35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Aww, Steph, I'm so sorry about the younger niece. I think Rebekah said it beautifully and I agree, the best focus now is the baby. Anything you guys can do to help the baby out will be great, and just think of it as helping the little one if it's hard to think of celebrating the teenage pregnancy.

I think those kind of circumstances are always difficult. You ladies have heard me tell the story of my family friend whose teenage daughter showed up pregnant at my sister's baby shower. I was so devastated to be around that, as we had just gotten our news from the RE that we were probably in a donor egg scenario. Well, that girl's younger sister ALSO got pregnant while the older sister was, and the family sort of played it off like, oh how wonderful, two grand babies for (my then 41-year old friend, the girls' mother). So anyway, that younger sister would go on to deliver the first child and immediately, I mean IMMEDITELY, get pregnant again. Like, she had the first child basically at term in December and then delivered a second child in October , less than a year later... That's how fast she got preggo again. All of us who are family friends LOVE this family, and of course we are happy the babies are all healthy and well and we can celebrate each of their lives, but...it's impossible, from our perspective, to say that this whole situation is a "good thing," if that makes sense. Kind of like you were describing, Steph... It just makes me so sad. That younger daughter, the mother now of two children by the age of 19, has severe OCD and other psych issues that make it almost impossible for her to care for herself, let alone two babies... And it just breaks my heart. But what can you do? Like Bek said, we can't undo what has happened, all we can do is try to make the best of it. :nope:

Anyway, I'm sorry about the bath time blues! We are having a bit of that here, too. Ethan doesn't want the water in his face and splutters and gasps like I'm drowning him. :cry: of course I'm not, we've been washing hair and face the same way for a year now... I guess it's just a phase, but like you I wonder about swim lessons! :dohh:
Oh heavens to betsy has THIS ever been a tough day. Amelia must be teething. She's been fussy ALL day long! Just putting her to bed at 10. It's 1025pm. She has been going to bed at 9pm lately. She's up now still crying. I sang her to sleep, she woke up screaming. Went in to sing to her again and she screamed bloody murder. ((sigh)) She's tired but I'm assuming this is another tooth cutting. I gave her tylenol at 8pm.

At this rate, we'll see how tomorrow goes. We have two eye appointments back to back (he needs another set of glasses and they won't order my contacts until I have my appointment). Some time with the grandparents - daddys parents and then at 2pm daddy has an appointment with the endochrinologist because mommy thinks he's not borderline type II but type I. We'll see. It's sounding like this could be too much for tomorrow.

29 minutes and she finally fell asleep...on her SIDE. Good grief this kid is going to give me a heart attack. lol I'll give it a few minutes, turn the monitor so I can see her better and if she's asleep I'll roll her to her backside if she hasn't done it.

WOWEE is this a process. I hope it's not like this for EVERY tooth! ((faint))

Daddy had issues at work tonight too. It's been busy and he's had some tough cases. One was a patient who has alzheimer's and she became combative....knocked him and the other nurse a good one and almost fell. The nurses had to slowly bring her down to the floor so she wouldn't fall hard on her own.

I'm thinking maybe it should be margarita night tonight. :rofl:
Bek, so sorry for the rough Nights and days right now! We had a bad night with Ethan a couple nights ago when his fever first kicked in. I haven't been able to find anything except fever wrong with him for two days now, but he is gnawing on everything he can find so I am assuming teeth. His highest fever was 102 so far, with 101+ being pretty common even when he is on meds, so I am not sure... Seems high to me, for a teething fever. But he acts perfectly fine otherwise... I dunno? :shrug:

I didn't sleep great last night either as had a bad dream and then couldn't "get out" of it. Do you ever have a bad dream, then fall back asleep and go right back to the same awful dream? I hate that! :growlmad: then hubby had to be up t five for an early dental appt so I was up too.

I hope you have a better day today, sweetie!

We are just in cruise control mode here today. Just need To get through today then tomorrow is SCAN DAY! I'm so excited! :happydance:
Hi Angela.

Oh yes. I've had those emotional dreams before. I don't remember dreams often but the ones that are lifelike and emotional are the hardest to sleep through. I remember having one of the same dreams multiple times. It was quite odd really for me. I do hope you have a better nights rest and a peaceful dream. Can't wait to hear about your scan tomorrow.

I found out my cousins wife is having a little girl. They found out the sex a couple weeks ago. I'm quite excited for them. They've been trying for a couple years now and have finally gotten pregnant. He was our lawyer for the home and his wife is SO nice. No doubt their little girl will be loved and taken care of. My aunt LOVES babies. She's been doting on Amelia for awhile now. I think their baby will have plenty of people to love her too. If any of you find it in your heart to pray, my cousins sister was in a bad marriage which I won't go into here but she got married to someone who is just so right for her now and she's two years younger than me. They want kids and they too have been trying. We have been praying for them as well. She's been through such a tough time. When I lost Jackson, she found out her marriage was ending and it was like a slap in the face. We both hit a real bottom emotionally and I really have a heart for her and her well-being. So if you could pray for her I'd really appreciate it.

Amelia was good today with exception to the clingy behavior which I think is a stage they go through. I'll enjoy the closeness while I can but it sure is hard to pack and move throughout the day for both Doug and I. She cries fits on the floor and in her jumper. She fussed so much again tonight that she threw up all over me yet again. I'm guessing this is an issue with her nerves. She gets SO up tight that she's making herself throw up. Her 9 month appointment is coming up and I plan to bring this issue up just in case. It honestly scares the pants off me sometimes because she gags and pukes. I'm always afraid she's going to choke laying down and I won't get there in time. For the most part I try not to show emotion/fear because I don't want her playing off it. I also don't want her working herself up worse. She's just a baby so I sometimes don't know how to react. I just know she needs closeness and to feel loved and safe so I'm giving her what she needs. I certainly am not going to leave her in her puke or let her get more fussy when all she needs is a hug and cuddle.

I also don't want her to be afraid of everything and cling to us when she could play with others when she gets older. It's so scary to know what to do. I need a manual. :lol:

AFM: We handed our noticed directly to the landlord today. It felt GREAT! :happydance: So excited that we're going into July and by the end of the month we'll finally be in. What a process but what a blessing. So glad to have a home of our own.

Love and hugs to you all! :hug:

Angela, looking forward to todays scan! :hug: :happydance:
It's scan day! :happydance: :happydance: :headspin:

Good morning ladies!

rebekah, I'm so sorry for the clinging issues and the vomiting. Ethan never did that but he did go thru a phase where he stuck his fingers so far down his throat that he would gag and/or vomit everything he had just eaten. :dohh: Amelia may be able to pick up on your excitement over the move, not that that is a bad thing, just that she may feel the emotions without knowing how to handle them. The times we have moved we didn't yet have kids, but all our pets picked up on it as soon as I started packing boxes, and they didn't really settle down till the move was over. I think when we are going through life events like a move, we give off a different emotional vibe and others pick up on it even if they can't name it, that may be all that is happening. I'm wondering if it might help if she didn't actually see you packing boxes? :shrug: I know that makes it harder to gt done but maybe one of you could play with her while the other one packs?

Just a suggestion. I will pray for your cousins sister!

Okay ladies, our scan is at 3. Will update as soon as there is news!

Looking forward to 3. It's almost here thank goodness!

Amelia got sick after sneezing this morning. She wasn't fussy at all and actually laughed afterwards. I called the Dr. and spoke with the nurse. We're awaiting the Dr.'s call just in case.

You may be right about the move as our Jack Russell has had some BAD behaviors. going for the poopy diapers, stealing our other dogs food, stealing Dougs food, stealing mine. He's really starting to annoy the heck out of me and I noticed he does that EVERYTIME we move. Maybe Amelia is picking up on it as well. We don't pack in front of her because I don't really have time unless Doug is here to get it done. Usually it's done around midnight on nights that he works and after she's gone to bed on days that he's off. There ARE however several things packed and stacked in the dining room, in her old bed bedroom (though she never slept there).

In any case, we're checking in with the Dr. to see if it's something to be concerned about. Maybe this mornings is just due to the newness of moving and the vibe we're giving off. Oh dear.
Okay girls, we are back from the scan and...

It's another BOY!! We are SO excited, and I'm relieved because we could definitely see the boy parts so I know I don't need anything pink! :haha: :rofl: I also won the bet with hubby (a bet which was his idea, so I don't even have to feel guilty!) so that's a bonus!

I will post some photos this evening when I can get to desktop! Everything looked great except that one kidney is slightly enlarged. The dr. Said it is almost always fine... Except that in some cases, it can be a marker for downs... That threw us a little because it came sort of out of the blue after our sonographer told us everything looked great... Dr. Did say our case is borderline as far as even being an issue, so hopefully it will resolve on its own. The upshot is we can still get the harmony blood test (99% accurate) to rule out the downs concern, and we re thinking about either doing that when I see my OB in 3 weeks or waiting till our 6 week recheck with the peri to see if it resolves. I am trying not to worry, as there were NO other markers for downs seen...I'm just a world-champion worrier, so it will be hard for me to stop worrying till we hear an all clear. But generally, it was a very good report and baby seems perfectly healthy!
Ps, what I thought was really sweet was his little profile looksmEXACTLY like Ethan's at that age! I think it will be so cute if they closely resemble each other! :)
Thanks for the update Angela!

Gee, I so remember those scary moments when they freak you out about things they think they see on scan that may not necessarily be there. We waited WEEKS for Amelia's second heart scan after the 1st cardiologist said he saw something that was similar to what Downs kids have. In the end, I understand so well how scary the wait can be. I pray that time will move swiftly and baby will be healthy and happy.

Love to you dear friend and SO happy for this new little boy. I pray he and Ethan will grow to be best friends.
woohoo!! So glad scan went so well and try not to worry. I know easier said than done, but babies develop different parts at different rates right now, so really normal for things to be different sizes. Woohoo!! Congrads on the bet!! Hope you won big!

I will update tomorrow, dead tired. Think I jinxed myself, baby has had a few rough nights in a row. Second top front tooth coming in. There is actually a buldge where the tooth is trying to come in.

Steph, so sorry about the family situation. So very frustrating. I think MA and angela said it best, so just know i'm thinking of you. Also glad your mom is ok.

off to bed, glad again the scan was good, can't wait to see pictures!!!

Oh no Anna! :hugs: Get some needed rest and we'll see you when your on again.
Hi ladies!

Angela - congrats on your scan! I know you are worried about the kidney situation but as you said, there are no other markers for downs so I am sure everything is fine! :hugs: I can't wait to share your journey with baby #2 on here - how is your nausea? Do you feel better?

Rebekah - Gabby has been sleeping on her side for about a month now! I freaked out the first time she did it and mentioned it to her pediatrician. I kept rolling her back to her back and she would roll right back to her side. We kept each other up all night :rofl:

Anyway, the pediatrician said it was perfectly fine! She could roll back on her own if she could roll to the side to begin with. So we've left her alone - she sleeps so peacefully on her side (but I keep an eye on her!)

Gabby is also teething like a fiend right now! My hairdresser suggested Humprhey's Teething pellets - you disolve 3 of them in 1/2 teaspoon of water and rub them on baby's gums. They really do help! I like them because they are 100% natural. Before I bought the Humphries pellets, I had bought baby orajel - and then that dreadful FDA report came out about it causing death in babies so I threw it out and never got to use it.

I am sick right now with a cold - I'm sure I caught it going in and out of daycare and I am praying Gabby doesn't catch it:wacko: Gabby's Godparents were in from R.I this past weekend with our Godson and we spent the day in NYC and went to the Museum of Natural History which was fun!

Hubby and I have been talking a bit about moving to Rhode Island. I really, really want to move so that Gabby will grow up with her family and our friends around her. All of my family is in Europe and most of hubby's family lives in Rhode Island. We both want to move but it is a big move - we need to sell our house, buy one there, and hubby needs to try and get a transfer to their New England branch. We're still talking about it - we'll see!

Ok ladies - I am off for an early night and try to sleep off this cold. I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Love to all!
afternoon all!

Jules, Jo too is a side sleeper. Has been from the start. Glad all is well but sorry for the cold. Darn day care!! RI sounds awesome, so nice to be near family. Where in europe is your family?

MA,thanks, got some sleep over the weekend until last night. She cut the tooth,but was soooo cranky I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Finally this morning she pooped hige and promptly passed out! Slept from 7:45am - Noon!! LOL!!

AFM, crazy busy witj work and fourth of july!

have a good monday!! Anna
Hi All - work has been crazy. Just wanted to pop in and say HI! I will try and write a proper post tomorrow!!!!

hi girls!

quick post to say happy fourth!! I am working all day tomorrow and will be crazy! Good new Jo slept through the night last night!! Woohoo hopefully we are back on track!!

have a great holiday! No fireworks here because of fire danger, so just a parade and crazzy tourists!!

Hi Ladies,

Thought I would pop on quickly again. Katelyn had an appointment with the Child Development Specialist yesterday which is routine since she was preemie. She is doing really well. In some areas she is at her adjusted age (1 year) and others she is above and beyond (15 months +) Woohoo! I was concerned about her not walking yet, but they said she is ready, she just needs to get over her fear. Once she is no longer afraid she will be walking around. I'll keep you posted!

Thanks for the 4th of July message Anna! I hope everyone has a Happy 4th as well and be SAFE!!!!


P.S. I know I still need to post an updated photo of Katiebug!
Angela!!! YEA and CONGRATS on baby boy!!! That is wonderful news! Now Ethan will have a baby brother to play with. I am so happy for you!

Jules - good to hear from you, but sorry that you have a cold. Hopefully you will be better to have some fun tomorrow.

Rebekah - Katie too starting sleeping on her side at around 6months and was able to roll back to her back. Now she sleeps most of the time on her belly. how is the packing coming? The countdown is on!!! YAY!! Super excited for you and the move.

Beth how are you?

Happy Auntie - do you happen to know what Hearty had (Girl or Boy) and how she is doing?

Gotta run

Anna - that is awesome about Jo sleeping through the night. Fingers crossed that it sticks!!!!
Hearty's baby Delilah is still in NICU (I think it's been 8 days now? maybe 9?), but she's regulating her own body temp, hasn't had an apnea episode in 5 days, and is sucking and swallowing just fine. I think the only thing still keeping her there is they want her to gain a little weight before sending her home. It should be any day now. She had a little heart murmur and upon examination they found a little hole in her heart, but think it will close on its own - apparently it's not unusual for preemies, and the dr isn't concerned about it.
Thanks Anna and HA for the update on Hearty. Yep, it is normal for the hole in the heart and for it closing on its own for preemies. I know for Katelyn the requirements for her to go home were regulating own body temp, no apnea, and able to drink from a bottle for at least 5 days. Katelyn was 3.14 ounces when I brought her home from the NICU, but at some hospitals I believe it is 5 or 5 1/2 lbs. Sounds like she is doing well though!!! I am so happy for Hearty! Thanks again for updating!!!! Much appreciated!

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