35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Angela,

Thanks! Yes we do have the rain machine and it's always on when she's in there. I too only put her in there when she needs to sleep.

So a question I have for you...THIS is my issue: Amelia sits up in her bed and tries to stand. She moves all over the place. I have no toys in there (I'm not apposed to them because I have them in her pack n play). Does Ethan sit in his bed after you leave the room? I'm afraid to leave her sitting up for fear she'll get into something or worse, fall. Today I noticed she has a small space between the mattress and the frame. She pushed her foot through and couldn't figure out how to get it back in. (It's a new bed, not the old ones where the slats were closer).

Now would you just put her in her crib with a few toys and just let her go for an hour even if she's sitting up? Another question I have is she can go HOURS without fading. Should I just take her out after an hour if she doesn't nap?

I'm sure there are several issues playing a role.

1. Her crib is in our room until we move to the new house. (THIS should get interesting when she moves into her Big Girl room...ALONE)

2. Moving. The dogs are FREAKING out, I notice she doesn't want to be too far away from us even at the new house because it's all new to her.

3. Doug see's a 3rd tooth up top getting ready to break through.

That being said, This child used to have a small cat nap in the morning and at LEAST an hour in the afternoon....was like clockwork at 4pm.

She still has catnaps in the car seat when we travel on errands and back n forth to the new house but the afternoon nap is nearly null and void. There seems to be NO significant naps unless I take her in her room and kindly keep putting her in a lay down position telling her "It's naptime". She just continues to try to sit up each time and each time I sit on my bed or try to move AWAY from the bed where I will most likely have to lay her down again and again and again. I'm thinking this is becoming a game with her now.

SO, I'm wondering if keeping her in her crib even when she sits will be okay. What would you do in the scenario?

I feel like a totally dummy at this point. I don't want to put a "label" on her but holy cats! She's strong-willed! She knows what she wants, she's independent personality already and while she's mostly a silly, laughing happy baby....When she's tired/teething or not wanting to do something she's spitfire! :rofl: I recall a certain person being that way as a youngster too. Oh dear Heavens! My mom used to say "I hope you have a child JUST LIKE YOU". Yup! I got her. She's her own self and that makes me happy...but along with a strong willed child comes boundaries we have to make. Maybe her personality will change as we all get to understanding what her needs are. The meantime, I feel like I'm not the greatest mommy sometimes. All this waiting and I can honestly say I wasn't always prepared for some of the things but am SO happy I have the pleasure to enjoy them with her. She IS a great little girl.

Another question I have for those of you whose kids have reflux. Amelia is still spitting up at 9 months. Is that normal? Shouldn't they be winding down with the reflux by now?

Also, She's having 3 meals a day and 4-5 bottles. About 2-3tblspns of baby food and around 6 ounces of formula. She USUALLY has about 4 bottles unless she's up late which has been the past couple of weeks.

I'm interested in knowing your babies eating schedule. Do you feed him/her baby food with a bottle afterwards? She always gets the last bottle before bed ALONE with no food. I'm wondering if at a certain point we'll be doing snacks. I'm not all that happy with the pediatrician lately. They give us a packet and send us on our way. Since we're moving I think we're going to change Pede's as well.

Angela, I know you specified giving Ethan some softer foods. I gave her some fish and she loved it the other day. I was wondering about eggs. Is there an issue with allergies . She'll be 10 months on Sunday. I'd like to make some scrambled eggs for her. I wasn't sure if this is an issue with allergens. I know she can't have corn quite yet as she had a reaction (which we'll have tested at a year old)

Finally TEETH. When did you or haven't you yet sent Ethan to the dentist?

I keep hearing that we should take them to the Pediatrician by their 1st birthday because of the issues of milk rott that have been popping up in children. I contacted our dentist and they nearly ROARED at me laughing. Does she have any teeth yet they said. She has two and one on the way. They dont' usually have to come in until 2 yrs of age they said. I told her about what we've been told and they had no clue. I'm guessing I'll have to take her to a children's dentist. Did you start brushing teeth once they started coming in? Did you use a regular brush?

Okay, enough questions for now. Haha

Thanks for all the feedback!

How was your eye appointment? Doug and I just got our glasses (we need a second pair because baby bear likes to rip ours off our face. It felt SO GOOD to take time out for our own health and well-being. I leave feeling accomplished. :rofl:

Glad you have help. I bet you could use some spare time. :hugs:

Love to everyone!

P.S., We transported our pots n pans to the other house and I'm left trying to make pasta in the microwave. Haha I hope it works!
Good Saturday night all.

sorry m.i.a. The last few days. Busy at work, can't wait for slow season again!!

MA, wow you are a wholw hive of questions and i'll answe as many as I can. 1) they say stay away from egg whites until E year. Allergy possibility. 2) brush teeth with a baby tooth brush and use a rice size piece of tooth paste. Used to be they said no toothpaste because they didn't want babies to get too much floride, but guide lines have changed and a very small amount is ok. Don't know about the dentist. 3) all babies sleep differently. I really struggled with the sleep thing a few months ago. I read the book " healthy sleep habbits happy child" it's a little severe but what I took from it is routine is a must and get her to bed before she gets too tired. I agree having her own room is key. Jo didn't nap or sleep well until we did that. Also a dark room is key. Blankets or really room darkening shades are key. Other than that I think you're doing all you can. It does sound like it's a game to her. No advice there. Sorry. And the crib sounds dangerous. There shouldn't be that much room between bed and matress. Best of luck cooking in the microwave!

Angela, 2 weeks for next scan so exciting!! How goes the nesting?? And as for potty training you're all good. MA is awesome but most don't potty train until 2. And I too wish we could all hang.

AFM, well we put in an offer on a house today. We'll see what happens. They haven't had any offers in 2 months, then today they got two. I had a funny feeling the house wouldn't last. Anyway all we can do is wait and see. It's small, 800 square feet up and 800 down but it has a garden level lower level and it's been upgraded throughout. Including lower level. It has a nice yard and a huge garage and a storage shed. It pretty much meets all our criteria. So I REALLY hope we get it. MA I think I gave you the impression we were living in the home we're selling but we're not. We are at my parent's mountain home while we're between properties. So we'll be ok if there's a gap between the selling of our condo and the purchase of the house.

anyway, hope everyone is having a good weekend!! Promise to post new photos soon. Oh . . . Jo started crawling today!!!! Woohooo big girl!!!
Thanks Anna.

I too thought the crib sounded dangerous. We have a new one. It wasn't on a list of recalls. We bought it from BRU. I may go to the store and ask some questions.

Thanks about the info on the brush and toothpaste. She would most likely need flouride because we get our water from Walmart which is filtered and goes through an osmosis system to bring the water down to it's purest form. The water at the new home is going to have a filtration system as well since I have medical issues. Which means flouride may be an issue. I'll have to find out about a ped. dentist.

Okay, no eggs. As I said, I've been doing the Tyler Florence brand and she LOVES the stage 3 meals. I've also been making some other meals too myself but am slow go for the solids as I observe the textures for the right consistency.

Oh Anna, I didn't know you moved completely out of your place. I knew you were having issues with the neighbor. I also knew you were at your parents a couple times a week. I lost some updates somewhere along the line.

Yay on the offer. Isn't it convenient they get offers at the same time. That was the way with us. We still got a deal though. I was surprised. Looking forward to seeing pics of your place if they accept the offer. I'm trying to imagine what it looks like based on your description and it sounds just beautiful!

PS., I know, can you believe I'm trying the elimination communication and I can't even get her sleep schedule down?? What a moron I am. :rofl: At any rate, my mom put me on the toilet before I was 1 and just sat with me for awhile until I went. She'd give me things to play with and then once I did the deed she's praise me. I thought I would try that method when I see she's ready too poo. I'll further train her at a year if she shows she's ready. I honestly don't think she gets it right now.

Oh, we got a nap in today 1hr though it wasn't without a fight. She also went to bed at her normal hour. PHEW. I tired that little girl out something crazy!lol She was flopped on my shoulder after playing and singing...then she watched me as I kept packing. I gave her a bath, fed her, sung to her and she was OUT!

Don't know why tonight was different but hopefully it will get better.
MA, sounds like you're on the right track with sleeping. Some days are just harder than others. No rhyme or reason. And I applaud your potty training attempts. No harm in trying. As for our house, it's basic and I wouldn't use the word "beautiful" to describe it, it's a big box. But it would work for us, so fingers crossed. It's almost 2pm here and still no word. The selling couple is getting a divorce so there may be some issues there. There's also no for sale sign in the front yard as they don't want their kids to know they're selling the house. Wonder when they'll tell them? When their moving the furniture out?? Anyway it is easy walking distance to a rec center and huge park which is another great feature we love. kid friendly neighborhood, good mountain views and room for an addition. I don't want to jinx it, so when we close if I can figure out how I'll send you the link. I really want to get back in and take another look. I didn't notice weather it has a gas stove or electric, or if the freezer is on the bottom, top or a side by side. Silly I know but details I completely overlooked yesterday. I was looking for the big stuff, water damage, foundation issues, etc.

So it's Sunday and Jo has been a little grumpy today, but she's down for a nap and I have some time to get caught up. I have been emailing our lender and checking for updates from realtor. Also went to store and no Tyler Florence baby food, so I will try Target. Do you know if it's available in the west??? I hope so because the options here are slim. However last night she had some turkey and cheese cut up in little bits that she did really well with and this morning some egg yolks and bread. She really liked the toast, not a huge fan of the egg, but ate some.

Have a great Sunday!!!
hi Ladies,

Sorry I have bee MIA for the past week. Was in Atlanta last week and was hoping to see Angela, but just ran out of time! Angela - next time for sure!!!

Anna - Good luck with getting the house! The neighborhood sounds really nice.

Rebekah - You know how we keep saying you and I are similar, well Katelyn and Amelia are similar as well. I sometimes struggle with getting katelyn to go to sleep (particularly naps) Now that she is one it has gotten a lot better. However, she does get really back temper tantrums (which was not fun at the airport!). In terms of food, as Anna said, eggs at 1 year old, though even the waiting on foods is now being redetermined because so many kids are developing food allergies and it was thought to be because they were not introduced sooner. Who knows...

As for the sleeping. Katelyn will stand up in her crib with a leg up trying to climb out if she wakes up in the middle of the night. Normally, though I can lay her back down and just pat her back until she falls back asleep. One thing we have done is Katelyn no longer goes down for two naps. She now will take 1 nap around 1130/12 and will sleep for about 2-3 hours. Then I try to put her to bed around 730/8pm. For the most part this has been working, except when her cousin is over, then she just wants to play. Like Ethan - Katelyn will play in her crib for a while at night and sometimes lay down. However, she still wants be to rock her to sleep. So I sit in the rocker and don't say anything (lights are off and her mobile is on - well the base to the mobile;plays lullabys, rain, heartbeat, outside noises)Then when she is ready to sleep she will say "mommy" and reach for me, then I rock her and sing to her and she goes to sleep. I know I shouldn't still be rocking her, but sometimes by the time I get home work, that is my main time I have spending with her.

There is a book called the No Cry Sleep Method. You can look it up online, but this is basically what I use for Katelyn and for the most part it has worked. Oh and Kudos for the potty training! The sleeping will come. It seems like you are doing everything right. I
ok, katelyn just hit enter while I was typing... Apparently, I am going to have to finish my post later. As for foods - havent seen the tyler Florence line. It is at sprouts? I can barely get her to eat baby fod anymore. she only wants what eat. bek - i started her with pasta then went to turkey meat. ok shes pulling on the mnousde write more later

mss everyone

MA, sounds like you're on the right track with sleeping. Some days are just harder than others. No rhyme or reason. And I applaud your potty training attempts. No harm in trying. As for our house, it's basic and I wouldn't use the word "beautiful" to describe it, it's a big box. But it would work for us, so fingers crossed. It's almost 2pm here and still no word. The selling couple is getting a divorce so there may be some issues there. There's also no for sale sign in the front yard as they don't want their kids to know they're selling the house. Wonder when they'll tell them? When their moving the furniture out?? Anyway it is easy walking distance to a rec center and huge park which is another great feature we love. kid friendly neighborhood, good mountain views and room for an addition. I don't want to jinx it, so when we close if I can figure out how I'll send you the link. I really want to get back in and take another look. I didn't notice weather it has a gas stove or electric, or if the freezer is on the bottom, top or a side by side. Silly I know but details I completely overlooked yesterday. I was looking for the big stuff, water damage, foundation issues, etc.

So it's Sunday and Jo has been a little grumpy today, but she's down for a nap and I have some time to get caught up. I have been emailing our lender and checking for updates from realtor. Also went to store and no Tyler Florence baby food, so I will try Target. Do you know if it's available in the west??? I hope so because the options here are slim. However last night she had some turkey and cheese cut up in little bits that she did really well with and this morning some egg yolks and bread. She really liked the toast, not a huge fan of the egg, but ate some.

Have a great Sunday!!!

Sprout Food is located at Target Stores, Walgreens, Babies R Us and more. Click on the link above (sprout) where the site for Tyler Florence's line is located and you can put your zip code in and find a store that may be near you.

Praying everything runs smoothly with the offer and also praying for the couple who seem to have some sensitive issues going on.

Not a whole lot going on. Packing, running things over to the new place, making last attempts to clean, purge and getting the big things bubble wrapped and shrink wrapped before the moving company comes tomorrow. We're all on edge and tired. It'll be nice to be finally moved. I'm praying our deposit will come swiftly from our landlord.
Hey Steph! I wondered where you were. Jules has been MIA too. As have CJ, Beth and the rest who've been gone longer.

Oh goodness our kids are similar. lol

Case in point. I put her up for her nap today and decided I'd lay her down with her baby doll and leave her. She didn't cry at all. She just sat right up as she normally does and scoots across the bed singing and carrying on. Did that kid scoot across the bed and stare STRAIGHT into the monitor (as I was chuckling) and then try to pick herself up and mess with it. Twice she managed to reach over and the monitor fell backwards.

That was when I had to stay in the room (as usual) and just keep encouraging her down on her back or side while saying "It's nap time". Oh how she got MAD. Keep in mind she's rubbing her eyes but she's too ticked off at me because I won't let her sit up and slide across the bed. :rofl:

Honestly she's too funny but she's quite stubborn. After struggling with my hand to keep her in a nap position (I was caressing her but if she tried to lift up, my hand was at her belly as to not allow her in a situp position) she FINALLY went to sleep and I was able to slowly back out of the room. This being an hour later.

I'm so glad it gets better once their a year old! I feel just awful and while I don't like standing there to be sure she's in a napping position, I also don't want her hurting herself either if I leave the room.

I think we'll mount the camera to the wall so she can't reach it as well (since we're in our own home now). Then she can go to town with her naps and "hopefully" she'll get bored and just flop down to nap. The new home will be better and safer for her and will allow for me to just let her be and fall into her own. I really loathe this place with how dangerous it is for kids. I never picked up on it until we brought her home.

As for Tyler Florences Line, I added the link in an above post to Anna. It's the Sprouts Line. I tried the whole grain cereal with berries in it and I LOVED it myself. :lol: It's Amelia's favorite. Though the Pumkin and Graham Cracker comes close too.
Thanks for the info. I actually have seen it at Target, but never purchased it. I will have to give it a try! Well I am back at work today after an 8 day vacation. Man did I get used to being at home with my baby! While I like my job and am grateful for it, I sure was sad to have to leave this morning.

A friend of ours who just moved to Seattle gave us a dollhouse. I put it in Katelyns playroom and she LOVES it. She will sit and play with that dollhouse for about 20-30 minutes at a time. She will have the little dolls talk to one another and move furniture from room to room. She will giggle and laugh and jsut has a great time! It is such a joy to watch. She also is starting to sing a lot now too.

Beth - I meant to respond when I posted yesterday, but Katiebug wouldnt leave the keyboard/mouse alone. I am sorry to hear about those dreadful women in the mommy group. there are some women who just want to compete with other moms and think they know everything. So annoying! Like several have said, I wish we all lived closer so we could get together at least 2x a month and let our kids play and discuss baby/toddlerhood. I am also sorry to hear about your SIL's. That is not cool that they would undermine you like that. Just know that you can always come here to vent and get support!

Rebekah - you are in the final moving days. I am so excited for you. Is tonight or tomorrow night the first night you will be sleeping in your new house? Please take some photos. Looking forward to hearing about the neighborhood and all the other fun stuff that you will be able to do now that you are away from your crazy neighbors LOL!

Angela - how is the visit with your mother in law? I think yous aid you had other folk visiting as well. OMG about the air conditioning!!!! I am sooo sorry to hear about that. Having been there a week ago and feeling the heat and humidity, that super duper sucks! Glad that it was only out for a day or so and not the entire house. There is nothing worse than being hot and trying to sleep (well other than being PREGNANT, HOT, and trying to sleep!).

Anna - any news yet on your offer? Yay on Jo eating big people food! I find that Katelyn doesn't really like egg all that much, except for the yolk. SHe will eat the yolk pretty well, but the egg white, not so much. Another great soft item is breakfast potatoes and bananas (if you haven't given her them yet). Oh and CONGRATS that she is crawling YAY!!!!!! Huge milestone! Go Jo!

Well, I need to get back to work and answer some emails. I hope everyone has a fantastic week! CJ, Jules, Laura, Chris (both 1 and 2), Charmaine, Viv, Purpelou, Never, Skye, and anyone else I may have left off, we miss you and hope to hear from you soon!

hey ladies!
I will post proper later but I just have to vent!! We still don't know if our offer has been accepted. Today we got an email from the selling agent that was so unprofessional I couldn't believe it!! In it he said how dare we expect his clients to move out in a months time and only have two days after closing to d so. They wee also insulted that we would only offer 1% ernest money. They all but cussed us out. I was totally shocked!!! We submitted a standard contract. And 1% is also standard. We also went the extra mile and sent them a copy of our contract on our condo to easy their minds as to the validity of our contract. I was just simply amazed. They asked how we could possibly expect a family of four to move out in the time line provided ( again standard time line). Iwanted to be like we moved out of our house! Everyone else that sells their house manages to do so! What the F$!#???? Anyway I had to struggle to keep my ego and temper in check. DH says we can offer up the requested increase in earnest $$ which is $7,000 by the way and we are not rich. And we can stay where we are for an extra month if need be if it means we'll get the house. But at this point I am so over it!!! If I didn't like this house so much I would fricking tell guy where to shove it! Ok sorry and thanks for letting me vent. They have two offers on the table and I think their trying to pit us against each other. But really?? All they had to do was ask and we would have gladly given them what they asked for. Why do people feel the need to be nasty to get what they want??

anyhoo, had swim class again today and my little fish was awesome!!!

have a good night and thanks again for the vent!
Sorry ladies I know I owe some responses on the conversation that has been going on. We have had family visiting and it has been busy. I hope to catch up tomorrow.

But to answer steph quickly, no, we don't give any vitamins. Ethans ped has not said anything about it or rcommended it. Has katelyns ped said you need them?

Hugs girls!
hi Ladies!

first a big thank you to everyone for supporting me and not making me feel like a crazy mommy. It is so good to have a place to vent! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Anna - no apology necessary - you weren't preachy at all, in fact it helped to know I wasn't the only one. the clicky moms can make you feel inadequate, esp with a baby with some troubles. And as for the sisters-in-law, I know you are right, I am coming to a point where my foot will come down....hard. I will let them walk all over me, but I have a short allowance when it comes to Poppy...... and if it causes a rift, at this point, so be it. So tired of being judged and tested by them!!!! Hugs to you! I'm so sorry about the latest development on the offer. How rude and unprofessional :growlmad: I hope it all resolves quickly and positively. I wish I could help more!

Angela, I can't believe how fast time is flying by! :cloud9::cloud9: but no a/c is horrible!!!! :hugs::hugs:

Steph, thank you too for your encouragement too. I'm just glad I have this moomy group, even if it is online!

MA - hope the house is everything you want, it sounds great! I love to fix things in our house, it gives me a chance to make it more "us". :)

AFM, well ladies, I'm in the 2-week wait. :dohh: I KNOW! :haha: I was on the mini-pill (progestin only) to see if that would help the endo as the cycles were coming back fast and furious. Only problem is, I keep forgetting to take them! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: oops. I have been keeping track of the cycles on fertility friend and only noticed a few days ago that we had some fun on fertile days! So now I don't want to start back on the mini-pills, just in case. My OB said to wait 6 months, and come on, it;s 1 week before 6 months! :haha::haha::haha: Damn my handsome husband! :haha: We shall see, I'm hoping this nausea is due to bad food I had the other day and then as leftovers last night. But if I AM, then great! Just haven't told hubby I'm in the 2 week wait, no need to alert him just yet. If negative, I'll just go back on the pills for another few months (we were going to discuss it in the late fall).

Otherwise, all is good here. Poppy is being very vocal in his swing as I'm on here, screeching out a happy tune. So funny! He is such a love. Almost 18 pounds, the load! Spitups quieted down the past week, (hoping I didn't just jinx things) and loves the new oatmeal cereal, and most veggies and fruits. We have his arms out of the swaddle, just his little chest has the swaddle and he is sleeping like a champ at night. down for 8-9 hours each night. Then Charlie feeds him in the AM, and brings him to bed to nap with me when he goes to work. The other naps, I'm trying to do one in the playpen and the others in the swing - if I put him on his side in the playpen he goes right out, but not on his back, even elevated. So I'm working on that. I never swaddled him for naps, which thankfully I don't have to deal with that too. He is also eating about 32-36 oz a day, but sometimes it's a struggle to get him to finish the last few ounces because of his darn teeth. The sucking seems to cause him pain, so sometimes I give him the rest with more cereal and he gobbles that up.

I attached some recent pics....the one in the yellow sitting on the couch was taken yesterday....he is sitting up like such a big boy!

hugs to you all!


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Hi Ladies!

Beth it is great to hear from you and LOVE the photos of Poppy! What a cutie he is. Adorable smile (is that a Mickey Mouse I see on his high chair?) Heehee about the two week wait. Keep us posted!

Anna - Wow that sucks about the offer. I agree that the email (tone and verbage) was completely unprofessional. You are better than me. I think I would have written back we don't want to deal with you or your sh*tty attitudie and f you, the house, and the current owners! But glad you have better restraint than me! LOL. If this is truly the house you want, I hope everything works out(you can always ream the guy after escrow has gone through hee hee).

Angela - When Katelyn left the NICU her Ped put her on TriVoSol with iron. She took that for about a year and then I ran out. I asked her Dr if she still needed to take it and he said, since she was eating regular food then probably not. Although I may start her back up on a daily vitamin again, however don't want her to take something that isnt necssary. I will ask again at her next check-up in 2 months.

AFM - nothing really new. Katelyn is soooo close to walking! I just hope it happens while I am at home with her, but if not, my husband has the Flip on hand to capture the moment LOL.

Ok - I will check back later.

Hi girls!

Wow, it is great to see so many posts but I am so sorry I'm so bad about staying caught up! :blush: I've had family here for the last seven days straight and, in between that, have been dealing with several broken appliances around the house. Bleh! (to the appliances, not the family LOL!) My mother in law was here for the last five days to visit while hubby was supposed to be gone on a guys' trip, but his trip was canceled as one of the guys lost his father this weekend :cry: So sad. I feel so badly for the guy and his family. But in a way, the timing was a blessing because this friend is about to relocate from GA to AZ for a new job, and it would have been much more difficult for them to be with his dad those last days had they already moved. Anyway, we got to have a break from our day to day while having Granna here and Ethan just LOVES Granna time! She is awesome and is so helpful. Many people can't stand their MIL but I am so blessed - mine is a gem!

So one funny thing happened though - she lives in my husband's hometown (a fairly large city in Alabama) and she has a REALLY old car that she just refuses to replace. She could afford to but is just so frugal that she refuses to buy something new till this one (a 1991 - 91!!!) Honda with upward of 450k miles on it) completely dies. So anyway, becuase she apparently though no one would even THINK about stealing such a prize, she left the thing parked in her carport, WINDOWS DOWN, KEYS IN the ashtray... and we got a call yesterday from her friend at home that it had been stolen. Now, I know it's not REALLY all that funny but...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I CANNOT stop shaking my head and laughing. Hubby is beside himself that she does not seem to get the reality that she can't do things like that - she keeps saying she thinks the car isn't worth $50, but that she has relatively new tires on it that are probably worth 2-300 bucks and she thinks someone stole it for the tires! :saywhat: Hubby keeps trying to explain that he really thinks it was just some hoodlum kids who were looking for an easy car to steal. She just went home this morning and called to say that she has now reported it to the cops and they agree with hubby... OMG I am still laughing SO hard. She can completely afford to replace with a better car and NEEDS to (we've been telling her that for YEARS) and so hubby and I are secretly pleased and hopeful that this will be the kick in the rear she needs to get something more reliable... but she LOVES that crazy car and she is definitely not happy someone took it. Oh my. Anyway, we had to warn her not to volunteer to the police how many miles are on it or they prpobably won't even go looking for it! :haha:

Sorry for the long digression; I am still just in disbelief that SHE is so shocked. She left town for five days and did everything but hang a sign around the back of the car saying "steal me" and now she is surprised it's gone?

Okay, moving on!

Anna, YAYYY! for the crawling! Isn't it SO fun to see them go!? I think a crawling baby is the cutest stage of all. Something about how pleased they are with themselves and being able to go places... I just think it's so cute! BOO on the sellers of the place you are trying to buy though! Their attitude is ridiculous! It's fine to counter an offer, but they should do so politely! :grr:

Bek, hang in there with the sleeping. It will come, even if it never seems like it's going to get better. I'm already sitting here thinking and PRAYING I get another one that's as good a sleeper as Ethan. My luck, our second will be like my husband (colicky and NEVER sleeping as a kid... my MIL always says if she'd had him first, she would have only had one LOL!) But even hubby is proof they do grow out of these phases. I think once you guys are settled in, she will settle as well. I may have missed this in an earlier post and I am so sorry, but remind me why you need to stand there and watch over while she is trying to fall asleep? I'm betting that is keeping her from settling too - if I stay for any length of time after putting him down, EThan will fuss. But he does great if I put him down, tell him night night and walk out... Do you have a bumper in the crib now and can you just let her play in there safely with some stuffed animals? We too had to move the cameras because he would try to grab them. Now we have TWO :rofl: at opposite ends of his crib (up on top of the furniture where he can't reach) because one won't show us enough if he gets to the opposite end of the crib. My little escape artist!

Steph, glad you are home! My dr. never said anything about vitamins. I was a little worried when we took him off formula at age 1, just bc of all the vitamins I knew were in that vs not in whole milk. But I'm trying hard to feed him really good table foods, and he is pretty good about eating so I am hoping he's getting enough. He seems to be growing well anyway, finally! and SO cute about the dollhouse! I actually just gave my old dollhouse (which we had been saving for ages) to a girlfriend with two little girls, as it appears we won't be needing it! :haha: I am glad that her girls can enjoy it.

Beth, so good to hear from you and Poppy is just ADORABLE! and I am SOOOOO excited you are in the TWW! I can't wait to have some more of you ladies to be preggo with LOL! :happydance: You never know - you know what happened to me on our first try! :haha:

Anyone interested in the Sprout line - Ethan LOVES it and we used it for months. Available at our Publix, not our Target... I think it varies by region. Anna you can go to the website and put in your zip I think and find local retailers (?). I definitely recommend searching it out; it is worth it. Worst case, they also sell it at Amazon and BrU. Ethan loved the oatmeal, the sweet potatoes, the green beans, the peach rice pudding (I loved that one too!!!) and many others. It really is the best baby food I've found in prepackaged form.

Okay girls, must run but wanted to catch up and say hi! I'm still nesting with a vengeance, and today tackled the laundry room/area and trying to get all the cleaners, etc. up from the lower cabinets to higher ones. I was reminded that I will NOT be able to get down into the floor here for much longer - it is NOT easy to bend anymore LOL! I need to post some bump pics for y'all to laugh at, and laugh you definitely would - I am SO much bigger this time than last and all I can do is shake my head at myself. Have ALREADY outgrown the first two pairs of shorts I bought and had to run to Target for more. Lord help me! There is a LOT of summer left here (at least two months of hot weather) and I am going to need to be able to wear shorts! :haha:

Hi ladies- quick post.....so i think i am possibly out of the TWW as i just saw (tmi sorry) a huge huge blob of EWCM just now. I have never seen it so huge - it was about the size of a half dollar and clear- for me that is a lot :). So thinking i just ov late and will be ok.....oh wait, if i ov today and we bd'ed on sunday...hmmmm. maybe still in the TWW. Very nauseous this morning and pelvis feels achy and crampy so i'm probably all skewed on cycles and it is still getting back to normal. Taking it easy today!!
Beth, those are interesting symptoms! I have only had nausea (without pregnancy) as a menstrual cycle symptom once in my life... not sure how common it may be for others esp after a pregnancy when things are still sorting out. But I can't wait to see if you are preggo! :haha:
Hi ladies.

We're in our place now. Oh what a difference! Pitch black (no street lights) and all you hear is crickets with an occasional dog or two. We met a few of our neighbors when (get this) I came out on my doorstep to find a cockatoo running at me. WTH?? I hollered to Doug and he told me to pick it up. I told him "I will NOT". lol What if it bites me? I saw on animal planet they can crack a finger like it's a nutshell. :rofl:

Anyways, HE (I now call him the bird whisperer) put his hand down and it crawled up his arm. It then brought out several neighbors who couldn't believe it. We were all trying to find it's home. The neighbor across the streets nurse called some kind of a bird sanctuary because they thought it was on the news. Sure enough...that bird flew almost an hour away from the city where we just moved to. Apparently a family member of an elderly woman stole the bird and set it free on purpose. The woman was crying and offered us all money and the nurse and I refused. Talk about a funny memory though!

Anna, you know...I was thinking they were playing us as well because they said there were other offers to this home and so we raised the price. While we STILL got a deal, I'm willing to bet we could have gotten a better one. Which brings me to this... I know you like the house and your emotions are in it. However, the sellers agent is NOT being very professional. In fact, I wonder if you could send that email to the board of realtors. Next. I'm wondering if the agent is trying to do what the other agent did to us...which is try to get you to buy on emotion and give them what they want.

"I" would specify that you would be willing to work with them on the date, however the specs are legal and within normal range. I would also specify that he came across rude and offensive. He he choose NOT to accept your offer. Then I would walk. See if he's playing. If he's not, I'd see if I could find a better home without the added drama. He is making a commission from someone. He needs to back the heck off or he won't make the darn sale!

Steph, I was wondering the same about vitamins. I'm wondering about that for Amelia. She's VERY fair skinned like her mommy. I joke that I look like a raw purdue chicken on a bad day. :rofl: At any rate, winters are dark and long here. I'm wondering if she needs a multi and weather she'd need to be tested for Vitamin D like most of us here. I feel HORRIBLE that she's have to have labs done for it though. I can't bare to see her in pain.

Angela. Why I've been hovering over the bed the last week or so is because she keeps popping her head up. She also accidentally knocks her head into the bars. We have a breatheable bumper because everyone kept telling us a regular bumper would cause sids. I was scared.

I think that's all that it boils down to is that I felt like I needed to be up there to watch her go down last week because I didn't want her to fall over the railing. Doug says she's fine so I've been leaving her alone. Funny you mentioned it but last week when I was standing over her bed I felt like I wouldn't sleep if someone were watching me either. lol

Needless to say, since swimming over at gramma's for the day, she's been sleeping and taking naps since we've moved here. :happydance: She's still clinging because her surroundings are new. I also gave her a REAL bath in the bathtub as apposed to in the sink with the sink sack. She did NOT like the tub tonight.lol A few more times maybe.

So many NEW things that I think she's just anxious. I DO see her sleep schedule changed though. She sleeps through the night until 830am. We ALL get up and do our thing (thank God that even I am getting up now) then she takes a nap at noon for 2 hours the past 3 days.

Well, I think it's going to take me a while to get settled. I'm overwhelmed with all the things to unload. I've got a stack upstairs of things we're putting in next years yard sale. I'm looking forward to it. We think we're going to use the money for adoption costs. I know we're ttc next year, but we've also always wanted to adopt. So we're going to try to raise some money to do so.

Beth, Oh my goodness. Lots going on over there. Will wait to hear your updates. I've never had mucus like that with exception to my mucus plug falling out at 22wks. This sounds different though. Maybe ovulation?

On another note, I had my labs done. Next week I go for an indepth sonogram to check the lining and make sure there's no cancer. I'm in good spirits but a part of me is concerned as I think about my husband and daughter. Hopefully it's just hormones or something to do with the bicornuate uterus. I'll keep everyone posted when I know more next week.

Love and hugs to you all. Anna, praying all goes a bit smoother for you. Vent away! /no worries here!
Hi Rebekah, so glad that you are settling into your new home! That is wonderful! I think your husband lost his mind thinking you were going to pick up a scary bird! What the heck LOL! WOW, well at least that experience allowed you to meet some of the neighbors.

In terms of unpacking, just take it one room at a time. You don't have to rush. When we were packing to move to the house we are in now, I noticed that I had boxes that I never unpacked when I moved in LOL and i had moved into my old house 6 years ago! Those boxes have since been donated to Goodwill. I figured if I didn't miss that stuff in 6 years there was no sense in keeping it. A yard sale sounds perfect and kudos for you for using the money you will make on adopting a baby. That is awesome!

I am so glad that Amelia is sleeping and napping better. As for her falling over the railing, can you lower her mattress? I know that when we first moved into the house, my husband put Katelyn's crib together and the mattress was way too high, where she could have climbed or fallen out. He lowered it and now she can barely get her foot to the top of the railing (though in another month, we may need to lower it again since she is getting taller). See if that helps. I am like you, I still don't have bumpers on around the crib, though I did buy the breatheable ones (don't know where they are though). I just recently put a blanket on her when she slept (when we were at my Dad's because the AC was on) and had a pillow in the crib, but I was in the sleeping in the same room and woke her up a few times (by accident) to make sure she was ok.

YAY on the bath in the bathtub. She will get used to it and love it. Have you started using bath toys yet? I find them a great distraction when Katelyn starts getting a little fussy in the tub. Although now she is totally into trying to turn the water on and playing in the faucet! I will keep you in my prayers all week and next regarding your sonogram!

Angela - speaking of scans, didn't you have one scheduled for this week?

Anna - I totally agree 100% with what Rebekah said regarding the house

Beth - You aren't out of the TWW yet. Please keep us posted :).

AFM - Katelyn is so close to walking that I am sure it will happen any day now. The other day she climbed up the step from her play room to the family room and then stood up and started to clap. Of course, by the time I got my camera to record it, she had sat back down. She is constantly standing up and then just standing there. Again, whenever I get my camera she sits down. She is like that frog from the old Looney Tune cartoons LOL.

Anyway, we have another whirlwind weekend. It is United Methodist Night at Dodger Staduim on Friday, so we may be going to the game Friday night, Saturday - we are trying to go to a few farmer's markets because my husband is trying to get his business going. He is a chef and we are trying to start selling his Salsa. Eventually, he would like to get a food truck seling bbq. Sunday, we are hosting my neices 3rd birthday party - it is a pool party. So there will be tons of folk at my house, especially since my husband has like a million cousins (his mom has 12 brother and sisters and they all have at least 4-5 kids and most oftheir kids have at least 2-4 kids). I also have to work on both Saturday and Sunday. I am trying to still take Katelyn to Gymboree, but not sure if we can make it. I hate not having her do it. I still havent found time to actually do the swimming classes. I think she may have to do that on a day other than Saturday since our Saturdays are always so busy and she has gymboree on Saturdays.

Well, now that I have babbled on I have to get back to work. Will check back later.

Hi and Hugs to everyone I have missed!

Steph. Wowee do you have a busy weekend. I be the party will be fun. We have parties with extended party and my husband has to go outside for breaks because it gets so loud. He's not used to it. I'd imagine your husbands family is similar to ours. Loud and fun. lol I LOVE big families. I'm an only child but I'm glad I've been close with cousins, 2nd and 3rd cousins too. It's one big gathering!

Anna, have you heard anything yet about the house??

Well, Amelia wants me. I think I'll take her for a walk. YAY for walking safely! :happydance:

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