35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Quick note...Thanks Anna. I'll check it out! Hiya Twinks. Miss you sweetie-pie! :hugs:

We have a closing date...Friday. :happydance: praying all goes smoothly including the month and a half wait to get into our home. I'm praying they'll keep the house in order, agree to the terms of rental and deposit and get out swiftly. I'll keep everyone posted when I can.
Morning all!!

Not much action on this thread lately.

ma, woohoo!!! Closing!! Fingers crossed all goes smoothly. Holy cow do you deserve to be out of there!!

Carol, hope you and little Zara are well. Enjoy this time fully. I know everyone says it, but this time does go so quickly!!

AFM, not much to tell. Another busy weekend lies ahead. A friend's bachelorette party in another ski town, steamboat springs, about and hour and a half away. It's a weekend affair but I am only going for one night. Just too hard on DH and baby for me to be gone yet again. However more girl time which is awesome! No news on our condo. Lots of lookers no takers. We have another realator preview this am, so fingers crossed something comes from it. Starting to get nervous. We really want to be out of there by mid summer. August at the latest. Other than that Jo is great, but my mom who watches her has a cold and I am afraid she will give it to Jo. Don't know if I can take another cold!!! Anyway, have a good Wednesday!!

Rebekah - YAY on closing on Friday. What a nice feeling that will be. June will go by quickly. Do you have a move in date? Im super excited for you.

Anna - Don't worry, your will get a buyer soon. Have you started looking for a new place? Where were you thinking about living? Closer to your parents? Fingers crossed Jo doesn't get another cold. Good for you for another Girls Night out!

AFM - we had about 15 friends over on Monday for a Memorial Day BBQ. This was good because it forced my and my hubby to get everything unpacked and organized before folks started showing up! I took Katelyn into the pool and she was actually kicking and swimming around. I have a video, but not a lot because my memory was full on my phone! Of course the batteries in our video camera were no good...(oh and Rebekah, I do have video of Katelyn trying to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider LOL - not sure how to post those!).

I am trying to figure out what to do this weekend that will be fun and family oriented. It is my bday so I want to be outside and go somewhere. I was thinking Sea World, but not sure if we can handle the 2 1/2 hour drive to San Diego. I am still slammed at work and will be until probably 4th of July...I miss maternity leave.
Hi girls!!

How is everyone doing? Sorry I have been MIA for a bit - work is absolutely INSANE. Steph - you read my mind. I really, really, really miss maternity leave. I don't want to work anymore. I just want to be able to stay home with Ella :cry:

So we had to let the nanny go unfortunately. We pay her by the hour and my hours shot up and it just didn't make sense for us to be paying upwards of $1700/month for her. So we enrolled Ella into Daycare. I was really, really against doing it until I visited the daycare and the owner.

The Daycare is right down the street, it is a private daycare and the owner's husband is the town Sheriff. I called the state and they have an excellent rating and no violations (they were written up once in 2007 - for a non-working lightbulb lol)

In addition to all of the activities and socialization Ella will get, I was very impressed by the fact that all of the older kids there in Kindergarten have been there since they were infants - ALL 15 of them. That was an excellent sign too. I feel really good about this decision as I think Ella will get more necessary stimulation here than with the nanny (who I had to prod and poke to play with Ella:growlmad:)

Do any of you ladies have your precious bundles in Daycare?

Carole - how are you feeling honey? Baby Z was a big girl! Zoinks! LOL

Angela - how are you doing with the pregnancy? Are you still feeling nausea?

Rebekah - you're soooo close to moving, I bet you can taste it!

Beth! How are you and little Charlie?

Anna - love the color run picture!

Hi Chris!!

Hi to everyone else I missed! Before I go I wanted to share something super cute I stumbled across on the Internet for us all to try with our babies. Butterfly footprints! Use washable paints to brush colors on baby's feet and press onto paper in a butterfly pattern. Draw the butterfly's body using a marker and you're done. Here is a picture, how cute are these ?!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Hi Everyone! Boy am I tired today. Not sure if it's the dreary weather or what.

Well, As Angela said, this process is kind of worse than child birth. Haha. They changed the closing date from friday to Monday and the sellers are paying the cost of the extension. We also found one of the pipes that were clogged which was part of our contingency to have fixed was still clogged. They kept saying it was fixed and when we sent the inspector back in he said they never touched it. The sellers agent was cocky and kept saying they weren't then my cousin (our lawyer) said either they fix it OR once they sign on monday they can get out. Holy cats! That was quite interesting. I'm not used to seeing my cousin in his line of work so it was interesting. Needless to say the sellers agent was VERY nice when we asked a plumber in for an estimate. Basically we asked the plumber who did the work the first time to do what we asked for. He did it for FREE with written documentation and pics from our inspector. Poor sellers were dooped out of over 600.00 when the guy put new piping in and a new sump pump which didn't need it. So everything is okay on the plumbing part now. lol

Jules, I saw that on Pinterest and actually saved the site. It's one of the projects I'd LIKE to do with our daughter.

Well, Amelia needs her nap and I think I'm going to take one with her. I'm just exhausted today.

Oh, yesterday we took Amelia out hiking with her new Joovy stroller. I swear that thing has already paid for itself with as many places as we've taken it. On the sand at the beach, hiking, through mud, etc. LOVE it! I started jogging slowly yesterday. It felt AWESOME to hike again. I didn't feel like I'd be shot outside!

My parents are going to watch Amelia and we're going to either canoe or kayak on one of Dougs days off. YAY for getting out and getting fit.

My Dr. appointment was yesterday. Blood pressure was 102 over 65. THE best it's been. the old scale they used said I gained weight. It wouldn't surprise me as I haven't felt safe enough to get out. It was nice to actually go hiking. I miss the outdoors! Maybe we'll go camping in July.

Anyways, Amelia is having a fit. I'll be back on later to tell everyone about the latest thing that happend with the neighbors. Can't WAIT to get out of this place already. :wacko:
Happy bday Steph!

Zoë is TWO today! We have her bday party at a play gym instead of at home, couldn't handle the clean up!

:hugs: ladies, things are hectic here with two, sorry I can't come on as often!

I'm starting a new hobby, making dolls like this https://bamboletta.bigcartel.com/, and got a new sewing machine for my bday https://www.costco.ca/Browse/Produc...=5&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Nty=1&topnav=&s=1. My mom has a craft business that she will be doing full time after her June retirement and we're partnering up to make the dolls :happydance: I'm excited, I love sewing and dolls so this is a perfect hobby for me!
Sorry I've been so scarce girls, we are on vacay and not much chance to write but happy birthday Steph and Zoelle!

I will catch up properly soon as we are home!

Happy birthday Zoe!!
JuneBug, I LOVE the dolls!! They are beautiful - what a fantastic hobby. I am a an amateur sewer. I'm in the process of learning how to make clothes for Gabby. I bought some fabric and will be picking up a pattern this weekend hopefully. We'll see how it will come out LOL!

Hope everyone is having a fun weekend!:thumbup:
Thanks ladies for all the birthday wishes! We went to this place called Adventure City which was only ok and instead of being $15.00 dollars should have been $7.00. After and hour or so we were done so we ended up at downtown Disney and walked around a it went to a nice dinner then went home. When katelyn is another 2 1/2 maybe we will go back, but it will be a stop over on the way to disneyland. Poor katelyn her sleep schedule is all out of whack. Not sure if it s growth spurt or just being out and busy. Well I'm off to bed. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

hello ladies!!

Steph, in response to your question we have been looking some, but as we can not do anything until our house sells, we're not serious. So glad Katelyn is enjoying swimming! If I put Jo on her stomach in the water she kiks er legs! I'm working on itsy bitsy spider with jo. I need to see your video. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Lastly, maternity leave, me too!! I wish I could quit my job and stay home, but alass no way.

Jules, on that note, Jo is in daycare and I do really like her teachers and the stimulation se gets, plus the socializzation. She will probablty be an only child so she will learn to share and get along with others at daycare. I love the butterfly idea!! Lastly I am jealous of the sewing! I need to learn, but not until we are settled in new house with room.

MA, hope the closing goes well today!! my fingers are crossed all goes well. Glad the pumbing is fixed, woohoo for your cousin, way to play hard ball. Hope you went kayaking. I have always wanted to go kayaking on a lake or ocean.

CJ, happy birthday to Zoe! Hope the party was fun.

AFM, I killed my iphone. It ended up drowned in a pool of formula when a botle spilled. So i'm on my old phone. We had a good weekend. Friend's bachelorette was fun but mellow. We did go to a hot springs that was fun and I hink !o would love. We are camping this weekend so may go then.

quick question, Jo has a TERRIBLE diaper rash righ now. Any words of advice? We're rying everything,but it isn't going away. When do you have to go to the doctor??

that's about all, working and dreaming of winning the lottery so I can quit my job and buy a house. LOL!! Anna
that's about all, working and dreaming of winning the lottery so I can quit my job and buy a house. LOL!! Anna

AMEN SISTER! When I win my $135 million, I'll throw a few milion your wayAnna!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I dropped baby G at daycare today - I cried driving home. It was so hard! I went in and visited her for lunch and she was playing with one of the carers there. She looked so content. I am going to pick her up in about an hour. I miss her so much!
hello ladies!

it's been so long and I have a crankypants on my hands today. teething in full swing, pulling on his ear and everything. sigh. my poor little one. very fidgety too and it can get frustrating when he can't tell me how to make it better!!!

Happy birthday to Steph and Zoe!!!! Hope the lovely ladies had a wonderful day!

Jules - I read about your having to drop Gabby at a daycare.... you are not doing anything wrong! even non-crying babies are time-sinks and you just can't get much done, so you did what you had to do! I'm sorry the nanny didn't work out, but don't beat yourself up, you will have gabby back in your arms soon! :)

Anna - as far as the diaper rash - When we got thrush, the dr's told me he can also get pretty bad diaper rash with it so to use Lotrimin AF(yes, the athlete's foot cream). Afterwards when I thought he may have had thrush again as the rash didn't go away in 3 days (wasn't too bad) they told me to just use it as it works great on diaper rash without thrush too, and to come back if it hasn't started to clear up in 3 days. Works like a charm. Give it a shot! I usually clean the area, dry it, put on the cream and then put the usual dab of vasoline on the diaper. Cleared up quick.

We have our 4 month appt friday (a week late!) and will be gearing up for the shots. :( Jules - how many shots this time? You already had this visit, right?

I want to write more but he woke up and is unhappy. Prob hungry, my little piggy! hugs to you all, hope to get back on again soon!

Anna, diaper free time helps loads, and cream with zinc oxide when you need to wear one. It may also be a fungal infection so if it's persisting, bring her in to doc's for anti-fungal cream. Nice and moist there, zoë has had 2 fungal rashes. They go away so fast with the right treatment!
thanks ladies for the advice! I got some lotrrimin on my lunch break and some kick ass Desitin witth a high zinc oxyide percentage. Her dad picked her up from daycare early and she's anging free bottomless. Hope it will take care of it. If not it may be yeast and my doc said I could try good ole Monistat on it.

Jules!!! I cried the first week!! And whenever we can we pick her up earlly. But it does sound like she's in good hands. I lnow it's hard!

Beth, little poppy, having such a hard time. Good luck with teething.

ma, waiting for news....

Hi everyone.

Gee wiz. NEVER and I mean NEVER watch Holmes on Homes the night before you sign for closing. :rofl: I FREAKED out and started cleaning at 2am thinking "maybe we shouldn't be buying a home...maybe we made a mistake". :lol:

We are NOW homeowners. There were a couple stickies. One was my name wasn't on the deed. You should have seen the lawyers faces when I said, Uh, Uh. :nono: So my cousin is going to deal with the deed this week. We still signed but there is NO WAY I'm going to fight in court for a home if my husband dies. The LAST thing I'll want to deal with while grieving is whether my daughter and I would have a home. NO WAY! So that was taken care of REAL QUICK! THEN the realtor mentioned the owners may not be able to leave on time the middle of July. My cousin said, "then he'll end up paying 1700.00 penalty AND 60.00 a day past the date they agreed upon. YIKES! :wacko: Maybe they should stay another day past the agreement then. :rofl:

It's been quite the day. Similar to the past two weeks. AMelia gets NASTY in the afternoons and SCREAMS through nap time until she throws up. Tonight she got the typical 15 minute nap and when we placed her in bed (which wasn't until 10pm) she screamed and threw up again (not sure if it's because her dad put her to bed tonight as REAL bed times haven't been an issue with me). So far I've had to give her nightly baths and change the sheets daily. :sigh:

She has an appointment with the Pedes to be sure she's gaining weight. I'm planning to ask her a few questions. One is this issue....though her tooth is slightly above the gum it isn't fully up so I'm gathering that's what all the fuss is about. THEN she's been rolling her head back and forth at times REALLY hard...she was doing it early on slightly but it started back up. Once again I think it's the teething though I'll have them check for ear infection. I'm not quite sure the meds for reflux is working. We're giving it to her twice a day instead of 3 times. She's been throwing up WAY too many times. THIS could also be a reason she's fussing....acid reflux. ((sigh))

Well, I'd like to say I'm EXCITED about the closing and our first home but the truth is that I'm freaked out until we actually get in. Questions keep lurking like what if they nick something, what if something breaks...what if they lied? What if we end up with a lemon?

I KNOW there's a last walk through when they leave but it all freaks me the heck out. ESPECIALLY since we don't move in until the middle of July...Even then, what if their home isn't vacated because THEY are waiting for the homeowners built home to be done (it's been raining here). What if we make arrangements with our landlord to be out and with the moving company and they decide they can't move out until August? Amelia's birthday is in Sept. There's just SO MUCH that is lying on this and I'm freaking out! :wacko:

Shooo! Glad I got that off my chest. :rofl: :wacko:

Neighbors daughter is back and she went NUTS two days or so ago from noon until 2am when she woke my baby bear from sound sleep who was hard to get to sleep to begin with. I ran right over there and told them to shut her the heck up or I would get in there and do it myself! Honestly. I'm at Whitts end.

I asked the Dr. for Xanax and it isn't even working! What the heck is going on with me?? It used to work and I swear this hormone issue is stemming from progesterone injections.

Anna, we're going either Kayaking or Canoeing on the weekend if the weather permits. We haven't done it yet. Once we get settled Doug and I are joining a gym. Doug has lost not only fat but muscle with this vegan issue. I'm not losing a thing because I'm not as active here at this dumb place. I'd LOVE to go out and hike but I'd get shot!

Pardon my attitude everyone. I'm just over living here. Hopefully they'll be out by mid July without a hitch!
Anna – glad that you bachelorette weekend was a good one. Sorry to hear that Jo has a diaper rash. But the lotrimin should do the trick.

Jules – Awww, it is hard leaving the babies. When I went back to work, I cried leaving Katelyn (and she was with her Dad) so I can only imagine how hard it must have been to leave her at Daycare. But it already sounds like she is having a good time and the socialization with the other kids is definitely a good thing.

Beth – teething is never fun. Between the teething and the growth spurts im not sure which is worse (probably teething!). Is Poppy 4 months already? Time sure does go by quickly! I think 4 months is the same amount of shots at the 2 month visit. The fun begins when he recognizes the Dr. office and remembers “hey, this is the place where they give me a shot!”

Rebekah – YAY homeowner! Congratulations. How very exciting. I think EVERYONE gets freaked out the minute they sign the escrow docs and become homeowners. It is natural. I rebuke your fears that things will go wrong! It will be great. God knows what he is doing. If you weren’t meant to be there it wouldn’t have worked out that you were able to get the house (you can still freak out, just know that it will be ok LOL). Now you can pack and be comfortable about it because you know where you are going. The current owners will get out on time if not early, I can feel it! Glad that you are being put on the deed! Weird that they left you off in the first place! Yay for your cousin not taking any of the realtors crap! When you say that Amelia is rolling her had back and forth really hard is it more like she is shaking her head no really hard? Katelyn does this and sometimes does it in her sleep. Sometimes she does it in the stroller and when I call her name she stops looks at me smiles and then does it some more. Of course when I do that I get a headache… Sorry to hear about her throwing up I know that that is concerning and frustrating, so good that thing that she has the appointment and you can ask about it.

AFM I have been working LATE. Last night I was at the office until 1:45am. Man that SUCKED! I am just hoping that by the time I take my vacation, this project I am working on will be finished. Well we are starting swim classes this week in addition to going to Gymboree. I want to keep Katelyn in Gymboree because I like that they do balance and climbing, etc and she gets to interact with other kids. I am also hoping it will help her with walking because most of the other kids in the class are already walking. I am hoping that Katelyn likes the swim classes since she likes to get in the pool with me and she also likes bathtime. I’ll keep ya’ll posted. Hey Jules – when you win the 135 mil, can you throw a mil or even ½ mil my way? Thanks!

Hi to everyone else Angela, Carole, CJ, Lou, Charmaine, Chris, Chris 2 (how you been????) and anyone else I may have left out!

oh MA lots of hugs!!! I am so happy for you and your houe!! Please don't stress too much over things that haven't happened or you can't control. I know it's hard, and easier said than done. But owning your first house is a huge accomplishment and something to be so proud of! And yes I think Mike Holmes has ruined it for all of us. I too am terrified of buying a lemon. Maybe I shouldn' have mentioned him in the first place.

have a great time kayaking or canoeing or whatever. I hope the weather cooperates.
AFM, it's jo's 9 month birthday. Can't believe we're almost out of baby. Also I got a new mountain bike!! DH surprised me with it last night. I actually suck at mountain biking and it scares the crap out of me, but DH is an amazing rider and I want to be able to ride with him. Soooo new bike. Woohoo I never get new toys!!
have a good tuesday and congrads again to MA on the new house!

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