Anna - thanks
As far as the party goes - well.......we all had the cold by the time Saturday rolled around - hubby worse then me. (trying to not smile here, the universe listened!!!). We were supposed to get the food at 11:30, then be down her house by 12:30 for the party. Poor hubby really did feel like crap so he said he wasn't rushing. At 11am, his sister Texted him to say: oh by the way, I forgot to pay for the steak tips.
I saw this coming a mile away. She couldn't call them because she was in church for the ceremony. I was wicked ticked off, but for the most part held me tongue since hubby was a little shocked and disappointed. But we managed to get the food (wasn't cheap!) and be there at 1pm - we figured that was fine as he and the baby (well, all of us) was sick and she never eats right away. Well at almost 1pm, she calls, annoyed, and wants to know where we were! That sent me over the edge as she once showed up 2 hours late for a party I was giving in her honor on her bday!!!! We were there in minutes and she was going on and on about how they were waiting for the food, blah blah blah, so I just managed to say, with a smile, now know how we feel. BOOM. Yeah, I went there. She didn't say anything but stopped harping on poor sick hubby.
Party was ok, they insisted on grabbing him and taking him out of sight, but I followed and said no when appropriate. I knew Charlie was sick when, before we left, he said, don't bring a bottle, we will be home before he needs one...I was so proud of him for doing that! So we left early, almost 3pm, and they were giving us grief, as usual. Not hard to point to baby's runny nose and say SORRY, SICKIE HERE! But we managed to get away and crash.
In other news, I'm thinking of dropping one nap and be down to only 1. Last week he was fine with 2, but starting Friday when we went to the dr, he missed his afternoon nap, and when we got back from the party , at his nap time, he refused to take it, just played quietly in his crib. Same thing Sunday. Not sure if it's from his ears, cold, teething, or excitement that daddy was home so much or what. He was still taking his morning naps, about 1 hour and 45 mins. Yesterday, he took his usual morning nap and a little over 2 hours in the afternoon, so I'm not sure. I gave him tylenol to see if it's from discomfort or not. I'll try the afternoon naps all week still and then experiment next week and see how he does. Still getting about 10.5-11 hours at night - even with missing naps or taking 2 long naps a day. Hoping he keeps them as he is Exhausted when he just plays through the nap. Sometimes he just lays there and STARES. No movement, just staring. Then he's so tired when he gets up! I dont' know. I know it's coming to the age where they drop one so who knows.
Anyway - Chris! Great to see you on, hope things are well!!! I miscarried about a month ago but we will be trying again soon. Hugs to you!
Anna - JEALOUS about the trip. Have a wonderful time and have a cosmo - or two - for me!!!! Ahh to be laying on a beach. Hope Jo's ears clear up and she's ok for the flight.