35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Ahhhhh Beth!!!! I could just eat Poppy UP!!! What a gorgeous little boy he is! I love the pictures!!

Speaking of diaper blow outs and straining, Gabby is doing exactly the same thing! Yesterday, while changing her diaper, she had a blow out ALL OVER MY HAND!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I was too amused to be grossed out LOL
Hi Ladies,

Beth - love the photos. Charlie is so so cute! OMG I can't stand it. I am super jealous over all the milk you produce. I pump around 8-10oz each session and I have been doing this for almost year!

Angela - Glad your numbers are looking good. I will keep you and your LO in my prayers! Yes, have a relaxing stress free weekend!

Jules/Beth - the pooping thing doesn't get any better. As soon as you start them on solids, they start to get constipated and then they strain for a few days and then major diaper blow outs! Like you Jules, I have been in the middle of changing Katelyn and then she has pooped...a LOT. She had this look on her face, like sorry mommy, you should have waited a few more minutes before changing me.

AFM - I need to vent for a second about my MIL...just to give you background, my MIL is the woo is me type of person. There is always something wrong or she is sick or something happened to her at work. She always complains that her kids don't care and they aren't worthy to hear about some of her health issues because, etc, etc (most of this stuff I hear from my two SIL as she doens't say this kinda stuff to her sons). Well, she lives about 8-10 miles from us. She has come by to see Katelyn approximately 5 times give or take a visit.

I went to lunch with my SIL today and was telling her that I wished her mom would come to see Katelyn more. My SIL told me that the reason she doesn't come more often (mind you 5 times since MAY!) is because we want her to watch Katelyn when she comes over. You would think that spending time with her grandchild wouldn't be an issue, but apparently, she doesn't want to "watch" Katelyn, she wants to visit, but we have to stay in the room. I was completely taken aback and PISSED. So hurtful that because we may say hey can you hold Katelyn while we go to the bathroom is problematic. I can't EVEN imagine my mom saying some crap like that.

I told my Husband he said that is why he doesn't call her that often because of the way she is. I am just at a loss. Sorry needed to vent!
Hi ladies,

Angela, that was such a moving post. I felt as thought it was a divine appointment. I NEEDED to see that today. I'll go into it more at the bottom of the post but just wanted to say how happy and excited I am for you. Your glory to God and your testimony are inspiring. :hugs:

Steph. So sad your mother in law chooses to see time with her grandbaby as "WATCHING" her. My mother would give ANYTHING to watch her grandbaby. I'm trying to find something for Doug and I to do one day so she can take her. This is aside from visits every other week. My inlaws love her but my father in law joked and called her a rug rat and while they love her, with all the kids they seem to get annoyed by them unless they are MUCH older like our nephew is. His parents are in their 70's so I've had to pull myself back a bit and regather myself together at times. What does your husband think of all this??

Beth, poppy's adorable. LOVE the pic of you two together!

:hi: Hi to all the other dear ladies!

AFM: I think I've been losing "some" weight. I feel the weight moving downward though so I still feel quite fat.:dohh: The skin is loosening though.

I STILL don't have a period. Is anyone else in here dealing with PCOS? I never had my periods to begin EVEN when I conceived Jackson, so as I said...I MUST have ovulated. :shrug: I'm a little down because I had hoped I'd get a normal cycle. So far, nothing. I guess it's just my body but I have been wondering if this is going to be another ordeal or not.

Aside from that, I'm kind of down today. Doug and I had an argument. Or should I say "I" had the argument. He never really argues. It's really quite small but my feelings are hurt and so I'm being "difficult". It all started with a house we were supposed to look at near my parents on Tuesday. We all got there and the realtor called the real estate agency in charge of the home who said the "rentor" would let us in. She didn't and there was no lockbox on the door. We took a look around the place, talked with some nice neighbors (it really is a nice neighborhood near the lake) then made arrangements for tomorrow with the agent of the home. Our agent called this morning to tell us the tenant won't be there and doesn't want us walking through. Keep in mind this is a home that's in my parent's area about 40 minutes away each direction. I was quite ticked off. We're supposed to go around this chicks schedule but even though we have TWICE, she's screwed us over. The landlord should HONESTLY be there while we look through. It's not worth all this work to deal with the tenant just to look at buying the house.

I was pretty down and just as we hung up, Doug was in a hurry for me to figure out what we were having for lunch so he could leave for blood labs I didn't even know he had planned. I felt pretty down, alone and unimportant. It's a communication issue but his whole attitude was insensitive. Granted, I'm being oversensitive right now as well.:dohh: Anyways, I've had a Debbie Downer attitude today thinking with my period back to nothing at all and the house debacle that nothing was going to go as planned...Woe is me! Angela, I actually NEEDED to hear your words today. I've been praying all day on my attitude and crying for honestly no reason at all. Of COURSE I told Doug not to bother to call, text or email me today and what does he do? After 2 seconds of the text he TEXTS me back. THEN about 6pm he texted me AGAIN. :rofl::dohh:

Anyways, I'm glad to have this forum with ladies who have all sorts of good news and positive outlooks as well as encouragement. Your all a GREAT bunch!:winkwink::flower: :hug:
Jules, I'm REALLY hoping that I have much less nausea this time around, and am thankful to hear about your experience having less illness with Gabby! And I don't mind at all recapping my story for you - I had a full RE work up at age 35. we had been trying at that point for 18 months with no success, and my regular GYN ran an AMH test (anti-mullerian hormone, designed to show egg reserve and, to some extent, egg quality). My GYN knew we really wanted a baby and was so alarmed at that test result that she sent me immediately to an RE here, who did a full work up. Except for the AMH issue, our workup was mostly normal (my FSH was borderline, but not as bad as my AMH). However, my AMH number (0.3, where 0 is menopause) was so low that both my GYN and my RE were talking about donor eggs as our only realistic path. :cry: the whole thing came as quite a shock to me and I think to hubby as well. Still, my RE held out some hope for us at the "possibility," if not likelihood, of a successful pregnancy if we tried meds, iui, or ivf (in that order). Because all those options and the AMH news came at us so fast, we told her we would like to try one more time on our own before making a decision how to proceed. I even took the prescription for femara with me when I left the clinic that day. I remember being so sad because I had to attend my sister's wedding shower that weekend and a family friend was going to be there who was 18 and unhappily pregnant. I literally went to lunch with my best friend before that shower and cried all over her about having to see this pregnant friend (who was wearing a NAMETAG on her belly when I arrived to the shower. :growlmad: ) I honestly did not think we really had hope, but God had a plan I did not know about at that point! I had my HSG that cycle and immediately got pregnant, which was something my RE said sometimes shakes things loose so to speak. THANKFULLY, Ethan is here today to remind me every single day that God has a plan for me! :hugs: and I will be 37 next Friday!

Beth, thank you so much for your sweet note! And i LOVE Charlie/Poppy's photos! He is such a cutie!

Bek, I am so glad my words could help today! I too am trying to be much better about my attitude, and I'm trying REALLY hard to leave this with God and not fret over every second of this pregnancy the way I did with Ethan! I'm not very good at NOT worrying, but I'm praying about it! I hope you guys can find a GREAT house and quickly. I know that process is so frustrating. My husband is fond of saying we looked at every house in north Georgia before we found this one! :dohh:

Steph, I am so sorry about your MIL's attitude, but if it makes you feel better, we have a bit of that same situation except in reverse. It's my mom who we don't see very often, and it makes me sad because though she is married, she lives just a couple hours away and could easily visit more often if she would make it a priority, I'm left to assume that she just doesn't consider it one. :cry:

CJ, thank you as always for your input sweet friend! And I hope the chiro was able to help. I'm not looking forward to the return of SPD, as I had it later in my first pgcy and it was NOT fun. I've seen several people now who had it worse with their second and man, I hope I'm not one of them! :dohh:

Okay girls, I'm off to try to get some sleep! Hugs and love to all and happy weekend! :hugs:
Yes, we're looking at a whole lot. The housing bubble didn't really take affect here and people want what they purchased the home for. As I've said before...some are OUTRAGEOUS in the sense that they're asking 130k for a home only worth 98k. :wacko: My parents REALLY got a deal and their home is almost new for the amount "we'd" like to stick with. NOW I'm seeing trashy homes for that price. Homes we're going to have to put a whole lot of work. Then their the flippers. It's hard to know who to trust. I did find one house from a flipper that we'd have to replace the old piping. The rest of the home was all redone. It didn't work out though. He wanted a lot for it and replacing the pipes would have gotten us into a whole lot of chaos.

I'm waiting for the new homes to go on the market. When you speak of patience I certainly understand...though one is about a precious baby and the other about something wishy washy and more material that matters MUCH less than a beautiful new life.

I need to stand in my own corner. Haha
Bek, I know you guys will find the perfect house! It's just a very frustrating process. I am sorry you are having such a rough time with it because I know just thinking of moving is stressful enough, let alone if you cant find a house that works for you.

We had a real ordeal with our last move, getting into a bidding war on this house and actually losing it, then a few weeks later the hasty buyers who had rushed in and bid it up changed their minds and backed out, leaving our sellers to come back to us (yay!) we also lost our first buyers for the house we were trying to sell. But there again, God totally had a perfect plan for us and we we ended up getting a better deal on BOTH sides of the transaction. It just was in God's timing, not ours lol! :hugs:
Morning Ladies - I only have a moment as I'm finally (FINALLY!) back to baking so I'm making Charlie a well deserved dessert of layered Angel Food Cake - 3 layers with a filling made out of melted marshmallows, hershey bars with almonds and whipped cream and then the whole thing frosted in whipped cream. :happydance: Poppy slept for 5 hours (6 hours between feedings) this morning, we were shocked! But in skipping feedings, that can mess with the milk supply, so I pumped and didn't get as much....only 3.5 from one side and 2 from the other :nope: I'm sure it's because he ate like an animal yesterday and it was just off.....but I'll be pumping again today so I'll see...

Jules - we have so many blowouts! I laugh because when it happens to Charlie, it is because he takes the diaper off and then turns around to say something to me.....hello!!! you just ASKED for that, put the darn diaper on! :haha::haha: But I know when that will happen as Poppy will get extremely quiet and look at me with pursed lips. And the amount of gas he passes :wacko: He makes me laugh all day!!!

Angela - I am thrilled beyond words for you and I, too, agree that God certainly had a hand in making you doubly blessed with these beautiful babies. It is amazing how God works in nature, but we still feel the blessedness of His works. One of my best friends got unexpected pregnant by her boyfriend and they had used protection and everything. I told her it was because God wanted her to bring this baby into the world and He wasn't going to let the man-made protection get in His way! She is now mommy to a beautiful baby boy, and while the issue with the dad is very difficult, she is doing her best and it is perfect. I thank God every day that I worked at the crappy job I did years ago because I met my Charlie. Now we are married and have Poppy. God, indeed, smiled on us. Thankfully!

MA - I'm sorry you were down and completely understand why. I hope you are feeling better today. Doug sounds like Charlie - never really argue or get mad, just sometimes avoids things to a point where the communication is stilted and you hear things out of the blue. And we're still hormonal, otherwise, his random comments that make me feel like I'm in the background and not important anymore wouldn't hurt so much (which makes me cry). then when he thinks I'm sad/mad, he won't ask me what is wrong, he just gives me a wide berth, which makes me mad as the communication suffers. Men just don't get us, but luckily, we get each other and are always here!

Steph - well, we won't get into my family, but let's just say I feel for ya, sister. :flower::flower::flower::flower: I will give my mom credit for popping over and holding him but she hasn't come over much. But I'll take the little I get. And you are not going over the top asking them to watch for a pee break! yikes! I'm so sorry, this shouldn't be happening to you and you have every right to be pissed!

I'm off for a bit to get the cake out of the oven and then play with poppy....if he wakes up! sleepy head! but then he has been nursing like an animal so my poor nipples are constantly aching, like a "whomp whomp whomp" feeling all the time the past 2 days! :dohh: but he needs to grow! many hugs to you all.....

Beth, thank you and your cake sounds amazing!

I have been meaning to ask, has anyone heard from our missing in action mommies, Charmaine, Sunshine, Skye, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone? :hugs: hugs ladies, and I hope you will check in when you can!
Happy Saturday ladies! How is everyone's weekend so far?

Angela - thank you for sharing your fertility story. I had no idea you went through all that. I can't even begin to imagine how devastated you must have been when the Dr. relayed your AMH number to you. :sad1:But then Mr. Dimples came along, who is just so perfect and precious! :hugs: You are right, in that a higher power must be at work. And now you are pregnant with #2 and I am so looking forward to you sharing your progress with us!

As far as nausea and symptoms go, to elaborate a bit on my first pregnancy, I had every symptom under the sun. It was incredible the sensations my body went through in the very early stages (4 weeks) - nausea, sore boobs, cravings, very vivid dreams, hot flashes and much, much more. With Gabriella, nothing at all except for sore boobs (and that came and went for a while). Nausea kicked in later and over-stayed its welcome, well into the 2nd tri! :sick:

Maybe you are lucky in that little bean won't cause nausea for you for this pregnancy - it's no fun when you feel sick.

Steph - I am sorry to hear about your MIL. I am fortunate in that my MIL is a good woman, albeit she has some very old-fashioned, crazy notions about raising a baby! For example, she claims that dipping Gabby's pacifier in sugar will cure her hiccups :saywhat: She also suggested I put some rice cereal in her formula to keep her satiated for longer and help fatten her up. :wacko: Gabby isn't even 6 weeks old yet and her system can't handle that! However, my MIL's old fashioned solutions are given with the best intentions. It's how she raised her babies (40 years ago LOL) , so it's difficult for her to accept anything different. I just ignore those and thankfully Tony agrees with me. :thumbup:

Rebekah - hang in there honey, the right house will come along when you least expect it I bet! How is little Amelia doing?

Beth - your cake sounds so good!

So we took Gabby for her first dining out experience yesterday and she did great! :happydance: we met with another couple at a great Spanish restaurant and when we got there, it was time for Gabby to eat so I fed her. Then she snoozed in her car seat (on the high chair) or in my arms when she got fussy. She was a perfect, well-behaved, little lady and I was so proud! :cloud9::happydance: We had so much fun with our friends that we all decided to have a standing 'double date' every other Friday (with Gabby), picking a new restaurant each time. :thumbup:

The weather here is absolutely glorious! It was about 65 degrees today and it's going to stay that way for several days. Makes me happy!

I ran a ton of errands today and scored a great deal at Babies R Us. $158 worth of merchandise was scored for only $60! I was the coupon queen today! LOL :happydance: I got some really cute summer clothes for Gabby among other things, plus they had a sale on some diapers.

While I was out shopping, Tony called to tell me that Gabby had her first 5oz feeding today! She chowed down! She's never had 5oz in one sitting before, so we were both very pleased :happydance:

I'm thinking of taking her out for a walk in her stroller tomorrow around the neighborhood if the weather is as nice as it was today (and according to the forecast, it's supposed to be).

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!!:hugs::kiss:
Jules! Yay for Gabby having a lovely outing. :happydance:

Beth, Yup! That's my dh too. He IS a good man though. TODAY I got into an argument with my dad. He's SO selfish. My husband, mom and myself went to the outlet center then we looked at a couple homes. He knew we were going. Doug and I came out to help them transport a treadmill from store to their house.

Mom and I got in the house and He said he didn't want to go anymore it was too late now. What?? It was STILL light out and was only 6pm. :shrug: WE had to go between HIS games. Everything had to be what he wanted and when.

I told him he was selfish and I wasn't married to him to dictate something WE were trying to do to help out. I was NOT going around HIS day. My days off are Dougs. If I want to go shopping for awhile while he's home watching tv and his stupid games then I can.

I left...my poor mom asked him to apologize for being rude and I think she was in tears by the time I gathered up the troops and left. I was NOT going to stay. Thing is, yesterday he demanded I turn on the stupid kinnect so he could see their grandaughter over the kinnect link video. When I told him they were only going to see her tomorrow and that it wasn't a really good time. He told us we wouldn't HAVE to come if he linked with us yesterday. How rude?! He's such an ass sometimes! When we ARE there he's playing war games on his xbox and doesn't really engage in conversation with us. I'm just frustrated with his attitude.

As for Doug and I....we're fine. He makes me laugh. He texted me a million times last night to spite. :rofl: He gave me a hug, apologized and today told me we're not always going to see eye to eye but at the end of the day.....we love each other and things will work out. It helped after the argument with my dad which left me feeling like "I'm" the problem with everyone. :wacko: :cry:

The weather was LOVELY. How did everyone enjoy it??

Angela, I haven't seen the others either. Wondering how their doing!
Lol Jules, we were at BrU today as well! My hubby asked several times if I wanted to get the diaper deal and I had to remind him, we just bought two cases of diapers at Costo! :haha: although, Ethan has leaked through TWO diapers today (which NEVER happens) and I'm starting to wonder if he needs bigger diapers already. We just switched him to size 4 a couple months ago and really, weight wise he is officially too small for fours yet, so I am not sure what is going on. We still change him as often as ever, but somehow he is putting out tons of fluids! :haha:

We spent waaaaaaay more than I had hoped on baby proofing necessities, but I am a naturally cautious (probably overly so) person anyway. At least i was able to tell hubby that "we will use them for our second child too, so it is a good investment." :thumbup: at least there was that argument, because I could see him rolling his eyes the whole time. He is not serious, but he is fond of saying things like "I had to learn the hard way not to XYZ," and then I remind him, we can avoid some of those dangers now because of a little thing we call progress!!:dohh:

We went with the magnetic cabinet and drawer latches, which may get annoying at first but I think we will get used to them quickly.

Okay I'm off to eat some dinner. Hope everyone is having a great saturday!
DO share how you all are child proofing the house.

We got electrical outlet covers, the plastic cabinetry latches, a toilet seat protector and several door handle lock proof thingamajigers. :rofl:

Just thought I'd throw this out there. Our friend from Dougs unit at the hospital used the plastic electrical outlet covers and her son came out and said, "oooh HOT momma, HOT". She said, "What's hot baby? Can you show me?" The plastic piece was out. She asked him how he got it off and she watched as he pulled it right out. They're NOT as protective as we think they are. Apparently she said something about going to home depot and getting those REAL covers that I think actually lock shut or something?? Maybe screw shut? :shrug:

Aside from those things, I'm going to have to get a manual to see what else needs to be done. I've been looking at piles of things on lower tables that now need to be removed. Looking at things that "could" be toxic or could possibly break if she tries hard enough to reach for them. It's SO odd having been a married couple and now moving out of that phase and into baby proofing. :lol:

Not sure if I mentioned we saw another home today. It amazes me how some people don't take care of their homes. Granted it's theirs when they buy it but to look in the cupboards or at specific things only to see a disgusting mess is REALLY hard to get past. One home awhile back was a hoarding mess while this one was just dirty. The funny thing is they ask you to take off your shoes but the whole place is so disgusting your afraid your socks will come up with a disease. :rofl:

This house WASN'T it. I can look past paint and "sometimes" squaler. Aesthetics can be easy to work out than the bones. There were Two HUGE tree's ready to fall over from the property onto the two opposite properties. I'm guessing 10K to get rid of them. That on top of putting new rugs in, refinishing the cabinetry, cleaning out and refinishing the inside of the cabinetry, adding new fixture, adding an electrical do-dad to the sump pump, taking down ALL the sheetrock they put up down the basement because each one has a punch hole through it then fixing the leakage where the wiring is down there....well. It's not my cuppa tea for what they want for it. The thing is it was built in 95'. I can't imagine WHY the place would be trashed like that. It wasn't even a foreclosure. :shrug:

I am starting to get an idea of what our likes and dislikes are so now I'm feeling like this experience is teaching us something. Angela, I can't imagine going through all that with your houses. I found a home today WAY out in the country. It wasn't ours. The asking price was WAY more than we can budget. I have a mercedes taste on a Ford budget. :rofl: Okay, it's not THAT bad, but close.
Hi ladies

Happy st patty's day. I'm glad that you all are having great weather where you are because it is one of those rare occasions when it is pouring down rain in Los Angeles.

Rebekah - sorry that the house hunt is going so slowly. I will say when I was house hunting 6 years ago for my first place it took me about two months to find the house. Your house is out there. Sorry that your Dad was being difficult. But good for you for standing your ground. Also thanks for the info on the Electrical outlets.

Jules glad that your first outing with Gabriella went well. Way to go on the deal at bru. That is fantastic!

Angela thanks for sharing your story/ journey. Also let me know how you like the magnets. We haven't started baby proofing yet. And we should have a month ago. Katelyn is crawling all over the place. We actually are selling our house and will h moving at the end of the month so we were waiting for that.

Beth you have to send me some of your recipes. Everything you make always sounds so yummy.

We are selling our house and plan on renting for the next year or so as we want to eventually move to Colorado so don't want to buy right now. So rebekah we too are looking for houses but for rent. It is going to be hectic looking for a house and getting ready for katelyns party and packing but I'm excited. We r currently in a tri level townhouse with two dogs and no yard. So we are looking forward to having a yard for them and katelyn to play in.

Well off to bed. Have a wonderful Sunday. I'm making cornbeef and cabbage tomorrow. Yum
Good morning, girls!

Quick update, my betas today look good, thank God! 312, 48 hours after a 129. So a nice double! :happydance: we recheck next Saturday.

I will definitely let you know how we like the magnets once we get them installed. Some assembly required! :dohh::dohh::haha:

And I will post more details soon regarding our child proofing efforts, as Bek requested. We are about to run to home depot to get a ceiling fan. I told hubby I CANNOT make it though another summer in our bedroom (the hottest room in the entire house, and not because of anything we are doing! :rofl:) if I am pregnant, and especially not when it is 85 here today ALREADY. I am so NOT a hot weather fan.

Love and hugs and happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday ladies!

Girls - while we are on the subject, I would LOVE some tips on baby-proofing the home. I realize Gabby is only a newborn, but Tony and I have been thinking about what we need to do for when the time comes as we are currently re-decorating many areas of the house. Is there a book I should get or where did you girls go to get a list of things that need baby-proofing?

One thing we were concerned about is the staircase. Our home has two floors and I can already tell that the staircase railings could be a danger as she could get her head stuck in between the railings. So we were considering getting custom plexi-glass fittings for the staircase. Something like this..


Does anyone have any other ideas for the staircase? We will be getting baby gates too so she can't get down the stairs.

I have a lamb Osso Bucco cooking in the crock pot at the moment and the house smells amazing! I found the recipe on my Facebook news-feed and it's a new recipe so keep your fingers crossed it turns out ok! :winkwink:

I'm so looking forward to Easter! We will be driving to Rhode Island with Gabby to spend it with the family. It will be her first visit to church. I'm a bit nervous about her crying through the sermon, but I figure if we sit in the back of the church, I can quickly take her outside if she gets a bit cranky. I have the cutest little outfit for her to wear - I can't wait! :cloud9:

Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday!! xo:hugs:
Good morning, girls!

Quick update, my betas today look good, thank God! 312, 48 hours after a 129. So a nice double! :happydance: we recheck next Saturday.

Yay Angela! Great news on the betas!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::thumbup:

When do you go for your first ultra-sound? Will it be early at around 7 weeks? Can't wait to see little bean!! xo
Thanks Jules! And you, steph and Beth are making me hUngry with all this food talk lol! I am hoping my re will do a scan at maybe 6-7 weeks. I will definitely let you know as we go!

More later ladies, we are still out and about in the hunt for a decent looking ceiling fan!
Hi ladies - quick question before I drop from exhaustion with a very cranky baby today....

the zantac isn't working as well as we hoped. he is in such distress tonight and the past few days off and on, but today has been constant except when he's at the boob.... what else can I do? does gripe water really work? can I give it to him with the zantac?

I'm calling the damn ped tomorrow and update him that it has only worked about 30%.....he is such a miserable boy today. We are in for a very long night. his poor tummy - he has been pooping so badly all day today and keeps straining even after a massive poop....he is only happy when he's at the boob and he's not always feeding, just sucking....but won't take the paci very much, just wants me. I let him as he's in such discomfort but I'm aching! He won't even let me bicycle his legs and gets very :growlmad: at me!

Pray we have a good night, or that I don't lose my mind being up all night with a cranky poopy pants. :wacko:
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I have been MIA the past week or so but I have ben so crazy at work and then came down with the most hurrendous cold this weekend. I spent the whole of Saturday in bed and then went into work first thing yesterday to get my Chairman into a Board Meeting then went back home to bed. Still poorly today but so much better than I was, at least my eyes have stopped streaming.

Rebekah sorry the house hunting is being such a pain but I am sure that something will come up when you least expect it. YOu will find a hidden gem I am convinced :hugs:

Angela YAY for great betas, your news still makes me smile so much. It is a huge victory for us ladies that have struggled so much for our precious babies to kow that if we choose to have a second it can happen alot easier than the first time round. Also on the heat thing I totally get you, things here in the Middle East are starting to hot up again already, this weekend saw temps of 32C so I know that it will be hitting 40C by the time Zara is due:growlmad:

Jules I adore your photos of Gabby and it has inspired me to start the search for a cool and modern photographer out here which can be a challenge. Also don't worry too much about her crying when you go to church as the priests really are used to it and don't tend to mind at all. I am sure she will be on her best behaviour.

Beth so sorry to hear that Charlie is having a hard time with his tummy, so difficult for you to see him upset and the resulting tiredness to you and your hubby. I pray that things get better for you soon :hugs:

AFM just ticking along really, the tiredness seems to be getting a little more manageable for me as I guess I know that it will hit me each day so I plan around it to cope. Zara is head down so hoping that she stays that way and now measuring 3 weeks 2 days ahead as growing so well. At last weeks scan she weighed 2.3kgs or 5.1 pounds. I can't say I am over eating she is just mean't to be a big baby i guess. Friends are telling me that I should be packing my hospital bag but wanted your opinions on when did you pack? To be honest I haven't even thought about that yet. I think I have everything else in place for her just need to send off my passport to get my name changed as I carried on using my maiden name after marriage out of laziness I guess as it is so much paperwork to get my residency, work permit etc changed here but we really want to make sure we all have the same name when she is born and registered. The whole procees should take 4 weeks max as it needs to be sent off overseas and then courriered back at quite a cost. Official paperwork stuff is the downside to be an Ex-Pat.

WEll better dash and finish my work but hope to catch up with you all later :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

As far as baby proofing, I've got a copy of What to
Expect the Toddler Years/the 2nd year, and I'm going to use the lists in there as a starting point. As I get going with it I will be happy to share what we are doing. Bek, I think some things are sort of things you can do as you go, so for example, tackle the things she can reach crawling, first. Etc. when we were at BrU, there was a lady there who was looking for solutions to keep her older Houdini out of the fridge, :rofl: Jules, we have stairs too but I'm not really planning to do anything about the spindles/slats, just because I honestly think Ethan's head is too big to fit through and we will do gates at tops AND bottoms of staircases. gabby may crawl much earlier than Ethan, but I think most kids are at least 9 months by the time they can begin trying to crawl up or down stairs, and in most cases their heads will be too big by then. See what you think as you go. :thumbup: steph, we have about half the magnets installed and so far, I love them! Of course I am removing anything truly dangerous from the lower cabinets anyway, such as cleaners and knives etc., but still doing the magnets to prevent later dismantling of my kitchen while I'm cooking for example! :haha:

Beth honey I am so sorry, I have no words of wisdom except to definitely call your doc. Ethan's reflux was not quite that bad and we could generally keep him happy with a feeding then sitting up with him (we were sleepless, but at least he was comfy and quiet! :dohh:) I hope they can get poor Poppy much more comfy soon!

Carole, I'm getting SOOOOOO excited for you! One month and some weeks now, right!? Zara will be here before you know it!!! On the hospital bag, what we found on our march moms thread is that there is a huge variance in the types of items hospitals.provide worldwide. I know we are super blessed, because our hosp provides EVERYTHING except your own pillow and robe from home lol. They even sent us home with extra formula, diapers, pads, etc. But I know a lot of our UK girls were saying their hospitals did not even provide diapers for the baby while IN the hospital!! :dohh: so I recommend calling your hospital and asking for a specific list of what they will provide. Some things I found indispensable, whether your hospital provides or you bring yourself: pillows from home, my own favorite toiletries, and they make these little "maxi pad" style ice packs that are absolutely, positively whatever it costs you to get your hands on them, IF you think you will have a vaginal delivery. Our hispital gave them out and i used them for DAYS after they said I could discontinue them, bc I had stitches. Sooooo helpful! Also, our hospital stocked our rooms with humongous after-delivery pads (needed regardless of delivery method) and little disposable mesh panties (though I washed mine and used them t home for a few weeks) that are much more comfy for tender areas and section incisions. A lot of people will say to bring your own nightgowns, clothes etc., but I had so much bleeding that I was only too happy to stay in a hospital gown that someone else would have to wash :rofl: my advice - ruin their stuff and save your own lovely items for when you are home and bleeding/mess are under control!

Am sure I will think of more, but that is a start :)

Hugs ladies! Hope all are well today!

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