35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

That is what I get for not reading the next page! Lots of activity!!!

HI HAPPY AUNTIE!!!! Thanks for the great info!!!!
Angela - I am like you, I like bread and pasta waaaay too much to give it up. I am just trying to eat it in less abundance. And Katelyn lives on Cheerios, so I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree (I gotta get her to eat something other than puffs and cheerios! At least the puffs are vegetables ones - Kale, Spinach, and Collard greens).

Anna - I think I would be like you if I went vegetarian - I would eat nothing but cheese and crackers, cheese and bread, cheese and chips, or just plain cheese!

Rebekah - we have sooo much in common, I too danced for MANY MANY years and miss it terribly! I have pointe shoes I bought about 5 years ago when I was attending ballet regularly, then I changed jobs and stopped going...I have a gym membership that expires in July and I have gone to the gym exactly twice since I got it last July.

I jsut need to get off my butt and do it and stop taling about doing it. My goal is to lose 25 lbs by October so that when we start trying again, I will gain those 25 to 30 lbs back and not be soooo huge.
Hi there!

Thanks Anna. I do see some crossover. A lot of dancers have used Pilates which is GREAT for stretching and toning.

Steph. we had the same problem with diaper rash and as a last result I listened to my aunt and bought a tub of Balmex. We've only been able to find it at Rite Aid. Not sure if you have one there but if not try your local drug store. It works like a charm.

Well, I'm going to feed Amelia and maybe try to take a nap IF she does. I'm back to being tired all the time again. ((sigh)) I missed my prescription vitamin D2 and so I'm wondering if that could have something to do with it. I'm having my B12 checked late summer for my next appointment too. Oh how I'm sick of feeling tired all the time. After Amelia's dinner I'm going to do some yoga from video tape to try and stretch. There's something wrong with our bed frame and I'm feeling it. My back hurts which could be another reason I'm exhausted. :rofl:

Looking forward to the weekend. My parents are going to take Amelia and Doug and I are probably going to the Hot Air Balloon Festival up the road.
Does anyone know what a security token is? I've been trying to upload a newer picture to the avatar and it won't let me. It keeps saying I need a security token....I tried notifying the board owner but nobody has gotten back to me yet. :shrug:
Wanted to share my latest blog entry about our new home with you ladies. Since it doesn't have information on our new address I thought it would be okay to share it now.

Looks like it's going to rain later today so things may change where kayaking is concerned. ((sigh)) It'll be too expensive to have a balloon ride as well. Not sure what we're going to do but I'm sure it will be fun. Have a great weekend ladies! :hug:
Morning ladies,

Rebekah, I think that error message means the file size is too large. I know that doesn't make any sense but I've gotten a variety of odd error messages at times trying to upload pics before I resized them, might try that?

Love the new place and I'm so happy for you guys!

AFM, miserable this morning after two bad nights with this cold I got from Ethan. :nope: I'm hoping I can get my head to drain a bit today and that I don't develop a sinus infection, which is pretty common for me after a cold. My dr says I can take sudafed, buti avoid that med anyway bc it keeps me awake. Sigh. It sucks being sick anyway, but especially pregnant!
Oh Angela, Can you load yourself with Vitamin C? Do you have a juicing place nearby? Is it possible for you to juice Carrot, Orange, beet, ginger and some greens? The more you have the better it is with the cold.

Thanks for the heads up about the message. I wondered if it could be that but I've always had it say file was too big before. Well, I suppose I'll try something else then. Thanks Again and I pray you start feeling better soon! :hugs:
Thanks rebekah! I am taking extra C. Usually, I am able to fight things off as long as I get three things - enough sleep, enough protein and enough vitamins. When I'm not pregnant, I take airborne anytime I'm exposed to colds and things and, about half the time that alone will help even if I'm low on sleep for example...but being preggo I can't take much. I finally slept a little better last night for the first night in three, so amhoping I'm turning the corner. Just praying it doesn't become bronchitis or sinusitis and need antibiotics. Bleh! I got through my whole pregnancy with Ethan and only had one cold toward the very end...but then, in that situation I didn't have a small carrier monkey running around lol! I'm pretty sure I could have avoided this if I had known Ethan was already brewing it on Sunday; we shared a bottle of water with him at the beach and at the time, he seemed fine, but he showed symptoms the very same night and then three days later I got it, so I know that's where it came from. Yuck! I had assumed he wasn't going to get it from his Granna because he'd gone all week without getting it, but no such luck.

Hope everyone had had a nice weekend! It's rainy here this morning and I'm just trying to get as much rest in as possible today before hubby goes back to work tomorrow.
Glad you got some rest! Sometimes that makes it so much better. It doesn't help that closer to the end of the pregnancy you get more and more uncomfortable and sleep isn't always a thing we get but as we know, the end result is amazing!

When not pregnant I usually take echinacea tincture, vitamin C and zinc lozenges but I think the only thing your allowed being pregnant is Vitamin C. Your Def. not allowed to have any kind of herbal tincture during pregnancy. I wish there was something you could take but I'll be satisfied if what you have starts to go away without getting that sinus infection as you've said.

Yesterday was fun for us but all day was dreary. Today is beautiful and so we're doing some grocery shopping, clothes shopping for my husband who's down 3 sizes now since going vegan, getting some bubble wrap for packing more stuff tonight and maybe some lunch/dinner.

I've been TERRIBLE with eating. By the time I get my family fed and taken care of, my first meal ends up being around 1pm or so. NOTHING for breakfast. Add that to the list of reasons why I'm not losing. :wacko: It'll all come together. At least I know my mistakes!

Love to you all. Happy Weekending! :hug:
hi ladies!

the days seem to fly by and I have no concept of days anymore! We had Poppy's 4 month appt friday and more shots :cry: but he did wonderfully and out of the 2 shots, only cried on one and for less than a minute. what a trooper! otherwise he is doing great, jumped up on the percentiles as he is getting so big :flower::flower: he is now 15lbs 9.5 oz, 25.5" long. :cloud9: his projectiling seems to have slowed:thumbup: and we're back to the normal frequent spitups. those I can handle, just the forceful ejection of 5.5 oz (I caught it in a bottle as I sensed it coming!) from a 6oz feed was getting scary but he's just back to normal Mr. Spitty...and hungry all the time! he's just chilling in my arms biting his burp cloth as I type one handed. almost can roll over and I love the big belly laughs!

As far as the celiac disease goes, I have sjogren's syndrome (SS) which goes hand in hand with celiac, over half ppl who have SS have it and I have to go through testing for it yearly (it can develop at anytime). but I have had to go GF for testing periodically since I was 13 and was diagnosed with migraines. They try to figure out triggers for migraines and my IBS issues and so far I can still have gluten and wheat but I still have to check for it. It is a pain as I could eat pasta everyday (and did when pregnant!) so I'm hoping I do not develop it. I hate those 2 week tests!!!

we are almost to the point of putting poppy in his crib alone in his room:cry: not there yet! mommy can't handle that yet! and no, the crib won't fit in our room, it's too big and our room is tiny. I need to get monitor but the thing is he doesn't cry when he wakes up! just thumps his little feet and smiles!

Angela, hope you are feeling better! beside the cold, how goes everything else? nausea passed yet?

time to go feed hungry man again then maybe will go for a walk!

hugs to everyone!
Hi All,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Beth - So glad to hear that Poppy is doing ok and that he took the shots like a little trooper! Also glad that the projectile vomiting is over! Scary! What I did with Katelyn when I decided it was time for her to go to her crib, I would put her in there during nap time to get used to the idea. Good luck as it is hard. Most nights Katelyn ends up back in our bed at around 3 or 4 because it is easier to bring her in with us then me sitting up for 2 hours trying to make sure she is asleep!

Angela -Sorry to hear about your cold. I hope that you feel better soon!

Rebekah - I hear you on the eating and working out. I have made a decision that this week I will go to the gym at least twice a week starting this week. My goal is to up that to three times a week and then walk and do outdoor stuff with Katelyn that will help with weight loss ... Oh for me to stop eating like a HORSE! LOL. I just put my food from breakfast and lunch into my WW tracker and I am already out of points :-(. Not looking good for today. I am going to sit down tonight with the WW cookbook and pick out meals for the rest of the week.

Poor Katelyn was a tired somebody yesterday. She had a 1 hour nap in the morning then her 2 year old cousin came over (when I was trying to put her down for a 2nd nap - so there went that idea LOL) and they played for a while, then girlfriend just lost it and was crying at everything. Couldn't crawl real well cuz she kept rubbing her little eyes from being tired. At 6pm I put her in the bath and then bed. She was asleep by 6:20. Of course at 4:30am this morning she woke up, but thank goodness went back to sleep until about 8:15am.
I just wish it were easier to put her down for naps. The problem is she will go to sleep and then about 30-45 minutes later wake up and be up. My girl likes to power nap!
Steph, we're so similar it's silly! Amelia is going through the same thing at naptime. It's been in the 90's today and I'm exhausted!
[/CODE]hi ladies!!

I wrote a sooper long post the other day then lost it. So I have been unmotivated to repeat, but it's friday so here goes: I will try and remember as best I can...

steph, camping with a little one is tough and requires a lot of stuff, at least for us it does. We take toys, the jolly jumper, a jogging stroller, a baby back pack, and a chariot ( hooks to the back of a bike to take baby for bike ride). Plus, pack and play, food,diapers, clothes ( for hot and old), and blankets. In the end it's a lot of stuff. We have a camper which makes it easier too. Fridge for food and hotwater heater for baths in the sink. We love it so it's worth it, but it is a lot of stuff and work. To entertain we take her for walks in stroller,or back pack. Hang the jolly jimper from camper and she bounces, go for bike ridess, or just play with toys. Good luck!!

angela, how's the cold?? I have just developed a new one too, Jo and I are once again sick at same time.

MA, how are things? I love the pictures of the house!! We can only be so lucky!! Weekend plans??

Beth, poor poppy and his shots. Little trooper. Hugs to you both and glad the vomit has subsided.

vivienne, are you lurking? Thinking of you.
Hi to purple lou if she's still here.
HA, hope you are well.
Svet, are you lurking, hope your well
Austin, if you're around hope all is well with you and your three little ones.
CJ, how is everything?
Carol, how are you doing new mommy???

AFM, well we took jo to her 9 month check up this week. She weighs 19 LBS and is 25" long. Growing well and meeting all mile stones. However the doc asked if she was sleeping through the night and I said no, a dream feed around 11 and then another at 3. She said to cut it out. If for no other reason it would make her fat. Makes sense if you think about it. She no longer needs to eat at night so she's comfort feeding. And I don't want her to associate food with comfort for the rest of her life. Now I am sure there are about a million baby doctors out there that would dissagree but I took her advice and cut out the night feedings. If for no other reason I need to sleep. So the first night we had a three hr crying fit. The second night we had an hour crying fit, then last night...ahhhhhh SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!! Now let me be clear I got up every night with her and soothed her, she did not "cry it out". In fact I thought she was thirsty so instead of giving her a bottle, I let her drink water from my glass and she caught on really quick. So I am doing the happy dance. Of course i'm so used to getting up with her all night I woke up at 1:30 wide awake. It may not happen every night but now we both know she can do it.

anyway, happy father's day to all the dads! DH is getting a new set of motor cycle tires and we're playing golf with my dad on sunday. Putting Jo in the golf cart to ride along.

have a good weekend all!! Anna
Anna - Having a camper sounds much better than camping in a tent with a baby. My hubby would LOVE a camper (mainly for me and Katelyn to sleep in - he likes the tent LOL). Glad that Jo is doing so well and awesome about her sleeping through the night (I wish I could be so lucky!!), but sorry to hear that you both have a cold again!!!! Feel beter! Have fun on Father's Day!!!

Rebekah - I hope the heat has subsided a little, just think a year ago you were in the heat and pregnant..for sure it is more bearable now LOL? How is the packing coming along? What is your actual move in date? Love the shots of the house and looking forward to seeing more.

AFM - I got food posioning on Monday and was totally sick Tuesday and part of Wednesday, then on Thursday, my hubby was sick, so I am thinking that I may not have had food posioning at all, but a stomach bug. I am praying that Katelyn doesn't get it. We go to a swim class preview tomorrow and I am looking forward to it! Not sure what we have going on for Father's Day other than I am getting my hubby a massage. It will be his first professional massage. I am hoping it will help with some of his back pain he has been having.

Well - it has been quite on here all week. I miss hearing from you all and I hope that everyone and their babies (and baby bumps!) are doing well.

Hey girls!

Sorry I've been MIA this week. I've been sick as a dog after getting Ethan's cold. My hubby even has the cold now - it was a virulent germ that got all of us one at a time lol! I knew it had to be bad to get my mother in law down, she is NEVER sick, so I knew I was in trouble. Mine turned into a sinus and chest infection, so I've been on antibiotics all week. Improving slowly, but it definitely SUCKS to get sick when pregnant. I don't feel comfortable taking much and DANG that makes a huge difference!

We have my brother in law coming for the weekend and it is supposed to be great weather, so I'm looking forward to some pool time and a cookout on Sunday!

I know I need to go back and catch up, but wantd to say hi in the meantime!

Hugs to all!
Hi ladies!

Angela, so sorry about the viral infection going around. Praying it comes to a halt soon! :hugs: Have a great time at poolside!


Are you breastfeeding? (I can't remember) Things just seemed to fall into place where feeding schedule is concerned. Amelia is eating 2nd stage foods and takes 4 bottles. Her last being just a bottle with 3 meals of baby food a day. Now solids schedule is where I'm not as confident about. I like Steph gave Amelia the puffs that dissolve and the same thing happened one day with her gasping to get it down. Needless to say, we're 8 months and she's not quite ready. She likes ice cream (a small treat) banana's she likes puree'd but I cut them to see what she'd do with them and she didn't like the texture to hold on to them.

I think our kids are at their own pace and will lead us when their ready. As far as bringing the bottle back, I think you did great! In a loving way too. :hugs:

Steph, so glad your on the mend. Hopefully that illness will go away completely. No more sickness! :hugs: Looking forward to hearing about your swim class. I'd like to get Amelia in one because I saw a report that said this is the best time to teach baby because of the risks of drowning. The sooner the better. We'll see how she takes to water. lol

Our moving date is the 30th however, if the tenants (the prior owners) decide their home isn't ready then as long as they pay the 1700.00 fine and 60.00 per day thereafter, they can stay. It's a sit and wait but I don't think they'll want to pay the penalty so hopefully we'll be out by the end of July. :happydance:

We're packing.

As for tomorrow. Amelia and I did a "paint project" for Father's Day. It came out cute. I'm pre-making blueberry pancakes for daddy's breakfast, he'll get lunch out tomorrow before he goes to work and tomorrow night will get a nice massage from mommy. I'm also making him a sweet card. Hopefully he'll feel very appreciated and loved!

Well, I'm off. I have a baby waiting to be fed. :lol:

Happy Weekending ladies! Miss everyone who hasn't posted in awhile. It's quiet!
wow really quiet on here lately. Hope you all had a good father's day!! Ours was good, played a round of golf. Then came home to find the fur baby had gotten into the sink where two racks of ribs were thawing for dinner. He managed to get a hold of one and get this...ate one whole rack of ribs bones and all!!! LOL!! Hope he is ok. DH was up all night letting him out to poop.

anyway, steph, so sorry you were so sick!! Camping with camper is awesome with baby, but an investment. Also I think I jinxed myself, baby hasn't slept through again. But hope springs eternal! Hope DH enjoyed his masage!

MA, yeh for packing, light is at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the feeding info. I am not breast feeding. How is amelia these days?

Angela, darn colds. Hope you are feeling better and yes being sick when pregnant sucks!! Poor girl. Hope you feel better and have fun with BIL.

AFM, rode my new mtn bike finally!! 2 hr ride that went pretty well. Didn't totally kill me. I did come back slightly bloody and bruised but it's minor. If I ride three days a week it will go a long way toward me getting back into shape. That's about all from me. Not much new to tell.

happy monday! Anna
Hi Anna! :rofl: SO glad our dog isn't the only one that gets into trouble. Not only does our Jack Russell steal meat and eat it (example would be the Christmas Prime Rib leftovers at my inlaws) but we've been letting Max out because he keeps prying the trash open to LITERALLY eat Amelia's poopy diapers. Dumb dog! We were letting him out every hour for days. We had to put him on rice diet with water and stuff for dehydration. He's lucky that's all because he could have really had internal issues.

Amelia is doing well. She still has reflux issues and we had to put her back to axid 3 times a day for now. As I said, she's on 4 bottles a day unless she's up past her bedtime. She has three meals before her bottle everyday as well. She's on stage 2 and we're trying finger foods but she's slow going there. She doesn't like texture and while she can pick up little objects, she'd rather hold them then put foreign things in her mouth which is quite odd for her. I also have been praising her when she tries to drink from her new sippy cups. I try to encourage her to drink water after several bites of her food. She doesn't like the taste of water and with it being hot out here I want her to learn to drink water for hydration during hot days. Other than that, she's pretty darn cute! I love it when she cuddles. We've been spending some evening hours out on our front porch until it starts to get dark when it's not so safe. We're thinking of going to either the lake or the zoo. it's supposed to be 90 degree's with humidity later today.

Well, I'm going to get off here.

Hoping everyone had a lovely Father's Day. I miss you all!!
Hi girls! Really quick note as I'm trying to do about 15 things while Ethan is napping :haha: but wanted to say hi! It really has been quiet on here. I think everyone is just overwhelmed with summer schedules and caring for these beautiful little ones!

We are well, finally recovering (I hope!) from this nasty bug. hubby has had it now for about 5 days and is slowly getting better. It threw ALL of us for a loop! I'm just glad Ethan didn't get it as badly as we did. Whew!

Went for my OB checkup yesterday and heartbeat sounds great! Our anatomy scan is scheduled for next Friday (the earliest we could get on the books, sadly). I'm so impatient to find out what the gender is, I can't get over myself LOL! :haha: It makes it worse that hubby and I have a huge bet riding on this. If I win, I'm going shopping! :happydance: :rofl: Of course in all seriousness, we just want to know everything is well with our little one. But I'm also dying to get started on decorating plans and everything. Once I got past first tri and all that horrid day-and-night nausea, it has been FLYING by and six weeks have zipped past like it's nothing! It's almost July, for crying out loud! :saywhat: I can't even BELIEVE that. The speed with which the summer is zooming by (already!) tells me I better get planning early for this one, because something tells me the second half will go much faster than the first, and I can't count on going all the way to 40 weeks.

It sounds like everyone is mostly well, if busy! Anna, I'm so sorry for another cold! I definitely know how you feel. Good for you on the mountain biking! I really want to get back into just walking a bit, and will be looking to schedule that a bit into my weeks as I go. This week is a little busier than normal with dr. appts (for me and, Thursday, for Ethan's 15 month). My brother in law and his girlfriend left yesterday. It was nice to have them visit, but he and hubby are not really close (my BIL is a very strange character) and so it is always a bit strained when he visits. He likes to visit us because he is basically on the outs with the rest of the family, so we are his only connection and I want to make sure we honor that, but it is always weird. I can't support a lot of his recent decisions and I think he knows that or at least senses it, so it's always kind of weird when he visits.

Anyway, Steph, I'm thinking of getting Ethan into a swim class, as well. I need to look up where some classes are near us. I think it would be a fun outing for both of us and I am also thinking of getting him into some gymboree or kindermusik classes this summer. My church group doesn't meet during summer, so he needs some interaction and, try though I have, I really have not been able to find a playgroup ANYWHERE close to us for him. I hate it, because we live in a HUGE neighborhood but it just seems most people either have older kids or aren't up for starting a group. I am also going to check some other churches (ours has no MDO or VBS, just a summer camp which he's too young for yet).

Jules, honey, you've been quiet! How's it going?

Beth, I'm still in AWE of your mad baking skills and I LOVE those cupcake corn-on-the-cobs!

Hugs and love to CJ, Carole, Bek, Lou and everyone else, I'm sorry if I have missed anyone. Also sorry for probably horrible grammar and punctuation. It seems like all my perfectionism is going out the window these days! :haha:

Hugs ladies!
Rebekah - our big dog Lucky has eaten about 5 of Katelyn's dirty diapers and yes, he gets them out of the trash (along with my womanly stuff). He has eaten the ENTIRE inside of the diaper before. We normally have him sleep outside when that happens. I am going to invest in a new trash can where you have to step on the bottom to make the lid go up.

Anna - YAY on the Mountain Biking! Did Jo go with you? Glad that you and the family had a fun Father's Day! I am sure that in the next weeks Jo will be sleeping through the night again.

Angela - We have done both Kindermusik classes and gymboree. I have to say I like Gymboree better than the kindermusik classes. Gymboree is more active. I am sure that Ethan will really enjoy gymboree. That is too bad that no one wants to start a group. I am sure if you go to another church they may have other new mommies that may want to do one.

AFM Saturday we went to preview the swim class - stupid me didn't wear a bathing suit nor did I put one on Katelyn. Well as soon as she saw the water she crawled toward it and I had to put her feet in (the pool was 92 degrees) she started kicking and putting her hands in the water. She wouldn't just stay seated on the edge, no she had to stand on the step and then sit down. Needless to say she was soaked. A friend of mine and her 9month old son came along and of course they were prepared LOL. Forrtunately, he didnt really get in the water so we were able to use their towel. The place seemed really cool. The people had converted their backyard to a swim school. I cannot even explain how amazing this backyard was. I want to preview one other school, but will definitely sign her up to start swim classes as of June 30th.

Afterwards they both came back to our house and we got in our pool with the kids. Then they played in Katelyn's play room. I just found out yesterday that he has croup. However, I always spray down her toys with Clorox Anywhere Spray after play dates so I am praying that was enough and she doesn't get sick.

Father's day, we went to Church and then brunch. Afterwards my hubby went bowling with his buddies and watched the Basketball game. My poor stepson caught our stomach virus and was sick, but he just started a new job on Friday so he went and toughed it out.

I am hoping all sickness is complete in our house for summer. Work is still crazy, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have two bday parties this weekend. One on Sat and one on SUnday and then we have an event at Church on Sunday evening. Busy Busy. Now that it is summer, I think it is time for everyone to post at least 1 or 2 new photos of the babies.

I hope everyone is having a great summer. Hi to Beth, Jules, Carole, CJ, Chris, Chris, Lou, Charmaine, Skye, HA and Twinks if you are lurking. Also, anyone have an update on Amanda (HeartTree)? Miss you all, but understand it is not always easy to come on line to chat

PS. Angela - I will DEFINITELY be on Friday to hear the gender of your baby :)!!!!!

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