Robitussin is OK too, but next time take Tylenol Cold or Nyquil/Dayquil instead if you can. Nevertheless, it should not have harmed baby at all hun!!!
Holy pregnancy brain.
You listed the meds. They are fine! I took 14 days of Amoxicillin last month (during 2-3 tri) for a horrible sinusitis, and take Tylenol almost daily for my severe SPD. The Robitussin is OK too, but next time take Tylenol Cold or Nyquil/Dayquil instead if you can. Nevertheless, it should not have harmed baby at all hun!!!

Oh BLESS you! Thank you!

I am so hoping to avoid any more illness in this house for a while, but know its probably a vain hope with a one year old running around lol. I'm just hoping as things warm up, perhaps he won't pick up so many germs at the church lol!

How are you feeling these days? You are almost there and I'm so excited for you!
Yup, 33 weeks and 2 days already :shock: I just got out of the hospital. I had a horrible gastrointestinal infection starting last Monday and couldn't keep down fluids. I needed IV infusions and anti-puke meds. I was also having some mild contractions. It was scary :cry: I missed 2 days of work only, and started up again today. My promotion paper-work for the university is due tomorrow, this has been a major stressor for the last 2 months and it's almost done. Once that is OVER and the co-sleeping crib I bought is assembled (hopefully this weekend) I'll have a little chat again with baby Zacharie about his trying to come a bit earlier than anticipated. Until then, he better not decide to make a surprise appearance! I will be packing my hospital bag and his as well this weekend!!!
:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: Can't stop looking at your :bfp: :cloud9:

Lol I know! Everytime I pass the test, which is lying on my kitchen counter, I smile! Sooooo excited! It hasn't really sunk in yet. First beta check is tomorrow morning so I will be on pins and needles till my nurse calls back that afternoon!

But oh MY! I am so sorry you have been so sick! That is super scary and yes, you definitely want little Zacharie to stay put a few more weeks! Best of luck with the promotion, I am sure you will get it and you can put all that stress behind you! :hugs:
Hi there!

When I was pregnant with Jackson I wasn't very sick and shortly felt like eating again. Amelia I was sick the whole time and could barely eat. I liked vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, salad and that was it. I drank water. Late in the 3rd trimester I could eat again.

There are many women in the forum who weren't sick at all and ate everything throughout their pregnancy. It all depends on your body hun! :hugs:

Welcome to the group new ladies! Congrats!

YAY! :happydance: If I remember correctly weren't you and CJ trying to get pregnant?? WTG.

Angela and CJ:

First of all you both make me overjoyed with excitement!! :happydance: :hugs: Congrats!

When did things start to level out? I didn't usually get a period before anyways but I seemed to get pregnant with Jackson so I MUST have ovulated somewhere. Im getting awful back cramps and now their gone today. I'm wondering if that could have been me ovulating? :shrug: People say after you've had 1 or 2 pregnancies things tend to normalize but we're talking about my odd body here. Where's the period I should be getting?! :lol:

We'll see come winter...hopefully Steph and I will be pregnant again too! :winkwink:

I LOVE seeing all these new pregnancies. Woohoo!!
Ohhhhhhhh MY GOODNESS!!!!!! Angela that's fantastic news!! Congratulations!!
Thank you sweet Twink! I'm excited, but feel like I'm just starting the road of testing hurdles again lol. Happy but nervous! :flower:
MA I got my periods back only one month after Zoë self-weaned from the boob when she had just turned 1 year. I definitely ovulated before the first period though, I had really obvious EWCM and just for kicks (to see if I was understanding my body) I did an IC OPK and it was strongly positive. We only waited 1 more month after that to start TTC'ing since we did want them close in age, so I got pregnant again when Zoë was 14 months old.

Angela, deep breath hun, one day at a time!!! :hugs: This IS really exciting, let yourself enjoy it too! I know I have to focus on that a lot this time around, despite everything that's happened (first tri bleed, severe SPD, recent hospitalization with premature contractions, etc...) since for us it is the last pregnancy so I'm trying to enjoy every moment of it! :hug:

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