35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Well put Beth!

And I am :rofl: at your question - my poor husband would probably say that the real answer is "we don't" :rofl: but lately we are doing better and shooting for 1x a week and being happy with that - it will get better, but right now he takes the night shift and so goes to bed earlier than I do and then I sleep in the guest room sometimes :blush: because between him snoring, and both kids' monitors, and knowing Reece will wake me early if not earlier, I can hardly sleep in our room right now. That, too will get better, but getting my 5-6 hours a night in the guest room is what is keeping me sane right now lol!

I won't lie, being a mommy to 2 two and under is the HARDEST job I've ever had, but also the most awesome. I can't call in sick, but I do get great benefits! :happydance: it is hard to fit everything in, and I constantly feel behind and overwhelmed, but God has been providing for me daily and I make it through each day surprised by His faithfulness and small mercies (and big ones!) each day, and I am just so thankful to have these sweet boys. Every sweet grin and drooly laugh makes it all worth it! We are slowly developing a routine and getting out more, and that helps a lot. Their naps do overlap to some degree each day, and of course I aim for that. Depending on how the day is going I use nap time to nap myself, or shower, or for chores or to catch up on email. :thumbup: I am completely whacked at day's end, but in a good way most days.
Ps totally unrelated, but wanted to share - I found these products at the store yesterday and LOVE the all purpose cleaner. Haven't tried the others yet but love the fragrance!

ANd one more post from me - Purpleplum, I see you lurking sweetie and please feel welcome to jump in! :flower: we would love to hear from you!
I just have a moment but want to say:

HE TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Aww Beth! So sweet! Love those huge milestones. And get readyd, running isn't far behind lol! (and falling!)
Hey Beth and ladies, google Alfred Angelo 1136 images, first photo should be the dress. There will be straps as I do not do strapless with these puppies :dohh:

Hope everyone one is feeling better, Steph in particular and I hope Anna is having the time of her life.

AFM plodding along, Winter's here, but looking on the bright-side that means fires, hearty soups and hot CHOCOLATE!!!!

Love love
Viv - if it is the photo with the woman sitting in the chair - WOW what a BEAUTIFUL Dress!!!!! I think you could get away with strapless! You should try both ways and see what you like best. I am soooo excited for you.

I am feeling a bit better, however this f'ing nausea won't leave me alone!!!! Got sick this morning. I have 3 weeks before the half way point, I should be done with MS by now!!! Arghhhhh.

Hope Anna is having a blast and getting a good tan and drinking several margaritas for me hee hee.

Hugs to everyone!
Viv I LOVE the dress, how GORGEOUS! :happydance: :headspin: Very elegant and graceful! I know you'll be beautiful!

Steph I just hate all the nausea for you and I wish the Zofran worked better for you. I think you said amnio thursday? Can't wait to find out gender!! :hugs:

Hugs and love girls. I'm whacked. Reunion was great but weekend was crazy - hubby bailed at the last second and threw all the plans out of whack. Oh well. I did get to see my girlfriends and that's what mattered most this weekend so I'm thrilled to say that much. Will share a pic or two if anyone posts them - somehow I managed not to take any though I did bring a camera! :dohh:
Viv!!!! That is beautiful and actually look Soooooo similar to what mine was! :) except mine didn't have a lovely sweetheart neckline. I, too, had straps made out of lace and beads for support too. Love it! When is the day again, I forget, sorry.

Ugh, what a day yesterday for us here in Boston. You never think it will happen in your own back yard. My brother is a master electrician and takes care of the lighting and sound at the finish line where it all went down, so those were scary moments before I knew he was OK. Scary times to bring up kids,but can only hope all our sweet babies will make positive, peaceful changes brought on by actions and examples.

Gotta run. Hope all is well. Steph, hugs on the nausea and the test coming up!!!!!
Scary times to bring up kids,but can only hope all our sweet babies will make positive, peaceful changes brought on by actions and examples.

Ahhhh what a beautiful thing to say and it's given me such peace. We have to think that way. Yes! xo

Viv what a beautiful dress! When is the big day?

Congrats Beth on those first steps! Exciting times ahead!

Hi to everyone else! I'm still trying to get my bearings back. Hope MA makes a return. It wouldn't be the same without her.

Hi girls! I can't believe how long I have been away. I used to still follow you all even though I didn't post, but then that even stopped. It's so hard to find time and energy for everything.

How to some up the last 8 months??? LOL Uhm... I can't! Life has been busy. Working full time is tough with a baby but we seem to have it all figured out. In our own way. We've had rough patches as I am sure all new parents have but things seem to be going good and we've found our groove. Sophie is 20 months old. I can't believe it. Where the first year may have gone slowly, the second year has flown by. I am sure in large part to the fact that I am working. I have guilt about work, but I also know I wouldn't be happy at home either. A part-time situation would be ideal, but that's not going to happen! Must pay the bills and provide for my family.

I ended up getting that job I mentioned in my last post. It's pretty much the same job I used to do but for a different firm. It's been great and I am super happy. Not everyday is perfect but that wouldn't be realistic would it? My new boss is really alot of fun and we get along so well. After the five torturous years at my previous job I vowed never to work for another women again and here I am! Thankfully we are not all cut from the same clothe!

Sophie is doing really good. She's been sick pretty much not stop since September. Mostly just minor colds but we've had some more severe viruses with fevers. The worst was at the end of February when she contracted hand foot and mouth disease. OMG that was the worst ten days of my life. She was sooo sick, fever for days, and the mouth sores! Oh to see your baby ins such pain. There were a lot of sleepless nights and miserable days my poor little baby. Thankfully that is behind us now and we've just gotten over cold #3 since the HFAM outbreak. Ugh Please let summer be germ free!!!
What else? Well she is certainly not a baby at all anymore but a toddler with attitude! For the most part she is really a great kid, well behaved, loving and full of laughs, but she does have her moments and throws tantrums when she wants something she can't have or doesn't get her way. Her latest is refusing to come in the house after I pick her up from daycare. She wants to stay outside and play. So weather depending we'll go for a walk around the block. She's very good at listening and holding my hand while we walk. I am trying to teach her the rules of the road! I know it's too early for her to understand, but I just want to keep her safe.
She talk a ton. More than most kids her age I guess because I get so many comments. She formulates full sentences and everything. Not always comprehensible. lol She speaks in French still for the most part but fully understands English so that is good!
I FINALLY stopped breastfeeding a few weeks ago. We made it to 19 months. I can't believe that myself. If someone would have told me just after she was born that I would continue for 19 months I would have said they were crazy, but I did! From 10 months on it was only three times a day, then from 14 months twice, 17 month once to finally just stop at 19 months. I was a total chicken shit and didn't want to upset her or go through the tears but it had to be done. She wouldn't let go of the morning booby and would become very demanding. She started waking in the night yelling for it. Nothing else would comfort her. I also started feeding on demand when she had hand foot and mouth. It is shocking how quickly your milk supply increases!! I stopped that as soon as she started to eat again and get better. I tell you, quitting breast feeding was not easy for me mentally, but it really went better than I expected. It's actually changed our lives! I don't want to jinx myself here, but she sleeps sooooo much better now and doesn't wake in the night. I think she's woken twice at like 5am upset and I've just brought her to bed and she's settled instantly. Like I said, for us it was time. I am not loving my new boobs though. They are terribly smaller than I remember them. I have also gained a few pounds. Guess I am not burning as many calories as I used too. Damn

We have been trying for #2 5 cycles now. We are in the middle of our 5th cycle and the first time in my life I've ever used OPK's. Really strange. I got my positive on Saturday (CD10). So I should have ovulated Sunday or Monday? Yet yesterday and today are the days I have CM. Anyways, we bd'd Friday, Sunday and Monday. We've probably missed the mark yet again. I am finding this all so frustrating. I naively thought I was going to get pregnant immediately and when that didn't happen I started to lose all hope. Now I just don't care. I mean, of course i care, but it's out of my control. We'll give it until November if need be, and then throw in the towel. At my age, I do not want my kids more than 3 yrs apart. Plus with the way our school system works, I need to give birth before September 2014, otherwise our kids will be only 3 yrs apart but 4 grades apart! No way. So hopefully I'll catch that eggy soon.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I am so tired. Every night once Sophie goes to bed (7:30-8pm) I am ready for bed too! It's extremely rare I stay up past 10pm. Party animal!

I'll try to post more and read your journals more. Provided I have any friends left! Hope you all are having a good night. Hug and kiss those babies! We're living in such fragile times.
Hi all,

Still at the drs but they are 90 % sure it is another little girl!! They have a new non evasive blood test that I am doing instead of the amnio so I opted to do that instead. Will update more later.
Chris loved the update!! And steph SO exciting! I think two of one or the other is awesome because they will be so close and best buddies!! Yay!!
I still lurk on here when I get chance :haha:

Steph...congrats on the pregnancy and almost half way already :shock: ye ha for another :pink:

Angela...how's life as a mother of two going?

Viv...lovely to see you so upbeat again

Svet....loved the update and :dust:

MA....:dust: for you too and hope you're not gone for long

NMG....sorry for your loss sweet :hugs:

I'm sure I've missed some people :wacko:

Anna...how's your trip?

AFM....life is all good :cloud9:

Never!!! So glad to see you here lady! How is sweet Louis??
Yay Steph a pink bump :happydance: Sorry about the sodding MS hanging about :dohh:

Chris that was a perfect sum up. I feel your pain with all the colds etc, they just run together don't they. We haven't had a 'disease' yet such as HFAM or flu (having jabs for both of us Tuesday) but we are due :wacko:

Beth, Boston was so shocking, but the follow up with catching one suspect and the other having been killed was impressive (not being killed, impressive, but the speed by which they identified the suspects).

Ang glad the reunion went well.

AFM, wedding is Dec 7th. I had my first bridesmaids meeting today and as I suspected my chief bridesmaid isn't able to come to wedding. :cry:
Long story short, she is a primary school teacher and was taking a sabbatical to do a summer camp in US and then a stint of relief teaching UK before returning Dec. However her school has now decided she cannot take LS leave and has to quit, so she is moving to UK permanently in June. :cry:

So I am only having 3 b/maids now. Next fun thing was one of them is pregnant!!!! So now I have 4, 2 month olds coming to wedding! :dohh:
My b/maid, Chris' cousin, my SIL and a close friend are all up the duff! Also my gym instructor is 4 1/2 months gone (five people all due in Oct,what the heck happened 15 weeks ago????? :wacko:)

Anyway sob story over, glad you like the dress, I am tired of looking so even a sack looks good now. The b/maids and I are off on Monday to try on their dresses so that's one more thing to cross off list.

Love to all

PS got a promotion at work yesterday, same hours part time which is what I want but more responsibility and of course money haha
Angela...he's a dream most of the time :haha: teething at the moment which is hard work but I'm not complaining :winkwink:

My ode to Mexico

There once was a princess named Josephine
Who traveled a lot it would seem
But one year her parents to Mexico went
And the result is this tale and well spent

The queen, Anna and her ogre husband Doug
Thought a trip to Mexico would kick the winter bug
But the night before leaving, and the princess was heaving,
Was a sign that the trip was a slug.

Two days in and the sweet princess was still sick
So the doctor they called who came quick,
$200 later and two shots in the tookus.,
And the queen though," good god I hope this will stick!"

Not once in the queen's imagination
Would she spend her days covered in puke on vacation
But alas that's what happened, and more that can dampen
This trip south of the border, they took.

Alas the tale at this point doesn't have an ending
As we're still here, fingers crossed, the sickness is ending
But the princess is shot, and for what we're not
Sure of what the doctor's prescribing.

So a Warning to all who don't get my meaning,
and think, The sickness will pass let's just go, "
As the sea swells and falls, and the sun sets and calls,
You lap will be covered in excrement, I'm screaming!!!!

Post note to the readers of this traveling tale
We made it home all is well, the flight did not fail
Two tubes in the ears for infections were planning
Fingers crossed the princesses' woes will be ending.

Xoxo Anna

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