35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi all, late Saturday night.. Quick up-date...is it possible that on Monday when I took jo to the doctor she had clear ears and no fluid, then on Friday my mom
Watches her and thinks she should go to doctor because my Mom thinks she has another ear infection ( she calls at 5:00pm BTW) Then Saturday I make an appointment, we go and BOTH ears are infected??!!! Yep in our universe of the never ending sickness Jo has two ear infections. The good, we found out before we went on vacation and she will be on the mend, the bad...Two fricking ear infections!!!!!!! Sorry vent over.

Beth, hope this weekend goes well and poppy is ok!!


You should try taking her to the chiropractor. They help rid ear infections.
MA, Interesting! I had never heard of that. However I'm not sure how much help they be on a little person. According to my doctor it's because the tubes are too small And when they're little, the tubes are more horizontal than vertical, there-by trapping more fluid, but thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Anna - I'll update my weekend later but I wanted to say that we took poppy to the dr on friday afternoon and no ear infection but the dr said it was really early in the cold and he may very well end up developing them.....he told me if things don't improve by next wednesday to come back and check the ears again (of course, if it gets worse then go in right away). But anyways, it's no unusual for them to be seen then a few days later to develop! hang in there momma!!! xo
MA, Interesting! I had never heard of that. However I'm not sure how much help they be on a little person. According to my doctor it's because the tubes are too small And when they're little, the tubes are more horizontal than vertical, there-by trapping more fluid, but thanks for the suggestion!

It works like a charm actually. I have a bunch of friends who have had to do it. They waited because they weren't convinced it could help and they said they could have saved so much time had they done it sooner. It also helps for adults too but children can benefit quite a bit! Go with a Pediatric Chiropractor and it's not as invasive but more gentile. I believe they use instruments instead of actual cracking as I went during my pregnancy with Amelia and they didn't do what my usual chiropractor does. Check out these links to see if they may be something you may be interested in. While most Dr.'s are open to alternative care, MANY of them don't really believe Chiropractic care can do the job. They just aren't educated in most alternative options. They get more education from Sudo-Pharma companies than they do on preventative care.

American Chiropractic Assoc. on Ear infections and Chiropractic Care

Find a Pediatric Chiropractor in your area

Parent FAQ's about pediatric chiropractic care
I don't want to start a war here but I am so against chiro's for personal and family reasons. And not trying to be a jerk but here's a link from an actual chiro on why it's not a good idea:


Not trying to devalue what MA says - sometimes it works for people. It's just good to get all sides of the spectrum. No disrespect, MA!
I don't want to start a war here but I am so against chiro's for personal and family reasons. And not trying to be a jerk but here's a link from an actual chiro on why it's not a good idea:


Not trying to devalue what MA says - sometimes it works for people. It's just good to get all sides of the spectrum. No disrespect, MA!

As someone who spent a year out of school with ear infections and who has used chiropractic treatment in conjunction with medical Dr.'s I couldn't disagree with you more.

My daughter also has gone 18 months without any illness so I'd say that something is right but I'll end this discussion here.:winkwink: I'd also like to take it a bit further and say that in wanting a child for 10 years I would NEVER put my child at risk for hurting her bones or muscoskeletal part of her body. I kind of take affense. But whatever you have to do to prove your point Beth. :winkwink: I'll take one for the team!
Oh MA, as I said, no disrespect meant. Nor was my thinking in ANY way meant to insinuate any offense to Anyone. I'm sorry I opened my big mouth, it was not meant to be anything but both sides of the picture. I only meant to have a healthy discussion, not for anyone to take it as an attack. I had meant it when I said no disrespect. Please know that what I said was a personal opinion - I personally and members of my family have had very negative experiences with them and I wasn't dropping an insult to anyone.....like I said, sometimes it works for people,sometimes not.
Hey ladies,

Man, I miss being able to be on here more! :cry:

Really quick - Anna so glad you are going on vacay but so sorry about Jo's ears!

Beth the pasta sounds yummy and I am as always in awe at your mad skills, lady! You are awesome! When it gets to 8:20 and I have nothing done for dinner it's pizza for sure, lol unless I have freezer pleasers on hand!

I'll stay out of the chiro debate except to say I've never been. :)

Uh oh, babies crying, so sorry, more later! Hugs and love!
Hi Ladies,

Happy Monday! I am still at work so this will be somewhat quick - unless I end up writing another novel like the other day LOL

Katelyn’s day party was a lot of fun. I will try to post some photos. It was low key in that the biggest attraction for the 2 and under crowd was the big bubble wand I bought. They LOVED chasing the bubbles and trying to pop them. As I suspected, the Pizza was hit and we probably could have just had that as EVERYONE had pizza not just the little kids so the 6 pies we bought went fast! Party started at 2, but folks didn’t arrive until about 2:30/2:45 which was ok, because I was still trying to get the decorations finished at 2pm. FYI- don’t try to run errands the day of the party and think 2 hours will be enough time to set-up, decorate, get yourself and your little one dressed. In hindsight, since the party was at the house, I should have decorated the inside of the house the night before and at least did all the gift bags as well. Party was pretty much over by 5:30 which was ok since party was 2-5. By the end of the night, my lower back hurt so bad I could barely stand and I sciatic pain shooting from my left butt check to my calf and could hardly walk. My mom sent me to bed at 9 LOL.

Anna – So sorry that Jo has a double ear infection that is the pits, but at least she will be ok before you leave. Thanks for the heads up about the storm! My mom was supposed to leave for Denver on Tuesday, but changed her flight to Wednesday.

Like Angela, I’ve never been to a chiro so I have nothing to say on the matter.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend! Katie has a Dr appointment tomorrow and then I have an appointment on Wednesday. I will try to post some photos either Wednesday or Thursday of the baby!

Hugs to all,
Evening Ladies - quick post before I need to crash watching tv in bed...

Steph - the party sounds so fun! Glad you had a great time! Loved the photos on fb! Katelyn is so adorable. Glad your mom helped! Hoping to see new pics of that precious new little baby! I'm living vicariously through you :) and would love love love to see it.

Angela - I'm so curious to know how you are doing with two - do they nap at the same time? Is Ethan on one nap or no nap? Does he need to use a quiet voice when Reece is sleeping or does he sleep through a train running through your house??? lol Do you collapse at bedtime!?!?!? :)

Well, again, sorry for ruffling feathers, wasn't my intention and hoping to not revisit it. One thing I am sadly surprised in is that, MA, you unfriended me on FB over this. That is unfortunate and obviously not anything I had intended, but I respect your actions. Take care.

Ok, must go crash. Waiting on a few new patterns to crochet, but I'll keep working on an afghan I do in between little things for poppy.

Quick pop in . . .

Steph, so glad the party went so well!! But so sorry your back hurt I can only imagine. Glad your mom made it, hope her flight works out ok. Looks like Denver won't get as much snow as they expected, but it's 20 degrees there and they've cancelled over 300 flights today. Hugs and I apologize right now for not getting maternity clothes in the mail. I PROMISE to get it done after I get back from Mexico! Between work chaos, sick baby, sick DH, Aand travel it has gotten away from me.

Angela, I know you're crazy. Hope all is well!! Those two little guys are just too cute. Haven't seen any recent pictures BTW!!

Beth, thanks for the information. I have always been a huge proponent of getting all sides of a story, and all facts before making any decisions. To do so would be going into anything only half informed. So thank you for your information. It is much appreciated. Hope you are well. How did the weekend go? How was the party? We're you there forever?? As for the ears, yes you are correct, I've heard doctors tell me that they've seen ears change in a matter of 24 hours, but I was still bumbed. Ah well, fingers crossed poppies ears stay clear.

AFM, Well it's a snow storm here, but should be cleared out by tomorrow sometime, so all flights should be on for Thursday. I am packed, mostly. I was supposed to go to a town council meeting tonight as I'm on a committee for the town of Breckenridge. The town wants to get rid of plastic bag use, so I'm on a committee as a retailer working as a consultant and voice for the retail community. Just trying to reach happy compromises. I've been working on the issue for months now and the ordinance is about to pass, going into effect this October. Like my plate wasn't full enough. Anyway skipping the meeting tonight to finish packing. Working half a day tomorrow then it's adios!!! As for Jo she seems better but didn't eat anything at daycare yesterday. She unshually eats the most there. So I'm a little concerned her ears aren't clearing like they should. Wonder if I can slip her in tomorrow to doc office to see what's up. Just don't want to fly with a sick toddler. Ugh!!

I'm on the fence as to hold my tongue on this or not, i'm usually a proponent of if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all, but MA, I'm disappointed. We've always been free to xpress a difference of opinion here, it should be a safe forum with differences of thought welcome. I hope you come back with that mind set.

Ok I've probably sunk myself here, but ah well, I'll be on a beach in two days!!
Hugs to all!
OMG it's been forever! :hi: Hope all you ladies are doing well!!! Any new pregnancies??? I'll try to come in more often. Just so hard to find the time working full time and taking care of a toddler! I am sneaking in at work at the moment.... eek!
Anna - thanks :) As far as the party goes - well.......we all had the cold by the time Saturday rolled around - hubby worse then me. (trying to not smile here, the universe listened!!!). We were supposed to get the food at 11:30, then be down her house by 12:30 for the party. Poor hubby really did feel like crap so he said he wasn't rushing. At 11am, his sister Texted him to say: oh by the way, I forgot to pay for the steak tips. :dohh::growlmad::dohh::shrug: I saw this coming a mile away. She couldn't call them because she was in church for the ceremony. I was wicked ticked off, but for the most part held me tongue since hubby was a little shocked and disappointed. But we managed to get the food (wasn't cheap!) and be there at 1pm - we figured that was fine as he and the baby (well, all of us) was sick and she never eats right away. Well at almost 1pm, she calls, annoyed, and wants to know where we were! That sent me over the edge as she once showed up 2 hours late for a party I was giving in her honor on her bday!!!! We were there in minutes and she was going on and on about how they were waiting for the food, blah blah blah, so I just managed to say, with a smile, now know how we feel. BOOM. Yeah, I went there. She didn't say anything but stopped harping on poor sick hubby.
Party was ok, they insisted on grabbing him and taking him out of sight, but I followed and said no when appropriate. I knew Charlie was sick when, before we left, he said, don't bring a bottle, we will be home before he needs one...I was so proud of him for doing that! So we left early, almost 3pm, and they were giving us grief, as usual. Not hard to point to baby's runny nose and say SORRY, SICKIE HERE! But we managed to get away and crash.

In other news, I'm thinking of dropping one nap and be down to only 1. Last week he was fine with 2, but starting Friday when we went to the dr, he missed his afternoon nap, and when we got back from the party , at his nap time, he refused to take it, just played quietly in his crib. Same thing Sunday. Not sure if it's from his ears, cold, teething, or excitement that daddy was home so much or what. He was still taking his morning naps, about 1 hour and 45 mins. Yesterday, he took his usual morning nap and a little over 2 hours in the afternoon, so I'm not sure. I gave him tylenol to see if it's from discomfort or not. I'll try the afternoon naps all week still and then experiment next week and see how he does. Still getting about 10.5-11 hours at night - even with missing naps or taking 2 long naps a day. Hoping he keeps them as he is Exhausted when he just plays through the nap. Sometimes he just lays there and STARES. No movement, just staring. Then he's so tired when he gets up! I dont' know. I know it's coming to the age where they drop one so who knows.

Anyway - Chris! Great to see you on, hope things are well!!! I miscarried about a month ago but we will be trying again soon. Hugs to you!

Anna - JEALOUS about the trip. Have a wonderful time and have a cosmo - or two - for me!!!! Ahh to be laying on a beach. Hope Jo's ears clear up and she's ok for the flight.

Afternoon Ladies,

Chris!!! So good to see you! I have been following you some what on FB. Love the latest photo of you and Soph! She is so beautiful! As for pregnancies well I am pregnant and due in September! How are things with you? Are you planning on having any more babies?

Beth - HA! Glad (well not glad) that everyone was too sick to stay at the party. But hope you all are feeling better. I am still in awe that they asked you all to pay for the food as well as pick it up. You are better than me, cuz I would have said sorry we are all sick and ain't gonna make it. Figure it out. As for the naps. I think once Katelyn turned 1 or almost 1 she stopped taking her morning nap and only went down once a day. She just stopped getting tired. I don't really remember and of course I forgot to write it down...man I am bad about that! But you can keep trying and he will let you know when he is ready to only have 1 nap. Good luck

Anna - Mexico here you come! I am so jealous of you right now. I know you and the fam are going to have an amazing time! Don't worry about the Maternity clothes, send them when you can and/or when you remember. Hope Jo is over being sick by the time the flight comes along.

Angela - Whenever you get a chance I would love to know the answers to Beth's quesitons as well. Also, were you restricted on how often you could pick Ethan up? I know that pregnant women aren't suppsed to carry anything over 20 or 25 lbs. I have a ton of other questions - I may just txt ya :).

Rebekah - I hope you are doing ok.

AFM - 2year old check up today! Went great except for the crying 2 year old LOL. The Dr did say that she still had some fluid in her left ear which was probably why she is still coughing at night. I have to take her back in a month for a look see. Today when I dropped Katelyn off at preschool she cried for a minute and then I sat her with one of the teachers outside and went it to put her crap away. When I came back out she was all smiles and kissed and hugged me and I said bye she said I love you and went back to playing!!!! Progress! I was happy. On a sad note, my mommy is going home tomorrow and she has been such a HUGE help. But on a happy note she will be back next week when I go in for my amnio so that will be good. Feeling tired and yucky today as last night one of my SIL came over for dinner and everyone was eating left over bday cake. Of course Katie wanted some and instead of giving her like 1 or 2 bites she gave her like half a piece and then sat her down and was gonna give her more. I was like she does not need any more cake it is 7:50 pm at night and she is about to go to bed. Well bedtime was shot to hell and she didn't go to sleep until 10:45 and was grumpy about it. Then woke in the middle of the night screaming and crying that she didnt' want to be in the bed any more. So Momma is tired. Also my hubby converted her bed yesterday so no more crib for my baby. Sniff Sniff. While I am sad, I am also happy, because I am getting big and it is hard for me to lift little girl in and out of that thing! So it was a good thing and she likes it.

Anyway, now that I got to get back to work. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Quick pop in . . .

I'm on the fence as to hold my tongue on this or not, i'm usually a proponent of if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all, but MA, I'm disappointed. We've always been free to xpress a difference of opinion here, it should be a safe forum with differences of thought welcome. I hope you come back with that mind set.

Ok I've probably sunk myself here, but ah well, I'll be on a beach in two days!!
Hugs to all!

When have you ever known me to go off on someone Anna? The least you could have done instead of reprimand me as a child was to pm me behind the scenes to talk before you scold me.:nope: Second, I have been known often to agree to disagree but I think it wasn't in the opposition however the message as it was given. Tact. When you start a sentence with I don't want to cause a war....then put an article that pretty much tells the reader that this does damage to a child. I take that as someone is suggesting I'm negligent with my child. I took offense for more than one reason. We all walk different journeys and that's okay. But I don't aggressively say your a bad person for taking the steps to care for your child even though its different. I just say it's worth a try...you can do it or not....but here's why it worked for me and for a group of mommys I'm friends with. Nothing aggressive but I would hope with more tact.

The disappointment is 1. That you would know me better than that and could at least pm me before reprimanding me in public as you were what I assumed my friend and 2. That "I" keep business with other people concerning something off the board to myself, so there is no need to share what I DO with MY FB account on a public forum outside of FB (Beth). Again, YOU can pm me if you have any problem. I see it as another means to get attention from someone.

Since you both feel the disappointment you don't have to look for any further comments. I guess I'm in a different place at this time and there really isn't any point in me staying on this page.

Thanks for the insight ladies!:thumbup:
Girls I see some questions up above for me and will respond ASAP, I'm so sorry for the delay. it has been nuts here recently but in a good way. Boys are well and we have my high school reunion this wknd, Lord help me! More from me soon. Hugs and love to all!!
Hi Ladies,

Just got back from my baby check-up. We didn't get to see the baby, but heard the heartbeat. Everything is great! Took my mom to the airport and am sad that she is leaving, but she will be back next Wednesday to help me after my amnio. Ok, I have a BUNCH of stuff to get done at work.

Hope everyone is having a FANTASTIC Wednesday. Anna one more day and it is off to sunny Mexico! YAY.

OK can we all agree to disagree on here!!!???? Chiropractors, they can do good they can do bad OK. The upside, they can perform wonders on some people the downside they are not recognised as proper medical professionals as they do not need a medical degree.
I would hate everyone to fall out over this :dohh:

It's only opinions and words right :shrug:

AFM Dress pics may be a while as I am still wanting to try on another before the ultimate decision I think:dohh: Oh and we all have colds but Callum is so used to them that it doesn't bother him anymore. He even goes and grabs a tissue when his nose runs, wipes it and pops it in the bin haha.

Steph, Callum would always hissy before daycare, now he doesn't even say goodbye before tearing off!

Anna, so jealous right now. Winter is coming and it is definitely getting frigid here. Gutted Jo doesn't need tubes as it has changed our lives, but as you say it it better not to have unnecessary surgery!

Chris hello :happydance:

Beth, just infect everyone, everyone else does it :dohh: And as for the cheek of asking you to pick up AND pay for dinner, well really the nerve!!!

MA please don't go :cry:

Oh nuts I hear squeaking from the bedroom (only one nap a day and two hours if we are lucky)

Love to ALL!
Viv I know the pain of that switch to one nap a day lol! So much harder on the mommies, but they are a bit more portable then so it's a trade-off!

And I definitely agree lets just be respectful to all, and agree to disagree when differences of opinion arise. Bek, I'd be awfully sorry to see you go! :hugs:

Beth and steph to answer your questions, we are hanging in and have mostly good days with some challenging ones thrown in... What they say about the switch from one to two is true though - instead of double everything, it feels more like 4x! More details shortly as trying to run errands before dr appt but hugs and love to all!
Hi all - quick post, but boy are we seeing TWO molars coming in at once. Really really close to breaking through, no wonder why he doesn't nap well right now.

Angela - indelicate as this may be, but how on earth do you manage alone time with hubby?:haha::blush::blush::haha: We are beat by 8pm when poppy goes to bed, I can't imagine 2 these days! :)

hi Viv! Can't wait to see pics on the dress when you decide on one. My sister literally went through about 100 before she decided. I knew on the first one but still tried on 12 to have fun with different styles. :)

Steph - Great on hearing the heartbeat!!!! nice and strong! :) Good luck with the amnio, will be keeping you all in prayers!

One final thought for the day (and from me on this subject):

we are all sisters. Sisters disagree, get mad, fight, make up, and move forward. That is just what sisters do. Life is too short for otherwise.

hugs to all

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