35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh I forgot to mention, we rejigged baby's name: it will be Zacharie Alexandre Joseph LastName. Joseph is my DH's middle name and his father's first name (who passed away in June of last year and who will be the only grand-parent not to meet our little guy...).
Bek, I got my period the first month after I stopped breastfeeding. Everyone's body is different, but it sure felt like that was what triggered mine!
Angela you need to change Ethan's ticker to count down to Bday #2! :) :flower:
:rofl: :rofl: I like to see how old our LO's are :haha: Sorry, no pressure intended! :flower:

I just posted a long update in my journal, had a rough week and didn't want to vent here... Also posted my massive :shock: bump pics for those interested (and a collage comparing 33 weeks in both pregnancies, I'm having fun doing that!!!).
:rofl: :rofl: I like to see how old our LO's are :haha: Sorry, no pressure intended! :flower:

I just posted a long update in my journal, had a rough week and didn't want to vent here... Also posted my massive :shock: bump pics for those interested (and a collage comparing 33 weeks in both pregnancies, I'm having fun doing that!!!).

Lol I needed to fix my tickers anyway - both of them lol!

I'm off to catch up on your journal! :hugs:
CJ love the bump pics on your journal and you don't look that big at all, especially as it is your second bubba. I must get brave and take some recent ones and post.

Also love the name Zacharie, if we were having a boy I loved the name Zac as Zackary is another name that translates in both the Arab and English world which was important to me.

Can't wait to see pics of your little boy when he arrives x x
Carole YES, we need those bump pics please! :hugs:

How are you feeling these days? Is the fatigue any better?

ANGELA!! I am so happy for you!!! There I was catching up with posts and I saw your pregnancy test :test::bfp: and I dribbled my coffee down my chin! I was NOT expecting that so soon LOL! Lady, you are miss fertile myrtle - didn't you JUST start trying again? I am thrilled for you and for Ethan who gets a little brother or sister :cloud9:

I imagine you are quite nervous - I remember the whole 9 months was just very nerve wracking for me, but I am sure everything will be just fine - you will be in my thoughts. Oh, I am so excited for you honey - you've made my day!

I can't wait to start trying again too :cloud9:
Hello ladies!!

I'm on cloud 9 :cloud9: after Angela's post this morning :cloud9:

Purplelou - many congrats to you too! I do understand how nerve wracking it is to be pregnant again after a loss. I was terrified. It's normal, but do try to enjoy your pregnancy if you can :flower:

So tonight we are going out for an early dinner at a Spanish Tapas restaurant with friends and taking Gabriella. This will be her first official excursion out of the house (pediatrician visits aside). I am a little nervous to be honest and hope she won't cry up a storm! We're eating at 5:15pm so the restaurant shouldn't be too busy.

Yesterday she was cranky ALL day. I had her in my arms most of the day and this morning I woke up with a crick in my back. Speaking of back pain, mine has been terrible since I gave birth. Is anyone here who's had an epidural/spinal suffering back pain? I am starting to wonder if the two are linked. I never had back pain before pregnancy / giving birth. This morning was so bad I had to take one of the left over 600mg Motrins that were given to me when I was discharged from the hospital.

Beth - considering Poppy is the same age as Gabby....how much is he eating per day? Gabby is chowing down..especially the past couple of days. She's eating on average 3oz - 4oz every 3 hours. During our last visit to the Dr., she said to make sure Gabby was eating 20 oz a day - she's eating more than that, so I hope her weight gain is substantial when we go back to the Dr. on Wednesday.

How is everyone else doing? Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! :flower::hug:
Thanks Jules!

I am a bit nervous, especially as I basically feel fine (last time I was puking by 4 weeks)...had my first betas drawn this morning and now just waiting on that phone to ring. :coffee: not waiting very patiently though! :dohh:

I hope you will forgive if i go off on a tangent for a second, as i just want to say this publicly and your comment about fertility made me realize i havent said this in my comments so far about this bfp...i ceretainly understand others may have different views, and i absolutely respect them, but for me, I truly believe that with my physical/reproductive profile, ANY pregnancy is, for me, a true miracle and a gift straight from God. So much more if it's a healthy one that results in a baby. My numbers just say it shouldn't be possible, but I believe nothing is impossible with God and truly, I give Him the credit for both Ethan and this BFP. :thumbup: the "numbers" surrounding my own birth at 27 weeks also said that my own life should not have been possible, but God had other plans and I am trusting him for all of this! :flower:

That said, i do believe God obviously works through natural means and in our physical circumstances, and as far as fertility, one thing I've heard from MANY moms is that, even if they had trouble ttc the first time around, there is a sort of "super fertility" that follows once you have had your first child. So I was kind of hoping there might be some truth to that. then also, we were using digital OPKs which help immensely in targeting timing. lastly, I conceived Ethan on the very same cycle I had my fertility work up and HSG procedure, which my RE explained can sometimes "clear cobwebs" from the tubes. It's possible that I had some kind of minute (but big enough!) blockage in my tubes to cause my first 18 months of ttc to fail. Only God knows, but as one of my wonderful friends here has pointed out, each day I am pregnant is something I should celebrate, regardless of outcome, so I'm trying to rest in that. I'm just such an impatient person in general and a control freak that waiting helplessly isn't my strong suit lol!

But anyway, I think your first outing with Gabby sounds wonderful! Our first outing with Ethan was to a Mexican restaurant hree, and I'd been afraid he would fuss, but honestly the place was so loud no one ever would have heard him! He ended up just being perfect and was fascinated by all the sights and sounds. I'm sure you will be fine!

And I have not had tri back pain as you describe from my epidural, but I have had some tingling in my legs and feet from time to time that I think is related. I hope your pain gets MUCH better soon!

Okay girls, I'm off to gather the munchkin from his nap. He is sleeping hard today, must have worn himself out playing this morning!

Hugs and love!
CJ - you are all pregnancy belly. Not another ounce of fat on you! You look great!

Angela - I love your new tickers!

Quick question for you both - what did you give your babies on their 1st birthdays? I am trying to think what Katelyn would need/play with. Should I wait until after the party and then buy her a birthday gift?

Hi Twinkle!!!!!

Rebekah - Even though I was pumping and kinda nursing after Katelyn was born, I got my period back almost 8 weeks to the day after I gave birth. It was like my body said, you only need 8 weeks to recover from a c-section so guess what...I'm baaaaack! I don't think that I ovulated for the first 2 after having Katie, but now everything is back to normal. Yes, hopefully come next year this time we are both pregnant with #2 :).

Chris - Love the photo on FB of Soph

Beth - I owe you a PM with my FB info!

Anna - I hope you are doing ok. I am thinking about you often.

Ok, gotta get back to work!

Steph, I did not buy Ethan a particular gift "for" his birthday, but I participatd in a consignment sale just before the party and bought him a ton of toys inexpensively. Then, of course guests at the party brought presents, so he has a lot of new stuff!

I would say the things he has enjoyed the most at this age are things that roll or have balls as part of the toy. Examples are the fisher price train that "pops" balls out as it rolls, and the vtech helicopter (explore and learn, I think?) he also enjoys his soft rubber blocks and the fisher price baby puzzle and puppy's playhouse right now. Let me know if you need more info! Mostly, he is crawling and exploring the house at this age, so baby proof well and then let Katelyn roam. They love to investigate at this age! That said, I've got a ton of baby proofing to do. He crawled so late that we were able to put it off a good while. :blush:
Thanks Angela for the advice. We do really need to baby proof as Katelyn is not into her toys that much, but prefers to grab anything she can find that we have left out.

Jules - I think we were posting at the same time. I didn't have any back pain afterwards, but my hips still hurt from time to time. I hope that your back pain gets better. As for dinner our, since Katelyn was preemie, it was different we were told not to really go out with her in public places with lots of people until about 4 months old (other than to the park or for walks). But I think we did go to a restaurant as well and Katelyn slept pretty much the entire time. You can get a high chair and turn it upside down and then the car seat fits perfectly in there - just a little trick if you didn't already know. I am sure everything will go well.

Okay, just got the call back from my RE. My numbers look good so far, hcg at 129, progesterone at 29. Even though my progesterone looks good so far though, because of my progesterone levels last time, she wants to put me on the supplements just in case. Im actually relieved about that, because I was already getting set to stress if it was borderline and they seemed unconcerned...I am so thankful for my dr., who seems able to read my mind and, in any event, understands that I want to give this pregnancy the best chance possible! So I'll be starting the supps tonight and we will recheck Sunday. :happydance: now, to TRY and relax and enjoy the weekend!

https://www.snugglebugz.ca/wheely-bug-small.html This is what we got Zoë. She still plays with it and is almost 2!

Angela :yipee: those numbers are great!!!! Will post more later, rushing to chiro now!
Holy Lactating Cow, Batman!!!!!! (and I'm referring to me being a lactating cow, not calling any of you lovelies one!) I am MIA for a two days and I have so much to catch up on!

ANGELA!!!!!! I literally have tears in my eyes and think I just had a letdown of milk as I'm so emotional for you right now! :dance::dance::dance::happydance::happydance::happydance: WOW, I am thrilled for you, dear! and I love the photos of Ethan at his party, what an absolute cutie! I, too, have heard you are "super fertile" after birth...considering I got pg with my first try ever after getting off the pill, we decided to get back on the pill for the 6 months before we can try again as my doc calls me "fertile myrtle" and I need to heal properly first. :haha: The pill may decrease my milk supply but because I have such an abundance, it may not be noticeable, but we have to keep a check on poppy's weight for a bit to make sure he is still gaining properly. We are hoping to try again in Sept. (well, when Poppy has a good long 5 hour stretch at night and we are rested, Charlie agrees to it....nights like a tough last night, we avoid talking about baby #2!!! :haha:)

Jules - i wish I knew how much Poppy was eating! But with the exclusive breastfeeding, it's too hard for me to tell - I keep a log of when he eats and for how long and he usually during the day (most days anyways) he will eat for about 20 minutes every 2 hours. Today he is sleeping for 3 hours as he was up eating and fussing all night - we are def in a growth spurt! When Charlie gives him a bottle of my expressed milk I will pump and usually get around 4oz from each breast - slightly less from one side and slightly more from the other but both will equal about 8 oz. However, he usually only eats from one side only, except in the growth spurts when he munches on both sides for awhile. :haha: So I would hazard a guess that he eats about 3.5 - 4 oz each feeding, every 2 hours. Seems to be working as he's up a little over 11 pounds!!! my little chubby angel.

Purps - so glad to see you officially on here. We love you and are counting the days until the second tri hits for you and the nausea passes. Literally the morning of week 13, my nausea was gone. I, too, never actually got sick, just bad nausea. But it passed!!!! And I still can't eat yogurt. That started in the first tri.....I used to eat it all the time, but I still get EW feeling when I even see it. many hugs to you for a great 2nd the 3rd tri....no jinxing allowed here!

thanks MA - his hip ultrasound went very well and we got the all clear call from the doc this am. He is perfect! :) He was so good during the ultrasound, and looked so cute, even though he was naked and shivering and hunched on his side but he still had a wide-eyed look which just melts me. :)

I've already gotten my period - very light but the bad, heavy cramps and ugh feelings are there again (different from the lochia), as well as my usual EWCM..... The Dr says it could be because I had such severe ones prior (reason for the pills - needed to regulate) and endometriosis that it is coming back with a vengeance after 10 months :dohh: leave it to me to not be the ones who don't get it while bf'ing...... but add me to that list of MA and Steph being pg this winter! :)

Steph - :hi:

AFM - the incision is healing...no more tunneling to the sides, the pocket just goes straight down now, and not too far either....just a wek or two more they tell me....still getting it cleaned and packed every day from the visiting nurse. Poppy is growing by leaps and bounds and during the growth spurt the arching and coughing and wheezing seems to be a little worse than last week - the zantac maybe can't keep up with the constant eating?? But it is better than before so I'm still happy. I just can't wait for him to be over the stage of "i need to poop but I don't know how" yet - the doc says he is trying to push poop out but at the same time holding it in as he doesn't know what to do yet - he strains ALL DAY LONG! and one day he will poop his brains out with about 6-8 big blowouts, then the next day, strain strain strain and just a few squirts! poor thing. But except for the growth spurts, he is sleeping 5 hours at night, waking to feed, back down within the hour, then sleep for another 3.5 - 4 hours....yay!

I have some of the newborn pics ready to post, he is such a cutie pie. I knitted the gray hat and the sheep....:cloud9:

Hugs to you all, I'm sure I missed some, but lack of sleep is making me loopy. Off to hold the angel again, my favorite job in the world!


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Okay, just got the call back from my RE. My numbers look good so far, hcg at 129, progesterone at 29.

Thanks Jules!

I am a bit nervous, especially as I basically feel fine (last time I was puking by 4 weeks)...had my first betas drawn this morning and now just waiting on that phone to ring. :coffee: not waiting very patiently though! :dohh:

I hope you will forgive if i go off on a tangent for a second, as i just want to say this publicly and your comment about fertility made me realize i havent said this in my comments so far about this bfp...i ceretainly understand others may have different views, and i absolutely respect them, but for me, I truly believe that with my physical/reproductive profile, ANY pregnancy is, for me, a true miracle and a gift straight from God. So much more if it's a healthy one that results in a baby. My numbers just say it shouldn't be possible, but I believe nothing is impossible with God and truly, I give Him the credit for both Ethan and this BFP. :thumbup: the "numbers" surrounding my own birth at 27 weeks also said that my own life should not have been possible, but God had other plans and I am trusting him for all of this! :flower:


I'm so pleased to hear that your numbers came back as good ones! As far as symptoms - or rather lack thereof, with Gabriella I had way, way LESS in the way of symptoms than I did when I was first pregnant in 2010 (when I miscarried). With Gabriella, I didn't experience much in the way of nausea until 9 - 10 weeks - and it lasted until 20 weeks! :wacko: but at 4 weeks I felt nothing - it really is true what they say - no two pregnancies are alike!

Based on your comment about your numbers and the probability of getting pregnant, I assume you had a check up with a fertility specialist before you got pregnant with Ethan? Forgive me if you have posted this before somewhere, but I don't recall your TTC story (I have a bad memory!) Were you told that pregnancy was unlikely?

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? As mentioned, I am so excited to get pregnant again, but I just turned 40 on 3 March and I am so worried about my age and of course the remaining (albeit, smaller) fibroids. Gabriella implanted 2 mm next to my biggest fibroid, so it was touch n' go in the early days for me.

I do so admire your outlook. I agree with you when you say that every day of pregnancy IS indeed a miracle.:thumbup::flower: I'm so happy for you and wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

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