35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

She was born at about 5 lbs 2 oz, if I remember correctly, so I'm sure she'll be home soon. I can't imagine how long Katelyn would have had to stay if they'd kept her there till 5 lbs!
Hi Ladies! Happy Independence Day!!!

We just came back from my home town tonight. Amelia slept through the fireworks but they were beautiful! Parents just got back from Maine and came back with a bag FILLED with stuff for Amelia! Goodness this kid is NOT wanting for much. I DO however, hope that she will grow to be humble and love others. I would love it if she would be a giving child to those who have greater needs than her own one day. We're going to try to teach her about sharing over the next year or so. It's a Great time for her to learn this!

Great news! fussiness was because Amelia was cutting another tooth. Two more up top that are ready to come in any time now. Does this mean with each tooth she'll be THIS fussy? :wacko:

Our Dog (Jack Russell) pooped out a diaper tonight. Gee wiz. Neither of us know when he got one as we have a stainless steel bin that only opens with the foot. It "could be the one he ate a couple months ago which he also pooped out. Maybe some stayed in the system. This do is driving me UP THE WALL! :wacko: Love him but I think he's going through the behavior as he does with every move only this time we have a baby with a whole different paper product. I'm happy to see this come out. He's been concerning me the past few days while Amelia has been going through her teething fussiness.

90 and muggy tomorrow. Hopefully I'll make it through the hot day SANE. Some people are dealing with hundred degree weather so I am going to count my blessings and suck it up!

10 more days until we get the keys to the house. We're officially in at the end of the month though. We're giving ourselves a couple weeks to paint the rooms, we're going to debug the place from spiders/possible fleas, etc. and clean the house inside out.

I'm also planning a 1st birthday for September. :wacko: Talk about multi-tasking!

Happy, thank you for sharing the news on "little hearty". Looking forward to hearing more in the future.

What's everyone doing for the 4th?

Steph, glad Katelyn is doing well. :happydance: What GREAT news! She's on top of her %. Woohoo!

Anna, what's going on with Jo?

Jules, how are you? When will you finally make the decision to move? Sounds like it could be beneficial. NOW if hubby can get transferred. I'll keep you both in prayer for open doors and an easy transition. :hugs:

Thinking about ALL the other gals. Miss them dearly.
MA. I'm with you, while I love the little group we have here, I miss the other ladies as well. Hope evryone is doing well. Glad amelia is so loved, but I agree, to be humble and kind is a lesson of great importance, one we've touched on before here. A great responisibility we as parents have to pass along to our children. Having said that Amelia deserves all she has and glad the fourth treated you well. Woohoo on the house!!! Soooo jealous!

Steph, I am sorry I meant to congradulate you on Katelyn's progres report! That is such great news!!!

Jules how was gabby's first fourth??

Angela, how are you feeling? Cold all better?

HA, How are you? What's the latest???

AFM, I haven't had time to post a proper post lately so here goes... We got an offer on our comdo, but after much back and fourth, it was a no go. They just wanted too many consessions on our part. Plus I had the feeling it would have fallen apart in the end anyway. I trust my instincts, but in the back of my mind I really hope we did the right thing.

work is crazy but good. I have a good staff and it pays the bills. With so much of the country so hot we are very busy. Today was overcast and in the low 70s. So nice. Also there is a parade for the fourth and I got to hang out with Jo outside my shop today during the parade. Really fun.

As for Jo she is good but having bouts of constipation that cause her pain and me sleepless nights. Advice? We haven't changed her diet, but this is new. So i've added prunes to lunch or dinner. Any other ideas?? I NEED SLEEP!!!

so that's all, as I mentioned no fireworks but that's ok and i'm in bed before it's dark anyway!! So lame!!

have a good one ... Anna
HA, How are you? What's the latest???

Honestly, not so good - quickly running out of options and hope. Several of you have asked when I've popped in previously and I've not answered just because I don't want to be a Debby Downer in here, but here goes....

We started IVF this year. First cycle ended in a BFP and then mc #4 in February. Second cycle went really well, produced 3 really good-looking blastocysts (day 5 embryos), we transferred one and then I got really sick (fever and vomiting) and got a BFN. Dr is pretty convinced it was because of my illness. We're currently gearing up for a transfer of the two frozen embies from that cycle - transfer will be on or about July 13. If it's another BFN, we'll take August off from treatment (because I'm not about to have another birthday ruined - last year I had mc #3 one week before my bday, and turning 39 will be hard enough as it is) and do a third fresh cycle in September. If that fails, that's it. Right now neither one of us is interested in pursuing donor egg or adoption, largely just because we need to be done - 4 years of ttc and losses is enough, and we need to get on with our lives. Plus, we can afford IVF because our insurance offers some coverage, but DE and adoption would both be completely on our dime, and I cannot fathom dropping another $30k on building a family, above the tens of thousands we've already spent on treatments. We reserve the right to change our minds, but if we had to decide today what to do after the 3rd fresh IVF fails, we'd say we're done.

Based on my ovarian response and the embryos we've gotten in IVF, Dr is very optimistic that we'll eventually be successful, but when?? I'm sure that if we had unlimited resources and could keep doing cycle after cycle of IVF we'd eventually be successful, but we don't... we have this frozen cycle and one more fresh, and that's all we can do. And after everything we've been through, DH and I have a hard time sharing dr's confidence. At this point I just have a hard time believing anything is going to work.
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to say people back at the Homestead (TTC thread!) were saying wouldn't it be nice to have a graduates thread so I've directed them over here. Hope that's ok!?

Love & hugs to you all xxx
twinks, thanks!! That would be awesome!! Hope you are well.

HA, my heart breaks for you. You have been through so much!! I am with your doctor and feel very positive! Are you going to implant both embroyos? Please keep the faith,althogh I know it must be so hard. I got pregnant with Jo when I was 39 and had her a month before my 40th birthday. I wish I could reach out and give you a big hug, the pain and stress of TTC comes through loud and clear. For what little comfort it is I truly feel this will happen for you. Look at hearty, and others who have conceived against all odds, and your odds are better than hers were. I will be thinking of you all July and please keep us in the loop. Fingers and everything crossed this is your time!! Xoxo

AFM, survived the fourth! It was crazy and we almost doubled our sales from last year. Jo had another rough night, but was all smiles this morning. Damn she is cute! iwe all need to post new picts of the babes!! Jo is 10 months today, such a big girl.

have a good one.
hi Ladies -

boy it's hard to get everything done in a day.... I sat down about 10 mins ago to get caught up expecting Poppy to be down for awhile but as I got to the last page, he woke up! :dohh: but he's sitting on my lap now as I say hello....

5 months tomorrow!!! my how time flies. he's still in the bassinet beside me (getting way too big for it!) but we will be transitioning soon...... we stopped swaddling cold turkey and he is so restless at night now, like he was when we first swaddled....hopefully this will be a small adjustment. he doesn't wake up (sleeps about 7-9 hours a night) but moans and shifts and I can see him getting lighter so I pop the paci in and he's fine. I'm decreasing the paci time and so far he's been soothing himself back to sleep. :happydance:

he's on the upper end of formula intake, about 38 oz a day (dr says 28-32 is normal, 40 is the max :wacko:) and on cereal on top of it! I swear I just feed all day long. we are starting squash this weekend :thumbup:

almost rolling over, almost!!!!! his teething is ridiculous and painful for him, and he gouged his bottom gum with his nail and was spurting blood while cooing and laughing. Boy, my heart stopped when I saw the blood on his onesie but he's so good, not much bothers him.

still with projectile sigh. less frequent but still there. spitup all day but the projectile still unnerves me.

we had a cookout at Charlie's sister's house. was ok but we were there way too long and it was nearing 92 and HOT. I'll get more into that on another post when I can type faster with 2 hands.

going to a stroller walk group in the morning - but if it's hot, we are going to sit! it's a new club I found of local moms. Hoping I meet some new moms here!

Angela - huge congrats on the boy!!! boys are just so awesome, aren't they? :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

got to go and feed again..... hello to everyone! I miss you all and think of you and promise to be on more! many hugs.
Hi ladies!

whew! It has been a crazy week around here with visitors and family here every day so far. It's been fun, but this mommy is exhausted LOL!

I'm sorry I too haven't had time for a proper post, and this will just be a quickie. But I want to say hi and I miss you girls!

Anna, I'm so sorry the house deal fell through, but it is a great time of year to be on the market, so hopefully something will turn up soon! It is hard, when you feel like they are just overreaching. That reminds me of the last time we tried to sell a house. The people (who did end up being our final buyers) wanted to know if we would sell it furnished (even though that was NOT in our listing, and for good reason!) I had to say no, I'm sorry. They offered more money. I said, no, I'm sorry, we aren't considering selling it furnished. They finally said "how much do you want for the furniture" and I finally had to say, You can't HAVE my furniture, at ANY price! :rofl: They were very insistent, but I was absolutely not going to sell my stuff! :haha:

Beth, so glad you popped in! Wow, five months already! That is just crazy! The teething is a nightmare. Ethan's just going through a lot of it now (he was a late teether) and man, is he cranky! :haha:

Steph, we miss you and I can't WAIT till your visit here!

Bek, I'm so excited for your move! :happydance: :headspin: I know moving is miserable, but it's going to be so fun for you to be in the new place!

HA, thank you for updating here and you kNOW I'm praying for you! :hugs: I know your faith in the outcome is very low right now, so we will all keep hope for you! :hug:

Twinks, thanks for sending new grads over and we can't wait to meet them! I love the reference to the homestead - that is exactly how I still think of our 35+ ttc thread and it will ALWAYS feel like my original BnB home!

Thanks to EVERYONE for all the well wishes on our new little guy! We are so excited and I'm already diving into nesting mode. I am SO much bigger bump-wise this time around...they really aren't kidding about your stomach muscles being ruined on the first pass, LOL! I feel like I'm already (at 20 weeks today! Yay!) the same size I was at about 26, 27 weeks last time! EEEEEKKKKK!!! That's pretty freaky, especially when I think about how far I still have to go. So I'm going to try and get as much done as early as possible this time around, because I know last time I didn't want to MOVE after about 7, 7.5 months. I'm sure that will hit sooner this time since I'm so much rounder already! :rofl:

We had a fun fourth and just kept it low key. My Dad's wife visited (I'm slowly making my peace with her, since there's really no other option) and I have to admit she is really sweet to us and to Ethan. And Ethan, for his part, is teething, running, and screaming a mile a minute these days! :haha: We think he is about to talk just any day now. He babbles a lot but no real new words or sentences. I'm thinking any day!

Gotta run for now but hugs and love to all! and let's see those new photos please!
Yes Anna, we'll transfer both embryos, assuming they both survive the thaw. There's a 60-70% thaw rate, so there's no guarantee. We could very well get to transfer day and find out neither survived the thaw - they don't thaw them until the morning of transfer, so we literally won't know until we get there. As if this weren't stressful enough already!! :wacko:

Thanks for the encouragement - I appreciate it. :hugs:
Wowee everyone! It's good to see some ppl posting. We've missed you. Thanks Twinks for the referrals.

HA, I've heard several people say they conceived up to the very last minute. I pray this is you. :hugs: I also pray for a happy, healthy 9 months. I know you've been through so much already.

AFM: Well, went to the lake with my parents and my moms side of the family (those who actually went, there are so many of them not talking I can't even get it straight). At any rate, Doug opened a soda can and Amelia went to grab for it and cut her pointer finger. We ended up on over an hour drive to get back to childrens prompt care after hours.

The frustrating part of all of this was my father got in my face and started hollering at me because I was losing my patience with my husband because while he's a nurse, I wanted an emergency staff to look at it from the beach in case she needed stitches. While my dad had good intentions, the WAY he went about it was NOT the right way. He was hollering at me while I had a screaming baby in my hands who was losing blood all over me and I was holding her finger tightly to stop the blood.

Needless to say my mommy intuition was right and because she was too little for stitches they glued the finger together. The skin was cut from the finger to the center. Thank goodness it wasn't totally off. I was trying to focus on getting her to the freaking hospital while my husband was dawdling about and my father was being an idiot. Nobody thought it was bad. I KNEW her cry and the blood was streaming.

She's okay now. We're giving her tylenol for the pain the next few days but I called my mom and told her this is the second time my dad has been like this. I'm through ignoring it. 3rd times a charm and I WILL sever ties with him if he does this again. He has no respect for me as a human being OR as his daughter. I won't get an apology because he has NEVER done it in the past. Doug actually apologized for not listening to me. Not giving me my own way but not listening. Had my dad bulled his way to changing my mind, my daughter wouldn't have gotten the proper care. I let my mom know that she is MY daughter and he is to be seen and not heard when it comes to MY decisions on our daughters medical care. I respect that Doug is an RN but he works on cardiac care and not with peds. We didn't have the resources that prompt care has PLUS the wound was a little deeper than it should have been. I feel better for my decision.

I can't WAIT to get into my own home. Thank GOODNESS it's far away enough from my parents that they won't be over every two minutes! I also like the privacy and while I'm sure owning a home of your own has it's own headaches, It's OURS. :happydance:

Well ladies, I think I'm going to take a xanax tonight to calm me down from a crazy day and I'm going to read a book before bed. I also REALLY need to pray on my heart. Not only did I deal with my dad, but I see traits in ME that are similar to his and I want to crawl under a rock and never come out. Good thing there's still time to change, I just wish that I wasn't such a cracked vessel. ((sigh))

Praying everyone is having a lovely weekend. All these babies are bring joy to everyone. My sweet girl found it in her heart to laugh with the ladies in the hospital too . Brought joy to my heart.
hello all,

sunday night and a quick pop in to say hi. MA so glad you stuck to your mommy instincts. And just because they're our parents DOES NOT mean we are destined to turn out like them. I tell myself this often as i , like you, would rather crawl under a rock and never come out if I was destined to turn out like my mother. I also don't see you as a cracked vesel, no one is perfect, we are all works in progress. Give yourself a little latitude.

I will post proper tomorrow, but just wanted to let everyone know we're under contract on the house!!! I am so excited!! It's not over til the fat lady sings, but it's encouraging. I am letting myself hope thhat soon we will be in our own home. Other than that a whirl wind weekend with a wedding on friday and hosted a brunch this morning for visiting friends. We have a friend who has a daughter that is 9 months older than Jo. They were standing next to each other today and they are almost the same height!! My long little girl.

anyway happy sunday!! Anna
Anna congrats on the house! I know it's never a sure thing till closing is over, but that's super exciting! And the weekend sounds fun!

I need to read back before responding more, but wanted to say yay!
Hi Ladies,

Just popping in quickly. We had guest over for lunch/dinner and a swim both Saturday and Sunday so busy busy. I will write a proper post tomorrow. Miss you all much!!!

wow not much happening. Just poping in to say hi and hope all is well! Anna
Hey Anna! It is certainly quiet in here! It's been crazy here this week and I just haven't had a chance to get to the computer where I can type very much without little fingers helping. :) I hope everyone is well!

Just a quick note from me as well to say hi and I found my nursery theme - so excited! This is one of my all time favorite children's books! the Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Angela - that is adorable! I absolutely love it. Awe so much fun. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Anna - congrats on the house. That is fantastic news! I am very happy for you. Have you started looking for new place yet? How long is your escrow? Also, are you and/or your Hubby tall?

Rebekah - I believe you are getting the keys this week or next week? What a WONDERFUL feeling to have the keys to your own place. How long will the cleaning and the painting take? Are you having a professional service come in to clean/paint or are you and Doug doing it yourselves? Sorry to hear about Amelia's finger! Very scary, but glad that you stood your ground and went to the hospital. I hope that you are able to work things out with your Dad. Like Anna said, we are all works in progress and that is so true.

Happy Auntie - You are in my prayers and thoughts. Looking forward to having you here with us complaining about hip pain and stretch marks on your pregnant belly!

Twink - Hiya! Hope you are well!

The past weekend was a whirlwind. I had made plans with a friend of mine and her 11mos old son. But she wasn't sure and was probably gonna not make it due to car issues so I then made plans with a girlfriend of mine who I hadn't seen in a long while. On Saturday mid morning they both confirmed that they would be able to come over. During that time I had called another of my girlfriends (who has a 12 month old) to see if she was going to Gymboree. Well then I decided that I should invite her and her family over as well since she and my other mommy friend are good friends as well (we along with three other mommies have our own little mommy and me club).

Well during that time, by SIL called my hubby to see if she and her family could come over to swim and he said yes. He then decided that he wanted to get the UFC fight and called a few of his other buddies over. By around 6pm we had about 18 people over including all the kids. It was a lot of fun. My hubby bbq'd hotdogs and hamburgers and made homemade salsa.

That was Saturday...Sunday, it was sort of rinse and repeat as we invited a a few friends from church over. This time less folks, but still a good time. Katelyn was great both days, though Saturday evening she started to get a mild fever. I gave her some baby motrin and that worked like a charm.

We are currently preparing to go to Atlanta to see my Dad next week (1 week from today!) for his 70th birthday. I am a little worried about the plane ride. The last two trips we took with Katelyn - they were direct flights and they only lasted about 2 1/2 hours. She was also a lot younger and not mobile. I am worried that she is not going to want to be confined and will cry because she can't get down and crawl/walk around. I am hoping that she sleeps most of the flight.

I am so amazed everytime I look at my daughter. She is just so adorable. She will be playing in her play room and start singing to herself. Whenever she hears music or if start to sing a song she knows she begins to dance and clap her hands. It is just so great to see that she is learning and understanding. She will take books off her bookshelf and "read" them. When I get home she lights up and starts saying Mommy! In the morning time (I bring her in the bed with us when she wakes in the wee hours of the morning) when she wakes up and my hubby is turned toward her, she will yell Daddy and then climb on him and rest her head on his should and coo and then give him kisses. Sometimes it is eskimo kisses. I am just more in love with her everyday. My cup runneth over!

well, I am off as I am still at work and have a TON of stuff to do. I hope everyone is well. I miss everyone, but I know folks are busy with their little ones. It is hard to find time to post and do all the other 10million things we do as Moms!

Lots of love,
Hi ladies, a quick one from me as well. It's after 2am. :wacko:

Glad to hear from you girls. Miss all those who haven't posted in awhile. It's been busy here as well. Steph, yes we get the keys on Sat. Friday we travel for awhile to get to Dr. Hotty (our eye Dr.) so I can get my years supply of contacts.

We're actually deep cleaning the place ourself and then comes the two bedrooms downstairs. We'll tape the wood work and sand "maybe on Sunday after the walk through (have to do an initial walk through with the realtor to be sure everything is in working condition) but we're getting the keys from the prior owner to help us figure out which lights turn on what and I'm having my hubby use masking tape to label. rofl THEN my dad suggested bug bombing the place BEFORE we move in to get rid of any fleas or even mosquitos since there have been west nile virus sitings in several counties and a 5 year old actually passed away a year ago from it. :wacko: ((faint)).

We're having a moving company come in to help, but I plan to get Amelia's stuff in and our kitchen table to get us all settled once the painting is done. THEN time to finish planning her 1st birthday party. WHAT did I get myself into with all this stuff. lol I can't wait for her birthday though.

Steph. I totally know what you mean. Amelia isn't quite where Katelyn is yet but she's started to dance in her jumper and today I put on some zumba music where she bopped her head up n down while dancing. It was SO funny! I can't WAIT for her to say momma. I bet it's such a joy. I love all our babies!

As far as my relationship with my parents goes. This is such an issue and is a LONG history between them and myself. I think once settled I'm starting counseling. I'm not quite sure how to deal with a relationship with them. I love them but they aren't going to change for me. I either have to accept them or move on. To be honest, I don't always accept being treated as if I'm a constant failure. As I said, it's a long history but I'm sick of it and I certainly don't want our daughter looking at me like I'm a failure or with the same disrespect they give to me. It's in Gods hands. I just know I need outside help to deal with all these issues with them (there are more humiliating issues) as I just don't know what to do anymore after 38 years.
Morning girls!!

So good to see some posts!! I am doing a major no-no and brought my computer to work today. Had to sign some realtor papers I didn't have time to get to this am so I brought Lap top to work. teeheee sneaky. Sometimes it's nice to be the boss.

Ok, Angela, so good to hear from you!!! Hope all is well!!

Steph, what sweet thoughts!! Sounds like the parties were fun and much like our weekend. Don't stress the flight, just bring LOTS of things for her to play with, and all should go well. Katelyn sounds like such a wonderful little girl (of course). so cute!! Can't wait for Jo to start talking.

MA, yehhh keys to the house!! Boooo painting and cleaning. And I'm even married to a painting contractor!! Anyway it will be so nice to be settled in your new home!!!! As for parent issues . . . I'll go to counseling with you!! More on that later. Anyway, you are correct you cant change them, but you should not stand for being treated badly by anyone. Plus what's to say they wont make Amelia feel the same way. And I know you don't want that. Many hugs from someone who knows!!

HA, thinking of you!!

AFM, working and hoping this house thing works out. I am concerned the financing may be a problem as our condo is in a building that has commercial use on the first floor with condos up above. Not going into too much detail, this means the financing is tricky even for the most qualified of buyers. So fingers crossed. Buyer is pre- approved and has a significant down payment so I hope that will help pave the way. To answer Steph's question we have not started seriously looking yet as I just don't want to get my hops up and then have sale fall apart and be heart broken. We cant afford anything until condo sells. I have been browsing to know what's out there and it's bleak in our price range but not entirely void. So there will probably be some concessions on our part, but my fingers are crossed the perfect house will pop up just in time. In the mean time we REALLY need to talk to a lender and get pre approved so we can move when the time is right.

And the time had better be right soon, my mother and husband are about ready to kill each other and me in the process. Dinner last night almost sent me over the edge. We just cant live with them for much longer even if it is part time. WE NEED OUR OWN SPACE!!! I didn't get along with my mother before, living with her two days a week is a nightmare. Like MA I can't change her, but as of yet have not figured out how to deal with her in a way that isn't combative. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Ok vent over.

Glad everyone is well, have a great Thursday!! Almost Friday. Which would be good news if I wasn't working 10 days in a row due to daycare issue. They are closed next Thursday and Friday for staff training which are the two days Jo goes full time. No luck finding alternative person to care for Jo, so I have switched days off next week from this Saturday and Sunday to next Thursday and Friday to take Jo. It's fine just means 10 days in a row for me.

Anyhoo, I am long winded today. Look what happens when I have a computer to type on!!

Take care,
Hey girls!

It sounds like everyone had a great weekend!

Rebekah, I'm so sorry about Amelia's finger! That ER trip does NOT sound like fun and I agree, when it comes to grandparent interference, that is NOT helpful or necessary when you're dealing with a screaming, bleeding baby. :nope: I am glad all is well now, but how scary that she could cut herself so quickly! I know I am in for it any day now; Ethan has discovered running, and so now when he crashes (usually while carrying a toy) he goes down HARD. It's very scary and we've had several close calls.

Steph, can't wait to see you as well! And it is amazing how fast these kids grow. I was just thinking, I will probably blink three times and Ethan will be 18 months. I can't believe it! I'm trying hard to slow down and appreciate the time I have right now with him, before we have a second child in the mix and my attention is necessarily divided. As much as I am DELIGHTED with another baby, in a way I'm also sort of sad that Ethan won't get to have his mommy to himself anymore. Silly, I know. :cry: I'm sure it's just pregnancy hormones, but I'm so emotional these days!

I do really miss all our other girls here, as well. Everyone check in when you can!

Our weekend was fun too; we had Ethan's godparents (our best friends) over for dinner and enjoyed relaxing with them. They brought Ethan some toys their son has outgrown, which he is LOVING, and he also got a belated birthday present from my hometown best friend, who came down yesterday to pick up several items I had been hanging onto in case we ever had a girl. :haha:

Now that we are going to have two boys (which I think will probably be it for us!), we're beginning the process of cleaning out the new baby's room and clearing some things out from storage (my old canopy bed, my old dollhouse, etc.). My friend has two little girls who are the perfect age for both of those items, which is great! They picked up those things yesterday and the girls are already enjoying the dollhouse! It makes me happy because those things were special to me as a child, and I'm glad someone will be able to use and enjoy them.

I'm also in full-speed nesting mode, because this second baby is going to require some fairly intensive reorgnanization and decluttering of our home (with Ethan, we basically had an empty room waiting that we weren't using). The room that will become baby's is currently a (fully-furmished) guest room, so we're trying to figure out where everything is going to go and/or what to get rid of. I am having that unnerving feeling that there is (already!) too much to do in the time I have left. Not that there aren't (I hope!) plenty of pregnancy weeks remaining, but I well remember that with Ethan, I didn't feel like MOVING after about 7 months, and I am sure just keeping up with his routine and needs will take all my time and energy by that point, so I am feeling a little stressed at all the things I want to accomplish between now and September. But the good news is, my mother in law will be here for a couple visits in the next few months, and she is great about watching Ethan for me while I work on things. So I'm hopeful I can accomplish a lot during her visits, as well. I just have that feeling like I want everything to be organized and dealt with before baby arrives, which I know is impossible, but I want to get as close as I can. Then, God forbid, should baby come early, I want to be ready for that scenario as well.

Think I'm rambling so will sign off now, but hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Hugs and love!
LOL Anna, we cross posted so I need to read yours and will catch up - but I had to laugh because I, too, get long winded when I can type more easily at my desktop! :rofl:

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